Remote Sensing of Cyanobacteria Pigment Concentrations During Spring Bloom Formation: A Case Study in Taihu Lake For RSE? [maybe, after some revision. Currently it reads like a technical report. Focus on this question: what is your major contribution to the algorithm development for this turbid environment? Also, what’s the difference between remote sensing of blooms during early stage and remote sensing of blooms in other stages?] Abstract: 1. INTRODUCTION [Introduction should focus on the existing problems – difficulty in separating PC from Chla, importance to detect blooms during early stage, unknown accuracy of existing algorithms in estimating PC in Taihu Lake. Then followed by your objectives. In this section, the existing algorithm can be cited briefly, with details given in the Method section. This section must clearly show the current need for robust algorithms to quantify blooms during bloom formation, current problems in remote sensing, and then what you want to do] Freshwater ecosystems occupy less than 1% of the earth’s surface but deliver goods and services of enormous global value (Johnson et al. 2001). However, with the human activities and economic development, the freshwater eutrophication especially 1 in inland lakes has become one of the most widespread environmental and social problems around the world (Smith 2003). Eutrophic inland waters often exhibit cyanobacteria, and many of them are potentially toxic and thus are often nuisance organisms as candidates for algal blooms (Kutser et al. 2006). Indeed, it will affect drinking water, aquaculture, crop irrigation and even recreation and leads to a horrible disaster, and is attracting the increasing attention of public and government organizations. Because of these problems, there is a clear need and have concerted efforts to monitor cyanobacteria and their toxins to prevent and manage freshwater eutrophication. However, the traditional method performed by taking ship-borne water samples and analyzing the samples in a laboratory are time consuming and labor intensive. Moreover, it is difficult to comprehend the temporal and spatial pattern for one entire lake. Actually, satellite has become a powerful tool and has been preliminarily utilized in many freshwater waters such as Laurentian Great Lakes in USA (Gons et al. 2008; Vincent et al. 2004; Wynne et al. 2008), Lake Loosdrecht, Loch Leven and Esthwaite Water in Europe (Hunter et al., 2010; Simis et al. 2005b), Lake Victoria in Africa (Okullo et al. 2007) and Lake Taihu in China (Hu et al. 2010; Ma et al. 2006b; Wang et al. 2011). The concentration of chlorophyll a (Chla) has often been used as a proxy for the amount of phytoplankton of many water bodies (Gons et al. 2002; Kutser et al. 2006). Several methods for estimating Chla with remote sensing are being investigated, and three algorithms approaches are found to be used popularly. The ratio of a NIR band 2 (around 700-710nm) over a red band (around 665-685nm) has been successfully applied to a wide range of turbid water bodies, which can enlarge their differences between the absorption maximum and the reflectance peak of Chla (Gons 1999; Simis et al. 2007). This method depends on empirical linear regression to predict Chla of lakes water. Using similar bands ratio but based on radiative transfer modelling (Gordon et Chla R(704) al. 1975), Gons developed a semi-analytical algorithm R(672) aw(704) bb aw(672) bb / a Chla 672 for Chla retrieval (Gons 1999). Recently, a three-band model Chla Rrs-1 1 Rrs-1 2 Rrs 3 was also developed to estimate Chl-a concentration (Dall'Olmo et al. 2003), and the two bands ratio model was regarded as a special case of the three-band model (Gitelson et al. 2008). Chla present in all phytoplankton and it is possible and useful to separate cyanobacteria from algal species [? Do you distinguish? How do you use Chla to distinguish cyanobacteria from other species?] based on remote sensing reflectance during the blooms periods. However, Chla does not provide enough information on the presence of cyanobacteria groups especially in its early stages before the blooms formed. Phycobilin pigment phycocyanin (PC) is the characteristic of the presence of cyanobacteria and possibly a useful indicator of cyanobacterial biomass (Ruiz-Verdu et al. 2008; Simis et al. 2005a). PC can be detected based on the absorption feature around 615 nm (Bryant 1981), and current algorithms mainly are based on the quantification of the reflectance trough at this region in remotely sensed data (Ruiz-Verdu et al. 2008; Simis et al. 2005a; Simis et al. 2007). The single reflectance 3 ratio uses NIR band reflectance at 705 nm as reference, and then targets the PC absorption at 620 nm, and this index has been used effectively in previous studies concerned with turbid inland waters (Hunter et al., 2010; Hunter et al. 2009; Hunter et al. 2008b). To account for co-absorption by Chla and PC at 620nm, combined with nested ratio (NIR and red band) (Gons 1999; Gons et al. 2002, 2005), the second algorithm firstly estimates absorption by Chla at 620 nm and then subtracts this and pure water absorption from total absorption at 620nm to yield the absorption of PC. Subsequently, the concentration of PC can be solved using the known specific absorption coefficient at 620nm (Simis et al. 2005a). Based on the Chla three-band model (Dall'Olmo et al. 2003), Hunter et al. developed a three-band model to estimate PC, and λ1 locates at around 620nm (Hunter et al. 2008a). More details will be discussed under the subsection “METHODOLOGY”. Life cycles of phytoplankton are complex and in which the organism spends different stages of its life (Hansson 1996). The blooms formation has been classified as a series of processes: autumnal sedimentation of declining blooms biomass, subsequent overwintering in bottom sediments, recruitment in spring, biomass increase and bloom formation (Kong and Gao 2005). The spring recruitment of algae often increased total phytoplankton abundance and may have a considerable impact on dominance patterns in the phytoplankton community in shallow water (Hansson 1996). To detect early stages of cyanobacteria would be of crucial and economic for public health value, especially if it is on a sufficiently timely basis for a response plan (Vincent et al. 2004). For Lake Taihu and its nearby waters, current researches mainly 4 concentrate on Chla remote estimation (Duan et al. 2010; Le et al. 2009b; Ma et al. 2006a; Wang et al. 2011; Zhang et al. 2008). However, quantitative studies of PC, a useful indicator of cyanobacterial biomass, especially in its early stages have not been done. The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) onboard the ENVISAT mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) was primarily intended for ocean and coastal water remote sensing (Rast et al. 1999). The spatial resolution (300 m) and spectral properties (15 narrow bands in the visible and near-infrared) of MERIS, and the revisit period of one to three days (latitude dependent) of ENVISAT, render the sensor also suitable for at least larger inland waters (Alikas and Reinart 2008; Gons et al. 2008; Odermatt et al. 2010; Odermatt et al. 2008). The aim of the research presented in this paper was thus: 1) to examine and compare the performance of popular algorithms for retrieval of Chla and PC concentrations in highly turbid waters; 2) Optimize these algorithms to meet the requirements of lower phytoplankton pigments in early spring before the blooms formed; 3) to show the spatial-temporal variability of phytoplankton pigments using in-situ data and MERIS FR image. 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1. Research Area Lake Taihu, with an area of 2,338 km² and an average depth of 1.9 meters, is the third largest freshwater lake in China. It is a typical shallow lake in the delta of Yangtze River, at 30◦55'40"–31◦32'58"N and 119◦52'32"–120◦36'10"E, on the border of the 5 Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in China. Lake Gehu with an area of 117 km², and Lake Dongjiu with an area of 8 km² locate at western parts of Lake Taihu basin (Figure 1). Lake Taihu basin is a depression of land, in which water from all sides gathers to the center and then diffuses in all directions, forming a complex hydrosystem that contains interlaced rivers, dense water nets, and dotted depression lakes of different sizes (Qin 2008). The western parts of the basin are hilly and the eastern parts are lowland plains; thus, Lake Gehu and Dongjiu belong to the upper reaches and flow into Lake Taihu through rivers in the west. In recent years, Lakes Taihu, Gehu and Dongjiu have been plagued by pollution as a result of rapid economic growth in the surrounding region. Increasing eutrophication and reoccurring algal blooms, often dominated by Microcystis spp., are a significant threat to the millions who rely on this lake for water supply (Duan et al. 2009; Guo 2007; Xu et al. 2010). 2.2. Field Data Measured [if the methods to determine ag, ad, aph, etc. have been published elsewhere, you can simply cite them and give brief descriptions only. Focus on the particular sampling situation in these lakes: Dates, Time, number of samples, processed right away or later in the lab, etc.] Water sampling and measurements were performed from 102 sites visited during a cruise between April 23 and May 3, 2010, and 5 sites were removed from the dataset due to lack Chla and PC data (Figure 1). At each station GPS coordinates (0.3-3 m accuracy) were recorded and water transparency was measured with a secchi disk ~20 6 cm in diameter. Remote sensing reflectance was measured under the guidance of the NASA protocols by Mueller et al. (2003). Water samples were collected from the surface to about 30 cm below in the vertical direction with a standard 2 liter polyethylene water-fetching instrument immediately after measuring spectra. Then they were held on the deepfreeze half with ice bags for reserving until about four hours every afternoon, then returned to the laboratory for concentration and absorption measurement. Reflectance measurements Reflectance was obtained from measurements of the radiance above the water (Lsw), sky radiance (Lsky) emitted from the water surface and sky, and the radiance above the plate (Lp) using a FieldSpec Pro Dual VNIR (ASD Ltd., USA), following the guidelines laid out in Mueller et al. (2003). Prior to the field campaign, the absolute radiance calibrations to the two detectors were performed. The viewing angles from the water surface were 40° and 135°, respectively, which were determined by a hand-handle with adjusted-angle equipment. The integration time was chosen according to the intensity of radiance received by the ASD detector and the dark reading was obtained each time when the integration time was changed. The measurements were made from a location that minimizes shading, reflections from superstructure, ship’s wake or associated foam patches, and whitecaps. Additionally, the selected location was also easy to point in a direction away from the sun to reduce specular reflection of sunlight. The measurement also took into consideration to avoid big pieces of bright cloud by observing with naked eye under help of shelter board. 7 The measured remote sensing reflectance Rrs is calculated from: Rrs = Lsw - Lsky Lp p (1) Where ρ is the dimensionless air-water reflectance related to the surface Fresnel reflectance and often taken as 0.02 for moderate wind speed and moderate solar and viewing angles (Mobley 1999), and ρp is the reflectance of the plate. Concentrations of water constituents Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were measured with a type 1020 TOC (OI Corp., USA) after the sample was filtered through Whatman GF/F glass fiber filters (0.70 μm nominal pore size). Chl-a was measured spectrophotometrically. Samples were first filtered onto Whatman GF/F glass fiber filters, which were soaked in 90% ethanol in the dark for 4-6 hours. The sample was then heated to 80-90°C for 3-5 minutes. Absorbance at 665 and 750 nm of the extract were measured with a UV2401 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu Corp., Japan) and Chl-a was calculated according to the reference that filtered water. The concentrations of phycocyanin (5-ml samples) were determined after extraction with 0.05 M pH 7.0 Tris buffer and using a Shimadzu UV2401 spectrofluorophotometer (Shimadzu Corp., Japan) at an excitation wavelength at 620 nm and an emission wavelength at 647 nm (Abalde et al. 1998; Zhang et al. 2007). Suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations were determined gravimetrically from samples collected on pre-combusted and pre-weighed GF/F filters with a diameter of 47 mm, dried at 95°C overnight. SPM was differentiated into suspended particular inorganic matter (SPIM) and suspended particular organic 8 matter (SPOM) by burning organic matter from the filters at 550°C for three hours and weighing again. Absorption measurement The absorption by total suspended matter, pigment, and detritus were determined using the quantitative filter technique. Particulate matter from a known water volume was concentrated onto a 47-mm Whatman GF/F filter (Yentsch 1962). Absorption of TSM was measured using a Shimadzu UV2401 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan) at 1-nm intervals in the range 400 to 700 nm. The filter was placed in close proximity of the detector/collimator (distance 2-3 mm), no diffuser was used. The optical density at 750 nm was subtracted from the absorbance spectrum which was subsequently corrected for path-length amplification following (Cleveland and Weidemann 1993): ODs 0.378OD f 0.523OD2f OD f 0.4 (2) where ODf and ODs are the optical densities before and after correction for path-length amplification. Absorption by total particulate matter (ap) was then calculated as: a p ( ) 2.303 S ODs ( ) V (3) where S is the clearance area of the filtration manifold and V the volume of water concentrated onto the filter. After measurement of the total particulate absorption, the filter was soaked in methanol for 4 hours to dissolve phytoplankton, and rinsed with filtered water. Phytoplankton was dissolved in methanol and the remaining particles on the filter 9 were non-phytoplankton particles. The spectral optical density of non-algal particulate (ad()) was then measured with the same method as described for ap(). Subsequently, the phytoplankton pigments absorption aph() was obtained by subtracting ad from ap. CDOM absorption first filtered through a Whatman GF/F filter, and then refiltered through a Millipore filter with 0.22-μm pores , was measured using a spectrophotometer, with distilled water as reference. Scans were taken at 1-nm intervals between 280 and 700 nm. The absorption coefficient was calculated as: ag' ( )(m 1 ) 2.303 OD( ) r (4) where r is the path length in the cuvette. To correct for scattering casued by fine particulates in the filtrate, we applied a baseline correction following (Keith et al. 2002): ag ( )(m 1 ) ag' ( ) ag' (700) 700 (5) where ag′() and ag() are, respectively, the uncorrected and corrected absorption coefficient. 2.3. MERIS images [I still need to find time for this. Currently so swamped with the oil proposals] MERIS full resolution (FR) data was acquired on April 29, 2010. The images were geolocated and masked for land, clouds and invalid reflectance. Atmospheric correction was performed using Seadas, which outperformed other previous atmospheric correction algorithms for turbid inland lakes. 10 2.4. Existing remote sensing algorithms to estimate Chl-a and PC [This is where you insert the description of the existing algorithms from your Introduction section] Corresponding to the bands set of MERIS sensor, the semi-empirical algorithm used to retrieve Chla and PC were developed (hereafter referred to as the Chla and PC ratio algorithm): Chla PC Rrs (709) Rrs (665) Rrs (709) Rrs (620) (6) (7) The proposed ratios are based on the high sensitivity of the features found at 665 and 620 nm to change in Chla and PC concentration (Randolph et al. 2008). Absorption in the 620 and 665 nm bands ( a ( ) ) is assumed to be dominated by water ( aw( ) ) and phytoplankton pigments ( aph( ) ) (620 nm: PC and Chla; 650 nm: Chla alone), thus a(620)=aChla(620)+apc(620)+aw(620) ; and a(665)=aChla(665)+ aw(665) . From the basic radiative transfer equation presented by Gordon (Gordon et al. 1975), it is easily transformed as: a ( 1) Rrs ( 2) a( 2) bb bb Rrs ( 1) (8) where backscatter coefficient bb is considered as a constant independent on wavelength and can be calculated as (Gons et al. 2005): bb (778.75) 1.61 Rrs (778.75) 0.082 0.6 Rrs (778.75) 11 (9) Accompanied by a series of validation work using field data (Gons et al. 2002, 2005) (hereafter referred to as the Gons algorithm), aChla (665) Rrs (709) (aw(709) bb ) bb p aw(665) Rrs (665) Chla aChla 665 aChla 665 (10) (11) where p is 1.062, and aw(709) , aw(665) and aChla 665 (the specific absorption coefficient of Chla at 665 nm) are 0.70 m-1, 0.40 m-1, 0.0161 m2·mg-1, respectively. Similar with Chla retrieval algorithm, for PC, the important is to get apc(620): apc(620)=a(620) aChla(620) aw(620) (12) Based on Eq. (10), an empirical correction factor and was introduces to relate absorption retrieved at 620 and 665 nm to actual pigment absorption at the same wavelength (Simis et al. 2005a; Simis et al. 2007) : R (709) a Chla+PC (620) rs (aw(709) bb ) bb aw(620) 1 Rrs (620) (13) Rrs (709) (aw(709) bb ) bb aw(665) 1 a Chla(665) Rrs (665) (14) With the conversion factor that relates in vivo absorption by Chla at 665 nm from Eq. (14) to that at 620 nm and Eq. (13) (Simis et al. 2005a) (hereafter referred to as the Simis algorithm): R (709) apc(620) rs (aw(709) bb ) bb aw(620) 1 aChla(665) Rrs (620) PC where , apc 620 apc 620 (15) (16) and are 0.84, 0.68, 0.24, respectively, aw(709) , aw(665) , 12 aw(620) and apc 620 (the specific absorption coefficient of PC at 620 nm) are 0.727 m-1, 0.401 m-1, 0.281 m-1, 0.007 m2·mg-1, respectively. Recently, a three-band model is developed to estimate Chla concentrations in lakes water (Dall'Olmo et al. 2003; Gitelson et al. 2008) and has been approved and can be used for MERIS data (hereafter referred to as the Gitelson algorithm): Chla Rrs-1 1 Rrs-1 2 Rrs 3 (17) The following assumptions based on: (a) bb is spectrally invariant between 1 and 2; (b) aph( 1) >> aph( 2) ; (c) ad(1) + ag(1) ad( 2) + ag( 2) . Therefore, 1 locates at 665 nm, 2 at 709 nm, and 3 at 753 nm for MERIS (Gitelson et al. 2008). Compared to two band model, Rrs-1 1 Rrs-1 2 reduces the effects of detritus and CDOM absorption on remote sensing retrieval of Chla. This algorithm was also adapted to estimate PC concentrations (Hunter et al. 2008a) (hereafter referred to as the Hunter algorithm): PC Rrs-1 1 Rrs-1 2 Rrs 3 (18) However, λ1 shifts to the PC absorption peak around 610-630 nm (Hunter et al., 2010; Hunter et al. 2008a), while it locates at 650-670nm corresponding to the maximum sensitive to Chla absorption. Although the retrieval of PC using the three-band model seems slightly problematic and Rrs-1 1 Rrs-1 2 is difficult to remove the absorption of other water components from PC at this area, it’s a new challenge using the medium-independent model to estimate PC in inland waters (Hunter et al., 2010). 13 2.5. Accuracy assessment The comparisons among these three algorithms were assessed by means of three indices, namely the root mean square error (Crabtree et al.) [year?], mean normalized bias (MNB) and normalized root mean square error (NRMS). These indices are defined as follows (Gitelson et al. 2008; Yang et al. 2011): X X N RMSE i 1 esti,i meas,i 2 N (19) MNB mean( i )% (20) NRMS stdev( i )% (21) where N is the number of samples; Xesti,i and Xmeas,i are the estimated and in situ measured values, respectively; The percent difference between Xesti,i and Xmeas,i was quantified: i 100 ( X esti,i X meas,i ) X meas,i (22) Systematic and random errors were characterized by the mean normalized bias (MNB) and by the normalized root mean square error (NRMS), respectively. 3. RESULTS 3.1. Phytoplankton pigments concentrations A combined dataset shows a large range in both Chla (0.13-46.98 g/l) and PC concentration (0.05-7.71 g/l) (See Table 1). [It’s better to add a histogram figure to show the data distributions for each parameter] 89 sampling sites showed PC concentration of less than 2 g/l, while the other 8 sites had a higher PC concentration 14 from 2.53g/l to 7.71g/l. [what is the criteria to separate < 2 and > 2.5 for the two groups? A histogram may help?] Most of the high PC sites locate at Lake Gehu (Figure 1) [where in the Figure? Need to annotate] where algae can be easily seen from the surface water (Figure 2(b)), but low PC sites cannot see algae with human eyes (Figure 2(a)). A positive correlation for a low PC dataset exists between in situ Chla and PC with the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.687, while the relationship was negative but higher R2 (=0.8375) for high PC dataset (Figure 3). The ratio of PC and Chla (PC: Chla) is an indicator of the proportion total algal biomass that can be attributed to cyanobacteria (Randolph et al. 2008). The mean PC: Chla value for whole dataset is 0.13, and for low PC dataset is 0.11 while for high PC dataset is 0.31, respectively. Phycocyanin is more prevalent than chlorophyll a in Lake Gehu and a few area of west Lake Taihu, ultimately indicative of a cyanobacteria dominated water body. 3.2. Chla model The performance of the three algorithms was examined (Table 2). The semi-empirical algorithms for the retrieval of Chla were derived using quadratic functions of the [709:665] band-ratio. It showed a linear relationship [the linear relationship is there in the log-log scale for Chla > 10 only!] between the measured concentrations of Chla and the band-ratio and provided the marginally better [better than what?] estimation (R2=0.88; RMSE=4.80 g/l) (Table 2 and Figure 4(a)). However, the algorithm overestimated Chla with MNB=74.10% and NRMS=206.36%. This algorithm 15 performed better than the semi-analytical Gons algorithm, while it greatly overestimated the concentrations of Chla (R2=0.89, RMSE=23.99 g/l, MNB=188.15%, NRMS=233.18%) (see Table 2 and Figure 4(b)) due to a low aChla 665 value (=0.0161 m2·mg-1) that perhaps not suitable for the waters of this research. Table 2 shows that the Gitelson algorithm also provided good estimates of the actual Chla concentration (R2=0.90) and was better (RMSE=4.47 g/l, MNB=86.55%, NRMS=278.04%) than those returned by the semi-empirical band ratio algorithm (see Table 2 and Figure 4(c)). [I don’t like the way the statistics are presented. They obviously do not work for the low Chla range, and this is a well-known problem of all 3-band algorithms. You may present the overall statistics, and separate statistics for high Chla range only. And then emphasize that none of them works for Chla < X] In the three algorithms, the highest relative errors (overestimations) occurred at low Chla concentrations (<1 g/l) which contributed greatly to MNB and NRMS, while the best predictions were found in the high concentration range (>10 g/l) especially for the band ratio and Gitelson algorithms. In addition, the Gons algorithm shows a systematic overestimation bias compares to 1:1 line (Figure 4(b)). 3.3. PC model Table 2 provides the results of PC algorithms in these three lakes waters. Apparently, all three algorithms gave a relatively poor precision with R2 varies from 0.13 to 0.17 when they were applied into all data together. However, when the dataset was 16 separated by PC concentrations (2 g/l) into two parts, all three algorithms showed better results with the increasing R2 and lower RMSE for each dataset. For these samples that the PC concentrations was lower than 2 g/l collected mainly in Lake Taihu and Dongjiu, the best-performing algorithm (R2=0.71, RMSE=0.20 g/l) was developed using the Hunter algorithm based on a three-band model Rrs-1 620 Rrs-1 709 Rrs 754 . The band ratio [710: 620] algorithm also performed strongly (R2=0.67, RMSE=0.22 g/l) when applied to the low PC dataset. The Simis algorithm performed marginally poorer (R2=0.54, RMSE=29.88 g/l) than the other two algorithms. The trends of R2 resulting from all three algorithms became more pronounced when using the high cyanobacterial biomass subset (>2 g/l) from 0.70 to 0.72, compared to the low PC dataset. Especially the Simis algorithm had a significantly increasing R2 (=0.70) but higher RMSE (=39.21 g/l). Overall, the band ratio and Hunter algorithms yielded reasonable estimate of PC for the low and high dataset, respectively (Figure 5(a) and (c)). The Simis algorithm showed a tendency to overestimate PC at all sites with MNB varied from 1045.90% to 7091.22% while apc 620 is 0.007 m2·mg-1 (Table 2 and Figure 5(b)). [Same comments as for Fig. 4. Present statistics for high-range PC, as they don’t work for the low range] 3.4. Algorithm Comparison For these semi-empirical algorithms of Chla and PC, the three-band algorithms (the Gitelson and Hunter algorithms) always provided the best results for each dataset perhaps due to it can remove the effect of detritus and CDOM in highly turbid lakes 17 (Gitelson et al. 2008). The band ratio (709:665 and 709:620) algorithms were slightly better than the semi-analytical algorithms (the Gons and Simis algorithms) in some dataset with lower RMSE. This is perhaps somewhat surprising given that the coefficients in the empirical algorithms were specifically optimized for this dataset (Hunter et al. 2010). The parameters a and b of the linear regression equation using the Gitelson algorithm were re-explained in our previous research, and they are directly linked to specific inherent optical properties of the water body (Duan et al. 2010). The comparison between the parameters a and b estimated from reflectance data with respect to those determined from the inherent optical properties during different measurement campaigns shows a high correlation. It offers a robust alternative to other Chla estimation approaches presently being used. However, the parameters a and b of most semi-empirical algorithms do not have a physical significance, and they have to be acquired by regression fitting with in situ data while used in the different waters. Therefore, it will be difficult for these algorithms to estimate Chla or PC concentrations from remote sensing reflectance Rrs directly. Generally, the semi-analytical algorithms are considered more transferable across different water types and could be robust. Figure 6 shows that the Gons algorithm provide reasonable estimates of aChla 665 when applied to the data acquired over Lake Taihu, Gehu and Dongjiu with a high R2=0.9776 and low RMSE=0.43 m-1. [This is not a good measure. Use percentage] However, the algorithm predicted Chla with a relative random uncertainty (NRMS) of 26.57% and with average bias (MNB) of -27.96%. Although the Simis algorithm underestimated the values slightly with 18 MNB=-10.75% and NRMS=37.86% (Figure 7(a)), [combined Fig. 6 and 7] it did provide a better aChla 665 (R2=0.9789, RMSE=0.14 m-1) using a new equation (Eq. (14)). The fact that the accuracy of the semi-analytical algorithms is shown here to be comparable to that achievable with optimized empirical models merely strengthens the case for the wider use of analytically-based approaches for the retrieval of in-water constituents (Hunter et al. 2010). Since the Gons and Simis algorithms are both based on the basic equation (Eq. (8)) with a same assumption that the total absorption at 665 nm attributes to Chla and pure water alone, Figure 8 [This figure is not necessary. Text description is enough] shows that the values of aChla 665 estimated by the Gons strongly correlated with the values estimated by the Simis algorithm (R2=0.9999) and they also demonstrated a near 1:1 relationship. This provided a useful benchmark by which to assess the correlation of the two semi-analytical models. However, there are other water components contributing on the absorptions at 665 nm such as detritus and CDOM in the real world. In order not to overestimate aChla 665 , the Gons and Simis algorithms introduced a correction factor p (Eq. (10)) and (Eq. (14)), respectively. The correction factors made an over correction in Lake Taihu and its nearby waters, and both underestimated the values, especially for the Gons algorithm (Figure 6 and Figure 7(a)). It is interesting that all algorithms used to retrieve PC concentrations showed a relatively inconsistent performance for the whole dataset but worked well while used in two dataset, separately [ not sure what you want to say]. Since these algorithm targets the band at 620 nm which corresponds to PC and Chla absorption (Ruiz-Verdu 19 et al. 2008; Simis et al. 2005a; Simis et al. 2007), they will perform better while in a certain type of waters where has a similar PC: Chla ratio that have been confirmed in many previous researches (Hunter et al., 2010; Hunter et al. 2009; Hunter et al. 2008b). Because the scatters plots of Chla and PC showed a two-phase by a threshold (2 μg/L) (Figure 4), it’s the possible main reason [what’s the main reason? Two-phase?] for the inconsistent performance of PC algorithms. The Simis algorithm provided a reasonable result of total pigment absorption at 620 nm a Chla+PC 620 except for the intermediate range (R2=0.9320) (Figure 7(b)) or the two dataset by the threshold of 2 μg/L (Low dataset: R2=0.9228; High dataset: R2=0.9975). [Fig. 7b does not show these two datasets] Apparently, in Taihu and its nearby waters, the increased contribution of PC to absorption at 620nm from the low PC dataset to the high dataset, is known to lead to errors on the estimation of PC. Since the correction for Chl a absorption at 620 nm through a constant fraction ε of aChla(665) (Simis et al. 2007), the Simis algorithm did not produce a correct apc(620) for all data or some of the data at least [this is a vague sentence]. The relative contribution of Chla to absorption at 620 nm is obviously strongly dependent on the abundance of PC-containing cyanobacteria and the floristic composition of the phytoplankton community (Hunter et al. 2010). Therefore, it’s necessary to correct the parameter for the contribution of Chla. 20 3.5. Calibration of the Simis algorithm using local data The main sources of errors for an algorithm used to retrieval the water color parameters concentration can be identified as i) uncertainties in the measurement of at-sensor radiances with a wrong input into the retrieval algorithm, ii) uncertainties in the model structure due to simplifying assumptions, and iii) uncertainties in the determination of the parameters appearing in the model, which are often the dominant contribution to the overall uncertainty (Volpe et al. 2011; Yang et al. 2011). Figure 7(b) shows the relationship between in situ measured and estimated a Chla+PC 620 from the Simis algorithm with a higher R2=0.9320 and lower RMSE=0.12 m-1. In additions, the Simis algorithm underestimated a Chla+PC 620 with MNB=-18.04% perhaps due to another correction factor (Eq. (13)). Since the correction factors and in the Simis algorithm were optimized using in situ data of lakes water in the Netherlands (Simis et al. 2005a), they are perhaps not suitable for Lake Taihu and its nearby waters especially with low phytoplankton pigments in early spring. Therefore, it’s necessary and significant to re-calibrate the and values using in situ measured data of the current research waters. Recently, many researches have been concentrated on the Simis algorithm which has been validated using in situ measurements at a series of lakes and reservoirs in the Netherlands, Spain and the United States (Hunter et al. 2010; Randolph et al. 2008; Ruiz-Verdu et al. 2008). It was found to significantly outperform other foregoing algorithms for PC retrieval. However, the algorithm needs further validation for other Case-Ⅱ waters and, in particular, for application with airborne and satellite sensors 21 due to atmospheric and adjacency effects can have a significant effect on the retrieval of pigment concentrations over inland waters (Alikas and Reinart 2008; Hunter et al. 2010). Figure 9(a) shows the relationship between uncorrected retrieval of absorption and in situ measurements of aph that was used to find the optimal values for and . Unlike the Simis algorithm, the intercept values were supposed as zero used in the regression fitting, and the relationship between the uncorrected absorptions and measured absorptions was considered as a ratio. Eq. (14) with =1 related to aChla 665 with a regression slope 0.6369 (R2 = 0.9771), and Eq. (13) with =1 resulted in a slope of 0.7290 (R2 = 0.8932). All results presented hereafter were obtained with the adopted values for (=0.6369) and (=0.7290), which showed different slightly compared with the original parameters provided by the Simis algorithm. Figure 9(b) showed the updated results using new and , and the aChla 665 and a Chla+PC 620 estimated both reduced the RMSE slightly (0.12 m-1 and 0.11 m-1, respectively) (Figure 7 and Figure 9(b)). Since the PC dataset was separated into two parts [do you mean Fig. 3?], it’ll be difficult to estimate PC concentrations using satellite image data. Nobody can tell which model is better for all the waters, or how should we make a borderline so that we can determine a model which is better for corresponding area. Therefore, it’s necessary to recalibrate the parameters and build a union algorithm that can be used in whole dataset [No way – I see no algorithm will work for the low range]. The empirical and band ratio algorithms are difficult to rebuild a union model as mentioned in Table 1. However, the Simis algorithm based on the radiative theory 22 did provide a reliable a Chla+PC 620 especially after recalibration. The big problem is that it did not provide a reliable ε to get accurate aPC 620 . The parameter of ε was difficult to be derived directly from in vivo absorption measurements since no phytoplankton samples were present that contained only Chla and no accessory pigments absorbing in the 600–700 nm region. The conversion factor that relates in vivo absorption by Chla at 665 nm to that at 620 nm was defined as the value where the slope of the linear least-squares fit of modeled against observed PC concentration was ~1 (Simis et al. 2005a). The contribution of Chla is relatively insignificant in waters with high PC:Chla ratios, and it was 0.3–0.4 for Chla in algal species. However, the presence of accessory photosynthetic pigments can cause errors at estimating ε. The specific in vivo absorption of Chlb with ε=0.5–0.6 and Chlc with ε=1.7–3.7 [don’t understand this sentence] . Obviously, with increasing concentrations of Chlb and Chlc, the ε-correction of 0.24 is increasingly inadequate and the derived PC absorption will be too high (Simis et al. 2007). Perhaps due to the larger differences between aPC 620 and aChla 620 among all samples and the presence of accessory pigments, it was very difficult to get an optimal value for Lake Taihu and its nearby waters with the slope = 1 and the offset = 0 while using the linear least-squares fit, and the maximum R2 was 0.30. Here a new parameter was introduced to explain the proportion of PC among the total absorption at 620nm, defined as: =[PC]:[PC]+[Chla] 23 (23) where [PC] and [Chla] means the concentration of PC and Chla, respectively. Figure 10 showed that varied from 0.007 to 7.27, and most located at 0.02-0.1. With the help of [what does it mean?], aPC 620 showed a higher linear relationship with in situ measured PC (R2=0.7367, Figure 11). It proves that can represent the proportion of PC relative to all pigments at 620nm. [What difference does Fig. 10 make from Fig. 3?] [Figure 11 is a stand-alone figure – why do you need the help of ?] 3.6. Variability of aChla 665 and aPC 620 Although the Gons and Simis algorithms provided a reasonable aChla 665 (Figure 6), it tended to overestimate the concentration of Chla in Lake Taihu, Gehu and Dongjiu (Table 2 and Figure 4(b)). The errors in Chla retrieval might have been partly the result of using the value for aChla 665 measured by Gons et al. (2005). The value of aChla ( aph used usually) was previously considered to be relatively constant with an averaging approximately 0.016 m2·mg-1 (Banniste.Tt 1974; Gons et al. 2002, 2005), which was used in many bio-optical models (Kiefer and Mitchell 1983). However, it is now recognized that aph can vary in response to changes in packaging effect and pigment composition (Bricaud et al. 1995). The package effect is wavelength-dependent and depends on the cell size, pigment content and the physiological state of phytoplankton (Ma et al. 2006b). The effect of pigment composition in natural waters has seldom been discussed due to the lack of detailed pigment data measured (Suzuki et al. 1998). Although previous researches have 24 revealed that aph has an negative exponential relationship with Chla contents in certain water types (Ma et al. 2006b; Pierson and Strombeck 2001; Xu et al. 2009), Table 3 shows aph 665 varies differently among different waters. Even in the same waters but different seasons and years such as Lake Taihu and Lake IJsselmeer, aph 665 decreases exponentially corresponding to the increasing Chla. Therefore, it seems that the assumption of a constant for aph would be a significant source of uncertainty in models for Chla remote estimation. For Lake Taihu, Gehu and Dongjiu, aph 665 varies from 0.0106 to 0.6143 m2·mg-1, most (73/97) locates between 0.0400 and 0.0700 m2·mg-1 (Figure 12). The average value of aph 665 was 0.0686 m2·mg-1, and its variability was high, with an SD of 0.022 m2·mg-1. The maximum value was found in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu with low Chla concentration (0.13μg·L-1) but high aph 665 (0.0638m-1), perhaps the other phytoplankton pigments, for example, Chlb and PC, contributes to the absorption in part for which the cause remained unknown. In order to estimate Chla correctly, the median value of aph 665 with 0.0532 m2·mg-1 was found better for the Gons algorithm, and Figure 13(a) showed a relatively lower RMSE =7.47 g/l. apc 620 was determined as apc 620 divided by the measured PC concentration, while the absorption by PC ( apc 620 ) was derived from the absorption measurements as aph 620 aph 665 (Simis et al. 2005a). Unlike aph 665 , apc 620 is affected not only by the packaging effect and pigment composition, but also by the parameter of . In the Simis algorithm, the average value apc 620 that 0.007 m2·mg-1 for various lakes and reservoirs in Spain and The Netherlands (Simis et 25 al. 2007) and 0.0095 m2·mg-1 for Lake Loosdrecht (Simis et al. 2005a) were used to calculate the PC concentration from remote sensing reflectance, respectively. The former value was used more popular. However, it’s also not suitable for Lake Taihu and its nearby waters due to the low PC concentrations in early spring, and the accurate is difficult to be acquired. Based on the new parameter , apc 620 showed larger variations from 0.0068 to 0.1399 m2·mg-1, and the average value is 0.0369 m2·mg-1 with SD = 0.0230 m2·mg-1. The apc 620 value, averaged for all samples stations, is good for this research with lower RMSE=0.76 g/l (Figure 13(b)). [Section 3.6 may need to be switched with 3.5] 4. Discussion 4.1. Temporal changes in the PC:Chla ratio Chla present in all phytoplankton and is regarded as an indicator of total algal biomass, while PC is not typically found in other algal classes except cyanobacteria and possibly a useful indicator of cyanobacterial biomass (Ruiz-Verdu et al. 2008; Simis et al. 2005a). Therefore, the PC:Chla ratio is a possible indicator of the cyanobacterial share in total phytoplankton biomass (Simis et al. 2007). Although the total phytoplankton abundance is increasing from Lake Taihu (average Chla: 9.02μg/L) to Lake Gehu (average Chla: 36.38μg/L), cyanobacteria are not dominant in the phytoplankton community with low PC:Chla ratio. During spring recruitment periods, cyanobacteria coexist with green algae, diatoms, and flagellates, etc. in Lake Taihu, 26 Gehu and Dongjiu (Chen et al. 2003). However, cyanobacteria have a long history of acquiring remarkable adaptations with nitrogen fixation and gas vesicles, and can outcompete diatoms and green algae for light and nutrients (Guo 2007). Therefore, with the increasing of the total phytoplankton, cyanobacteria shared more component of phytoplankton biomass and the PC:Chla weight ratio also increased from 0.11 to 0.31. While in the summer and autumn that biomass increase and bloom formation, cyanobacteria would be the dominant algae in Lake Taihu and the PC:Chla ratio could reach an average value of 6.18 and varied between 1.46~40.73 (Ma et al. 2009). The data collected over Loch Leven also showed a lower PC:Chla ratio with 0.175 at the beginning of the clear water phase in April and a higher value with 1.90 while cyanobacterial dominance in August (Hunter et al. 2010). Previous research proposed the same stability of the PC:Chla ratio in different waters may correlate with latitude and rely on differences in average solar irradiance or temperature (Ruiz-Verdu et al. 2008). But in this research, Lake Taihu, Gehu and Dongjiu are almost in the same latitude; therefore, there must be other reasons: 1) Higher nutrient salts including phosphorus and nitrogen: previous research has revealed that Lake Gehu has more nutrient than Lake Taihu. 2) Shallow water: its average water depth is 1.57 m while Lake Taihu has an average depth with 2.67 m in this survey. The shallow lakes are more easily affected by wind and the disturbance induced by wave can significantly enhance the internal salts loading (Fan et al. 2004). 3) more time with higher temperature: Previous studies have suggested that increases in surface temperatures of freshwater systems may lead to increased proliferation of 27 toxic cyanobacterial populations (Paerl and Huisman 2008; Wilhelm et al. 2011). Although the field experiments in Lake Taihu and Gehu were in a same voyage, but there were 16 days from April 23 to May 3, and Gehu was conducted in the last day of May 3; perhaps while more than half months pass, the algae grow up especially with a higher temperature about 20 ºC. It also can be concluded in Taihu Lake that a similar trend was showed that the sites on May 2 had an average Chla with 38.08 μg/L in Zhushan bay, where has similar eutrophic state in history with Meiliang Bay (Duan et al. 2009) but has an average Chla with 1.19μg/L conducted on April 23. The spring recruitment of algae apparently increased soon and have a considerable impact on dominance patterns. 4.2. Choose the right algorithm for Taihu Lake [From the above results, for PC and Chla estimates, which algorithm do you use?] 5. CONCLUSION [You’ll need to show some regionally tuned algorithm, and imagery results [I’ll try to work on it soon], to make some conclusion] Table 3. Phytoplankton pigments specific absorption coefficients at 676 nm in different waters aph*(676) Sampling time Sites Chla (m2·mg-1) (μg·L-1) (Month, Year) 28 Reference 10, 2004 06, 2007 10, 2008 04-05, 2010 04-05, 2010 11, 2007 10, 2007 03-10, 2003 04, 2003 06, 2003 08, 2003 09, 2003 Total, 2003 Lake Taihu Lake Taihu, Gehu and Dongjiu together Lake Taihu Shitoukoumen Reservoir Lake Songhua Lake Loosdrecht Lake IJsselmeer 08, 2000 the Baltic Sea 1993–1996 the IJssel Lagoon 0.0222 0.0218 0.0098 0.0638 14.08 12.39 22.35 8.94 0.0535 13.07 This study 0.0210 0.0157 0.0107 0.0153 0.0203 0.0181 0.0165 0.0138 0.0172 0.0210 0.0240 0.0200 0.0146 0.0161 23.44 14.03 2.80 70.90 24.07 64.77 61.29 60.50 59.11 1.6-6.0 1.6-2.0 2.0-6.0 (Le et al. 2009a) 3–185 (Ma et al. 2006b) (Duan et al. 2010) (Xu et al. 2009) (Simis et al. 2005a) (Seppala et al. 2005) (Gons et al. 2002, 2005) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Youzhuan Ding, Lin Zhou, Linlin Shang, Kai Xiao, Yongchao Xing, Chunguang Lv, Cenlu Zhao, Cenwei Liu and Jiawang Rao for their help with field-sample collection. 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