ReDZyne Textbooks

As technology advances so quickly we see society thrust in to a
third wave out of the industrial manufacturing age into a time where
services and information are the commodities to be bought and sold. In
this new era we are brought greater flexibility in the way we conduct
both our personal and business lives. We have the ability to custom
design every aspect of our lives: we have wireless phones, voice mail,
and email to bring us information in real-time; central air, special
lighting and smaller speakers to control our working and living
environments. It is the concept of customization that is
evolveing around to deliver custom textbooks to the college
In the music industry we have customization bring us companies
such as who allow you to custom build your own CDs
choosing one song at a time from any independent artist or
participating music label. The songs are in digital MP3 format and are
written on to a CD that is delivered via next day air to your home. In
fact MP3 as a idea is an embodiment of the concept of customization,
that is buying just the information you want and need insted of the
predefined whole. would like to offer the same solution to
the printed textbook market that the concept of MP3 has offered to the
music industry. Offer students the ability to buy digital or print on
demand versions of each individual chapter assigned in their classes as
opppposed to buying the entire textbook as you would an entire CD. will allow Professors to build customs digital
textbooks out of a library of independently published and previously
existing digital copies of the chapters in textbooks. In this way people
can create accurate textbooks which fit precisely to the outline and
topics in the course. Students will no longer have to purchase multiple
textbooks out of which they read only a few chapters. Professors, will
be given software which allows them to put together a complete course
textbook made out of any existing college textbook chapter. The student
will log on to and choose how they would like the text
delivered to them. The text could be printed via print on demand and
then sent next day air, or distributed electronically through an
electronic book reader, such as the Rocket e-Book from NuvoMedia,
Inc. or the SoftBook from SoftBook Press, Inc., or via’s
web site.
The target market is the College textbook market which has sales
on the order of 5 billion annually.
companies, such as
Currently there are several
and (VSTY),
who target this market by offering discounts on the entire printed
textbooks being sold over the web. What would like to do
is take over the textbook market by being the first to marry the
elctronic book market with the concept of customization.
The means of distribution will take advantage of Print on demand
so as to be able to supply printed custom textbooks on order via the web
site for those customers who would prefer to read text on paper.
Alliances will be made with the makers of electronic book readers such
as the Rocket e-book, and the Softbook, so that there is a device which is
better then ones laptop to read the digital forms of the textbooks on.
The history of MP3s has its foundation in compression where
programmers were looking for new ways to compress data that was to
be sent over the Internet.
As compression technology advanced
individuals began to use it in order to produce illegal copies of
copywrited songs, music clips, and of label CDs.
Musicians then
realized that they could use the same technology to produce
independent stand alone digital songs which could be distributed
through the medium of the Internet to the public. Artists now had a
way to get their sound out their to the public without having to get
signed to a music label such as Sony.
Internet sites arose which collected musicians MP3s later
becoming places where the consumer could go to buy the digital version
of a single song off of any CD. The music industry had taken the
information age’s concept of customization to the extreme to let people
buy single songs. allows people to build entire CDs
out of a collection of only the song they want to hear. In some sense
they do what the news does they give you only what you need to hear
and filter the rest.
What would like to do is to bring this same concept
of customization to the printed arena to allow professors and students
the ability to create custom textbooks much like
allows people to create custom CDs form individual artists song. will allow Professors to build customs digital textbooks out
of a library of independently published and previously existing copies of
textbooks In this way people can create accurate textbooks to truly be
able to construct relvent anthologies of infoamtion for their class.
The target market is the College textbook market which has sales
on the order of 5 billion annually. The means of distribution will take
advantage of Print on demand so as to be able to supply printed custom
textbooks on order via the web site for those customers who would
prefer to read text on paper. Alliances will be made with the makers of
electronic book readers such as the Rocket e-book, and the Softbook, so
that there is a device which is better then ones laptop to read the digital
forms of the textbooks on.
This is much the same concept as the daily news. The news looks
through everything that is going on in the world
As we ride society’s third wave out of the industrial manufacturing age
into a time where services and information are the commodities to be
bought and sold one sees the increasing presence of technology.
What the information age and technology have brought us are increased
flexibility in our ability to both live life and do business. Mobility and
Customization have become important concepts in this age. We can see
this throughout all areas in our everyday experience. With the
evolution of the web we have seen the streamlining of and digitization of
many areas in life. Every possible market is being filled up with new
Society now has many people who are in the mountains trading stocks
while they are hiking up a mountain.
As we ride society’s third wave out of the industrial
manufacturing age into a time where services and information are the
commodities to be bought and sold one realizes the importance of
technology’s atomization and customization of our lives.
What the
information age has brought us with the development of miniature
wireless technology is the realization of true mobility. One person can
now be outfitted with exactly what he or she needs in order to have all
information at their fingertips in (almost) real-time. Customization!
We have wireless phones, voice mail, and email to bring us information;
central air, special lighting and smaller speakers to control and design
our working and living environments. As technology automizes and
streamlines every process and interaction has brought us to a point
where we realize the true usefulness of our days and trys to automize
shit so as to take away much of the days mundain activities.
It is the concept of customiztion that has brought about companies like which allows one to custom design their own CDs
consisting of a variety of different music from different artists MP3s.
In fact MP3s as a idea is just an enbodyment of todays concept of
The history of MP3s has its foundation in compretion where
programmers were looking for new ways to compress data that was to
be sent over the internet.
As this technology advanced individuals
began to use it in order to produce illegal copies of copywrited songs,
music clips, and copies of label CDs. As the music community became
aware of this some individual artists began using the same technology to
produce indipendent stand alone ditigital songs which could be sent
over the internet much like the text in an email. Artists realized that
there now exsisted a new way to get your sound out their to the
public…. The internet.
All the while there exsisted buliten boards at
first and what became later portals for people who were looking for
MP3s of a specific artist or type of sound and hence were born places
If one takes a closer look we see that in some
sense had become in effect an independent music label
a producer of sorts allowing the distribution of music. What ReDZyne would like to do is to bring this same concept of
customization to the printed arena to allow individuals to create
textbooks which are made mush like allows people to
create custom CDs form individual artists sond
… in that they
construct a new ReDZyned textbook made from chapters from various
textbooks. In this way people can create acturate lesons and an actuarte
textbooks to truly be able to construct your lesson for the class.
This is much the same concept as the daily news. The news looks
through everything that is going on in the world
Technology and the information age has brought us the ability to
customize our lives.