
Yorkhill Hospital Library
Current Awareness Bulletin
Neonatal Nursing
March 2007
Most of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland Elibrary.
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Jan Manson
Forrester Cockburn Library
Royal Hospital for Sick Children
G3 8SJ
Tel: 0141 201 0794
A. C. G. Breeze, C. C. Lees, A. Kumar, H. H. Missfelder-Lobos and E. M. Murdoch.
Palliative care for prenatally diagnosed lethal fetal abnormality, Archives of
Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol.92 Iss.1; p. F56-58 Article
*Ashoka D. Chowdhury, Martin H. Hussey and David B. Shortland. Critical overview
of the management of neonatal jaundice in the UK, Public Health, Vol.121 Iss.2;
p. 137-143 Article
*Eva Cignacco, Jan P. H. Hamers and Lilian Stoffel, et al. The efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions in the management of procedural pain in
preterm and term neonates: A systematic literature review, European Journal of
Pain, Vol.11 Iss.2; p. 139-152 Article
L. Clerihew, T. L. Lamagni, P. Brocklehurst and W. McGuire. Candida parapsilosis
infection in very low birthweight infants, Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal
and Neonatal Edition, Vol.92 Iss.2; p. F127-129 Article
*Sharon Cone. The Impact of Communication and the Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit Environment on Parent Involvement, Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews,
Vol.7 Iss.1; p. 33-38 Article
Jennifer A. Dawson, Peter G. Davis, Colm P. F. O'Donnell, C. Omar F Kamlin and
Colin J. Morley. Free-flow oxygen delivery to newly born infants, Archives of
Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol.92 Iss.2; p. F132-134 Article
*Kenneth J. Ellis. Evaluation of body composition in neonates and infants,
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Vol.12 Iss.1; p. 87-91 Article
N. Evans, J. Hutchinson and J. M. Simpson, et al. Prenatal predictors of mortality
in very preterm infants cared for in the Australian and New Zealand Neonatal
Network, Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol.92
Iss.1; p. F34-40 Article
Orsolya Genzel-Boroviczeny, Tamara Seidl, Esther Rieger-Fackeldey, Jan Abicht
and Frank Christ. Impaired Microvascular Perfusion Improves With Increased
Incubator Temperature in Preterm Infants, Pediatric research, Vol.61 Iss.2; p. 239242 Article
M. Pamela Griffin, Douglas E. Lake, T. Michael O'shea and J. Randall Moorman.
Heart Rate Characteristics and Clinical Signs in Neonatal Sepsis, Pediatric
research, Vol.61 Iss.2; p. 222-227 Article
Neil Marlow and A. Bryan Gill. Establishing neonatal networks: the reality,
Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol.92 Iss.2; p. F137142 Article
Michel, Dejode Fabrice and Vialet JeanMarc, et al. Tunneled central venous
catheter for neonates: A simple technique for prolonged indwelling central
catheters in intensive care, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Vol.8 Iss.1; p. 37-39
Julee Oei and Kei Lui. Management of the newborn infant affected by maternal
opiates and other drugs of dependency, Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health,
Vol.43 Iss.1-2; p. 9-18 Article
*Kathie Records. A Critical Review of Maternal Abuse and Infant Outcomes:
Implications for Newborn Nurses, Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, Vol.7
Iss.1; p. 7-13 Article
Janet Rennie and Geraldine Boylan. Treatment of neonatal seizures, Archives of
Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol.92 Iss.2; p. F148-150 Article
Karen E. StC Hamilton, Margaret E. Redshaw and William Tarnow-Mordi. Nurse
staffing in relation to risk-adjusted mortality in neonatal care, Archives of
Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol.92 Iss.2; p. F99-103 Article
W. Tin and S. Gupta. Optimum oxygen therapy in preterm babies, Archives of
Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol.92 Iss.2; p. F143-147 Article
Setthy Ung, Sue Woolfenden, Anna Holdgate, Marian Lee and Melissa Leung.
Neonatal presentations to a Mixed Emergency Department, Journal of
Paediatrics & Child Health, Vol.43 Iss.1-2; p. 25-28 Article
Parental / Family Involvement
*Linda C. Amankwaa, Rita H. Pickler and Junyanee Boonmee. Maternal
Responsiveness in Mothers of Preterm Infants, Newborn and Infant Nursing
Reviews, Vol.7 Iss.1; p. 25-30 Article
*Maryann Bozzette. A Review of Research on Premature Infant-Mother
Interaction, Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, Vol.7 Iss.1; p. 49-55 Article
*Lois C. Howland. Preterm Birth: Implications for Family Stress and Coping,
Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, Vol.7 Iss.1; p. 14-19 Article
*Jacqueline M. McGrath, Maria Thillet and Lindsay Van Cleave. Parent Delivered
Infant Massage: Are We Truly Ready for Implementation? Newborn and Infant
Nursing Reviews, Vol.7 Iss.1; p. 39-46 Article
*Elizabeth R. Moore and Gene Cranston Anderson. Randomized Controlled Trial
of Very Early Mother–Infant Skin-to-Skin Contact and Breastfeeding Status,
Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, Vol.52 Iss.2; p. 116-125 Article
*Evelyn P. Parsons, Janet T. King, Janet A. Israel and Don M. Bradley. Mothers’
accounts of screening newborn babies in Wales (UK), Midwifery, Vol.23 Iss.1; p.
59-65 Article
*Howard Heiman and Richard J. Schanler. Enteral nutrition for premature infants:
The role of human milk, Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Vol.12 Iss.1; p.
26-34 Article
*Christian V. Hulzebos and Pieter J. J. Sauer. Energy requirements, Seminars in
Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Vol.12 Iss.1; p. 2-10 Article
*Liza H. Kunz and Janet C. King. Impact of maternal nutrition and metabolism on
health of the offspring, Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Vol.12 Iss.1; p.
71-77 Article
*Josef Neu, Nicholas Hauser and Martha Douglas-Escobar. Postnatal nutrition and
adult health programming, Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Vol.12 Iss.1;
p. 78-86 Article
*Samuli Rautava. Potential uses of probiotics in the neonate, Seminars in Fetal
and Neonatal Medicine, Vol.12 Iss.1; p. 45-53 Article
*Raghavendra Rao and Michael K. Georgieff. Iron in fetal and neonatal nutrition,
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Vol.12 Iss.1; p. 54-63 Article
* These articles are accessed via Science Direct. The links provided here will take
you to the abstract of the article. To obtain the complete article, select the link for full
text or pdf on the right hand side of the screen. Then select ‘Athens Login’ and enter
your Athens username and password. This will take you to the Science Direct home
page. Now use the back button to return to the article abstract and once again select
the link to full text or pdf. Please contact your local library if you are unable to access
any of these articles.