Prague - Gymnázium Arabská

Prague is not only the capital but also the biggest city in the Czech Republic. On the area of
500 km2 there live more than 1.2 million residents. Since the Middle Ages Prague has had the
reputation to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It has been given attributes such
as “golden”, “hundred-spired” or “the crown of the world”. Many important personalities
were charmed by Prague, like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Fjodor
Michail Dostojevsky and even the British Queen Elizabeth II. Prague also inspired some of
the world known writers as Franz Kafka, Max Brod and Jaroslav Hašek.
The City divides into 15 districts and it represents a unique collection of historical sights. That
is why the historical centre of Prague has been entered on the World Heritage List of
UNESCO. The dominant monument is The Prague Castle, which is a specimen of all
architectural styles and periods.The historical core of the city lies on both banks of the Vltava
river and consists of 6 main parts, formerly independent urban units: The Old Town, The New
Town, Josefov, The Lesser Town, Hradčany and Vyšehrad. Most of the sights, but also
museums and galleries are concentrated in this area.
Prague Castle
Since its foundation the Prague Castle used to be a residence of Bohemian
princes and kings, now the seat of the President of the republic. It has over a
thousand year history, which makes it the longest continuous governmental
residence and also the biggest castle complex all over the world. The Prague
Castle is the most popular sight visited in Prague.
Lesser Town
The Lesser Town was founded in the 13th century by the Czech king Přemysl
Otakar II. At that time there were Gothic townhouses in this area, but most of
them perished in the most destructive fire in the history of Prague in 1541. The
fire caused enormous damage to the Lesser Town, Hradčany and the Prague
Castle. After that the nobility built new palaces, which nowadays are used
mostly for administrative purposes, as the seat of Parliament and other highest state
authorities as well as the place of activities of cultural institutions and embassies.
Old Town
The first records of The Old Town come from the chronicles of the 11th
century. It is the oldest one of the Towns of Prague, the others gained the
privileges of a town in the 13th century. The center of the Old Town has
always been the Old Town Square. The square area covers about 9 000 m2 and
it is surrounded by richly decorated town houses. The dominant of this square
is the Old Town Hall with the world known Astronomical Clock and the Church of Our Lady
Before Tyn from the 15th century. The Old Town Square witnessed many historical events.
One of them was the execution of 27 representatives of the protestant revolt against the ruling
catholic House of the Hapsburgs.
Jewish Quarter (Josefov)
The Jewish settlement in this district dates back to the 10th century. The Jewish
Quarter contains the remains of Prague´s former Jewish ghetto.The Old-New
Synagogue was built in the 13th century and it is the oldest functional
synagogue in Europe. The Old Jewish Cemetery is one of the most memorable
burial grounds in the world. In its area there are 22 thousand gravestones. One
of them is the famous tombstone of Rabbi Löw who according to a legend was the creator of
an artificial human being named Golem. The cemetery was founded at the beginning of the
15th century and was used untill the 18th century. On the grounds of the Jewish Cemetery
there stands the Pinkas Synagogue. Its walls bear names of all the victims that died during the
World War II in Bohemia and Moravia.
New Town
In the 14th century the Emperor Charles IV. ordered the New Town to be built
as the last town and therefore new. The project of this city was very thought
out, architecturally demanding and at the same time high aiming. The New
Town coveres the area of 240 hectares considering the Middle Ages scale with
a couple of enormous squares. The area of 80 000 m2 makes the Charles Square
the biggest square in Central Europe. The main square of the New Town is the Wenceslas
Square. Originally it was intended for horse trading so it used to be called the Horse Market.
The square is 750 meters long and 60 meters wide.
Gymnázium, Praha 6, Arabská 14
Petra Kostková
Klára Hnátová
Iva Pivoňková