Ionizer Comparison - Enagic, Tyent, Life and Jupiter

Ionizer Comparison - Enagic, Tyent, Life and
There are a number of websites on the web in regards to alkaline water or
Kangen Water™. Many of these websites tend to misguide or mislead when it
comes to Enagic and the ionizers they produce. Many of these claims are simply
not true or are deceptive by design in an attempt to drive the market to buy
their products.
Listed below are some bullet point truths about Enagic and the SD-501.
Enagic and The SD501
• The first license is issued by Osaka Prefecture that is a Governmental
Agency that is responsible for the province of Osaka Japan. Enagic is the only
water ionizer company in Japan that has a license to build medical quality
• Enagic's Second license was issued by the Minister of Health, Labour and
Welfare Government of Japan. ( This would essentially be the same as our F.D.A.
in America) The license # is 27B2X00070 and recognizes the SD-501 as a MEDICAL
• The Company Enagic™ operates as a O.E.M. (Original Equipment Manufacturer),
which means that Enagic does not outsource any components. They are all made
in-house including the shipping materials.
• One craftsman is responsible for building every water ionizer from start to
finish that increases the quality control significantly. The only device in
Japan that is recommended and recognized by a non-profit organization made up
of over 6,500 Doctors and Surgeons in Japan. Enagic is recognized because its
products are high quality and relevant for hospitals.
• Enagic™ has been awarded Certificate # ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 for its most
environmentally friendly products. These are prestigious awards that recognize
• On April 18, 2004 Enagic received the International Earth Environment
University (IEEU) achievement for outstanding Achievement in the environmental
• The SD-501 has a FULL and COMPLETE WARRANTY based on one condition- that the
electrolysis chamber is kept clean with a citrus cleaning cartridge, applied
twice a year. The first one comes with the machine. (Many companies claim to
have a full 5 year warranty but are either limited or have a number of
• There are no daily, weekly, monthly or yearly limits set as to the amount of
water that can be produced from our machines. You can produce an unlimited
amount of water.
• Enagic™ machines do not shut down from overheating because our machines don't
• Enagic™ machines have twice the flow rate of our nearest competitors. As a
matter of fact, The SD-501 will produce 8-liters/ minute which is almost 3
times the flow rate of the Jupiter. The effective flow rate of the SD-501 is
right around 5 to 5.5 liters/minute. “Effective flow” meaning the flow rate
when the -ORP and alkalinity is not compromised.
• Hard Water is a huge problem with ionizers but not a problem with our
ionizers. Our ionizers can be used in all 50 States of the Union. Usually, hard
water is not a problem. In the event that it is a problem, Enagic will
disassemble and clean the electrolysis chamber for $40.(That is a great deal
when you consider that some of the competitors charges upwards of $800 to
replace their chambers)
• Enagic™ Water Ionizers have a reusable 100% organic citrus acid cleaning
filter that comes with the machine. Refill citrus acid cleaning packets can be
bought for about $1 a packet. This cleaning process will clean and remove the
built up calcium off of the platinum/titanium plates. No other ionizers have
this key function. Do not overlook this feature. This is a HUGE benefit of ALL
of our water ionizers that extends the life many years to come.
• The Enagic ionizers have a minimum life expectancy of 15 to 20 years and
possibly beyond. This is based on Engineering and Results.
• The SD-501 is self-cleaning and will clean after every 15 minutes of use but
will not start self-cleaning if you are using the machine. I have experienced
this many times while filling up 20 to 30 gallons at a time for people who are
drinking the water.
• Enagic's SOLID, DIPPED platinum / titanium plates have a surface area that
is 445% larger than that of Jupiter Aquarius / Orion alone.
• The SD-501 electrolysis chamber has 7 SOLID plates with a total surface area
of 490 sq. in. (7 plates x (7"x 5") x 2 sides). This requires a large 230-watt
transformer. A greater surface area requires a greater heating element.
Side-by-Side Comparison of the SD501 Electrolysis Chamber & those of the
• In comparison, the Jupiter ionizers have a total surface area of 110 square
in. ( 5 plates x (2.75" x 4") x 2 sides) and have a inferior heating element
that requires a maximum of 80 watts of electricity to run.
Also, notice that the chamber has 7 wires that are attached to the side as well
as the screws on the front of the chamber that can be removed for easy
cleaning. Enagic charges $40 to clean the electrolysis plates in the event
that the mineral deposits cannot be removed.
• The Enagic Solid Titanium Plates are DIPPED IN PLATINUM, not sprayed,
resulting in a heavier and more consistent spread of platinum over the plates.
Platinum is one of the more expensive metals at around $1,000 per ounce. The
Enagic ionizers have much more platinum on the plates especially when compared
to those plates that are sprayed vs. dipped. Also, the platinum used is
Medical Grade Platinum (the highest grade platinum available). The special
process by which they make the plates results in a high quality alkaline water
known as Kangen water™. Kangen water™ is able to hold ionized water at its
elevated state longer compared to other ionizer machines using inferior plates
and heating elements.
Oily Pesticides and Insecticides removed.
• The SD-501 makes medical grade true 2.5 pH high acid and true 11.5 pH high
alkaline water as a result of the saline solution stored in the removable
electrolysis enhancer tank. Enagic takes this very seriously as this high acid
water is used for medical reasons within the various hospitals in Japan.
This feature should not be overlooked. 2.5 pH is 50,000 times as acidic as
neutral 7.0 pH and will kill 99.9% of all bacteria, pathogens, viruses, the
Aids Virus Topically and salmonella. 11.5 pH, on the other hand will emulsify
oil-based pesticides off of fruits and vegetables.
Note: The amazing power behind these solutions is the SALT or saline solution
that is added to the water during the electrolysis process. Only Enagic
produces water ionizers that use the salt solution. The saline solution is
necessary in order to produce hypochlorous acid (strong acid) and sodium
hydroxide (strong alkaline).
• All of our water ionizers use transformers. Transformers are used because
they are the most reliable on the market. The SD-501 uses 230-Watt
• Enagic will refurbish and rebuild your titanium/platinum plates for only
$40. This is made available to those who live in very hard water states and who
do not use the citrus cleaner at least twice a year. Very rarely needed but a
good insurance policy from the company just in case.
• Our filters will last up to 3,000 gallons of use. Service centers in 4 U.S.
The Case for Solid Plates
Some Facts:
The primary reason for solid plates is that it is durable and will handle many
years of usage. Also, water tends to erode and break down what it comes in
contact with. The Grand Canyon is a great example of this force.
Additionally, in order to produce high quality alkaline water, it is necessary
to elevate the active hydrogen to a higher elevated state.
Lastly, it is more difficult for mineral deposits to attach to smooth solid
plates thus improving the performance of the machine.
With mesh plates, the calcium binds in the peaks and valleys (holes) of the
plates making it very difficult for the calcium and other deposits to be
Over time, (this will depend on the hardness of your tap water) it becomes very
difficult to remove these mineral deposits off of mesh plates and your ionizer
will become less and less effective and eventually will no longer produce
alkaline water.
The Truth about Life, Tyent & Jupiter Ionizers.
Life, Tyent and Jupiter.
• Not all have a full 5 year warranty but Instead have a 3 to 5 year LIMITED
WARRANTY based on the fact that certain conditions are met.
• Their LIMITED WARRANTY is based on a few conditions. In the case of Jupiter
• In the case of Life Ionizers, they have recently changed their warranty and
considered "High Volume"? A few months ago it read, "THE WARRANTY IS VOID IF
• Very few ionizers produce 2.5 pH high Acid or 11.5 pH strong Alkaline water
even though some websites claim they do. It is simply not true. When you
research the company's websites ( as an example Tyent), they admit that there
water ionizers produce up to 11.0 pH and 3.0 pH water. 3.0 pH acid water will
only kill a certain percentage of viruses, salmonella, etc. The minimum pH
level needed in order to kill 99.9%, needs to be 2.6 or less and 11.5pH is
needed in order to strip oil pesticides off of fruits and vegetables. Life,
Tyent, Jupiter and the other water ionizers cannot reach these necessary pH
• All of these ionizers are built from assembly companies. In other words,
the parts come from different parts of the world and assembled at one location.
Most ionizers today are assembled using this method.
• Overheating is a problem and will automatically shut down their machines.
The manufacturers claim that this is a benefit; however, in reality it is a
flaw in design. Their heating elements use 80 to 90 watts max.
The same manufacturer, Emco Manufacturing (Korea), builds all of the mesh
titanium/ platinum plates by first SPRAYING a large titanium sheet with
platinum (Platinum is expensive $1,000/ ounce) and then cutting into smaller
baseball card sizes. The company then stamps these plates that result in an
inconsistent and thin layer of platinum on the mesh plates.
• Their titanium/platinum plates are stamped mesh. STAMPED MESH PLATES ARE AN
INFERIOR PRODUCT and is a cost savings to the manufacturer. There are websites
claiming that mesh is superior.
• These ionizers are not designed to handle hard water and do not have an
ability to effectively clean off the hard water minerals off of the plates such
as a citrus acid-cleaning filter. Having the ability to clean the hard mineral
deposits is absolutely key in sustaining the life of any water ionizer.
Over time, if this problem is not dealt with, these ionizers will not
effectively produce the life changing ionized alkaline water, that they are
designed to do.
• These companies charge upwards of $800 to replace the platinum/ titanium
electrode plates. Remember Enagic only charges $40.
• Their meshed plates are small in surface area. In the case of Jupiter, the
surface area is only 110 sq. inches.