NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Physical Education Factors Impacting on Performance Outcome 1 Advice and Guidance for Practitioners [NATIONAL 5; HIGHER] This advice and guidance has been produced to support the profession with the delivery of courses which are either new or which have aspects of significant change within the new national qualifications (NQ) framework. The advice and guidance provides suggestions on approaches to learning and teaching. Practitioners are encouraged to draw on the materials for their own part of their continuing professional development in introducing new national qualifications in ways that match the needs of learners. Practitioners should also refer to the course and unit specifications and support notes which have been issued by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. Acknowledgement © Crown copyright 2012. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at 2 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 Contents Learning and teaching 4 Approaches for gathering data: identifying, explaining, analysing and evaluating factors that impact on performance 7 References 57 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 3 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Learning and teaching Within a broad general education, physical education provides a rich context for developing and demonstrating skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work, as well as contributing to health and wellbeing. Learning in health and wellbeing ensures that learners develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes that they need for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing now and in the future. Effective learning through health and wellbeing which promo tes confidence, independent thinking, positive attitudes and actions involves a variety of approaches, including active, cooperative, collaborative and peer learning and effective use of technology. The new qualifications in physical education will refle ct this continuing shift in approach, and provide a further platform for learners to select, adapt and apply these skills in a practical, experiential way. The skills demonstrated through movement/by doing include: Thinking skills Analysing, evaluating, decision making, problem solving, making judgements, reasoning, taking responsibility, reflecting, multi -tasking, synthesising Employability, enterprise and citizenship Working with others, leadership, resilience Literacy and numeracy Working with number and measurement, speed and distance, estimating, approximation, calculation and formula Listening and talking, reading, writing and presentation Health and wellbeing Challenge and enjoyment while participating in physical activity 4 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE A well-cultivated critical thinker is able to assimilate information gathered and make use of it to solve new problems in different or unfamiliar contexts. The learner is guided to develop thinking that enables realistic comparisons, justifiable modifications, proposing reasonable/appropriate hypothesis and valid evaluations to be presented via a variety of different mediums. In physical education learners will be supported to: identify issues related to improving their performance engage in practical problem-solving activities critically evaluate the validity of the possible solutions proposed make use of a variety of sources to enhance the development of critical literacy skills. Also, throughout the process, learners will be engaged in activities that necessitate higher-order thinking. This will require learners to: gather and process information from a variety of sources and contexts organise and reorganise information analyse and evaluate evidence devise, improvise and justify decision making pose questions that can have multiple answers or possibilities come to a mutual agreement with other learners and the practitioner in relation to the development of a programme of work use and evaluate information in new or unfamiliar contexts and to some extent ‘predict’ or be proactive in anticipating potential problems in a performance environment use effective decision-making processes, including justification, prioritisation and evaluation In this way learners are encouraged to think creatively and use advice and guidance effectively to examine the variety of factors that impact on performance. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 5 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Factors that impact on performance In the Course Unit and Support Notes at National 5 and Higher, there are a number of suggested factors that can impact on performance. Based on information gathered, learners could evaluate changes impacted by: mental factors, e.g. level of arousal, managing anxiety, cognitive processes, concentration. emotional factors, e.g. resilience, coping with changes within activities, confidence, independence, self-esteem social factors, e.g. responsibility, etiquette, respect for self and others, tactical/compositional requirements, leadership, cooperation, contributing in a team or group physical factors, e.g. physical fitness–endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, power; skill-related fitness– agility, coordination, timing, balance, reaction time, body type, role-related physical and skill demands This is not an exhaustive list of factors. Please refer to the Unit and Course specifications at National 5 and Higher Physical Education for further information. Experiential learning Physical education provides a rich context for learning through practical problem solving activities where pupils learn about identifying and analysing factors that impact on performance through movement / by doing. This allows for theory to be learned through the practical. The unit Factors Impacting on Performance will develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of how mental, emotional, social and physical factors can influence effectiveness in performance. These factors are inextricably linked to performance, therefore it is likely that this unit will be planned and facilitated mainly within a performance context. Classroom practice may be used, where appropriate, to support practical work. This advice and guidance is specifically to support the learning and teaching process for Factors Impacting on Performance, Outcome 1 . The suggested approaches throughout this advice and guidance are appropriate for all aspects of Outcome 1 at National 5 and beyond. 6 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Some possible approaches for this unit are selected from the following: a physical performance/demonstration a case study analysis a data analysis a critically reflective folio/diary of participation in practi cal activities a visual presentation such as graphic organiser, concept/mind map, annotated poster or presentation file a media book, including two or more data types (for example text, still and moving images, sound) and involving some form of interac tion an oral presentation such as a podcast or debate a written report digital analysis using for example Gamebreaker, Dartfish, Apps or Kandle. Because of the practical experiential nature of physical education, it is anticipated that much of the data collection will be collated during practical sessions. This support is not intended to be an exhaustive list of approaches that could be adopted as a means of analysing and evaluating factors but rather a stimulus to help learners and practitioners explore some potential avenues for further consideration. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 7 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Approaches for gathering data: identifying, explaining, analysing and evaluating factors that impact on performance Suggested activity 1 Centres may wish to make use of this section of th is guidance to develop research skills relating to the variety of approaches available to collect data. (analysing methods used to identify factors impacting on performance). These can then be used to analyse and evaluate personal performance in physical activity and sport. The approaches suggested encourage learners to make informed decisions about the validity and appropriateness of the methods used to collect performance data. The approaches investigated might then be used, with adaptations or modifications, to analyse and evaluate the impact of the different factors which impact performance. Learners are set the task of researching a variety of websites, computer/phone apps and commercially available software packages that are available to analyse sporting performance. Learners should be able to decide and design their own method to capture their performance, taking account of the most pertinent factor(s) that impact on their own performance. The task should not be treated as a paper exercise, instead learners should be allowed to set up, experiment with and trial out the method they have chosen to use. They will need to work collaboratively to modify, adapt and reorganise the methods they want to use in a practical setting. By encouraging learners to look beyond peer or practitioner observation of performance, a range of options and opportunities for investigative research can be incorporated. Having completed the research, learners can modify and/or create their own approach to collecting data on the factor they have identified as impacting on their own performance. 8 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Movement analysis of a variety of sports Football team analysis This video clip relates to the Fourfourtwo STATS ZONE app. Rugby analysis d Motion graphs analysis re=player_embedded#! Tennis analysis Netball Basketball Volleyball iPhone/iPad apps TouchStat Lite Dartfish easy tag Basketball Card Maker Retro 6 Easy Assessment By using a selection of the methods shown on these sites to illustrate the possibilities that exist for performance to be accurately captured, learners can be encouraged to investigate the variety of data that can be generated relating to personal performance in physical activities. The sites provide the opportunity for learners to view both objective and subjective approaches and the corresponding data sets. The task is designed to place no restrictions on learner’s creativity. They should be encouraged to find as many different forms of data collection that are used in today’s different sporting arenas as they can. Access to ICT therefore is desirable in class. Pupils could be encouraged to design their own method of collecting data. Alternatively, this task could be given as a homework exercise. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 9 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Having completed the task, learners should then be directed towards assimilating the various approaches that are available. They should present their findings to the rest of the class. Discussion can take place on the benefits and limitations of each approach. It is critical that a differentiated approach using effective questioning is u sed to ensure that higher-order thinking is developed. In particular, learners need to be supported through the process of: How would this analysis be described? (remembering) What evidence can you find of objective data being generated? ( analysing) What patterns can you see in the data generated? (evaluating) Can you anticipate or predict how you might use this approach to begin to plan to improve your own performance? (creating) Following on from this it would be useful to encourage learners to reflect on whether any of these methods or parts of these methods could be used to gather evidence on their own performance within physical education. The questions learners might be required to ask of each other are: In which other activities could make use of this method? How accurate a picture of performance do you get using this method? What examples of objective data are available for analysis? What are the advantages of using this method? What are the disadvantages of using this method? Which method is most suitable for identifying: - mental factors? - emotional factors? - social factors? - physical factors? In order to deepen learning further, learners could prepare a summary of the methods researched to present to the class or choose a preferred method (say, write, make, do) and explain the advantages to the class. They should then be able to apply this acquired knowledge to justify why it is an appropriate method to identify the factors that impact on their own performance. There should be an expectation that learners well might predict how the method could be used in other activities or in other contexts or with other skills. Further consolidation of the learning could take place through using a homework exercise to answer a question relating to the process. This would demand an appropriate level of critical debate about the validity of the methods used and a justification for any recommendations made. 10 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 2 Skill check sheet with questioning This method of gathering data combined with questioning increases learners’ understanding of the learning process and increases the degree of autonomy for the learner through personalisation and choice. Questioning provides greater depth in understanding and can help identify the factor(s) impacting on performance. Shooting Positive (score) Negative (incomplete with loss of possession) Continuation (incomplete with possession regained) Lay-up – strong hand Lay-up – weak hand Set shot Jump shot Foul shot Three-point throws How many lay-ups, set shots, etc did you score? Based on the knowledge of results of the skill tick sheet. Fault type: Too high/to left of basket. Do you believe you should have scored more? Based on the assumption and subjective ratio of how many shots did I score to how many shots I attempted. What criteria did you use to judge the quality of the shooting? Knowledge of results: i.e. approach at appropriate angle; Did I shoot against board? Did I release at correct time? Number of attempts; points scored. (This is a very subjective method of data collection that can only be used in a narrow, technical context.) FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 11 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Reflective questions Can you think of a more objective way of collecting data? How could you be more analytical and scientific about factors impacting on performance? Problem solving Identify and isolate the performance problem. How do you know? What information have you gathered about this problem? Knowledge of results from tick sheet, peer evaluation, practitioner feedback and set technical criteria. Do you need to consider other factors that may be impacting on this problem? For example could the angle of approach be changed, should I use my other hand, should I transfer responsibility to a more effective or better positioned shooter? How do I demonstrate an effective solution? Try out the problem in a passive or opposition -free environment to build up confidence until you become an autonomous learner. Are my plans realistic and appropriate to my personal needs? The solutions are realistic but there is no certainty that the results will be successfully transferred into the performance context . Create a practical solution you can try. Weighted attack v defence to create a shooting situation. Has my performance been compromised by other factors? It is possible I do not have the confidence to attempt the shot in case I cannot complete it or that my team-mates will not pass to me even when I am in space as they are aware of my lack of confidence. In what order will I try out my ideas to find a solution ? From a simple to a complex scenario (based on a live situation) . How will I communicate my findings (ICT, graphs etc)? Consider the most appropriate format. 12 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE How will I present my solution within a performance context? In a class competition against various opposition . Investigating other possibilities What if assumptions were inverted ? What would happen if you didn’t improve your lay-up? Is there an alternative context to solve the performance problem? The technical aspect of the lay-up is not the problem rather it is the ability to perform it under pressure. How could you link the problem to performance? You could create a scenario(s) and attempt to implement a solution within that performance context. What critical thinking took place during the production of the solution to a problem Expanding the range of consideration beyond skill aspects of performance to aspects such as decision making and timing. Did you arrive at a correct solution? Others came up with different answers that challenged and expanded thinking. Example: Learners consider the purpose of composition/choreography used in dance. A video of a dance or group performance can be used as the basis for learner observation. With learners, practitioners make a list of anticipated movements and patterns for effective composition/choreography of a dance performance. Practitioners lead a discussion about the development of thinking skills in relation to dance concepts and contexts. Learners observe a range of performance or dance contexts and make notes in relation to choreography, linking movements , timing etc. Observers make notes and diagrams. Practitioners discuss the different aspects through focus questions an d supported by the learner analysis to further learners’ thinking: How has having a partner supported your understanding of performance? How do you plan for performance? FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 13 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE What is the importance of rhythm, timing and flow and why? What is the need for balanced performance (effectiveness v aesthetic appreciation) and why? How do you adapt/alter your performance and still retain its quality? Why is decision making important? Gather, manage and interpret the data to inform on next steps. What did you observe in the performance? Why was it difficult/easy and why was this is the case? What worked? What was not effective? How were your compositional elements similar or different to strategies deployed in your course? How does the skill/aesthetic/movement discussion become a key feature in the analysis? What changed? What needs to be done differently? When will the difference in dance style be exemplified ? Where does dance demonstrate the same characteristics as other activities? Each performer/group provides exemplars by demonstrating different approaches from a range of genres and explaining how and when these are effective. 14 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 3 This task allows learners to use previous knowledge to consider how to adapt and change their method of analysis. (Analysing/explaining methods used to identify factors impacting on a performance) This support could then be used to promote active learning where the learners have to design and complete a method of identifying strengths and developmental targets for their own selected activity. The K–W–L–H technique is an established method of gathering information. K W L H helps learners recall what they know about the subject helps learners determine what they want to learn helps learners identify and reflect upon what they have learned at the end of a topic or activity identifies how learners learn and aids metacognition by assisting learners to reflect upon what they have learnt and how they have learnt it. To carry this out successfully, you will be req uired to: negotiate roles for carrying out this analysis (perhaps each player in your group/team could be responsible for gathering information) record the information accurately. You may wish to digitally record the performance so that you can watch it over again. The results can be collated to present a group/team profile of performance strengths and weaknesses that examine and explore: roles and responsibilities the achievement of personal/group objectives the ability to ‘predict’ or proactively anti cipate potential performance problems the ability to make decisions and the decision-making process, including justification of performance development priorities for successful outcomes the critical evaluation of solutions. The following sets of matrices are examples of a process that may be followed by practitioners and learners to enhance learning and understanding. They have been written with the intention of the learning taking place in a performance situation. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 15 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Factors impacting on performance What do you know about the activity? What do you want to learn about? Complete this section after the unit Complete this section after the unit When reflecting on the activity what have you learned? How did you learn during this unit? What tools, activities and processes assisted you in learning during this unit? (learners and practitioners) Creative skills, such as flair, balance, decision making, problem solving Prior learning drawn from core, extracurricular/club experiences When, how, why to apply these skills I can now perform the skill in an appropriate place and time within the activity Benchmark performance against self and others Creative elements such as change of levels, tempo, motif and sequence building Prior learning drawn from core, extra-curricular, club experiences Development of performance qualities I can incorporate these qualities within my performance Review of performance development process Appreciation for the need for a range of creative elements Research resource to extend repertoire of creative elements Social and emotional factors Group work, cooperating to choreograph, supporting, leading Etiquette, respect for self and others; roles, responsibility; how to perform with confidence I understand the interpersonal skills needed to participate effectively within a group Group task: taking responsibility Making judgements about body management, spatial awareness Information processing – to create a quality performance Developing an appreciation of the connection between problem solving and creativity Trialling: working through a creative process to build quality movement sequences Thinking tools to assist with problem solving and decision making in creative elements Variety of roles Compare and contrast your decision from K –L–W–H with that of one of your classmates. Did you and your partner/group come to an agreement as to whether you had made an appropriate response to the task? Would this response always be the same for you? If not, why not? 16 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE K–L–W–H grid Factors impacting on performance What do you know about the activity? What do you want to learn about? Complete this section after the unit. When reflecting on the activity what have you learned? (Pupils & staff) Complete this section after the unit. How did you learn during this unit? What tools, activities and processes assisted you in learning during this unit? Compare and contrast your decisions from K –L–W–H with that of one of your classmates. Did you and your partner come to an agreement as to wh ether you had given an appropriate response to the task? Discuss further what the opposition may attempt to do to force you to alter your response. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 17 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Next steps You may wish to compare the results of this analysis with a ‘model’ performance of the same group/team activity. or Investigate the variety of ‘models’ available for comparison within different activities. The intention of this set of tasks is to widen learners’ horizons about the range of methods available to gather data on the impact of diff erent factors on performance. (Explaining/analysing methods to identify factors impacting on performance and explaining/evaluating the impact of factors impacting performance) It requires collaborative learning from every member of a group and combines vis ual, auditory and kinaesthetic feedback, with the aim of stimulating deeper learning. It also makes use of graphic organisers. Using new tools causes new learning. Caviglioli, Harris & Tindall (2002) Groups should be engineered to ensure a range of abi lity and organisational skills are present. This will provide the opportunity for greatest success and engagement in this task. Conversely, differentiated groups for the more able will encourage increased challenge, creativity and reflection. The focus of the task is to engage learners in the process of identifying and evaluating performance problems. The intention is that thoughts and opinions be recorded on a grid, thereby making the thoughts ‘visible’. Examples of approaches to follow include: 18 graphic organisers cause and effect grid compare and contrast grid spider diagrams. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE What are graphic organisers? Graphic organisers are highly effective thinking tools that illustrate the organisation or structure of and relationships between concepts and hi ghlight the context of the performance. They provide opportunities to track thinking and clarify the content and thinking processes used when creating, problem solving or evaluating. Graphic organisers are visual frameworks that help learners to: organise and clarify their thinking processes manage their information, ideas and research see both the whole and parts of a problem or issue plan activities and investigations review and reflect on progress, understanding and skills communicate effectively using a variety of appropriate methods extend their thinking by encouraging in-depth thought and discussions on issues relating to personal performance. About this support This support provides advice on using graphic organisers to teach and assess thinking skills and meet the appropriate learning outcomes. The following websites provide further explanation and examples: FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 19 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 4 Use the following graphic organiser to inform your thinking as you consider the range of performa nce possibilities resulting from your options. The following tool has been adapted from a model known as POOCH (© State of Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) . Exemplars have been filled in for you after this blank template. PROBLEM (factor impacting performance) 20 OPTION Consider the possible solution. You may wish to discuss with others to create numerous options. . OUTCOMES Consider the positive and negative outcomes of this option. How might your opponents react? FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 CHOICE FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Basketball lay-up problem Use the following graphic organiser to inform your thinking as you consider the range of performance possibilities resulting from your options. PROBLEM (factor impacting performance) I have the ability to perform a lay-up in practice in a class match, but I am unable to find a way of transferring this skill into a game situation and score a basket. OPTION Consider the possible solution. You may wish to discuss with others to create numerous options. Drive towards the basket at the appropriate angle and in rhythm with the ball. Shot a different shot appropriate to where I am on court, ie set shot. Pass to another player who is in a position to deliver a score. Adopt a strategy which allows you to take an alternative role, ie post. OUTCOMES Consider the positive and negative outcomes of this option. How might your opponents react? Too slow Blocked by an opponent Dribbling error Lose possession Practice different shots Some scores Some errors Poor decision making Create opportunity for team-mate Create confusion with opponents who have to prepare strategy to defend against me Makes a mistake due to lack of positional awareness Builds up confidence and aids decision making CHOICE My final decision was to pass to another player who had the opportunity to threaten the opponent’s basket. I decided that this is a team game and the objective is to make a team score, which was more important than individual glory. Learned to time the pass which enhanced my team-mate’s chance of scoring. However, I will still practice to develop a range of successful shots that will allow me to make a good decision and threaten the opponents in an appropriate way and ultimately may allow me to make an alternative considered decision. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 21 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE The following two examples provide a differentiated response to the volleyball serve problem. Volleyball serve problem Use the following graphic organiser to inform your thinking as you c onsider the range of performance possibilities resulting from your options. PROBLEM (factor impacting performance) I have the ability to serve underarm in a class volleyball match. My opponents are able to receive this random ball with ease. Serve reception is easy and their accurate pass to the setter allows him to run a variety of attacking options with speed, disguise and well maintained decisions. OPTION Consider the possible solution. You may wish to discuss with others to create numerous options. Serve overarm. Serve to the back of the court. Serve at the strongest hitter. Serve at the weakest passer. 22 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 OUTCOMES Consider the positive and negative outcomes of this option. How might your opponents react? Serves an ace Some serves are difficult to receive Many errors of serve Disrupts the opponent’s pass Some serving errors Isolate the passer Cause hitter to multi-task with the result that he overpassed Caused hitter to lose his rhythm of approach and make mistakes in hitting Makes a mistake Passes to somewhere near the setter Moves another player closer to the poor passer so that he has less area to cover CHOICE My final decision was to serve at the best hitter of the ball. He attempted to pass and shift to make the hit, but was not as successful as normal. This affected his confidence and his team-mates lost trust in him and gave him less of the ball. His decision making also became suspect, as he had to make too many decisions too quickly. As he could not get to the hits/kill as regularly he would have liked, he started to tip the ball and our defence picked it up easily and came back in transition. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Case study analysis: Volleyball serve problem Use the following graphic organiser to inform your thinking as you consider the range of performance possibilities resulting from your options. PROBLEM (factor impacting performance) My team is losing lots of points in serve receive in volleyball. We are setting from three using two setters. We are having a problem passing effectively and the setter is confused during the switches, ie four to three/two to three. The hitters are making the switches to get into position but the setters are not delivering an effective ball for them to score. The hitters are not hitting from their best positions, ie left-handed from side etc OPTION Consider the possible solution. You may wish to discuss with others to create numerous options. We moved to a zerosetter system to eliminate the confusion in the switching. OUTCOMES Consider the positive and negative outcomes of this option. How might your opponents react? We moved to a onesetter, three-passer and specialist hitter system. We moved to a fourpasser and two-setter system setting from two. This meant we lost the benefits of strong hitters, who set in two rotations The passing unit was more consistent but less stable. Opponents made more serving errors as they were unable to isolate our weakness. More attacking opportunities but fewer attacking kills. System was difficult to learn and we lost lots of points in the beginning. Hitters learned the system and their effectiveness increased. Setter found difficulty moving diagonally from back court and hitting benefits were reduced. We stabilised quickly and hitters’ switches were less complicated. Less space for passers to cover and we lost fewer points in reception. Rotational order faults were reduced . CHOICE This zero setter system allowed us to locate the setters and hitters in the best scoring positions. The defence became less complicated and the benefits of having a back-up setter to support any poor passing and the opportunity to use a back court hitter created an element of confusion in the opposition defence. The passing unit improved as their confidence grew and the setter made better decision and choices. This allowed us to score more points and reduced the number of direct errors made by the hitters. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 23 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Final reflection on the graphic organiser The following is an example of how you could use a graphic organiser to help learners deepen their understanding of their own performance for those learners who require further challenge. It will help them to plan performance development. How did the graphic organiser assist you to win the serve pass battle? It supported me to make an appropriate decision and then adapt this decision based on the opposition response. - Serve to the weakest player. - Opposition response: limit the space near the weakest player. - Server – serves to the back to the court. - Opposition response: take away the space behind them. Why is targeted serving so important in allowing us to go into transition from side out? The easier ball (or error) that the opposition gives back to our side enhances our capacity to attack effectively from a range of positions as a direct result of the opposition not being able to receive service effectively . Which tactics and strategies were you able to put in place effectively during the performance as a result of your serve tactic? From the easier ball returned we were able to use width (sets to the antennae), speed, fast, middle or outside, for example and disguise (missing out hitters, setting back court etc) in our first transition attack as a result of the opposition not attacking with power. Can you suggest other sporting situations where the tactics and strategies may apply? Other team games where passing is critical to the success of the attacking , eg football, where an early pass or a pass behind the defence can cause chaos in the opposition defence. Identify the thinking tools (eg K–W–L–H organiser) that you used during the performance unit. Critical thinking, problem solving and feedback from the coach or peer s. How did the use of these tools change your thinking? They created a better understanding that illustrated that performance is not simply about technical skill but rather about gathering information, processing and planning your performance around the opposition game. 24 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE How did they assist you in making decisions about which stra tegies and tactics to implement? They took away the focus from technical development and allowed me to use skills that were transferable from other aspects of learning , ie critical skills, thinking skills and interpersonal skills. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 25 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 5 Compare and contrast grid This grid is another method of encouraging learners to differentiate between two concepts or factors impacting on a performance (Evaluating the impact of factors impacting on a performance) (Caviglioli, Harris & Tindell, 2002). Factor to be investigated …………………………………………………………………. Strategy/factor 1 Differences Similarities Comparing criteria Strategy/factor 2 Differences Advantage and disadvantage of strategy/factor 1 Advantage and disadvantage of strategy/factor 2 This compare and contrast grid could be used to identify the similarities between methods of practice, principles of play¸ methods of training, methods of data collection and types of fitness. (Analysing methods used to identify factors impacting on a performance) 26 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Compare and contrast grid exemplar (Evaluating the impact of factors impacting on a performance) (Caviglioli, Harris & Tindell, 2002) Volleyball: attacking strategy Strategy/factor 1 Similarities Strategy/factor 2 Standard 0–6 system where everyone at zone three Game sequence of restart, serve receive, set, Specialist setter, outside attackers, sets and then rotates to next position attack, block, transition off setter, middle blocker Same formation (three front court players and three back court players) Differences Standard rotation routines within regulations Comparing criteria Court balance Differences Reception based within positional rules which allows greater specialism and encourages setter to run offensive plays (based on speed, disguise etc) rather than simply set the ball to a player. This requires all players to be all rounders and perform the skills of Ball circulation and recycling Players build relationships with one another and the game rather than designing offense/ defence systems based on become more consistent and effective in their role , strengths and weaknesses determined to balance the team effort enhancing the cohesion of the team. W formation Service reception Three-person reception allowing players to hit, block and defend predetermined areas of net and court Advantage and disadvantage of strategy/factor 1 Advantage and disadvantage of strategy/factor 2 This compare and contrast grid could be used to identify the similarities between methods of practice, principles of play¸ methods of training, methods of data collection and types of fitness. (Analysing methods used to identify factors impacting on a performance) FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 27 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 6 A cause and effect graphic organiser can be used to identify potential development needs within the performance and discuss the potential effects on the performance. (Evaluating/explain the impact of factors, positive or negative, on a performance) CAUSE Effect 28 Effect FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 Effect FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE A cause and effect graphic organiser can be used to identify potential development needs within the performance and discuss t he potential effects on the performance. (Evaluating/explain the impact of factors, positive or negative, on a performance) CAUSE The learner was able to demonstrate effective CRE and resilience when coming off the last bend in the 800m. Effect He was able to respond positively when overtaken by the second placed runner prior the last bend. Effect Effect In response to the stimuli he was able to react and maintain the speed shown by the second placed runner and stay on his shoulder It allowed him to be in position to make the best decision when to challenge his opponent with a burst of speed over the last 75m to win the race FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 29 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Cause and effect graphic organiser exemplar This identifies potential development needs within the dance performance and allows discussion of the potential effects on the performance. (Evaluating/explain the impact of factors, positive or negative, on a performance) CAUSE My linking movements lacked variety and were not as fluent as they could have been. Effect My performance was not exciting or challenging enough. Effect The lack of fluency in the performance did not allow for smooth links being made. Effect I felt a little disappointed and frustrated in the performance as more complex movements may have been used. Possible other compositional elements that may affect performance could be: motif/sequence building, use of space, use of creativity, managing the body, cue recognition. 30 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 7 There are three parts to this task. Firstly learners will watch and evaluate a creative performance (DVD or live) of themselves or their peers. After watching the performance learners will work in pairs an d complete the think, pair, share graphic organiser below (education The first three questions/prompts have been given. (Analysing and evaluating methods used to identify factors impacting on a performance in physical activities.) Consider the factors which impact on performance Question or prompt How did the performance start (consider the factors which impact on performance)? What I thought What my partner thought What will we share? Explain the use of space. How did the performers move? Name…………………………….Partner’s name………………………..Date…………………………… FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 31 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 8 Using the spider diagram below learners will identify the compositional elements required when designing a creative performance. This task allows learners to consider the various compositional elements required for a quality performance. Centres may wish to use this support as a means of discussing and identifying the compositional elements and then allow learner s to consider their own or peers’ strengths and weaknes ses in relation to the compositional elements. Linking movements Motif/ sequence building Use of space Compositional elements Creativity Decision making Cue recognition Design Managing your body 32 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE The blank spider diagram can be used by learners to consider the most appropriate compositional elements when designing their own creative, quality performance. Compositional elements FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 33 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 9 From your spider diagram and cause and effect organiser, list the compositional elements that have affected your own or your peer’s performance. For each, record the strengths and developmental targets. Compositional elements 34 Record of strengths and developmental targets Prediction of intended benefits FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 Action for Development Plan. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity10 This task allows learners to consider the various methods of collecting information on their strengths and developmental targets. Centres may wish to use this support as a means of demonstrating a method and then allow learners to consider other methods. This support cou ld then be used to promote personalised learning, where the learners have to design and complete a method of identifying strengths and developmental targets for their own selected activity. Discussion could focus on how to collect appropriate and valid data. The task also leads into quantitative and qualitative approaches and the corresponding data, which the centre may wish to explore more. Learners, through personalisation and choice, may complete the task for the skills used within the activity, the tactics used, the fitness requirements or the mental, emotional, social and physical factors that impact on performance. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 35 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Match analysis (notation) A completed match analysis sheet highlights the game sequence and provides insight into decision making in the game. This analysis helps to identify the factors impacting on performance and support the planning process towards performance improvement. It supports the learner to apply critical skills in interpreting and analysing the data and to draw conclusions on the impact of identified factors on performance. Exemplar match analysis 1 S Number of times shuttle crosses net 1 2 S 1 Serve 3 S 1 Serve 0 Serve error Player A Player B 1 SE Rally completed by Serve 4 SO 2 Drop shot 5 S 1 Serve 0 Serve error 2 SE 6 SO 2 Drop shot 7 TR 9 Smash 8 TR 13 9 TR 13 Smash 0 Serve error 3 SE 10 TR 9 Smash 11 TR 15 Smash 12 TR 13 Smash 4 Opp 6 Drive 5 Opp 4 Drive 6 Opp 4 Smash 13 SO 2 Drop shot 14 TR 2 Smash 15 TR 2 Drop shot Key: S, serve; SO, side out; TR, transition; SE, service error; Opp, opponent hitting error. 36 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE What are the key strengths of Player A? Player A has an effective service (highlighted in green) but two -thirds of the points that Player B wins are from service errors by Player A, therefore Player A has an effective, but high-risk serve. When Player A wins the rally with a smash, it is often after long rallies (highlighted in red). There are a number of potential factors for the decision making. Player B could be less fit and Player A is moving him around th e court waiting for a weak return. Alternatively, it could be that Player A is unable to kill the rally and the rally goes on longer than intended. From the data, do you think the players are physically well matched? Justify your answer. They seem to have different physical qualities. Player A plays smashes more frequently and therefore possesses more power allied to other qualities. Player B possesses greater agility and fine motor movements, which allows him to perform fine movements such as drop shots. Learners could design their own match analysis sheet to help them identify factors impacting on their performance. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 37 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 11 Complete this analysis for a personal performance. Player A Player B Number of times shuttle crosses net Rally completed by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Key: S, serve; SO, side out; TR, transition; SE, service error; Opp, opponent hitting error. Through interpretation of the data, analyse and critically examine the match analysis sheet with a partner. Think, pair, share to identify a performance strength and a development need for each player. Explain the potential impact of a performance strength and a development need of your own performance. From your analysis and evaluation give examples of possible approaches to improve your own performance. 38 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 12 Badminton (approx. 10 min game) Performer’s name: ______________________________________________ Observer’s name:_______________________________________________ Game phase Technical Rally completion Direct error Continuation Offense Overhead clear √√√√ √√√√√√√ √√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√ √√√ √√ √ √ √√√ √ √√√ Defense Drive Tight net Smash Clear Lift Block High serve Flick serve Short serve Recovery Crisis Controlled √√√ √ √√ √√√√√ √ √ √√√√√√ √√√√√√√ √√√ √√√ √√√√√√√ √√√√√√√√√√√√ √√√ √√√√√√ √√ √√ √√√√√√√√√√√√ Restart Body management √√√√ √√√√ √ √√√√√√√√√√ √√√√√√√√ √√√√√ √√√√√√√√√√ √√√√√√√ √√√√√√√√√√√√√ √√√√√√√√√√√√ Now design a method of gathering qualitative and quantitative data. Remember, you may wish to gather data on one or more factors impacting on your performance, for example – skills, tactics/composition, fitness, decision making and working with others as you carry out a role. This is one method you may use to identify your performance strengths and development needs. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 39 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Trampolining: analysis of performance Observation and analysis 1. Watch a learner bouncing/performing. How does the performance look to you? What makes the performance look this way? Identify the performance strengths and development needs of the performance. 2. Watch a learner performing a series of linked moves within the performance. Comment on the performance strengths and development needs of the performance. How can they develop the performance? 3. What could the performer do to develop the quality of his/her performance? 4. Observe one performer and analyse one element of their performance. What are their performance strengths and development needs? How would you address their development needs? 40 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Activity: Trampolining Factors impacting on performance Rhythm Timing Challenging performance context There is some rotation with changes of speed, direction and shape. This includes swivel hips and jumps Controlled movement showing change of speed, direction and level. This was particularly evident in straddle jump to swivel hips Appropriate to learner’s needs and stage of learning Most of the routineC links together well and I can recognise all of the skills and techniques I could see a rhythm to most of the sequence which allowed him enough time to prepare and perform the next movement Flow (fluency) I could see continuous movement throughout most of the sequence I could see some control especially at the start but the quality decreased towards the end when rotation occurred Body management He can show control and quality movements in most actions that require twisting, rotation and linking movements Transitions He was able to combine the key factors above which allowed him to progress smoothly through the sequence, except for the last action - Swivel hips to back somersault Most of the skills were performed with poise and efficiency. He maintained balance keeping movements stable and controlled staying in the centre of the bed. I could see evidence of body tension which added to the quality of the performance He needs to practice using the deep knee bend from the jump out of swivel hips and drive with the legs and arms off the bed to gain momentum for somersault Limited performance context Basic rebounds performed in isolation and sometimes linked in sequence The link from swivel hip to back somersault was too challenging for him. He didn’t carry out the movement at the top of his rebound resulting in not enough time to maintain control into the rotation The start of the sequence was good but he struggled to maintain focus and quality towards the end when he wanted to finish his sequence on a complex action – back somersault He found it difficult to manage his momentum off the bed and frequently lost control going into his last action The loss of momentum and height results in a poorly executed somersault. An untidy finish diminishes the fluency and quality of the sequence The factors impacting on performance listed in this analysis sheet are examples. The learner can list his/her own factors impacting o n performance depending on the activity selected and their own observations/analyses. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 41 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Factors impacting on performance Challenging performance context Appropriate to learner’s needs and stage of learning Inappropriate performance context Rhythm Timing Flow (fluency) Body management Transitions Analyse and evaluate your data. What does it su ggest (ie identify the specific strengths and areas for improvement of your whole game performance in relation to the information you have gathered above)? The factors impacting on performance listed in this analysis sheet are examples. The learner can list his/her own factors impacting on performance depending on the activity selected and their own observations/analyses. 42 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Evaluating and recognising the factors that have a positive and negative impact on performance Comment on the performance strengths. Identify the development needs Select one particular development need in their performance and suggest next steps. If you were to compare your own performance to that of a model performance, what differences and similarities would there be? What key factors would you include in your development programme to develop and then demonstrate effectiveness and progression in your routine? FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 43 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 13 Practitioners will be familiar with this type of analysis sheet and it illustrates how some existing materials could be adapted, modified and applied to support learning in the new courses for Physical Education. Complete the technique-based badminton analysis sheet below. Area of analysis: Skills Activity: Badminton (approx. 10 min game) Performer’s name:_______________________________________________ Observer’s name: _______________________________________________ Skill repertoire Movement Type of stroke/ movement Total performed Successful Unsuccessful Percentage successful Percentage unsuccessful Overhead clear 20 10 10 50% 50% Backhand clear High serve Low serve Flick serve Drop shot Smash Net shot Drives Lifts Blocks Recover to base shots Fluent footwork Agile Analyse and evaluate your data. What does it suggest (ie identify the specific strengths and areas for improvement of your whole game performance in relation to the information you have gathered above)? 44 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 14 Player profile Complete this profile from data you have collected. This performer can always… eg move around to all parts of the court easily This performer can sometimes… eg uses only one or two strokes successfully throughout the game This performer can never… eg keep the shuttle close to the net when required to play a net shot eg plays the service out of court eg accept defeat graciously eg stay focused for the first 5 minutes of play Write here: eg loses concentration when the pressure mounts Write here: eg play the shuttle to the back of the opponent’s court Write here: eg move the opponent around the court away from base position FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 45 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 15 In every activity a range of factors impact performance. While performing it would be unusual for o nly one factor to impact performance. Rather a combination of factors might be identified as causing a performance to be enhanced or limited. The resultant analysis would highlight the interdependence of the factors which impact performance. Learners could be asked to make use of a priorities grid (Caviglioli, Harris & Tindell, 2002). This exercise can be completed after a practical lesson where the demands of the performance are analysed following a competitive or live performance situation. Learners are asked to prioritise the social, mental, emotional and physical qualities required to be successful . Effectively they are examining which of the factors are most important in their own performance context . (Evaluating the factors that impact on performance) From completing this process, development priorities can be established and possible consequent effects on personal performance predicted. This could be done for each area of factors to ensure an accurate personal performance profile is developed. The task is to consider the ‘needs’ of the performance situation and to prioritise the focus for improvement. For example, in mental factors, improving management of anxiety offers a high pay -off in terms of the performer staying in control in the pressurised environment of the dying stages of a close basketball game. Discussion would centre on the learner identifying improved anxiety management in these circumstances, which would allow them to shoot and score while being closely marked, to dispossess the opposition without fouling in defence and to make accurate decisions about who to pass to in the last few fast breaks of the game. However, improving anxiety management is often a time -consuming and difficult process to undertake. Other factors impacting performance might have less of a pay-off but might be easier to address, therefore decisions relating to performance development planning require to be both prioritised and justified. 46 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Learners rate the performance problem and the ease with which it could be overcome and mark it on the grid in the appropriate quadrant. Discussion then takes place about which option should be taken forward. High pay-off 321 654 Difficult to do Easy to do 6 5 4 3 2 1 Low pay-off FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 47 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 16 Learners will explore the different approaches that can be used to improve performance. (Explain approaches to improve/develop performance based on evaluation) Curriculum for Excellence encourages learners to find different solutions to performance problems. In this task learners have the opportunity to investigate a solution to address an identified development need. The activity requires some prioritisation of focus, clear planning and decision making about the approaches to be used to improve an identified development need. It also encourages discernment about which approach is most suitable to b e used based on evidence gathered from the analysis process. For example, when investigating the methods of practice for developing performance in games skills, learners could be guided towards answering performance questions. These move from straightforward factual questions to higher-order questioning techniques that encourage learners to engage, think more and consequently learn more from the performance development process. This task can be carried out individually with small presentations to each other and as a group across individual and team activity contexts. 48 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE The Q chart (McLellan J., Read it.Understand it. Communicate it. Jemcon Publishing, 2000) This tool guides learners through the more factual questions towards those which develop synthesis and application of acquired knowledge. The process begins by asking learners a question with a word from the first column and a verb from the list along the top row. For example, ‘What is involved in the method of practice?’ This will obviously involve a description of the method. When learners are asked questions involving the verbs at the far right of the chart, higher-order thinking begins to be developed. For example, ‘Why would this method be inappropriate for a performer at the cognitive stage of learning?’ This demands some analysis and application of acquired knowledge. Is Did Can Would Will Might What Factual Where Who is involved in this performance? A comptetive swimmer When Where did the negative impact on performance occur? At the turn Predict How might this affect the result of the race or performance? The swimmer was leading going into the final turn and lost momentum and came out of the turn behind. This resulted in a loss of confidence and rhythm of the stroke, from which she was unable to recover Why Analytical Synthesis and application How Why did this happen? The swimmer was unable to maintain her speed towards the wall at the final turn How will she ensure it does not happen again? Collect data from race contexts, evaluate a plan a programme for her development needs Who FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 49 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Complete the following Q chart for an area of performance development. Is Did Can Would Will Might What Factual Predict Analytical Synthesis and application Where When Who Why 50 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Is Did Can Would Will Might What Factual: What is the method of practice you will use? Predict: What might improve? When will it improve? What will improve? Analyse: Why did this method of practice suit the demands of the performance context (the how and why)? Synthesise and apply: How will you develop this method to ensure your progress is maintained? Where When Who Why How FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 51 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Suggested activity 17 Performance scenarios During this activity learners will be given a scenario that will allow them to discuss and explore the particular factors that impact performers during that scenario. They will then have to devise their own scenario and carry out a compare and contrast exercise. Model performer scenario The model performer plays centre in netball for her regional team. During her performance she carries out various skills such as passing and catching with consistency, accuracy and fluency. She is able to move efficiently in both attack and defence to support her team-mates and can sustain both her skill level and movement for the whole length of the game. She is supportive and encouraging of all players in her team and is able to stay focused and positive for most of the ga me. Effect As the skill level is of a high quality the model performer is accurate and consistent with her passing to her teammates. 52 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 Effect The model performer is able to play with the same amount of energy for the whole game. This ensures that her team-mates are supported right up until the end of the game. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Insert your own personal scenario in the box below. Highlight two possible effects on your performance. Effect Effect FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 53 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Discuss and record the following key questions. Consider all factors that impact on performance. QQr Model performer Your performance What happened during the performance? How could you gather information on this performance? Explain the effect on the performances. Next steps? 54 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Rubrics A rubric is a useful tool for developing understanding, providing formative feedback and for collecting evidence of meeting assessment standards. Learners can use a rubric for identifying, explaining, analysing and evaluating factors that impact on performance. The Easy Assessment App supports learners to create a rubric. Comments, pictures and videos can also be added to support the information gained through the rubric. This rubric is an example of criteria used for the presentation of a project in performance. Levels (criteria) Dimensions Awesome 4 Good 3 Organisation Learner presents information in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow Learner presents information in a logical sequence which audience can follow Audience has difficulty following presentation because learner jumps around Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information Content knowledge Learner demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration Learner is at ease with content, but fails to extend into performance Learner is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions Learner does not have grasp of information and cannot answer questions about subject Visuals Learner uses visuals to reinforce screen text/pod and presentation Visuals relate to text and presentation Learner occasionally uses visuals that do not support text and presentation Learner uses no visuals Mechanics Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors Presentation has three misspellings and/or grammatical errors Presentation has four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors Delivery Learner uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms Learner’s voice is clear and most words pronounced correctly Learner incorrectly pronounces terms and audience members have difficulty hearing presentation Learner mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms and speaks too quietly for learners at the back of class to hear (categories) Okay 2 Well! 1 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 Points 55 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE Tips for creating a rubric A rubric may be created by the practitioner and learner working together to develop the categories and criteria. Learner input into the creation of the evaluation tool helps to give them a sense of ownership for the project. Show learner examples of a similar project. Show great examples and poor examples. Discuss the characteristics of each. Examine or design a rubric with learners when an assignment is introduced. This will give them a clearer idea of what is expect ed. Test a rubric by having learners peer evaluate each other’s projects. With rubrics, the practitioner is no longer the only evaluator. After using a rubric, look at its strengths and limitations. Decide how it can be improved. Revise a rubric before using it again to make sure that it meets the needs of a different group of learners and a different projects. 56 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE References Caviglioli, O., Harris, I. & Tindall, B. (2002) Thinking Skills and Eye Q, Network Educational Press Ltd, Stafford. Kagan, S. & Kagan, M. (2009) Kagan Cooperative Learning, Kagan Publishing, San Clemente, CA. Silberman, M. (1996) Active learning. 101 Strategies to teach any subject , Allyn and Bacon, Boston, Massachusetts. FACTORS IMPACTING ON PERFORMANCE (NAT 5, HIGHER, PHYSICAL EDUCATION) © Crown copyright 2012 57