Supplemental methods and results All animal procedures were approved by the Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente del República de Panamá (permit # SEX/A-87-06). We placed wild-caught reproductively active frogs (n = 9-11 in each stimulus condition for each sex) in sound isolation chambers for two hours to decrease egr-1 levels to baseline prior to 30 minutes acoustic treatment or 30 additional minutes of sound isolation (silence group). Acoustic stimuli comprised a single exemplar of a natural call of either P. petersi or P. pustulosus, each selected to have acoustic properties close to the mean measures of all calls sampled within the population. These same stimuli were used to demonstrate sex differences in behavioral responses in this species (Bernal et al. 2007). The stimuli were broadcast at 82 dB SPL (re. 20 P) in the center of the chamber at 1 call/second, alternating from two speakers (SME-AFS, Saul Mineroff Electronics, Elmont, NY) on either side of the chamber. Males of this species only vocalize from pools of water, and as no standing water was provided to them, no males vocalized in response to the stimuli. Females in this species do not vocalize. In this experimental chamber, therefore, the behavioral responses of both males and females were limited to locomotive activity, which we recorded under infrared illumination using a PC-6EX-2 IR video camera (Supercircuits, Liberty Hill, TX) connected to a ZR60 miniDV digital camcorder (Canon, Lake Success, NY). We manually scored frog behavior to measure the time spent in motion for each animal (Table S1). We found that the sexes differed in the time each spent in motion in each stimulus condition (two-factor ANOVA, sex by stimulus interaction F2,57 = 6.605, p = 0.003). Following acoustic treatment, we rapidly decapitated animals and froze their heads in liquid nitrogen. We sectioned brains and performed radioactive in situ hybridization to localize egr-1 mRNA as described previously (Hoke et al. 2004, 2005, 2007). We systematically spaced high magnification photomicrographs throughout the superior olivary nucleus (n = 6 images, Fig. S1; Hoke et al. 2005) and four divisions of the torus semicircularis (n = 6-12 images per division, Fig S1; Hoke et al. 2004). We selected sections for analysis based on anatomical landmarks. The cell density in the superior olivary nucleus is fairly low, so we selected three images among the four or five with higher density in the ventral hindbrain. Anatomical appearance of the torus semicircularis changes rapidly over its extent (typically spanning 5-6 sections, of which we measured 4). We selected our first section based on the rostralmost appearance of the laminar, principal, and midline regions. Our next section included the appearance of a ventral cell-sparse region between the principal nucleus and the tegmentum. Our third section was marked by the disappearance of the midline nucleus with continued good distinction of laminar and principal nuclei. Our final section comprised the most rostral section in which a distinct laminar nucleus was no longer visible, and we sampled only the principal nucleus within this section. Within each of these sections, three photomicrographs were spaced by 100 (ventral, midline) or 250 (laminar, principal) microns along the long axis of the toral region (dorsal to ventral for midline, lateral to medial for others) for each toral division present in the section. Due to errors with tissue processing or difficulties in sectioning angle, we excluded individual frogs in which reliable measures could not be estimated in the auditory regions, leaving sample sizes listed in Table S1 for each group. We used custom-made automated image processing methods (Adobe Photoshop) to separate color photomicrographs into portions covered by cells (stained with cresyl violet and thus purple) and portions covered by silver grains (brown-black in our images). The image processing involved manually selecting the color range of the cresyl-violet stained cell bodies, clearing all pixels outside that area covered by cells, and using the thresholding function to contrast area containing cells in black and cellfree areas in white. The color range of the black silver grains was then selected on a second copy of the original photomicrograph after clearing all pixels outside the area covered by cells, then converted to a black and white image using thresholding. We then calculated silver grain density for each photomicrograph, that is, the fraction of the area covered by cells that contained silver grains based on area measurements of the two images representing the cells and grains (Image J). As background levels adjacent to tissue were uniformly low, we did not correct for background silver grain density. We averaged the measurements for each brain region for each individual, and logtransformed the averages to achieve normal distributions (Shapiro Wilks p > 0.05). We tested for sex differences using ANCOVA with log-transformed average silver grain densities for a single brain region as the dependent measure (SPSS 11). We tested for the main effects of sex and stimulus, the interaction of stimulus and sex, and included two covariations: time in motion and a global covariate representing overall activation throughout the brain (Hoke et al. 2007). Because the average egr-1 levels throughout the brain regions we analyzed was correlated with the motor output produced by the individual, we normalized our global covariate so as to avoid statistical confounds (based on Desjardins et al. 2001). To calculate this global covariate, we first normalized silver grain densities measured in 36 brain regions (including the auditory regions in this study) by dividing each measure by the mean of all individuals in that brain region. We then averaged the 36 normalized measures for each individual to give an estimate of relative overall egr-1 levels. These global activity levels were influenced by acoustic treatment and locomotive activity, so we calculated residuals from this activity measure not explained by acoustic stimulus and behavioral response. These residuals, representing whole-brain activity unrelated to stimulus or motor output, were used as the global activity covariate in the ANCOVA analyses. The global activity levels were significant covariates (p 0.001) in all auditory regions except the superior olivary nucleus (p = 0.1). The movement covariate was significant or nearly significant (p < 0.06; Table 1) in all auditory regions except the superior olivary nucleus (p = 0.46). Removing either or both of these covariates from the superior olivary nucleus ANCOVA had only minor effects on the tests for sex, stimulus, or the sex* stimulus interactions, and did not influence our conclusions, thus we present here the full ANCOVA models for all brain regions (Table 1). Similarly, removing the time in motion covariate (p = 0.06) from the ANCOVA model for the laminar nucleus did not alter our conclusions. For the laminar nucleus, we performed post-hoc analyses to compare pair-wise comparisons between stimulus pairs in each sex (sex*stimulus interaction) using uncorrected t-tests of the estimated marginal means (Fisher’s Least Significant Difference procedure). References: Bernal, X. E., Rand, A. S. & Ryan, M. J. 2007 Sexual differences in receiver permissiveness to advertisement calls in túngara frogs, Physalaemus pustulosus. Anim. Behav. 73, 955-964. Desjardins, A. E., Kiehl, K. A., & Liddle, P. F. 2001 Removal of confounding effects of global signal in functional MRI analyses. Neuroimage 13, 751-758. Hoke, K. L., Burmeister, S. S., Fernald, R. D., Rand, A. S., Ryan, M. J. & Wilczynski, W. 2004 Functional mapping of the auditory midbrain during mate call reception. J. Neurosci. 24, 11264-11272. Hoke, K. L., Ryan, M. J. & Wilczynski, W. 2005 Social cues shift functional connectivity in the hypothalamus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102, 10712-10717. Hoke, K. L., Ryan, M. J. & Wilczynski, W. 2007 Integration of sensory and motor processing underlying social behaviour in túngara frogs. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. 274, 641-649. Table S1: Sample sizes and average proportion of time in movement for males and females in each treatment. Acoustic Treatment Females Males Time in Sample Time in Sample motion Size motion Size Silence 0.24 9 0.31 9 P. petersi 0.39 8 0.27 9 P. pustulosus 0.57 11 0.10 5 Notes: One male in silence condition lacked usable sections of the superior olivary nucleus, hence sample size is reduced for that brain region. The time in motion averages above include only those males in which auditory system activity was measured. Inclusion of additional animals (those in which brainstem sections were missing or too angled for accurate identification of location) altered average proportions of time in motion by at most 0.01. Figure S1: We distinguish among three models for the neural basis of sex differences in stimulus selectivity. Black type indicates the presence of a sex difference whereas gray type signifies similar responses in males and females. Black arrows indicate neural pathways that differ in males and females, and gray arrows indicate similar functional relationships in the sexes. The first model posits differential sensory sensitivity, in which sex differences in behavior arise due to sex-specific selectivity in the auditory periphery. The sex differences in selectivity would be apparent at all stages of the auditory and motor pathways. In the sensorimotor gateway model, the lower auditory system functions similarly in males and females, with sex difference emerging at a key site gating which sensory information activates motor control targets. The third model proposes differential motor responsiveness underlies sex differences: auditory processing is similar in males and females, but the influence of auditory regions on motor control regions differs. The lack of sex difference in the superior olivary nucleus and presence in the laminar nucleus is consistent with the sensorimotor gateway model, with the laminar nucleus as the critical site establishing behavioral selectivity for stimuli.