Senior Seminar Kingston High School– 2012/13 Kyle Nielsen, ( KHS→Students→SeniorSeminar) Course Objectives: Senior Seminar is a required course that enables seniors to fulfill the graduation requirement for Culminating Project and receive a 0.5 credit. The Culminating Project is a presentation of the portfolio which a summation of their career as a student, their high school and beyond plan and their community involvement. All students will be required to complete all of the assignments regardless of their post-graduation plans. Statistics show that it is extremely likely that within a few years after graduation, most high school graduates will enroll in some form of post-secondary education and the assignments for the Culminating Project are designed to prepare them for this and entry into the workplace. Course Requirements: Since class sessions will be used to introduce, clarify and begin working on assignments, attendance at all eleven Senior Seminar sessions is essential. Students are required to attend a minimum of 8 of the 11 sessions for their assigned group. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor if they are absent. Most of the work on the assignments will be completed outside of school hours. Portfolio presentations are scheduled for March 27th in the late afternoon and early evening. Students who do not present at this time or before will be required to complete an extra assignment. Students will not be allowed to present the portfolio until it is complete and checked off by their advisor. All work from the Senior Seminar is to be kept in a 2 or 3 inch 3-ring binder. Portfolio Inclusion Requirements: Goal setting sheet Printed results from online surveys with written reflection Post high school action plan Career exploration paper or job shadow form and reflection College application and college essay Essay reflecting on school experience Resume, job application and cover letter Three letters of recommendation Three best works from senior year with written reflections Confirmation of FAFSA submittal or completion of FAFSA simulation 1040 EZ tax form simulation Local scholarship application Community involvement verification and written reflection All students will be expected to abide by the following: Respect for yourself, other people and the classroom and its equipment. Attend all assigned sessions Have a signed and active District Acceptable Use Policy for computer use and abide by same. Cell phones, text messaging or music listening devices are not to be used during class. Grading: The grade for this class is Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Completion of ALL required components is necessary to receive a Satisfactory grade. Senior Seminar Course Schedule Session 1 Introduction: Course overview, syllabus, calendar, “Setting Goals” Post High School Action Plan Credit Evaluation handed out to be placed in portfolio Assignment: “Setting Goals” Session 2 Assignment: Online assessments and reflection Due: Signed syllabus, setting goals assignment, Session 3 Assignment: Letters of recommendation data and community involvement Due: Online self-assessments results and reflection Session 4 Assignment: Career Exploration research or Job Shadow completion and reflection Due: Recommendation data form and letters of recommendation request sign-off sheet Session 5 Assignment: Post-secondary education exploration and action plan Due: Career Exploration paper Session 6 Assignment: College application, essay and best works Due: Post-secondary education exploration assignment Session 7 Assignment: Essay reflecting on school experience Due: College application and essay Session 8 Assignment: Complete resume, job application and cover letter Due: Essay reflecting on school experience Session 9 Assignment: Local scholarship application Due: Resume, job application, cover letter Session 10 Assignment: Complete FAFSA or simulation worksheet, complete 1040 EZ tax form Due: Community involvement verification and reflection, letters of recommendation Session 11 Assignment: Practice portfolio presentation Due: Local scholarship application, FAFSA verification or simulation worksheet, 1040 EZ form 3 best works from senior year with written reflections This page needs to be completed by both student and parent/guardian and returned by Session 2 I, , have read and understand the Course Description for Senior Seminar and understand that successful completion of this course is a graduation requirement. Student Signature: Date: Student Email (to be used for session reminders): (Please, be sure address is legible) I have read the Course Description and have discussed/reviewed it with my child and understand that the successful completion of this course is a graduation requirement. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Parent/Guardian Phone Numbers: Daytime: Evening: Parent/Guardian Email: (Please, be sure address is legible) For teacher use only for communication with parent/guardian: Date Subject Communication Method