Dr Ralph Tollrian - Ecologia e Gestão Ambiental

Dr Ralph Tollrian
Email: tollrian@lancaster.ac.uk
Office: B34; Laboratory:
Department of Biological Sciences,
Institute of Environmental and Natural
Lancaster University,
Lancaster, LA1 4YQ,
Tel: (44)1524 594385 (direct line)
Fax: (44)1524 593192
Academic Positions
2004 - present
Reader in Evolutionary Ecology
2001 - 2004 Senior Lecturer (Oberassistent) in Evolutionary Ecology, LudwigMaximilians-University Munich
1995 - 2001 Lecturer (Assistant) in Evolutionary Ecology, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversity Munich
1994 - 1995 Postdoc Max-Planck Institute for Limnology, Ploen
Ph.D. Max-Planck-Institute for Limnology, Ploen
M.Sc. in Biology, University Kiel, Subjects
Research Interests:
Currently my major fields of research are in the area of Evolutionary Ecology, Aquatic
Ecology, Functional Morphology, Chemical Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Population
Ecology and Marine Biology.
A major subject is the study of phenotypic plasticity in predator-prey model systems.
Phenotypic plasticity describes the property of a genotype to form different phenotypes in
response to different environmental conditions. As such it is central to the question how
traits are formed by the interaction of genome and environment. Our research on
phenotypic plasticity integrates many different subjects, e.g. behavioral studies,
biochemical analyses, life-history studies and functional morphological comparisons and
includes collaborative work on physical, genetic, proteomic and neurobiological questions.
Because we study ecological and evolutionary principles we are interested in working with
different species, which in turn allows to answer comparative questions. Our research area
ranges from marine over freshwater to terrestrial systems covering a species range from
protists to vertebrates.
Selected Publications:
W. GABRIEL, B. LUTTBEG, A. SIH & R. TOLLRIAN (in press). Environmental Tolerance, heterogeneity
and the evolution of reversible plastic responses. (American Naturalist).
JESCHKE, J. M. & R. TOLLRIAN (in press). Effects of predator confusion on functional responses
MAIER, E., R. TOLLRIAN, B. RINKEVICH & B. NÜRNBERGER (in press). Reproductive mode and isolation
by distance in the scleractinian coral Seriatopora hystrix. (Marine Biology).
JESCHKE, J. M. & R. TOLLRIAN (2005). Full and lazy herbivores: a critique of the assumption that
animals are usually time constrained. Ethology 111: 187-206.
LAFORSCH, C., W. NGWA , W. GRILL & R. TOLLRIAN (2004). An acoustic microscopy technique reveals
hidden morphological defences in Daphnia. PNAS 101: 15911-15914.
LAFORSCH, C. & R. TOLLRIAN. (2004). Embryological aspects of inducible morphological defenses in
Daphnia. Journal of Morphology 262: 701-707
LAFORSCH, C. & R. TOLLRIAN (2004). Inducible defenses in multipredator environments:
cyclomorphosis in Daphnia cucullata. Ecology 85: 2302-2311.
TOLLRIAN R. &. C. HEIBL (2004). Phenotypic plasticity in body pigmentation in Daphnia induced by
UV-radiation and fish kairomones. Functional Ecology 18: 497-502.
JESCHKE, J. M., M. KOPP & R. TOLLRIAN (2004). Conditions for type I functional responses.
Biological Reviews 79: 337-349.
W ILD, C., R. TOLLRIAN & M. HÜTTEL (2004). Rapid recycling of coral mass spawning products in
permeable reef sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series 271: 159-166.
LAFORSCH, C. & R. TOLLRIAN (2004). Extreme helmet formation in Daphnia cucullata caused by small
scale turbulences. Journal of Plankton Research 26: 81-87.
KOPP, M. & R. TOLLRIAN (2003). Coevolution between predator and prey: inducible offences against
inducible defenses. Ecology Letters 6: 742-748.
KOPP, M. & R. TOLLRIAN (2003). Trophic size polyphenismin the ciliate predator Lembadion bullinum:
costs and benefits of an inducible offence. Ecology 84: 641-651.
TOLLRIAN, R. (2002). It’s not all in the genes. Phenotypic plasticity: beyond nature and nurture
(Invited Book Review) . Nature 416: 584-585.
JESCHKE, J. M., M. KOPP & R. TOLLRIAN (2002). Predator functional response: discriminating
between handling and digesting prey. Ecological Monographs 72: 95-112.
MAIER, E., R. TOLLRIAN & B. NÜRNBERGER. (2001) Development of species-specific markers in an
organism with endosymbionts: microsatellites in the scleractinian coral Seriatopora hystrix.
Molecular Ecology (Notes) 1: 157-159.
PETERSEN, D. & R. TOLLRIAN. (2001) Methods to enhance sexual recruitment for restoration of
damaged reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science 69: 989-1000.
RHODE, S., M. PAWLOWSKI, R. TOLLRIAN (2001). The impact of ultraviolet radiation on the vertical
distribution of zooplankton of the genus Daphnia. Nature 412: 69-72.
LAFORSCH, C. & R. TOLLRIAN (2000). A new preparation technique of Daphnids for Scanning
Electron Microscopy using Hexamethyldisilazane. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 149: 587-596.
JESCHKE, J. M. & R. TOLLRIAN (2000). Density dependent effects of prey defenses. Oecologia 123:
AGRAWAL, A. A. A., C. LAFORSCH & R. TOLLRIAN (1999). Transgenerational induction of defenses in
animals and plants. Nature 401: 60-63.
DE MEESTER, L.; L. J. W EIDER & R. TOLLRIAN (1995). Alternative antipredator defences and genetic
polymorphism in a pelagic predator prey system. Nature 378: 483-485.
TOLLRIAN, R. (1995). Predator induced defenses: costs, life-history shifts and maternal effects in
Daphnia pulex. Ecology 76: 1691-1705.
TOLLRIAN, R. & E. VON ELERT (1994). Enrichment and purification of Chaoborus kairomone from
water: Further steps toward its chemical characterization. Limnology and Oceanography 39:
Book Chapters:
TOLLRIAN, R & S. I. DODSON. 1999. Predator induced defenses in cladocerans, in Tollrian, R. & C. D.
Harvell (Eds.). The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses. Princeton University Press,
Princeton , NJ .
TOLLRIAN, R & C. D. HARVELL. 1999. The Evolution of inducible defenses: current ideas, in Tollrian,
R. & C. D. Harvell (Eds.). The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses. Princeton
University Press, Princeton , NJ .
HARVELL, C. D. & R. TOLLRIAN. 1999. Why inducible defenses?, in Tollrian, R. & C. D. Harvell (Eds.).
The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses. Princeton University Press, Princeton , NJ .
TOLLRIAN, R & C. D. HARVELL (EDS.). 1999. The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses.
Princeton University Press, Princeton , NJ .
The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses (Gebundene
von Ralph Tollrian (Herausgeber), C. Drew Harvell (Herausgeber)
Verfügbarkeit: Erhältlich bei diesen Anbietern.
5 gebraucht & neu erhältlich ab EUR 63,66
Weitere Ausgaben:
Gebundene Ausgabe
Weitere Angebote:
2 gebraucht & neu ab EUR 56,14
Gebundene Ausgabe: 395 Seiten
Verlag: Princeton University Press (Februar 1999)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0691004943
ISBN-13: 978-0691004945
Produktmaße: 15,2 x 22,9 cm
Amazon.de Verkaufsrang: #443.180 in English Books, #1.124.126 in
(Verleger und Hersteller: Erhöhen Sie Ihre Verkäufe)
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Komplettes Inhaltsverzeichnis ansehen
Inducible defenses - those often dramatic phenotypic shifts in prey activated by
biological agents ranging from predators to pathogens - are widespread in the natural
world. Yet, research on the inducible defenses used by vertebrates, invertebrates, and
plants in terrestrial, marine, and freshwater habitats has largely developed along
independent lines. Ralph Tollrian and Drew Harvell seek to change that here. By
bringing together leading researchers from all fields to review common themes and
explore emerging ideas, this book represents the most current and comprehensive
survey of knowledge about the ecology and evolution of inducible defenses.
Contributors examine organisms as different as unicellular algae and higher
vertebrates, and consider defenses ranging from immune systems to protective
changes in morphology, behavior, chemistry, and life history. The authors of the
review chapters, case studies, and theoretical studies pinpoint unifying factors favoring
the evolution of inducible defenses. Throughout, the volume emphasizes a
multidisciplinary approach, integrating applied and theoretical ecology, evolution,
genetics, and chemistry. In addition, Harvell and Tollrian provide an introduction and a
conclusion that review the current state of knowledge in the field and identify areas for
future research. The contributors, in addition to the editors, are May Berenbaum,
Arthur Zangerl, Johannes Jaremo, Juha Tuomi, Patric Nilsson, Anurag Agrawal, Richard
Karban, Marcel Dicke, Ellen Van Donk, Miquel Lurling, Winfried Lampert, Simon Frost,
John Gilbert, Hans-Werner Kuhlmann, Jurgen Kusch, Klaus Heckmann, Luc De Meester,
Piotr Dawidowicz, Erik van Gool, Carsten Loose, Stanley Dodson, Christer Bronmark,
Lars Pettersson, Anders Nilsson, Bradley Anholt, Earl Werner, Curtis Lively, Frederick
Adler, Daniel Grunbaum, and Wilfried Gabriel.
Dr. Ralph Tollrian
Dr. Ralph Tollrian
Lancaster, LA1 4YQ
Fax (44)1524 593192
Lancaster University, Dr. Ralph Tollrian