Collective Nouns Grammar Exercise: Middle School

Collective Nouns
__Collective Nouns_________
A collective noun names a group of individuals.
The family struggled through the crowd to see the band.
Underline the collective noun in each sentence.
Example: Marie shocked the audience with her final words.
1. A panel of scientists debated the probability of life on other planets.
2. An outlandish sketch of an imaginary Martian amused the audience.
3. The performance of the team improved tremendously after the speech given by the coach.
4. Pickett led his brigade in a daring charge at Gettysburg.
5. William Shakespeare wrote his plays for one particular company of actors.
6. A pair of swans swam lazily around the lake.
7. The captain ordered new uniforms for the crew.
8. Christopher wants to join the army when he is eighteen.
Collective nouns can have either a singular or a plural meaning. When referring to the group
as a unit, the noun has a singular meaning and takes a singular verb. The team works on its
defensive plays. When referring to the individual members of the group, the noun has a plural
meaning and takes a plural verb. The team go to their individual lockers. To help you
determine whether a collective noun in a sentence is singular or plural, substitute the word it
for the collective noun and any words used to describe it. If the sentence still makes sense,
the collective noun is singular. If you can substitute they, the collective noun is plural.
Underline the collective noun. If it is singular write a S on the line and if it is plural write
a P on the line.
9. The group received first place in the competition. ______
10. The crowd in the club danced the entire night. ______
11. The gaggle of geese made a tremendous racket. ______
12. The students were given a range of choices on the test. ______
13. After the program, the band played an encore. ______
14. The family received a memento of the event. ______
15. The jury returned to their seats. ______
16. Company came to dinner last night. ______
17. A majority of the players voted to cancel the game. ______
18. The infantry fought from a dangerous position. ______
Writer’s Choice Grammar Workbook 8, Unit 2
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Grammar Exercise Workbook pg. 4-5
Writers Choice Grammar and Composition
Nouns and verbs always must show agreement in sentences.
Remember that the English language uses final -s in two different ways:
-s added to a noun means plural
s added to a verb means singular
Underline the collective noun and the verb form in parentheses that best completes
each sentence.
Example: The band (puts, put) their instruments away after practice.
19. The barbershop quartet (knows, know) their individual parts.
20. The audience (gives, give) the singer a standing ovation.
21. The class (report, reports) on their chosen topics.
22. The math department (decides, decide) which classes they will teach.
23. Boy Scout Troop 10 (raises, raise) money for a camping trip.
24. The Supreme Court (rules, rule) on many of its cases each year.
25. The wolf pack (decreases, decrease) in size after a hard winter.
26. City council (goes, go) to their respective seats before the meeting begins.
27. The flock (flies, fly) in a southerly direction.
28. The restaurant staff (shares, share) their tips with each other.
29. The army platoon ( marches, march) on the military base.
30. The U.S. Congress (consists, consist) of members from all fifty states.
31. College athletics (seems, seem) to be a profession in some cases.
32. The crowd (stirs, stir) as the politician takes the platform.
33. The family (sleeps, sleep) soundly in their rooms.
34. The orchestra (draws, draw) a big crowd.
35. The track team (runs, run) well as a whole.
36. The subcommittee (calls, call) for a meeting with the entire committee.
37. The band (appeals, appeal) to people of all ages.
38. The school board (presents, present) its proposal to the superintendent.
39. The volleyball team (practices, practice) their serving techniques.
40. The Music Club (listens, listen) to operas together every Tuesday.
41. The public (supports, support) its mayor.
42. The herd (roams, roam) the countryside aimlessly.
43. The jury (submits, submit) its verdict to the judge.
44. The mob of protestors (is, are) getting out of hand.
Writer’s Choice Grammar Workbook 8, Unit 2
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Grammar Exercise Workbook pg. 4-5
Writers Choice Grammar and Composition
Writer’s Choice Grammar Workbook 8, Unit 2
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Grammar Exercise Workbook pg. 4-5
Writers Choice Grammar and Composition
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