Anth 130
Group Project
Due Monday, May 24 th
50 points
Cultures are continuously changing, however since the 1980s globalization has had tremendous impact on numerous societies. You will research a culture or specific group of people and report on how globalization has affected the culture. You cannot research the US, Canada, or Europe unless it is an indigenous/ethnic culture found in one of these areas.
For this assignment you will work in groups of 3 people. You may form your own group or I can assign you to a group if you would like to research a specific culture or just need a group.
However, I don’t want groups doing the same culture!!!! Please see me if you were not here when groups were formed and I’ll assign you to one.
Your group will choose a culture to research and present your findings in a 10-15 minute powerpoint (or keynote) presentation to the class. You will give a presentation to the class and turn in an electronic copy of your presentation and notes (typed) for your presentation (these are the notes that you use while presenting the material). Each person in your group is required to present at some point during the presentation
(i.e. you will each present on various aspects of the culture). Therefore, each group member is responsible for your own section of the presentation including the information you gathered in your presentation notes as well as the presentation you give. You will present and turn in one cohesive electronic copy of your powerpoint presentation per group that each group member has contributed to along with each group member’s personal presentation notes. It is necessary to assign each member of your group a topic to present from the information below. You will be graded on both the quality of your presentation as well as the material presented. Your group members will also have a chance to grade other group members. I will give a presentation schedule before the due date with a list of each group. Each group will turn in an electronic copy of your presentation as well as your individual presentation notes on the due date (May 24).
Each group member will turn in their own presentation notes but the only 1 powerpoint presentation will be turned in for the group.
Powerpoint presentations must be emailed to me. You will also load your presentation on the class computer on the day of your presentation. You must turn-in a paper copy of your notes!!!! It is extremely important to attend class on the day of your presentation as make-ups are nearly impossible and your group is counting on you!!!!!
In your research/presentation you must include background information about the culture including who they are, where they live, their subsistence, and three of the following: gender roles, economic systems, sex and marriage, family organization, kinship organization, political organization/warfare, spirituality and religion, or art. Preferably, the three cultural institutions will somehow articulate with the section on culture change and globalization (i.e. globalization affects some part of a culture so you could present traditional characteristics of the culture and how they have changed or may possibly change due to globalization). Also, address whether the culture is embracing or resisting these changes and the general affects of globalization. You should assign each group member a topic to research and present, but remember that the presentation needs to be integrated in both form (only 1 electronic version of the presentation where each member contributes their part to) and content (you need to integrate the components
of the culture and how the culture is/has changed to form a well-organized study). You must include a title slide with each group member’s name.
You must also include a bibliography as your final slide in your presentation. You also must include the Electronic Human Relations Area Files (EHRAF) as one of your sources. This source is available through the Brooks Library Catalog (just search
EHRAF). If your culture is not found on EHRAF please see me and we’ll find another source!!
Other sources can include books, ethnographies, websites, videos (including YouTube and documentaries), articles, and interviews.
Grades will be based on your presentation as well as content. I will use your presentation notes to grade content, therefore these should be well organized with all of the information that you will present to the class. Incomplete presentation notes (i.e. only large bullet points with no details) will receive low grades on content. Each group member will turn in their own presentation notes but the only 1 powerpoint presentation will be turned in for the group.
Powerpoint presentations must be emailed to me. You will also load your presentation on the class computer on the day of your presentation. You must turn-in a paper copy of your notes!!!!
Here is a list of possible cultures for ideas to get you started. You may not present on cultures that we have studied in-depth in this class including the Mosuo, Yanomami, Kayapo, and
Trobriand Islanders. This is not a complete list. You may choose a culture not on this list! :
Bari–S. America
Gabra- N. Africa
Inuit- Arctic
Saami- Scandinavia
Aka- Central Africa
Mbuti- Central Africa
Ju/hoansi (!Kung/San)- S. Africa
Any group in Papua New Guinea
Chuckchi- Siberia
Masaii- E. Africa
Mayans (present day)- Mexico/Guatemala
Nuer- E. Africa
Any Native American group
Tibetans in Highland Himalayas
Tai Dam (Black Tai)- Laos/Vietnam
Bakhtiari- Iran
Bedouin- much of Middle East
Australian Aborigines
Maori-New Zealand
Bibliographies should be in the following format:
For websites :
No Author
1997-2008 EHRAF collection of ethnography: a world of cultures at your fingertips.
Human Relations Area Files, Inc., New Haven, CT. Accessed 5 March 2009. Available from . or
Author last name, first initial.
Published date. Webpage title. Publisher/location. Accessed date. Available from
For Interviews:
Smith, John
2009 Interview conducted in the Student Union Building, Central Washington
For articles :
Smith, John
2003 The Evolution of Male Strategies. Evolution and Human Behavior
10(3): 213-245.
For books :
Smith, John
2003 The Evolution of the Eye. Harper and Collins; New York.
For lectures :
Smith, John
2003 Lecture 4. Biology 102, Harvard University.
Be Sure to Practice!
Meet with your group and practice your delivery in front of each other with the PowerPoint presentation. As the audience member offer constructive criticism as well as those aspects that were good. You will have to go through it a few times to really feel comfortable. This will also ease your fears in front of the class (or at least make it more tolerable)! You can also practice your own part by yourself.
Time yourselves so that you stay within the 10-15 minute time limit.
Make sure you face the audience, maintain frequent eye contact, and talk slowly and loud enough so that those in the back of the room can hear you.
Use Notes
Don’t write out your presentation word for word (you’ll get lost or just end up reading and not looking at the audience) but use notes so that you feel comfortable and don’t get lost.
Visual Design
Make an outline of your presentation with a clear introduction (what it’s about), background information, and effects of globalization, with a conclusion that ties together all of the different parts.
Keep your PowerPoint slides short, to the point, with large font. Font sizes should be at least 32 pt for titles and 24 pt (but preferably 28 pt) for points so that the audience can read them.
Use visuals that enhance your topic such as photos, graphs, tables, maps, etc. These help the audience stay engaged and convey concise information.
Limit the number of slides that you have. You should have no more than 8-10 slides for a 10minute presentation (excluding your title and bibliography).
Model your Presentation After your Favorite Prof or Public Speaker
Use techniques s/he uses to keep the audience members interested and engaged.
Don’t use techniques that you find BORING.
Relax! - Everybody has to do this and is feeling the same pressure.
Other useful websites
Anth 130
Group Project Grading Rubric (50 pts)
Student Name and Culture
Class Presentation 25 points
Delivery (10 pts)
Do you feel comfortable with the delivery (is it clear that you have practiced)?
Do you stay within your time limit?
Do you face the audience, maintain frequent eye contact, talk slowly and loudly?
Use of notes (5 pts) (are you reading, get lost, or need notes?)
Visual Design (10 pts)
Are the slides clear, to the point, with large enough font?
Visuals (good, not appropriate, none)?
Adequate number of slides (too many or too few)?
Is there a title and bibliography slide?
Content (Material Presented) 25 points
Did you provide appropriate details about your section in the presentation/notes (or do you need to include more details about the culture? (10 pts)
Did you somehow articulate your section with globalization/culture change? Is your part clearly integrated into the rest of the presentation? (10pts)
Did you include EHRAF as one of your sources (unless cleared by me) and follow the bibliographic format that I provided? (5pts)
Anth 130
Grade your Group Members
Please give to me by Tuesday, June 1
Please ID your group by providing the Culture you presented on as well as the first names of those in your group in the space below.
You will grade each group member based on the following criteria:
-Did they regularly meet with the group when meetings were scheduled?
-Did they come to meetings with information/research and notes?
-Did they provide meaningful and insightful contributions toward the integration of the group project?
-Were they respectful of other group member’s thoughts and ideas?
Please list the name of each group member and a letter grade for each based on the above criteria (A/A-, B+/B/B-, C+/C/C-, D+/D/D-, F). You may provide comments with your evaluation.
Name Grade Comments