STUDENT LEARNING ASSESSMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY FORM AY 2011-2012 Degree and Program Name: B.S. Biological Sciences Submitted by: Dr. Gary A. Bulla Associate Chair, Biological Sciences PART ONE: What are the learning objectives? 1. Students will demonstrate the ability to perform basic laboratory techniques. How, where and when are they assessed? Committee/person responsible? Assessed during laboratory exercises and examinations, independent research projects, undergraduate theses, and exit surveys. Laboratory course instructors, faculty research mentors and on-site internship supervisors. 2. Students will demonstrate the ability to conduct a research project using scientific principles and methods, then interpret their results in terms of current theories and issues in the biological sciences. During investigative labs in BIO core courses, students will conduct research projects and write summary reports; by conducting original, independent research projects. Course instructors and faculty research mentors. What are the expectations? What are the results? How will the results be used? Committee/person responsible? -80% will demonstrate appropriate lab skills in each BIO core course which has a laboratory component; -75% of graduating seniors will agree or strongly agree that they have the laboratory skills to be employed; -evidence of proper techniques in research projects and theses. -Scores from laboratory competency final exams in BIO core courses given in Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 indicate that 73.8% of students demonstrated acceptable lab skills. -Exit surveys issued to graduating seniors in 2012 showed that 71.4% of students agreed that they had adequate preparation for research. -Faculty will be informed that BIO did not expectations for laboratory competency nor student-rated preparedness. This aspect should revisited by the Curriculum and Assessment committees and mechanisms sought for improvement. - EWP submissions will average 3.5 or above in critical writing samples in BIO courses --50% of graduating seniors will conduct original research -25% of graduating seniors present results at a research conference. -EWP papers submitted for Bio core courses received average ratings of 3.2/4.0 (3.28 EIU Ave) ; -23 of 32 (72%) seniors indicated that they had conducted independent research on the exit survey. -24.5% of graduating seniors present results at a research conference. -Investigative reports were graded by faculty; exit surveys were tabulated by the Assessment Committee; Chair monitored research presentations. -Total number of students engaged in research was at quite strong (87%) for the academic year. -Benchmark of 25% or graduating senior presenting at meeting met. Curriculum Committee. Continue to encourage faculty increase student research. Curriculum Committee and Bio faculty 3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of key principles, terms, and theories in the four subfields of biology covered by the BIO core curriculum: cell biology, molecular biology and genetics, organismal biology, ecology and evolution. The Major Field Test (MFT) was not issued to seniors during Spring Semester 2008 – 2011, but will be administered in FY13. 4. Students will demonstrate the quantitative and analytical skills to analyze data sets generated by biological experiments and surveys. Bio3101 (Molec. Cell Biology) lab grades and rubric , exams and research projects; capstone course (BIO 4984), MFT subscore in Analytical Skills section, Watson-Glaser Tests. Instructors in BIO core (BIO1200, 3120, 3800and capstone courses; AC chair (MFT test); EIU Testing Service (Watson-Glaser Test). 5. Students will demonstrate the ability to critically read and evaluate research papers and review articles in the biological sciences. Research report written for inclusion in writing portfolio; term paper written for senior capstone course (BIO 4984); analytical subscore on MFT. Instructors in BIO core courses and the senior capstone course. MFT scores tabulated and reported by AC. Previous data showed mean total score for EIU students were above the 50th percentile, including subject subscores in cell biology, molecular biology and genetics, organismal biology, and ecology and evolution. No new results were generated. However, majors have exceeded the goals in all content areas during 3 of the past 4 previous years that the exam was administered. -80% will rate “good” or better using rubric4 -80% will demonstrate proficiency by attaining grades of C or higher in BIO3101- a laboratory techniques course. -80% will demonstrate proficiency by attaining grades of C or higher on laboratory finals. -Mean analytical MFT subscore above the 50th percentile for seniors nationwide. -Watson-Glaser scores exceed the EIU mean. -Rubric deemed inadequate to assess student information -80% will demonstrate proficiency by attaining grades of C or higher on research report and term paper. -Mean analytical subscore for MFT above the 50th percentile. 48 of 55 (87%) of students earned grades of C or higher on BIO 4984 capstone term paper. -MFT not administered this year,; will be re-initiated next year BIO was awarded the Provost.Integrative Learning May 2011. Monetary award will be used to fund a limited number of Major Field Test for FY12. Assessment Committee. -73% of students earned grades of C or higher on laboratory finals in the BIO core courses. -Watson-Glaser were similar to previous tears, 26.6, near the EIU mean of 25.9. BIO majors have consistently scored above the national average. The faculty, Assessment Committee, and Chair will continue to monitor these scores, but no curricular revisions will be recommended for next year. Reports and term papers have been satisfactory. Reports are graded by individual instructors and reviewed by Chair. PART TWO: Summarize changes and improvements in curriculum, instruction, and learning that have resulted from the implementation of your assessment program. While this section should focus on the current academic year, some departments may find it useful to discuss trends in longitudinal data. I. Major Field Test: Results and Trends Due to cost, the MFT has not administered since Spring 2007. The Department of Biological Sciences was awarded the Provosts’s Integrative Learning Award in 2011. Some of the award will be used to administer the MFP to a subset of students in FY12. II. Exit Surveys: Results and Trends (Appendix 1) Thirty two seniors submitted exit surveys this year (65 % of the spring graduating class). Surveys were distributed to students by email using Survey Monkey. Obvious strengths regarding BIO faculty included knowledge of subject, organization, helpfulness, attitude, (94% agree rate in each category) and laboratory exercise appropriateness (78% agree rate) . Concerns identified include (as in past years) helpfulness of academic advisors and helpfulness of BIO faculty in career choice (56% and 56% students gave positive ratings, respectively), although ratings improved substantially from t2 years ago in the latter category (from 29%). Students involved in research projects showed strong positive responses to academic preparation, equipment availability, research interest and value of the research experience. 73% indicated that the research experience increased desire to pursue a graduate degree. Assessment of facilities by students were mixed, with appropriateness of laboratory equipment and degree of modern technology in the laboratories falling to ~74% in both categories. Participation in honor societies, Botany Club, and the Fish and Wildlife Ecology Club has maintained at ~74%. Importantly, nearly all respondents (97%) reported that they made the right choice in selecting the Biological Sciences. Internship experiences were mixed, with a clear decrease in ratings of on-site supervision and preparation for graduate school or job placement success (dropping from 100% in both categories to 73% and 83%, respectively) compared to previous years. III. Curriculum: Reviews, Changes and Prospectus Exit Survey- Biological Sciences began administering the exit survey electronically via Survey Monkey in 2010, but response rate was initially low. This year, the survey was sent out during finals week to increase participation, and the response rate increased substantially (from 39% to 81%) In addition, survey questions were expanded to assess post-graduation plans and student comments about the program. Biology Forum (BIO 1050) course was added to the BIO core four years ago, and thus most graduating students would have taken this course. The course is designed to provide a broad overview of career paths and employment opportunities in the biological sciences. It is too early to assess the influence of this course on career choice impact. Graduating students agreeing with that career assistance was provided was 56% (up from 29% two years ago, but remains an area of concern. Thus, it is difficulty to determine the effectiveness of this course at this time. Integrative learning- The Department of Biological Sciences was awarded the Provost’s Integrative Learning Award in 2011 for high impact experiences. Starting in FA12, BIO will be using this money to administer the MFP to a subset of students. . Student research experiences in BIO are at an all-time high, with 72% of graduating students completing at least one semester of research. Bio faculty will be encouraged to increase student research opportunities. Curriculum change- A group of BIO faculty was awarded a $7K Proposal Initiative Fund (PIF) grant from the Office of Grants and Sponsored Research to acquire preliminary data for submission of a large grant proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF) designed to broadly improve the BIO curriculum. The PIF project , entitled Using Inquiry-based Learning Modules to Vertically Integrate Core Biological Concepts into the Biology Majors Curriculum, including $2500 to hire an outside consultant to develop assessment tools for this program. An on-site visit by tow assessment experts occurred in FA11. Curriculum has been incorporated into Bio3120 and Bio3800, two majors courses , and will be expanded into freshman biology and biostatistics. .The projected NSF grant will include $45K for assessment. This proposal is designed to implement inquiry-based learning techniques to bring integrative learning to our core biology curriculum. It includes a vertically integrated curriculum to reinforce the concept that modern biological research requires input and skills in different sub-fields within biology. Appendix 1: RESULTS OF Undergraduate Student Exit Survey, 2001-2011, Department of Biological Sciences, Eastern Illinois University Background: The Assessment Committee in the Department of Biological Sciences prepared this survey and administered it to graduating seniors in the spring semesters of 2001-2011. The following represents the summary of these responses. Surveys are on file in the Department. Student Profiles: Sample Size 2002 2003 25 2004 31 2006 26 Percentage conducting Undergraduate Research 44 39 46 Percent conducting Internships 28 29 35 2007 15 2008 25 2010 20 2011 17 2012 27 32 47 48 40 58 40 72 33 36 35 29 60 40 Student Satisfaction: Students were asked to respond to the following questions concerning their experience as an undergraduate Biological Sciences major. The rating choices were coded by number as: 0 = strongly disagree; 1= disagree; 2=undecided; 3=agree; 4=strongly agree. No surveys were issued in 2005. Current year’s results highlighted with bold print. Percent Responding Agree or Strongly Agree _______ 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 I. Overall relationships with departmental personnel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Biological Sciences faculty have a good understanding of their subjects. Faculty were organized and prepared for their classes. Faculty were concerned about students and willing to help help them outside of class. Faculty enjoyed teaching and had a positive attitude towards students. The laboratory exercises presented in my lab classes were modern, well-organized, and appropriate. My academic advisor was knowledgeable and helpful. 96 97 100 100 88 87 94 81 96 80 87 81 84 56 74 52 81 65 100 100 100 100 93 93 96 92 95 95 88 100 100 100 80 88 85 76 87 65 95 84 87 80 75 54 97 100 94 94 100 94 85 78 55 56 7. The Department of Biological Sciences provided me with assistance in deciding on a career. 8. My graduate student teaching assistants were knowledgeable and helpful II. 24 52 35 64 74 48 85 87 60 29 92 90 49 76 56 87 86 9. My academic preparation for research was adequate. 10. Equipment and information available were adequate to conduct research. 11. My research supervisor was available to guide and assist me in my independent research. 12. I found the research experience to be interesting. 73 73 Percent Responding Agree or Strongly Agree___________ 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 67 67 57 75 80 80 71 87 67 73 86 100 85 80 71 82 60 83 73 83 83 80 89 81 87 60 67 55 71 83 80 100 83 87 13. My undergraduate research experience has better prepared me for graduate/professional school or my chosen profession. 14. My research experience increased my desire for a grad. degree 73 83 55 71 60 67 27 15. Information was readily available to help find an interesting 54 and valuable internship. 16. My internship was a good complement to classroom experiences 90 in the major. 17. My internship has prepared me for graduate school, or made me 89 a more attractive job candidate. 18. My internship on-site supervisor was supportive and knowledgeable.70 56 33 78 57 71 100 89 67 29 100 71 65 65 71 68 74 73 81 62 93 93 87 92 92 92 53 55 73 93 88 80 ND 71 90 81 100 92 100 ND 48 40 35 39 70 75 60 20 36 44 III. IV. Overall undergraduate research experience (if applicable) 20 83 85 80 78 62 71 62 73 55 Overall internship experience (if applicable) 14 71 67 80 78 100 100 100 100 100 57 83 60 65 58 62 83 83 83 100 84 75 85 ND* 90 ND 100 ND 89 74 74 84 81 87 Overall state of facilities, equipment, and books 19. Laboratory space was appropriate for the labs presented. 20. Laboratory equipment was adequate to meet my educational needs. 21. Modern technology, including up-to-date computers, was adequate to meet my needs. 22. EIU's library system provided, or obtained through interlibrary loan. most of the materials needed for research or courses. 23. I found EIU's Textbook Rental System to be desirable over purchasing my textbooks. V. 67 100 96 84 77 87 General (if not applicable, do not respond) 24. I participated in Botany and/or Fish and Wildlife Ecology Club activities which was a good experience for me. 25. I was initiated into Phi Sigma Honor Society and/or Tri-Beta Honorary Society, and recognize its purpose to acknowledge 45 30 78 75 69 65 74 63 2012 my academic achievement. 26. I made the right choice deciding upon a Biological Sciences major. 68 84 92 93 100 100 94 96 97 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Not Done Questions added to exit survey in 2011 Percentage Post graduation plans (sample size) 2011 (26) 2012 (32) 1. Work in a profession related to Biology 53 33 2. Work in a Profession unrelated to biology 0 3 3. Enroll in a graduate program 7 33 4. Enroll in a health-related profession 39 30