中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院导师简况表 导师姓 名 李光林 专业名 元 男 生物医学工程 称 所在单 性别 医工所 神经工程中心 职称 研究员 导师类 别 是否兼 职 √博导 □硕导 □是 √否 □物理化学(含化学物理)□生物化学与分子生物学□√信 招生专 号与信息处理□√模式识别与智能系统□计算机应用技术 业 □材料工程□电子与通信工程□控制工程□计算机技术□生 物工程 研究方 神经康复工程、神经机器接口技术、生物医学信息处理与仪器、生物医学模型与 向 计算 在研课 题 个人简 历 科技部 973 项目(批准号: 2013CB329505) ; 国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号: 61135004); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号: 60971076); 深圳市基础研究计划(重点,批准号: JC201005270295A); 广东省首届引进科研创新团队项目(低成本健康技术创新团队)。 1997 年获得浙江大学生物医学与仪器博士学位。1999 年赴美国伊利诺伊大学芝 加哥分校从事博士后研究工作,主要从事心脏电生理、心电及脑电逆问题的研究 工作,获美国国家科学基金资助(NSF) 。2002 年至 2006 年受聘于美国 BiotechPlex 生物技术公司的资深研究科学家,从事生物与医学产品的研制与开发,申请多项 美国专利。2006 年至 2009 年任职美国西北大学助理教授,并同时任职芝加哥康 复研究院(连续 23 年被 US News & World Report 评为美国最好的康复院)资深 研究科学家。从事多功能神经假肢控制的研究工作。2009 年全职回国后,主 要从事神经康复工程、生物信号处理、生物建模及生物医学仪器等领 域的研究工作。 荣誉 近十年来,发表论文 60 多篇,SCI 收录论文 30 多篇,包括 JAMA、IEEE transactions 等。自 2006 年为 IEEE 学会的资深会员。担任近十个国际核心学术 期刊的审稿人,共审阅 60 余篇学术论文。担任欧洲“电生理测量期刊(Journal of Physiological Measurement) ” 的 国 际 咨 询 顾 问 。 IEEE Transactions on Information and Technology in Biomedicine 的副主编(Associate Editor) 。 其他 享受国务院特殊津贴、深圳市鹏程学者 主要科 研成果 及所获 联系方 式 备注 邮箱 电话 0755-86392219, 134-10114492 个人主页 Name Guanglin Li Positions Academic title Professor E-mail Phone Resume 0755-86392219, Fields Achievements Personal 139-23890192 Website Dr. Guanglin Li received the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from Zhejiang University, China, in 1997. During 1999-2002, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of bioengineering, the University of Illinois at Chicago, on the studies of electrocardiography and electroencephalography inverse problems and cardiac electrophysiology. From 2002 to 2006, he was a senior Research Scientist at BioTechPlex Corporation, where he worked on the research and development of biomedical and biological products. From 2006 to 2009, he was with the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (the best rehabilitation hospital in America for 23 consecutive years), where he was a Senior Research Scientist in the Neural Engineering Center for Artificial Limbs and with Northwestern University, where he was a Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chicago. Since 2009, he has been with Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he is currently a Professor in the Research Center for Neural Engineering at Institute of Biomedical and Health Engineering. Research Professor Neural engineering and myoelectric control for artificial limbs and rehabilitation Modeling of biomedical system from cell to organ to system Biomedical signal processing and analysis Biomedical instrumentation, biomedical signal measurements and controls for medical research, and diagnosis Dr. Li has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers in biomedical engineering and rehabilitation engineering. Since 2006 he has been the Senior Member of the IEEE Society. He has served as a reviewer for more than 10 peer-reviewed international journals, an international Board Advisory of the journal, Physiological Measurement, and an associate editor of the journal, IEEE Transactions on Information and Technology in Biomedicine. Y. Geng, P. Zhou, and G. Li, “Toward attenuating the impact of arm positions on electromyography pattern-recognition based motion classification in transradial amputees.”, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 9:74, 2012. X. Li, W. Z. Rymer, G. Li, and P. Zhou, “The effects of notch filtering on electrically evoked myoelectric signals and associated motor unit index estimates,” Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 8:64, 2011. Publications Y. Geng, F. Zhang, L. Yang, Y. Zhang, and G. Li, “Reduction of the Effect of Arm Position Variation on Real-time Li. G., et. al.,“Conditioning and sampling issues of EMG signals in motion recognition of multifunction myoelectric prostheses,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 39(6), pp.1779-1787, 2011 Li G., Schultz A., and Kuiken T, “Quantifying Pattern Recognition Based Myoelectric Control of Multifunctional Transradial Prostheses,” IEEE Transaction on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol.18(2), 2010. Kuiken T, Li G., Lock B.,Lipschutz R.,Miller L., Stubblefield K., Englehart: “Targeted Muscle Reinnervation for Real-Time Myoelectric Control of Multifunctional Artificial Arms,” Journal of the American Medicine Association (JAMA), 301(6),619-628 2009. (IF=30;First two authors had equal responsibilities to the work) Hargroves L, Li G, and Engleharts K: “Principal Components Analysis Preprocessing to Improve Classification Accuracies in Pattern Recognition Based Myoelectric Control,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, in press, 2009. Li G and Kuiken T: “Modeling of Prosthetic Limb Rotation Control by Sensing Rotation of Residual Arm Bone,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 55(9), 2134-2142, 2008. Huang H, Zhou P, Li G and Kuiken T: “EMG Electrode Optimization for Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Based Neural Machine Interface,” IEEE Transactions on Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 16(1), 37-45, 2008. Zhou P, Lowery M M, Engleharts K, Huang H, Li G, Hargroves L, Dewald J, and Kuiken T: “Decoding a New Neural-Machine Interface for Control of Artificial Limbs,” Journal of Neurophysiology, 98 (5): 2974-2982, 2007 Liu C, Li G and He B: "Localization of the site of origin of reentrant arrhythmia from body surface potential maps: a model study," Physics in Medicine and Biology, 50(7): 1421-1432, 2005 Yang L, Li B, Li G and Jia L: “A review of brain-computer interface technology,” ACTA Electronica, 33(7), 1234-1239, 2005. Li G and He B: “Noninvasive estimation of myocardial infarction by means of a heart-model-based imaging approach – a simulation study”, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 42(1): 128-136, 2004. Li G., J. Lian, P. Salla, J. Cheng, I. Ramachandra, P. Shah, B. Avitall, and B. He. “Body Surface Laplacian Electrocardiogram of Ventricular Depolarization in Normal Human Subjects”. J Cardiovasc. Elctrophysiol., vol. 14(1), 1-12, 2003. Li G., X. Zhang, J. Lian, and B. He. "Noninvasive Localization of the Site of Origin of Paced Cardiac Activation in Human by Means of a 3D Heart-Excitation-Model". IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.50(9), 1117-1120, 2003. He B, Li G, and Zhang X: “Noninvasive Imaging of Ventricular Transmembrane Potentials within Three-dimensional Myocardium by Means of a Realistic Geometry Anisotropic Heart Model”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 50: 1190-1202, 2003. Li G, Jie Lian, P Salla, J Cheng, I Ramachandra, P Shah, B Avitall, and Bin He. “Body Surface Laplacian Electrocardiogram of Ventricular Depolarization in Normal Human Subjects”. Journal of Cardiovascular Elctrophysiology, vol. 14(1), 1-12, 2003. He B, Li G, and Zhang X,"Noninvasive Three-dimensional Activation Time Imaging of Ventricular Excitation by Means of a Heart-Excitation-Model." Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 47, 4063-4078, 2002. Lian J, Li G, Cheng J, and He B. "Body surface mapping of atrial depolarization in healthy human subjects". Medicine Biology & Engineering Computing, vol.40, 650-659, 2002. Li G, and He B. "On the spatial resolution of body surface potential and Laplacian pace mapping". Pacing and Clinical electrophysiology, vol.25 (4), 420-429, 2002. He B, Li G, and Jie Lian. "A Spline Laplacian ECG Estimator in a Realistic Geometry Volume Conductor", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.49 (2), 110-117, 2002. Li G and He B. "Localization of the Site of Origin of Cardiac Activation by Means of a Heart-Model-Based Electrocardiographic Imaging Approach". IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.48 (6), 660-669, 2001.