V P CIRENCESTER LIVESTOCK MARKET REPORT TUESDAY, 15th JUNE 2010 93 REARING CALVES Voyce Pullin Auctioneers, Valuers & Rural Surveyors £440 - £500 (120 – 135pkg). STEERS / BULLS Age Age £ p/kg Vendor 15 20 538 645 154 136 Highleadon Court Temple Bridge 10 – 15 13 14 – 15 350 358 405 149 112 126 A & M Highman Temple Bridge Highleadon Court B Blue 7 11 – 13 12 23 560 655 565 665 142 154 164 136 Temple Bridge P & S Bennett P Scott H J Caswell 6 11 – 15 440 460 160 115 W Pearson & Son P & S Bennett Simmental 7 10 – 14 548 485 166 147 M & P Slinger Temple Bridge 12 – 15 25 430 745 129 154 M & P Slinger Temple Bridge Limousin 8 – 12 12 – 14 13 – 14 15 15 – 18 23 – 26 26 – 27 605 580 690 740 595 710 755 183 140 166 128 149 131 135 W Pearson & Son P Scott J & C Elliott P Scott Highleadon Court H J Caswell H J Caswell 8 – 10 12 – 14 13 – 14 13 – 17 27 29 37 428 350 588 480 692 742 770 156 132 147 141 133 137 133 W Pearson & Son P Scott J & C Elliott Highleadon Court H J Caswell H J Caswell P Scott Blonde 12 – 14 13 9 – 13 15 – 16 24 608 595 555 635 870 143 135 150 149 150 P Scott Temple Bridge L J Box & Son Highleadon Court A & W Hancock 13 – 17 24 46 492 775 840 137 155 116 Highleadon Court A & W Hancock R Groves 7 8 – 10 10 10 16 – 18 21 – 26 12 – 20 27 31 240 490 510 530 655 628 275 405 480 178 166 155 147 162 141 106 100 95 F & M Candy W Fowler & Son W Pearson & Son Temple Bridge R Pollard Temple Bridge A & M Highman R Brittain R Brittain 8 10 15 – 19 280 512 625 127 153 136 Temple Bridge Temple Bridge R Pollard Hereford 10.30 am – Auctioneer: Jon Pullin Overall Average £171.00 A very pleasing entry of mainly good quality calves on offer with the trade obviously a bit easier than last week’s flyer, however all calves still very dear. Dairy Breeds (19): Best £90+ peaking at £102 for J G Tunley £90 for J D Wright & Son, mediums rears £50 - £70 plainer sorts £27-£35. A tidy run of Swedish reds to £75 and £135 from W F Fisher weaned calves from T T & H Barber, £140 per head. Native Breeds (27): Only one Hereford bull on offer first through the ring and making £230 for J W H Ball. Angus bulls sold to £212 and £200 for F E White & Sons with a run of young bulls £102 - £140 from D W & S R Ingles. Hereford heifers saw twins from C & E Best make £175 and £165 Angus heifers traded to £130 for F E white a run of medium heifers from D W & S R Ingles traded £90 - £110. Good weaned Hereford heifers from C G Davies, Minsterworth made £258 £280. Simmental (16): Bulls on a par to last week reaching £350for W J & M M Hunt, £328 & £320 for Stroud Green. Medium bulls £200-£250, small and plain bulls £130-£160 well sold for size. Best heifers reached a strong £280 for Stroud Green Farms. Best £218 - £242 average £204. Limousin/Blonde/Saler (21): Best Limousin bulls to £280 from T J & A Rawlings, best £250+ average £218. Blonde heifers to £195 for J W H Ball. Saler heifers to £250 for A J Matthews weaned Limousin heifers from C g Davies sold to £335. Weaned Blonde x steers from F D J Bennett & Son twice to £280, heifers from same home to £215. Belgian Blue (10): Few around today. Mixed quality. Medium bulls to £250, 1st quality heifers to £288 for R H & M E Oughton how also sold weaned Blue heifers to £400. More needed for a very keen audience. 15 BEEF COWS & CALVES 11.30 am - Auctioneer: Jon Pullin A good entry sold to a firm trade with a Simmental cow (03) & her Longhorn x bull calf (03/10) to £1080 from M/s A Brodie & Son, Whitbourne and a Limousin cow (02) & her Longhorn x bull calf (04/10) to £1000 from the same home. Their Longhorn grazing cows sold to £785 (108p/kg). HEIFERS Prices in Italics are for Bulls £ p/kg Vendor Charolais Angus Friesian THURSDAY, 17TH JUNE 2010 605 PRIME LAMBS 10.00 am – Auctioneer: Chris Voyce Overall Average –165p/kg As in most years the trade takes a big dip Three Counties Show week with low trades reported everywhere this week and a big drop in the deadweight price. Today’s sale included the Three Counties Show Live & Dead lamb competition and saw a wonderful show of quality forward. The best handyweight lambs traded between 180 – 200p/kg with the Champion lambs topping at 292p/kg £111for 38kg from Mr J T Hartland. The general run of lambs just starting to lack a touch of finish were harder to place trading between 155 – 170p/kg. MORE NEEDED EACH WEEK All sheep publicly weighed and can return home if not satisfied with the price. Kgs (Not able to do this deadweight) All EID tags read and recorded for you Vendor £ p/kg 30 34 37 38 38.5 39 40 40.5 43.5 51 J De Lisle Wells W & C Martyn Son A Goscombe J T Hartland P & C Houldey J De Lisle Wells P R Baker G H Williams & Son R Richins R Richins 200.0 206.0 181.0 292.0 192.0 179.0 205.0 183.0 172.0 151.0 213 STORE CATTLE 11.30 am - Auctioneer: Jon Pullin Averages: Steers £547, Heifers £491 A pleasing number forward up 52% on the corresponding week last year. The entry saw mostly smaller cattle forward with a good trade throughout. The Continental x steers (24 – 30mnths) were very short in supply with the quality lacking. The better shaped sorts traded over £700 topping at £755 (135p/kg) for Limousin steers from Mr H J Caswell, Wanborough. The strong Continental heifers were also very short supply and sold to a good trade with the better sorts over £700 topping at £900 (102p/kg) for an overage British Blue from M/s A Brodie & Son, Whitbourne. The farming cattle (18 – 24mnths) saw a mixed show of cattle forward with the steers in short supply trading over £720 for the better shaped sorts topping at £870 (150p/kg) for Charolais steers from M/s A & W Hancock, Slad. The general run of Continental steers traded between £650 - £700 (125 – 135p/kg). The heifers (18 – 24mnths) were also a firm trade with the few stronger, better shaped sorts over £650 topping at £775 (155p/kg) for Charolais’ from M/s A & W Hancock, Slad. The younger steers (12 – 18mnths) sold to a very good trade with the best Continental steers selling between £650 - £690 (135 – 160p/kg) topping at £740 (128p/kg) for a Limousin steer from Mr P Scott, Minety. The general run of Continental steers traded between £520 - £600 (125 – 145p/kg). The native breeds saw Aberdeen Angus steers to £655 (162p/kg) from Mr R Pollard, Brownshill. The younger heifers (12 – 16mnths) saw the better shaped sorts trading between £525 - £580 generally topping at £625 (154p/kg) for Aberdeen Angus heifers again from Mr R Pollard, Brownshill. The general run of heifers traded between 60.00 70.00 67.00 111.00 74.00 70.00 82.00 74.00 74.80 77.00 210 CULL EWES 10.30 am – Auctioneer: Chris Voyce Overall Average - £59.04 A reasonable entry saw a stronger trade with the best Suffolk & Continental ewes traded between £80 - £90 topping at £94 with the best Mules £60 - £65. The half meated ewes still met a good trade selling generally between £50 - £60 with the plainer & smaller sorts £40 - £50 generally. Slaughter rams sold to £70. SHEEP VENDORS PLEASE NOTE All Sheep vendors we ask if you could kindly complete the new sheep declaration form (As well as your AML1 Sheep Licence) to accompany all sheep to market. The form deals with the new Food Chain Information, FABBL Status & is also the auction sheet. If consigning Prime lambs & Cull ewes please complete 2 forms. Voyce Pullin Markets Ltd Cirencester Market (Weekly – Tuesday & Thursday) – Tel: 01285 869911 Fax: 01285 869333 Lydney Office: 01291 680068 Oldbury Office: 01454 269486 Voyce Pullin V P Auctioneers, Valuers & Rural Surveyors 4 BEEF CATTLE 11.30 am – Auctioneer: Jon Pullin Finished cattle desperately short due not only to time of year, but the fact that many of our regular suppliers are under TB restrictions giving the direct buyers even greater scope to squash prices and reduce farmers margins on cattle. Colin and Josephine Smart sold 400 kg Blonde heifers at 116p with a run of Friesian and Norwegian Red bulls from Bruce Willis 435-440 kg well sold at 105p, 120p and 126ppkg. Plenty of demand, and Vendors could do well to try and few cattle back through the ring at Cirencester. 34 BARREN COWS & OTM CATTLE 11.30 am – Auctioneer: Jon Pullin Cows 111p/kg Steers 132p/kg Heifers 122p/kg One of the best shows of quality barrens and older steers and heifers seen for some time with a superb trade to match. 6 buyers around the ring battling for every beast resulting in a superb trade for all types on offer. Overage steers saw 710kg Limousin from M Organ make 140p providing a reminder to farmers not to squander under finished cattle just because they are close to time. There was no penalty for weight with this beast and I am uncertain that deadweight would have produced such an excellent price. Colin Smart sold Highland steers to 123p and overage heifers topped at 128-134p for 640/660 kg. Angus from Eric Gash. Blue heifers from S R & W Ball, Charfield made 129p. M A Maslin sold their Simmental bull 910 kg at 118p grossing £1073. In the cow section, trade was similarly buoyant with 21 of the 24 on offer acheiving over 100p pkg. Plain Friesians traded 73-80p the medium fleshed cows very well sold 93-95p 600-690kg cows. S R & W Ball consigned quality beef cows topped by a 1 st quality Belgian Blue cow 700 kg at 170p per kg. Limousin cows trade 130-140p from the same home with lesser shaped Continental x cows 110-116p pkg. The Friesian trade was also strong. Top was John and Angela Livalls cow weighing 650kg at 117p (£744) with P J & S R Bennett completing a good week of sales with their Friesians at 106p (twice), 108p and 109p. Their 830 kg cow grossing just short of £900. Medium Friesian traded 95-102ppkg and only 1 cow under 93p. Next Thursday 24th June is a special sale of barren cows with further numbers required for an expectant ring of buyers. Please contact Jon Pullin for further details VENDORS PLEASE NOTE We are a Green TB Exempt Market on a Thursday; This means Cattle can be sold without a pre movement TB test. Cattle can return home if unsatisfied with the price The only cattle we cannot accept are from holding under TB restrictions or under a 6 day standstill SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL CIRENCESTER MARKET FODDER 200 Tons 2009 Clamped Grass Silage Close to Gloucester (south) for sale as a whole removal 1 month Please contact Jon Pullin, Oldbury Office FORTHCOMING SALES COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL 30 Dexter Cows & Calves (Mostly Purebred) 25 Dexter x Heifers (15 – 25mnths) Available as Herd or can be split FOR SALE BY INFORMAL TENDER THE CLEARANCE OF ANDOVERSFORD LIVESTOCK MARKET SITE Including 2 Buildings, Cattle Pens, Sheep Pens & Weighbridges Further Details contact Chris Voyce at Lydney Office THURSDAY, 8 TH JULY Cirencester Monthly Poultry, Eggs & Equipment (12.30 pm) & Pig (10.30 am) Sale Day Always the 2nd Thursday in the month Thornbury Machinery Sale FRIDAY, 9TH JULY This year’s sale to be conducted as an evening sale. Pre-entered lots on the day with sale to commence at 5.00 pm (in conjunction with David James & Partners) MONDAY, 12th JULY (7 pm) Annual Thornbury Standing Straw Sale At Hazel Farm, Alveston FRIDAY, 16TH JULY (11 am start) GENUINE DISPERSAL SALE At Croft Farm, Upton St Leonards, Gloucester, G4 8DE 13 Vintage Tractors, JCB Loadall, Foden Lorry, 2 Jeeps, 3 Chevrolets, Landrover, Range of Vintage /Spares Including: Fordson Standard N (Brockhouse Conversion), Fordson N Narrow Wing, Fordson N Wide Wing, Fordson E27N, Fordson Diesel Major (54), Early David Brown 990, Int Standard W6, Int 966 Farmall, Fergy T20 Diesel, JD 4010 (60), Newman WD2 (Horticultural), Allis Chalmers Model U, Leyland 253 (72), JCB 52558 Farm Special plus Loadall, Foden “Mickey Mouse” Tipper Lorry, Ford GPW Jeep, Willy’s MB Overland Jeep, 3 No 4x4 Chevrolet Trucks, Landrover SWB Series 2 (59) Reg SWV 48 Diesel Conversion, 3T Coventry Climax Forklift, Mercedes 300D (84) Reg B63 SDF, BMW 525 Auto; Mercedes 190. Spares: Merc 4 cyl, Commer 2 Stroke, & BMC 2.5 and 2.2 Diesel Engines, Fordson Spares, Selection of Tractor Weights, Caravan, L/Rover Spares, Muir Hill spares, 2 x Fergy Ploughs, 3 x Fergy Cultivators, 2 Trailed Ploughs, Logsplitters, 2 x PTO Post Hole Borer, 6 No Lister Engines, Trailers etc. Entered: Allis Chalmers B Petrol/TVO – show condition SATURDAY 7TH AUGUST 2010 CIRENCESTER MARKET Rare, Minority & Traditional Breed Show & Sale Of Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Goats & Poultry Incorporating the Annual Breeds of Gloucester Show & Sales for the Gloucester Cattle Society, Cotswold Sheep Society & The Gloucester Old Spots Pig Breeders Club. Entries Close 2nd July 2010 All Rare, Minority & Traditional Breeds Welcome including Cross bred & Store Stock sections for all breeds. FRIDAY, 13TH AUGUST 2010 CIRENCESTER MARKET Gloucestershire Sheep Fair Entries Close 29th July 2010 FRIDAY, 27TH AUGUST 2010 CIRENCESTER MARKET Gloucestershire Store Lamb Sale Entries Close 13th August 2010 FRIDAY, 10th SEPTEMBER 2010 CIRENCESTER MARKET Gloucestershire Sheep Fair Entries Close 27TH August 2010 THURSDAY, 16TH SEPTEMBER 2010 CIRENCESTER MARKET Cirencester Sheep Fair incorp Texel Society Show & Sale Entries Close 8th September 2010 SATURDAY, 25th SEPTEMBER 2010 Special September Poultry Sale Sale of Trio’s & Pairs of Fowl & Bantams, Domestic & Ornamental Ducks, Geese & Waterfowl, Eggs & Poultry Equipment also Special Sale of Bulbs, Shrubs & Plants SATURDAY, 30th OCTOBER 2010 Special October Poultry Sale Sale of Trio’s & Pairs of Fowl & Bantams, Domestic & Ornamental Ducks, Geese & Waterfowl, Eggs & Poultry Equipment also Special Sale of Bulbs, Shrubs & Plants WORK OPPORTUNITIES NEW ZEALAND Wanted – 2 x Tractor Drivers for August – December on large dairy farms in the North Island Contact Mike Cluley for further information Voyce Pullin Markets Ltd Cirencester Market (Weekly – Tuesday & Thursday) – Tel: 01285 869911 Fax: 01285 869333 Lydney Office: 01291 680068 Oldbury Office: 01454 269486