2016 Award Application Syngenta Fellowship Award in Human Health Applications of New Technologies Please use no less than 10 point font, maintain the given margins, and use no more than the specified pages. Name Current Address City/State/Zip Phone FAX E-mail Institution at which research will be performed Department Address City/State/Zip For Graduate Student applicants: List Graduate and Undergraduate Academic Training (most recent first) Institution Dates Title Name of Research Advisor Title Name of recommender 1 Title Name of recommender 2 Degree Area or Major List the other two recommenders, apart from your research director, who will submit letters of reference on your behalf. Please forward the recommendation forms to them. Anticipated date of dissertation defense For Postdoctoral Trainee applicants: Name Postdoctoral Program Director The above signature indicates that the applicant has been accepted into your program or will be accepted if an award is made. Institutional officer responsible for sponsored research programs at which the training will occur Title Name Signature Doctoral Institution If degree is completed If degree is in progress Doctoral Advisor Degree Awarded Date Awarded Degree Anticipated date of dissertation defense 1 Date Your complete application will include: 1. Application form—including a description of research to be performed. Candidates shall articulate how their work provides data that will permit a quantitative basis for extrapolation of the results from animal studies to human at relevant human doses. 2. Curriculum vitae 3. Reprints of up to three representative publications or abstracts if available. The items above are uploaded at the Awards Web site. 4. Letter of reference from advisor. 5. Two additional letters of reference; request that letters of recommendation be sent by recommenders to sothq@toxicology.org using “Syngenta Fellowship” in subject line. Documents #1-3 above will be uploaded via the Awards page of the SOT website at www.toxicology.org no later than October 9, 2015. Send a signed copy of this form to Syngenta Fellowship, c/o SOT Awards Committee, Society of Toxicology, 1821 Michael Faraday Drive, Suite 300, Reston, VA 20190. This must arrive at SOT by October 9, 2015. I have read the stipulations, terms and conditions for the Syngenta Fellowship Award and hereby submit my application to SOT Headquarters. Date Applicant Signature Date Signature of Research Advisor 2 Proposed Budget Syngenta Fellowship Award in Human Health Applications of New Technologies Please provide all information in no more than one page in 10 point font. Applicant Title of Position Budget period (month/year) Salary From From Grantee Institution To From Fellowship Award Salary Fringe TOTAL Other Sources of Funding for Candidate Expendable Supplies (list individual items that cost over $100 each) $ $ $ TOTAL $ Permanent Equipment (over $500) Item Justification Cost $ $ TOTAL $ TOTAL $ Other expenses (list individual items) $ $ Total direct costs Indirect costs (may not exceed 8%) $ $ TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED (up to $15,000) $ Provide an abstract containing a brief description of the project in terms understandable to readers without specialized knowledge in the area of research (maximum length = 200 words). In no more than 1 page, articulate how your work provides data that will permit a quantitative basis for extrapolation of the results from animal studies to human at relevant human doses. 3