Quiz 1 [94-II-2d] (P.125 #5 ) 1. Explain why protein is less efficient for energy production when compared with (i) lipid; and (ii) carbohydrate. (optional bonus) (1 marks) (1 marks) [HKALE 82 I] 2. Distinguish between starch and cellulose (2 marks) [GCE Nov. 92 Paper II] Q.2 (P.130 #26) 3. The table below gives some figures for the metabolism of carbohydrate and lipid in a mammal. Energy source Metabolic energy -1 Metabolic water -1 Oxygen consumed / produced / kJ g food produced / g g food dm3 g-1 food Carbohydrate 17.2 0.56 0.83 Lipid 38.9 1.07 2.02 a. Using the information given in the table above, state two advantages to mammals of storing lipid rather than carbohydrates. b. Suggest two other reasons why mammals might store lipids in preference to carbohydrates. 4. (4 marks) The following diagrams represent the structure of some common carbohydrates. (a) 5. (2 marks) Suggest a suitable name for each structure, A-D. Use the following terms to construct a short description of chemicals that are found in cells: amino acid , hydrogen bond, helix structure, unbranched, β-glucose, chains (4 marks) [94-II-2d] (P.125 #5 ) 1. Explain why protein is less efficient for energy production when compared with (i) lipid; and (ii) carbohydrate. (optional bonus) (1 marks) (1 marks) [HKALE 82 I] 2. Distinguish between starch and cellulose (2 marks) [GCE Nov. 92 Paper II] Q.2 (P.130 #26) 3. The table below gives some figures for the metabolism of carbohydrate and lipid in a mammal. Energy source Metabolic energy produced / kJ g-1 food Metabolic water produced / g g-1 food Oxygen consumed / dm3 g-1 food Carbohydrate 17.2 0.56 0.83 Lipid 38.9 1.07 2.02 a. Using the information given in the table above, state two advantages to mammals of storing lipid rather than carbohydrates. b. Suggest two other reasons why mammals might store lipids in preference to carbohydrates. 4. (4 marks) The following diagrams represent the structure of some common carbohydrates. (a) 5. (2 marks) Suggest a suitable name for each structure, A-D. Use the following terms to construct a short description of chemicals that are found in cells: amino acid , hydrogen bond, helix structure, unbranched, β-glucose, chains (4 marks)