Wittgenstein 6

Abhayadeava 14
Anindriya-Pratyakasa 84
aAnivrtti –badarasamparaya 152
Abhidhanarajendra 70
Atahkarma 73 74
Antaratman 57 ,215
Acarangasurta 170,189 200
Antaraya –karman 113
Adam Smith 57
Anubhava 149
Adhahpravritti-karana 152
Anumati tyaga 180
Adharama 60
Anuruddha 97
Adipurda 200
Aoadgtaba 176
Adrsta 208
Aparigraha rata 136, 175
Advaita 18,20,222
Appartions 100
Ahimsa 32, 136, 168, 169, 173,
Aristianemi 219
ailaka 181
Arthavargraha 216
aitareya Aranyaka 75
Aristote 3, 45, 86, 214, 217
ajita 219
Arthavagraaha 91, 138,
ajnana 81
Asnana 169
alambana 138
Astangayoga 147, 148
alesyi 132
Asteya vrata 174
allama Prabhu 146,147
Aticaras 166, 173, 174, 184
analambana –yoga 139
Attihi samvibhaga 177
Anandamaya 75
Atman 45, 46, 222
Aarthadondvrata 175, 175
Audayika state 114
Anaxagoras 32
Aupasamika stte 114
Anekanta 10, 12-16, 32, 33, 143
Aura 129
Aurobindo 148
Bhaktiyoga 144
Avagraha 87-90, 92, 95
Bhavamanas 70
Avaraa 120
Bhavamanorupa 72
Avasyaka niryukti 89, 93, 94, 99
Bhavakarma 226
Ayer 7, 8
Bhavastha 104 105
Ayogakevali 211
Bhattcharaya 27, 28
Ayogi 105, 115
Apology 44, 46
Ayus 53 115
Appartions 100
Ayuskarma 113
Apperception 88Bradley 3, 5
Brahmanas 54
Brahamacaraya 136, 168, 180
Bhirataman 57,215
Brahman 203 223
Bahyakarna 74
Brahma vidya 4
Bandha 114, 173
Brhadaranyaka 194
Basavesvara 147
Brahmanbhava 222
Bedarkannappa 147
Brahma vrata 174
Belvalkar 28, 31
Broad 10, 11, 70, 71, 99
Bergson 50, 51
Buddha 14, 201, 209, 212
Berkely 6
Bulter 51
Bhagavadgita 108, 194
194, 219
cittavrtti-nirodha 149
coherence 33, 34
Cambridga philosopher 6, 20
Carvakas 6, 9, 95, 110, 126, 150
214, 216
Dalai Lama 132
carnap 9
Dana 179
cetaana 52, 75, 76, 81, 111
Dana-phala 178
chaodogya unanisad 48, 59, 75, 78,
Dana –Vidhi 178
Dana vireta 178, 174
Gunasthana 150, 220
Darsana 4, 50-52, 76, 83
Gautama 14, 15, 47, 48, 66, 106,
Darsabnvaaraniya 52, 113
168, 195, 224
Dasavaaikalika 170
Ghati-karama 153
Dasajupta 21, 131, 136
Glasenapp 49, 95
Datr 178
Gommatasara 50, 62, 70, 74, 95,
Desavirata-samyajdrsti 151
Desacara 183
Gorgias 5, 6
Desai 212
Goraksa 145
Desavakasikavrta 177
Gotra-karman 113, 115
Deus 206
Gunasthana 150, 152, 225
Deussen 125
Devas 213
Digambaras 166, 176
Hathayoga 135, 136
Hoffding 53
Hamilton 53
Drsti 139
Haribhadra 135, 137, 140, 175
Duhsruti 176
Hegel 3, 5
Heideggar 34
Helacarya 212
Eenchi 123
Hemacandra 83, 84, 86, 135
Eliot 10empedoles 32
Heraclitus 32, 34
Hebart 53
Gandhiji 196, 201-203, 205, 212
Hiriyanna 28, 78
Ganadharas 47, 153, 224
Hume 6-8, 92, 214
Kevala 102, 105, 115, 134
Here-say 227
Kevala –pratyaksa 85
Himsa 166, 199-202
Kohler 72
Karamanmukti 217
Himsap-pradana 176
Kamandalu 169
Hiranyagarbha yoga 114
Kant 98, 134, 213
Karanas 197
Karma49 64, 67, 86, 95 97,102, 104,
Iha 84, 92, 53
106-112, 152, 153, 166, 170,
Indra 209, 215
Karmagrantha 111, 120
Indriya pratyakasa 84, 85
Karmatrakrti 111, 118
Isvara 209
Karma-sarira 114, 128
Karunya 202
Kathopanisad 59
Jacobi 46, 58, 219
Kasustaki Upanisad 59
Jaigisavya 136
Mill (j.s) 88
Jaimini 222
Mimamsakas 9,14,95,104
Jvaiamalini 212
James (willaiam)47, 56, 58, 59, 88, 89 Ksanikvada 19, 45
Jayanta 73
Ksatiriya 172, 200
Jesus 132, 201
Ksayika 114
Jivanmukti 153, 217, 224
Ksina-moha 139
Jivas 48, 49, 197
Ksullaka 181
Jnanamaya 58, 75
Kumbhaka 138
Jnana pravada 81
Jnanavaraniya 52, 113, 166
Jung (C.j.) 108, 109
Lamarck 51
Jyotisksa 213
Lamaisan 213
Lama Mangalabjong Rampa 132
Layoga 136, 145
Kaialya 102, 103, 105
Lesya 113, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132,
Kaladevala 128
Kalpavasi 213
Leuba 206
Leumadnn 131
Mantra-yoga 136, 145
Linga-sarira 129
Marx 213
Locke 6, 87, 89
Mithyatva-karman 116
Mitra 706
Mohaniya 113
Madnyama-pratipadadrsti 13
Monastic 172
Madhyamika 6, 222
Moksa 12, 31, 64, 65, 66, 67,114, 134,
Mahabharata 110, 213,
165, 169, 172, 218, 219
Maharas tra 189
Mundake Upanisa 4, 27
Mahavagga 195,
Muni 123
Mahavire 14, 15, 47, 66, 80, 81, 132
Mysore 212
Mahayanists 168
McDougall 51, 68, 71, 73, 77
Maitri 202
McTaggart 65,
Maitrayani 219
Mantravadins 212
Maitri Upanisad 69, 78
Nagarjuna 6, 28,
Mitshyadrsti 150
Nada 148
Magghima magga 13
Nama 115, 118
Mallaka-drstanta 90
Namarupa 118
Manahparyaya 83, 97, 99, 100, 101
Newton 205
Manas 64, 67, 68, 70, 96
Nietzscha 213, 216
Manomaya 59
Niyama 137
Mathew Arnold 3
Nijama Naya 17, 19, 20, 21
Matigjnana 85, 95
Naiyayika 72, 84, 86, 105, 207, 208,
Mayavada 45
209, 222
Paroksa jnana 83
Nandisutra 69, 83, 84, 90, 104
Parsva81, 83, 168, 219
Naya 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Nemicandra 158, 61, 74
Mithyatva 151
Neo-naiyayaiks 79,
Nigganthas 22
Prakrti 96, 119
Nirjara 64 ,115
Pramada 152, 220
Nirvana 111, 222
Pramadacaridra 176
No-indriya 85
Pramanas 47, 210
Nyaya 52, 78, 79
Pramanamimamsa 74, 83, 103, 104
Nyaya-Vaisesika 20, 73, 77
Prameya-Kamala –Martanda 103
Prana 53, 54, 111, 210, 215
Padmarajiah 12, 27,
Pranayama 138
Pratimas 181
Pancastikaayasara 49, 52, 55, 61, 99, Pratyaksa 47, 83, 84, 85, 97, 128
Pre-Aryan 172, 219
Pancasila 34
Precognittion 98
Papopaddesa 176
Prosadha 180
Parmatman 57, 58, 215
Prosadhopavasa 177
Parigraha –tyagas 180
Protagoras 32, 216
Paryapta 63, 110
Psychometry 99
Paryaya 31
Puraka 138
Patra 178
Purusa 46, 119
Plato 3, 4, 44, 45, 46, 60, 61, 62, 84, Pythajoras 128
214, 217
Polak 196
Polus 216
Radhakrishnan 18, 30, 31, 77, 126,
Potter 108
186, 215, 220
Prabhacandra 21, 104
Rajas 79
Praprabhakara 79, 80, 222
Rajatarangini 185
Pradesa 60
Raja yoja 136, 146, 148
Prabhu 55, 11, 210
Ratrivhojana-tyaga 180
Prajna 67, 75
Ramanuja 29, 31, 32
Prajapati 215
Ratnaarandaka 175, 190, 200
Samvara 64 114, 220
Recaka 138
Smayika 177, 180
Rjveic 109
samlekhana 179, 185, 186, 187, 189,
Rhine 101, 102
190, 191, 192, 193
Richet 102
Samnyasa 180
Rjumati 101
Samyakva 116
RjusutraNaya 18, 19
Samyagdrsti 100, 151, 180
Romain Rolland 205
Samyag –janana 166
Rsabha 219
Samyak-cratra 166, 167
Rsis 205
Sarpabhusana Sivayogi 145
Rta 109
Sasvadana Samyadrsti 151
Rudrayoga 144
Sasatya 136, 168
Rupa 118
Satya-vrata 173
Rullsell 7, 33, 85, 92
Schopenhauer 50
Schweitzer 165
Shaw(Bernar) 51
Sabda naya 17 19, 21
Siddhesena Di vakara 18, 101
Sabara 222
Siksavratas 173, 175, 177
Sacitta-tyaga 180
Sivatva 144
Samanyakevalins 224
Sivyaoga 146, 147, 148, 149
Samabhirudha 19, 20, 21
Siva 149
Samgraha naya 18
Sivanubhava yoga 149
Samkara 5, 12, 28, 29
Sivayoga darpana 148
30, 31, 45, 134, 222
Smith(Adam) 57
Samkalpat 200
Socrates 5, 44, 46, 61, 207, 214, 216
Samkalpa vyaparavat 67
Sophists 8, 32, 44, 214
Samkhya 12, 18, 20, 55, 69, 79, 84, Somadeva 201
Speinoza 5
Samsara 56, 61, 64, 112, 128, 215
Sravaka 123, 172, 177
Sravakacara 183, 184
Upadhye 131
Sravaka-dharma 182,218
Upanisads 4, 11, 13, 45, 54, 59, 77, 78,
Sthana 137
121, 219
Stout 77, 89, 92
Upasanttamoha 153
Subahacandra 135
Siddhartha 128
Suddha bhavas 55
Siddhashila 255
Sunya 214
Urdhvagati 61
Siutrakrtanga 22, 202
Urna 138
Svetambara 17, 166, 176
Usas 206
Swedenborg 98
Uttaradhyayunasutra 111, 185
Taittiriyopanisad 59
Vacapati 79
Tamas 79
Vausesuja 12, 79
Tattvarthasutre 16, 17, 22, 49, 69, 72, Vedantasara 153
74, 85, 93, 166, 198
Vardhamana 195, 219
Tennyson 127
Varuna 206, 209
Theaetetus 5, 214
Vedaniya 115
Tibetan 213
Vijnana 55, 77, 110
Tirtha 183
Vipulamati 101
Transmigration 110
Virsaiva 149, 150
Triyoga 220
Viseravasyakabhasya 46, 67, 81, 90,
91, 94, 99, 100
Udasina purusa 55
Vrata 166, 72-175, 180
Uddista-tyaga 180
Vyanjinavargraha 90, 91, 95
Umas vati 16, 17, 22, 49, 85, 88, 94, Vyavahara naya 18, 21
Upayoga 49,50,51,52,111,128
Wellingto 205
Whitehead 10, 33, 34
William James 47,56,59,79,80,88
Wittgenstein 6
Wood worth 87
W-S-O-R-W 87
Wnnedt 56,69,88
Xwnophanes 207
Yajanyavalakya 54, 213
Yajurveda 219
Yaksini 212
Yama 109, 137
Yatyacara 184
Yoga 112, 143-150
Yogacara 79
Yogic 59, 79, 96
Zeno 4, 186
Zimmer 103, 153, 154, 203, 221
Zulu 201
Jivarja jaina Granthamala
General Editors:
Dr. A.N. Upadhy, Dr.H. L. Jain & pt kailaschand Shastri
1. Tiloyapannatiti of Yativarsabha (part I, chapters 1-4): an ancient
prakrit text dealing with Jaina cosmography Dogmatics etc . pratkrit text
authentically edited for the first time with the various reading, preface &
Hindi paraphrase of Pt. Bhalachandra by Drs. A, N, Upadhye & H.L.jain
published by Jainsa samaskriti Samaraksa Samagha, sholpur (India.)
crown 8vo pp 6-38-532 sholapur 1948
price Rs 12/-
Second Edition, sholaur,1956
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Jainisnm and Indian though and Culture in the tenth century , by
professor k.k. Handiwui vice –chancellor Gauhati University, Assam, with
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price Rs. 16/-
3. Pandavapuranam of subhacandra: A Sanskrit text dealing with the
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price .Rs. 2/-
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