World TeamTennis Junior Nationals

World TeamTennis Junior Nationals
2015 Katherine Willette Leadership Scholarship
1. Opportunity: The 2015 Leadership Scholarship is an opportunity for junior players who
participated in the 2015 World TeamTennis Junior Nationals in San Diego, California,
July 27- July 30. Each of the winning applicants will receive a $500 scholarship. Two (2)
scholarships will be awarded.
Only those players who were selected by their sectional representative or community tennis
organizational representative to play on a team of 3 boys and 3 girls, representing their section
or community tennis organization, are eligible to apply for the 2015 Leadership Scholarship.
The Leadership Scholarship is NOT related in any way to “on-court performance.”
2. Originality: The essay is to be written by the participant in the event.
OR a video can be created and produced by the participant in the event.
3. Content: The value of the content is 75% of the evaluation process. The essay/video should be
a personal reflection of your Junior Nationals experience pertaining to at least three of the four
following prompts:
Lessons learned
Friendships made
Impact of the coed/team format on the individual player and his/her team
Expressions of a “life changing” experience through participation in the event
4. Length of Video/Essay: The essay must NOT exceed more that 500 words.
OR the video must NOT exceed more than three minutes.
5. Composition and Punctuation: The value of skills in composition and punctuation will be
25% of the evaluation process. The value of skills in creativity, content and delivering a
personal verbal reflection of your WTT Junior Nationals experience will be 25% of the
evaluation process.
6. Font: The essay should be typed in 12 point Times Roman font.
The video should be able to be viewed on a computer.(YouTube Video)
7. Spacing: Use 2x spacing when typing your essay.
Additional Information in order to submit your essay:
1. Complete the “Application Section”
2. Have your parent or guardian sign where indicated to indicate approval of your
submission of the essay to World TeamTennis.
3. The due date for the video or essay to be received is October 15, 2015.
4. Email the video/ Application Page and your essay to Kathy Willette
Reminder: The video or essay is due on October 15, 2015 to Kathy Willette
Did you attach both your application and essay/video to your email to Kathy?
Have your parents signed the application section where indicated?
The WTT Leadership Scholarship will be awarded to one boy and to one girl.
The winning boy will receive a scholarship of $500 from: The Women's Sports Foundation.
The winning girl will receive a scholarship of $500 from: The Women's Sports Foundation.
Enjoy the opportunity and experience and as Billie Jean King would say, “Go For It!”
File: Guidelines for Essay,2015