“Golden Kite, Silver Wind” Vocab

“Golden Kite, Silver Wind” Vocab. WarmUp words
“Golden Kite, Silver Wind” Vocab. WarmUp words
bustling [BUHS ling] adj. noisy and active
They left the bustling city for the quiet of the country.
bustling [BUHS ling] adj. noisy and active
They left the bustling city for the quiet of the country.
cooperation [koh ah puh RAY shuhn] n. act of working together
With a little cooperation, we can get the job done.
cooperation [koh ah puh RAY shuhn] n. act of working together
With a little cooperation, we can get the job done.
departed [di PAR tid] v. left
They stayed at the party for an hour and then departed.
departed [di PAR tid] v. left
They stayed at the party for an hour and then departed.
imminent [IM uh nuhnt] adj. likely to occur at any moment;
Her death is imminent.
imminent [IM uh nuhnt] adj. likely to occur at any moment;
Her death is imminent.
infallibility [in FAL uh BIH lih tee] n. exempt from liability to
error, as persons, their judgment, or pronouncements; without
error or mistakes
infallibility [in FAL uh BIH lih tee] n. exempt from liability to
error, as persons, their judgment, or pronouncements; without
error or mistakes
modesty [MOD is tee] n. reluctance to talk proudly about one’s
Her modesty prevented her from bragging about her success.
modesty [MOD is tee] n. reluctance to talk proudly about one’s
Her modesty prevented her from bragging about her success.
omens [OH minz] n. signs of future events
His excellent test scores were omens of great things to come.
omens [OH minz] n. signs of future events
His excellent test scores were omens of great things to come.
paralyzed [PAR uh lyzd] adj. helpless; unable to move
He was paralyzed with fear and lay perfectly still.
paralyzed [PAR uh lyzd] adj. helpless; unable to move
He was paralyzed with fear and lay perfectly still.
precariously [pre KAR ee ous lee] adv. dangerously;
perilously; done with great risk
precariously [pre KAR ee ous lee] adv. dangerously;
perilously; done with great risk
quench [KWENCH] v. put out
To quench the last sparks of the fire, we threw sand over the
quench [KWENCH] v. put out
To quench the last sparks of the fire, we threw sand over the
ravenous [RAH vuh nuhs] adj. extremely hungry; famished;
ravenous [RAH vuh nuhs] adj. extremely hungry; famished;
spurn [SPURN] v. to reject with disdain; scorn; to treat with
contempt; despise
spurn [SPURN] v. to reject with disdain; scorn; to treat with
contempt; despise
sustain [suh STAYN] v. support; maintain; keep up
His excellent study habits helped him sustain his good grades.
sustain [suh STAYN] v. support; maintain; keep up
His excellent study habits helped him sustain his good grades.
vile [VAHYL] adj. wretchedly bad; highly offensive, unpleasant,
or objectionable; repulsive or disgusting
vile [VAHYL] adj. wretchedly bad; highly offensive, unpleasant,
or objectionable; repulsive or disgusting