Approximately one in four of the UK population will suffer from an
allergy at some point in their lives, according to the British Allergy
Foundation and the number of people affected is increasing by five
per cent each year.
Allergic rhinitis is the cause of seasonal misery for millions of
people all over the world. It most commonly takes the form of hay
fever in the spring and summer, a reaction to hatching dust mites
in the spring or autumn or sensitivity to airborne allergens like pet
hair that can occur at any time.
Hay fever symptoms make an appearance when an allergen such
as pollen triggers a hypersensitive reaction in the eyes, nose,
throat and/or chest. Contact with the allergen sets off the release
of histamine that causes the characteristic inflammation, streaming
and congestion that are so characteristic of a nasty hay fever
reaction. The potential range of symptoms can vary hugely from a
mild sensation of irritation to great distress and discomfort.
Homeopathy is a form of complementary healthcare that works
with our natural healing process and has been successfully used
for over 200 years. The word comes from the Greek and means similar suffering. This refers
to the central philosophy that a substance that can produce symptoms in a healthy person,
can cure those symptoms in a sick person. For example a person suffering from hay fever,
might be given the remedy Allium Cepa (prepared from an onion), because a healthy person
chopping an onion usually experiences watering eyes and irritation. However, the
substances are given in minute doses prepared in a special way to avoid unwanted side
effects, making them safe to use where conventional drugs would be dangerous or
inadvisable (eg during pregnancy or when treating children.
At Helios we receive hundreds of calls and many visitors to our pharmacy shops asking for
help with allergies and by far the most common enquiry is through the spring and summer
months for help with hay fever. Listed below are homeopathic remedies traditionally used for
hay fever. If symptoms persist please contact a qualified homeopath or your healthcare
Helios Hay Fever Combination 30c
A combination remedy for typical hay fever symptoms of irritated eyes and nose, sneezing
etc, and contains Allium Cepa, Sabadilla and Euphrasia.
Mix Pollens and Grasses 30c
A combination made using a variety of pollens from plants, trees and various grasses which
is often used in conjunction with Hay Fever Combination, on its own, or with any other
indicated remedy.
Allium Cepa 30c
This remedy’s symptoms are characterized by a strong burning sensation from the nose and
eyes accompanied by a watery discharge. The eyes are sensitive to light, often red and
irritated, while the nose can become red and sore from the burning, corrosive mucus. There
can be violent sneezing, the voice can be hoarse and there can be a hacking cough. The
kind of hay fever which can benefit from Allium Cepa often comes on worse in spring or
August, is worse for being in a warm room and better off for cool air. One peculiarity of this
remedy is that it particularly affects the left eye or nostril or may start off on the left side and
spread to the right.
Sabadilla 30c
This is a common hay fever remedy, which is most often indicated during the early spring or
at harvest time. There can be persistent sneezing, transparent mucus and an itchy, stuffed
up nose. The eyes can water in the open air, from sunlight or whilst sneezing. Symptoms are
also worse for cold air and there is usually improvement from eating warm food and warm
drinks or from keeping warm.
Euphrasia 30c
This has a long history of use in herbalism for eye conditions so it is no surprise that the main
homeopathic use is for conditions that seem to centre on the eyes. It is useful for very watery
eyes, when the person may feel the need to wipe or rub them constantly. The eyelids
(particularly lower) can swell up and there can be a thick, infected discharge from the eye
itself. There can be the sensation of a foreign body (such as a grain of sand) in the eyes and
they can become very gummed up and sore. The nasal and throat symptoms are less
marked but include watery mucus, which is easily discharged. With Euphrasia the symptoms
are worse for sunlight, at night-time, for windy weather and indoors, and better for the cool,
open air. Euphrasia tincture can also be used as a local eyewash by diluting one drop in an
eyebath of cooled sterile water. It is very soothing for sore eyes at any time – even if using a
different remedy internally.
Arsenicum Album 30c
Arsenicum is indicated in people who have frequent sneezing and a blocked nose
accompanied with a watery discharge. Unlike Allium Cepa the symptoms are worse outside
and better for staying in the house and keeping warm. There can be inflammation of the eyes
with burning and swelling which is somewhat relieved by warm bathing. The right side is
generally more affected than the left and there can be a marked worsening of symptoms
during the night, particularly on lying down. Generally the person requiring Arsenicum may
feel unduly restless or anxious during the attack and find it difficult to get warm – even in hot
Arundo 30c
Hay fever begins with burning and itching of the palate and conjunctiva. Annoying itching of
the roof of the mouth and in the nostrils sometimes with pain at the root of the nose. Initially
the nose can discharge clear mucus, which can then turn green and slimy with lots of
Ferrum Phos 30c
This is a very useful remedy in the early stages of any inflammation. Taken when allergy
symptoms start, it often slows or stops an episode. Symptoms include runny eyes with a
burning or gritty feeling, facial flushing, watery nose and short, hard, tickling cough.
Natrum Muriaticum 30c
The most characteristic symptom of Natrum Muriaticum is that discharges have the
consistency of raw egg white. The catarrh is usually white or clear and watery and can be
extremely profuse. There is often repeated violent sneezing – especially in the mornings, a
loss of smell or taste, and itching in the nose. The eyes can be watery and the throat can be
dry and sore. Hay fever responding to this remedy can often be accompanied by violent,
pulsating headaches made much worse by the heat of the sun, or by increased emotional
sensitivity. The patient may prefer to be alone and feel quite touchy or tearful. In some cases
cold sores can develop around the nose or lips. Symptoms are worse for heat or for lying
down, and can improve for cold bathing, at the seashore, or in the open air.
Nux Vomica 30c
One of the main themes in Nux Vomica is ‘irritability’ which can be seen on the physical or
emotional level. The person who needs this remedy may be cross or oversensitive, and have
acute sensitivity to the slightest odour or particle of pollen. There can be a very stuffed up
nose in alternating nostrils, intense itching of the ears, nose and eyes, and the unsatisfied
urge to sneeze. The face can be very hot but the whole person is often rather chilly. The
throat can feel rough and dry and, if the hay fever continues, the patient can experience
queasiness. This is one remedy to think of particularly if there has been a bad reaction to
antihistamine drugs that have produced a disordered liver or digestion. Symptoms are worse
in the morning, for stimulants such as coffee or alcohol, for strong smells, for becoming
angered. There can be improvement from a short sleep, for eating or a warm drink.
Pulsatilla 30c
This remedy is normally more catarrhal with thick green catarrh produced from the eyes and
nose. The catarrh can become obstructed and leads to sinusitis, nosebleeds or a loss of
smell, although it is often more fluid in the open air. There is a sensation of burning and
dryness in the eyes and the lids can become gummed up, with styes forming. Generally the
person who will respond to Pulsatilla can be emotionally more sensitive, irritable or tearful,
with changing moods. Physical and emotional states can also be very changeable from day
to day. Symptoms are normally worse in the evenings, for the sun, and better for cold
applications and cool, fresh air.
Sulphur 30c
Like Pulsatilla, this remedy can have a lot of thick, offensive catarrh. There can be a general
hot feeling and an aggravation of symptoms from becoming heated. The nose and eyes can
become inflamed with heat and burning sensations. There can be oversensitivity to odors or
changes in temperature. Classically this type of rhinitis can be accompanied by skin rash or
by itching anywhere on the body. The throat can become swollen and the patient can be far
more hungry than usual. Symptoms are worse for bathing, in the late morning, and better for
motion or fresh air.
Wyethia 30c
Intolerable itching felt on the roof of the mouth and behind the nose, sometimes extending
into the throat and ears, strongly suggest the use of this remedy. Everything in the person’s
head feels dry and irritated, but the nose may still be runny.