POSTGRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECTS BUDGET APPLICATIONS GUIDELINES AND INSTRUCTIONS ALL students must submit a budget request to the Research and Graduate Studies (RAGS) Committee before any funds will be approved for research. A file of all spending is kept on each campus. The budget application should be carefully constructed to ensure sufficient funding for the project you wish to complete. Your supervisor will assist with this process. The student and the supervisor MUST sign the application. There is a RAGS pigeon hole at each campus. Each budget is for the current year only regardless of when application occurs. At the end of November each calendar year budgets revert to a zero balance. Procedure 1. Discuss budget application with your supervisor 2. Application form is available on the HDR website The attached guidelines will help you complete the form. 3. Discuss final application and ensure it is signed by your supervisor and yourself (keep a copy!) 4. Place application in the RAGS pigeon hole at your campus (Warrnambool students submit to Geelong campus). 5. You will be notified by email within 7-10 days of submitting the application. Guidelines Please use the following guidelines when completing the application form. Only budget items listed below will be considered. Note travel will not be funded. 1. A separate document is required for each student. 2. Use the following categories: (a) Postage (b) Reply paid postage costs (this is postage back into University) (c) Printing and Stationery (d) Telephone (e) Equipment/Materials (f) Subject payment (only in special circumstances) (g) Online questionnaire development (h) Travel (i) Advertising 3. If you have approval in your budget to purchase psychological tests for your research project you will need to see Joanne Buchanan for an order form, you complete the details and then return the form to Joanne who then will order the test for you. Psychological Tests purchased from your research budget belong to the test library and must be returned to the test library when the project is completed. 14-9-2010 INFORMATION REGARDING BUDGET ITEMS POSTAGE: No budget request needs to be made for out-going mail. This is currently funded by the School from other sources. However, the cost of postage for Reply Paid into the University must be accounted for in your budget. The costs of envelopes, both out-going and Reply Paid, also need to be included in your budget. See attached Stationery Price List. REPLY-PAID ENVELOPES: Students using reply-paid envelopes for their research must ENSURE THEIR NAME IS CLEARLY WRITTEN IN THE LEFT-HAND CORNER ABOVE THE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY. If this is not included then replies will not be sent directly to you and may in fact be lost or discarded. This is a costly exercise and should be treated with due consideration. STATIONERY: See attached list for stationery, postage and printery costs. Funding is not normally provided for stationery items other than listed. Budget funding is not provided to photocopy research articles. EQUIPMENT: Minor equipment/materials and test materials will normally be funded. Equipment requests must be accompanied by a precise specification and a written quotation including GST. Major equipment requests will be considered on an individual basis by the Committee. PERSONNEL: Funding will not normally be provided for assistance with data collection, tape transcription, data coding or analysis. It is expected that the student will undertake such tasks as a necessary part of their project. However, support will be considered in some circumstances which may include a requirement for more than one person to be present during data collection, the necessity for an experimental confederate or assistant, and the necessity for inter-rater reliability. Funding requests in this area must be accompanied by a strong rationale and will be considered on an individual basis by the committee. TELEPHONE: Telephone calls for recruitment or interview purposes can be made from within the School and, as such, will not be separately funded. If a phone-in number is required for participants to contact you in response to your questionnaire, you can request a ‘virtual phone line’ (in your budget) at the cost of $32 per month. When you are finished with our ‘virtual phone line please advise Joanne Buchanan so it can be deactivated. SUBJECT PAYMENT: People will not normally be paid for their participation in student research projects. Payment, in the form of an honorarium (maximum amount of $10.00 per subject) not an hourly rate, may be made under circumstances such as where the requirements are especially arduous or unusual (i.e., experimental studies or long (2 hours) interviews. A full justification and the proposed honorarium must be made in a written document, which will then be considered by the RAGS Committee. If subject payment is approved by RAGS then the following procedure applies: A form (similar to the one attached – Statement of Participation) should be prepared and signed off by each participant. An honorarium can be paid to the subject either at the time of the research or by 14-9-2010 cheque at a later date. It is important to have the name of the participant, the date the subject attended and the time taken to complete this should be kept by the student and then stored with the other confidential data for the same period required by the university. ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRE DEVELOPMENT: Online questionnaires are charged at $3.50 per item. Hence, a 100-item questionnaire would cost $350. For more complex designs, such as a questionnaire with multiple versions, extra charges may apply. Any changes to the questionnaire once it has been developed will incur further costs and may require an amended budget be submitted. Additional costs once the questionnaire has been developed are: new items charged at $3.50, while changed items are charged at $1.00 each. CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Students who present their thesis work at a conference will be eligible for up to $500.00 providing they provide proof of their attendance and acceptance of their abstract. Additional funding up to a total of $1,000 may be considered based on the student’s publications and whether the conference aligns with the strategic research direction of the School. Please attach a list of publications. TRAVEL Students are not able to claim for mileage. However, other travel (ie to collect data) may be claimed in exceptional circumstances. Students need to provide a clear and detailed rationale for this request. ADVERTISING. Students may be able to receive funding for advertising if other methods of participant recruitment have not been successful or a large sample is required. Details justifying the request needs to be provided. Advertising costs up to a total of $700.00 will be considered and in special circumstances this may be extended to $1,000. RECEIPTS Original receipts (stating actual purchases if possible) are ESSENTIAL for any item approved in your budget which you have purchase yourself. Payment will not be made without originals. Please note: Eftpos receipts are NOT official tax invoices. Therefore please ensure you receive a formal receipt/tax invoice - if eftpos receipts are submitted you will not be refunded. If you wish to claim travel you will need to get an itinerary from either Campus Travel for international and domestic travel or Reho Travel for international travel only. This itinerary then needs to be forwarded to Annmarie James in the psychology general office who will place an order for your travel. You will not be reimbursed for travel if you pay for it yourself. This may seem tedious at the time but is essential to expedite the payment process and also to ensure that you have accurate records of your spending with relation to your research projects. These skills will also serve to ingratiate you with all administration staff in your future careers. Additionally eftpos receipts are NOT official tax invoices. The actual receipt/tax invoice stating what the items are that was purchased must be submitted when claiming reimbursements. EFTPOS receipts are not tax invoices and will not be accepted. Please note: Claims must be made in the same calendar year that the expense occurred. PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF YOUR SUBMISSION FOR YOUR OWN RECORDS. 14-9-2010 STATIONERY COSTS - 2012 Standard Envelopes Small Envelopes (DL)(120 x 235mm) Box 500 $19.76 (.04c each) Medium Envelopes (C5)(229 x 162mm) Box 500 $37.80 (.08c each) A4 Envelopes (324x229mm) Box 250 $26.87 (.11c each) B4 Envelopes (353 x 250mm) Box 250 $34.20 (.14c each) Small Envelopes (DL)(120 x 235mm) Box 500 $95.00 (.19c each) Medium Envelopes (C5)(229 x 162mm) Box 500 $120.00 (.24c each) A4 Envelopes (324x229mm) Box 250 $95.00 (.38c each) Reply Paid Envelopes REPLY PAID COSTS Return rate for mail via Deakin University Mail Room: DL size envelope All other size envelopes $0.60 cents $1.20 each DEAKIN PRINTERY COSTS Plain white paper: 6c Single sided 9c Double sided Coloured paper: Pastels: 7c Single sided 10c Double sided Binding: Tape Comb Wire Bright Colours: 8c Single sided 10c Double sided - $2.00 per book (including plastic cover) - $3.00 per book (including plastic cover) - $1.50 per book (including plastic cover) 14-9-2010 POSTGRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECTS BUDGET APPLICATION FORM DATE: PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDELINES BEFORE FILLING THE FORM OUT. MAXIMUM PAGES – 2. COURSE: PhD NAME: TITLE OF PROJECT: SUPERVISOR: CAMPUS: DPsych EMAIL: Coursework Masters SYNOPSIS OF PROJECT: (MAX 1 page description) PREVIOUS FUNDING If you have had previous funding for your project could you provide the amount and the year that you received this funding. REQUESTED BUDGET ITEMS: (A detailed budget statement that includes at least the cost of each item, the number of items required and the total cost - delete items not applicable to your project): POSTAGE (INCLUDING REPLY PAID POSTAGE): PRINTING AND STATIONARY: PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS/MINOR EQUIPMENT: PERSONNEL (under special circumstances): TELEPHONE: SUBJECT PAYMENT: (under special circumstances). CONFERENCE FUNDING: TRAVEL (under special circumstances). ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRE DEVELOPMENT. ADVERTISING. 14-9-2010 DETAILED BUDGET RATIONALE: (A justification for each budget category that includes at least a rationale for the number of items required, the type of equipment and its purpose) TOTAL AMOUNT: SIGNATURE FROM STUDENT AND SUPERVISOR: Student Supervisor 14-9-2010