Teacher: Lucas/Ziegenhorn Transition to Algebra COMMON CORE ALIGNED LESSON PLANS W e e k o f A u g . Date CCLS 09/01/14 NO SCHOOL LABOR DAY Tues 9/02/14 09/03/14 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.910.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Or 6.EE.2.a: Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.910.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a selfgenerated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Or 6.EE.2.a: Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing 2 5 2 9 t h Thurs. 9/04/14 6.EE.2.a: Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing for numbers. 09/05/14 6.EE.2.a: Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing for numbers. What essential skill or enduring Understanding will be addressed: What’s the essential question for the lesson? What instructional strategies & activities are aligned to the essential question? letters standing for numbers. for numbers. Students will: -describe how math skills are used in different careers; -identify math skills used in the career of their choice; -use technology to research careers that require math. OR -translate phrases and sentences in expressions and simplify or solve. What interesting and exciting careers require math? Or How do I translate verbal phrases and sentences into expressions and equations? How do I simplify expressions when given a value for a variable? (Individual) One-half of the students will be given an iPad and the directions and research assignment. They will use Ms. Z's website to follow links about exciting careers that require some sort of math. They will research and answer general and specific questions, narrowing Students will: -describe how math skills are used in different careers; -identify math skills used in the career of their choice; -use technology to research careers that require math. OR -translate phrases and sentences in expressions and simplify or solve. Students will: -identify and combine like terms in expressions. Students will: demonstrate their level of understanding of translating and simplifying expressions and combining like terms. -increase their math reasoning skills. What interesting and exciting careers require math? Or How do I translate verbal phrases and sentences into expressions and equations? How do I simplify expressions when given a value for a variable? (Individual) The students will switch assignments today. Those who were given an iPad yesterday will complete the other assignment and viceversa. (One-on-one) There are several students who are already showing signs of needing RTI. Ms. Z will work with What are like terms? How do I combine like terms? How does the order of operations change my answer? (Individual) Students will view a Khan Academy instructional video about combining like terms, answering questions and recording example problems and solutions. When that is complete the students will demonstrate their level of understanding (Individual) Students will take a quiz. (Small groups) Ms. Z will take a group of students to her room to do progress monitor assessments and remediaion if they have an IEP or just remediation if they do not have an IEP. (Partners) Students that stay with Mrs. Assessment Type: Based on the assessment data, how will student or teacher receive timely & specific feedback? ___formative ___summativ e their search to a career they will report on. OR The rest of the students will practice matching phrases to expressions, then record and solve them when given a value. (One-on-one) There are several students who are already showing signs of needing RTI. Ms. Z will work with them individually during this time. __x_formative ___summative them individually during this time. by doing practice problems on the XL math site. All directions and links will be on Ms. Z's website. Lucas will play 10-pin bowling with dice. They roll three numbers and have to use those numbers and any operations to knock out the numbers 1 through 10. __x_formative ___summative __x_formative ___summative ___formative __x_summative Based on observations and the recording sheets from the translating verbal phrases activity, further intervention may be necessary. The iPad activity will be graded using a rubric and is intended to expose students to the relevance of math in their lives. Based on observations and the recording sheets from the translating verbal phrases activity, further intervention may be necessary. The iPad activity will be graded using a rubric and is intended to expose students to the relevance of math in their lives. Based on the scores today, an intervention group will be formed to work on remediation of this skill with Ms. Z. Data will be recorded as far as which students receive remediation and for which skill. Quizzes will be returned Monday. Further remediation will be planned according to the scores.