The Wife of Bath`s Tale

The Wife of Bath’s Tale
A long time ago, there was a great knight who loved all the pleasures
of life. One day the Queen told the king that the knight had attacked
her. King Arthur was very angry with him and wanted to cut of his
head. But the Queen asked Arthur to give the knight to them for
punishment. Arthur agreed. The Queen said to the knight that he will
live if he can answer this question: What is it that woman most desire?
The knight travelled through the country, the coast and asked to all
girl what they most desire. One day while he was riding towards the
forest he saw 24 beautiful women, one of them was the ugliest woman
he had ever seen. The ugly hag said to him what was looking for. The
knight answer that he wanted to say what women most desire. The hag
said that if she given the answer he would do anything she asked. The
knight was agree. Came to the court, the knight said to the Queen
that she was ready to give the answer. All women desire to have power
over their husbands. All woman in the court agreed with him. He was
safe! But suddenly the old hag spoke loudly that the knight must merry
Did you understand the Wife of Bath’s Tale?
A. What was the Queen’s question?
What is it that women most desire?
B. What did the knight see in the forest?
Some fairies and an old ugly hag.
C. What did he promise to the hag?
If she will tell him what women most desire he will do everything she
D. What did she ask him to do?
She ask him to merry her.
E. Give three reasons why the knight didn’t love his wife.
Because she is old, ugly and poor.
F. Why was the hag pleased by the knight’s choice?
Because the knight leaves to her the choice.
The Wife of Bath’s life:
A. The Wife of Bath was twelve years old when she was first married.
B. She has had five husbands.
C. Her first three husbands didn’t controlled her.
D. She became rich because of them.
E. She thinks that money is more important than love.
F. Her fourth husband was more difficult to control.
G. She treated him badly.
H. She gave him an poor funereal.
I. She is interested in love.
J. She hasn’t been a good wife to all her husbands.