The volcanoes of the Andes Mountains of western South America

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Test 2: Physical Geology, EEES 1010-005, Thursday, February 28, 2008
Choose the letter of the statement that best answers the question or completes the sentence and fill
in the corresponding bubble on the computer answer sheet (use a #2 pencil only). If more than one circle
is filled, no credit will be given. All questions have 5 choices A. through E.
Chapter 4: Igneous Rocks
1. The size of the mineral grains composing an igneous rock is a useful criterion for determining
whether the rock is plutonic or volcanic.
2. Which of the following pairs of rocks have similar sizes of mineral grains? Basalt-rhyolite
3. Rocks that are made of minerals rich in iron and magnesium and poor in silica are classified as felsic
4. Which of the following type of rock would most likely be found in Iceland? (Iceland is a volcanic
island along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge) Basalt
5. What types of rocks would you expect to find in the Andes of western South America? Andesite
6. Which is not an extrusive rock? All of the above are extrusive rocks
7. The major difference between intrusive igneous rocks and extrusive igneous rocks is where they
8. The most common igneous rock of Earth’s crust is (Hint: don’t forget the oceanic crust) basalt.
9. Which one of the following minerals does basalt most likely contain? Pyroxene
10. Which one of the following minerals does diorite most likely contain? Amphibole
11. Which one of the following minerals does Granite contain? All of these.
Chapter 5: Volcanoes and Volcanism
12. The largest active volcanoes of the Andes Mountains of western South America are composite
13. ______ volcanoes are steepest near their summits and less steep at the base. Composite
14. Broad gently sloping volcanoes consisting mostly of lava flows are______ volcanoes. Shield
15. Volcanoes most common in ocean basins at mantle hotspots are ________ volcanoes. Shield
16. Small volcanoes, usually less than 300m high, made of mostly pyroclastic materials are cinder cones.
17. Which of the following is not a warning sign of a volcanic eruption? All of these are warning signs of
an impending volcanic eruption.
18. A lava flow with rough, jagged angular blocks is termed aa.
19. A lahar is a volcanic mudflow.
20. Most active composite volcanoes are found in the _________ Circum-Pacific belt.
21. The islands of Hawaii (except the big island of Hawaii) ___________ all of the above are true about
the Hawaiian Islands.
22. In North America the large active volcanoes of the Pacific Northwest (i.e., the Cascades) are
composite volcanoes.
23. In North America the active volcanoes of the Pacific Northwest result from a ________ convergent
plate boundary.
24. Submarine eruptions are indicated by pillow basalts.
Chapter 6: Weathering, Erosion and Soil
25. Most of the earth’s surface is covered by soil and unconsolidated fragments of rock called regolith.
26. Limestone is a rock that is composed of calcite.
27. Hydrolysis of micas forms clay.
28. Which of the following is not a chemical weathering process? frost action
29. Horizon O differs from other soil horizons in that it contains the most humus.
30. The accumulation of angular blocks of rock at the base of a cliff is known as talus.
31. Which of these is an example of mechanical weathering contributing to chemical weathering? Sheet
joints exposed rock to water.
32. Which rock would be the most resistant to chemical weathering? Quartzite
33. Which rock would be the most resistant to mechanical weathering? Quartzite
34. In which of the following environments would chemical weathering be the most rapid? Tropical
35. In which of the following environments would mechanical weathering be the most rapid? Rugged
36. Which of the following is a product of mechanical weathering? Rock fragments
Chapter 7: Sediment and Sedimentary Rocks
37. Most detrital sand is made up largely of the mineral _________ quartz.
38. ________ is the most common sandstone. (Hint: formed at E on slide) Quartz sandstone
39. Compaction and cementation are the main processes in __________ lithification.
40. If a deposit of detrital sediment consists of particles of a uniform size the sediment is considered well
41. What is the depositional environment of quartz sandstone? (Hint: See slide) Beaches
42. What is the depositional environment of limestone? (Hint: not lettered on slide) Shallow tropical sea
43. What is the depositional environment of shale or mudstone? (Hint: not lettered on slide) Deep sea
44. What is the depositional environment of conglomerate? (Hint: See slide) Mountain streams
45. What is the depositional environment of breccia? (Hint: See slide) Talus slopes
46. A rock consisting of clasts between 1/16 of a millimeter and 2 millimeters in diameter is sandstone.
47. A rock consisting of clasts less than 1/16 of a millimeter in diameter is shale or mudstone.
48. A rock including rounded clasts larger than 2 millimeters in diameter is conglomerate.
Extra credit, Chapter 8: Metamorphic Rocks Etc.
49. Which of the following is not an agent or process of metamorphism? Electromagnetism
50. The parent rock of marble is limestone.
51. The parent rock of quartzite is quartz sandstone.
52. The parent rock of metaconglomerate is conglomerate.
53. The parent rock of slate is shale or mudstone.
54. The parent rock of phylite is shale or mudstone.
55. The parallel arrangement of micas and needles of amphibole usually causing the rock to split into
layers is known as foliation.
56. Which is the order of increasing metamorphic grade? slatephylliteschistgneiss
57. Which metamorphic rock is made mostly of the mineral calcite? Marble
58. Regional metamorphism forming large zones of metamorphic rocks are formed at ______ plate
boundaries. Convergent
59. What is the general sequence of rocks in northwest Ohio starting at the bottom? limestone, shale,
60. The oldest rocks in this sequence are limestones.
61. The oldest rocks in Ohio are found in ________ Ohio. southwest.
62. What type of rock is exposed in Lucas County (e.g., in the quarries a few miles west of Toledo in
Maumee and Sylvania)? Limestone
63. Devil’s Postpile of California is an example of _______. columnar jointing
64. A basalt flood would most likely develop columnar jointing.
65. What rock covers many of the buildings on campus? Sandstone
66. What type of rock is used as shingles on Libbey Hall and many other older buildings on campus?
67. What type rock is the dark sculpture (with a hollow steel cylinder near the top) on the mall between
the student union and University hall? Gabbro
68. What rock type did the WPA use to build the old Toledo Zoo structures and other structures of the
1930s found in many Toledo area Metroparks? (hint: inexpensive and local) Limestone
69. What is the most common sediment (soil) composition in Oak Openings and Wildwood Metropark?