Mental Health Unit Notes Chapter 5

Mental Health – Unit 5 – Notes
Mental Health - Lesson 1 - Mental and Emotional Health
Mental/Emotional Health: The ability to _________________ yourself and others, adapt to
and ________________ emotions and deal with the demands and ____________________
you meet in life
Characteristics of people with good mental/emotional health:
 Positive ____________________________
 Sense of _________________________ – emotional attachment to others, you feel a
part of the community
 Sense of _________________________ – recognize your own value
 __________________ outlook
 _____________________ – having the ______________________ to make YOUR OWN
decisions. (independence)
Personality: A complex set of _____________________________ that makes you
Mental Health - Lesson 2 – Devoloping A Positive Identity
Personal Identity: Your sense of yourself as a __________________ individual
 Your Personal Identity Includes:
Likes and dislikes
______________________ and abilities
Values and beliefs
Your _________________________
Developmental Assets: The __________________ blocks of ___________________ that help
young people grow up as ___________________, caring and ___________________________
– External (Experiences around you)
 _________________________
 Empowerment
 Boundaries and __________________________
 Constructive Use of ______________
- Internal (things that guide you)
 Commitment to ________________________
 Positive Values
 Social Competencies
 Positive ___________________________
Mental Health - Lesson 3 – Understanding Emotions
 Emotions: __________________that tell your mind and body how to _____________
 Hormones: _______________________ secreted by your glands that regulate the
activities of different body cells.
 May cause you to swing quickly between extreme emotions such as
___________________ and _______________________
 ___________________ emotions such as happy and jealous can be confusing
 Hostility/Anger
 ______________________ – common reaction to being emotionally hurt or
physically harmed
 Can result in violence
 ______________________ - The intentional use of unfriendly or ______________
 A hostile person is ___ – ___ times more likely to die from ______________
Mental Health - Lesson 4 – Managing Emotions
 Emotions: Emotions are neither good nor bad, but how you ________________ to them
will affect your health!
 Positive Ways of showing emotions:
• Express emotions by talking about your _______________________
• Body ____________________ and facial expressions
 Negative Ways to Handle Emotions
• Keeping them bottled up ___________________
• Pretending __________________________ are not there
• ____________________________ hurting someone
- Negative expressions of feelings can worsen the situation and create new
 Defense Mechanisms: subconscious processes that _________________________ an
individual from unacceptable or painful ideas.
• Suppression – _______________________________ or restraining
• Repression – involuntary pushing of unpleasant feelings out of
• Denial – unconscious _________________________________________ of
something that is obvious to others
• Projection – attributing your feelings or faults to ______________________
____________________ or group
• Idealization – seeing ______________________________ as perfect, ideal or
more worthy than everyone else
 Managing Anger
• Identify the underlying source
• Do something to ________________________
• ________________________ your energy
• _________________________ to someone you trust
• Get some ________________________________
Mental Health - Lesson 5 - Mental Illness
_________________________________An illness of the mind that can affect the
_________, feelings, and _________________ of a person, preventing them from leading a
happy, healthful, and _________________
 People with Mental Disorders: Are often identified by their________ to cope in
 20% of the U.S. population (__________) are
 Of the 20% of _______________________ who suffer from mental health problems only
 Some feel ______________________________
 Some worry about the stigma __________________________________
 ________________________: is caused by a physical illness or an ___________that affects
the brain
 Disorders may result from ________________________________
 __________________________: has a psychological cause and does not involve
 May result from ________________________________________
 Anxiety disorders – _________________________ __________________
 Mood Disorders – ____________________________________________
Anxiety Disorders:
1._______________: A strong and _________________ fear of something specific
2.______________________– being trapped in a pattern of ______________ thoughts or
3._______________________– sudden, unexplained feelings of __________
4._______________________________– a condition that may develop after exposure to a
________________ that threatened or caused _________________
Mood Disorders:
1._____________________________ – feelings of sadness, ________________ or despair that
lasts _____________________ and interferes with daily interests and activities
2._________________________ – experiencing extreme _________________, energy levels
and behavior
 Manic-depressive disorder: “highs and lows”
Manic Symptoms
Severe _____________
Very _____________
Talks too fast
High _________________
Depressive Symptoms
Preoccupation with __________
Loss of _______________
____________ Complaints
Low ____________ Level
Change in ___________________
Other Disorders
1._____________________-psychological pressures, possible genetic factors, obsession with
2.________________________-a pattern of behavior in which the ___________________ or basic social
rules are violated (lying, theft, aggression, violence, truancy, arson and vandalism)
3._______________________-severe disorder in which a person loses contact with ______________
Personality Disorders:
1._____________________________ disorder-tends to be irritable, ______________, impulsive,
2._____________________________________ disorder-frequently experience a series of
3._______________________________________ personality disorder-often uncooperative, they resent
being ____________________, yet rely on others’ direction
Mental Health - Lesson 6 - Therapy
 Seeking____________: Asking for help is a sign of ____________________
 People with mental disorders often __________________ get better ________________
 Talking to a ____________________ and unloading a _____________ is a great relief
Mental Health Professionals:
__________________________ –a physician who ______________and treats mental
disorders and can _______________________________
_____________________________-a physical who specializes in _______________disorders
of the brain and ___________________ systems
_______________________________-diagnoses and treats ____________ and
_____________________ disorders
_______________________-helps people with personal and _______________matters
______________________________-specializes in the ___________________________,
emotional, and behavioral problems of schoolchildren
Therapy Methods:
___________________________ongoing dialogue between a ________________ and a
mental health _______________________
___________________________-focuses on changing _____________________ through
rewards and ____________________________
__________________________-designed to identify and correct _____________ thinking
______________________-treating a group of people who have ______________
_______________________-use of certain ____________________ to treat or reduce the
_____________________ of a mental disorder
Mental Health – Lesson 7 – Understanding Death and Grief
 Understanding Death and Grief
• ______________________- dealing successfully with difficult changes in your life
• _______________________ – Your reaction to a major loss
• _______________________ – acceptance of a loss
• _______________________ – the act of showing sorrow or grief
• _______________________ - An individual’s total response to a major loss
- These will be unique based on:
 The situation
 The individual
 Past experiences
 The Grieving Process: The purpose of the grieving process is to ______________
_______________ (acceptance of a loss)
The stages of grief reflect a variety of reactions that may occur as people work
through the _______________________
Stages of Grief:
1. _______________________ – the person cannot believe the loss has occurred. This
part of the process protects the person from being overwhelmed by his or her
2. _______________________ – reactions that come with the recognition of the loss and
often involve periods of crying, which is important to the healing process
3. _______________________ – feeling powerless and unfairly deprived, the person may
lash out at whatever is perceived to be responsible for the loss. Sometimes a general
resentment toward life sets in.
4. _______________________ – the reality of the loss becomes clear, the person may
promise to change if only what was lost can be returned, even for a little while.
5. _______________________ – this is beyond the natural feelings of sadness, feelings of
isolation, alienation and hopelessness occur as the person recognizes the extent of the
6. _______________________ – the person may become preoccupied with thoughts
about what he or she could have done to prevent the loss or make things better
7. _______________________– this stage can involve a sense of power, allowing the
person to face reality in constructive ways and make significant and meaningful gestures
surrounding the idea of loss
8. _______________________ – the person eventually reaches a point when remembering
becomes less painful and he or she begins to look ahead to the future
 Coping:
Things you can do to help cope with the death of a relative or friend:
- Show ______________________
- Be there
- Share ______________________
- ___________________ about experiences
Effective Coping Mechanisms for Disaster/Crisis
- Spend _______________ with people
- Discuss your _______________________
- _____________ Right
- ________________________
- __________________
- Do something positive to help the _____________________
Vocabulary Terms to Study for the test:
Grief response
Developmental asset
Behavior therapy
Personal identity
Conduct disorder
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
Mental disorder
Mental/emotional health
Cognitive therapy
Eating disorder
Biomedical therapy
Constructive criticism
Group therapy
Anxiety Disorder
Defense mechanism
Clinical Psychologist
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Mood disorder
Other things to study:
What are some signs that a person needs help with a mental or emotional problem?
Ways to cope with Disasters or Crises