Processing a New Hire - Student College Work Study

Processing a New Hire - Student Assistant/College Work Study
This procedure covers hiring a student assistant or college work-study student.
This procedure does not cover hiring a technician or non-academic appointments.
Banner Forms
New Hire Form
Employee Data Form
OISS Clearance for Non-immigrant Employee (if applicable)
Required Information
Employing unit must verify enrollment status; i.e. credit hours and/or cws award (if
A Wayne State University (WSU) student enrolled for more than five (5) undergraduate
hours or three (3) graduate hours (one or more during the spring/summer semester for
graduate students) must be hired as a student assistant or college work-study student,
not as a technician.
Student Assistant:
The Student Assistant Program is one of several categories of student employment and considers
employees of this program to primarily be students. Students meeting the student assistant or college
work-study student eligibility criteria may not be hired as "fractional time" or "part time" employees.
However, these procedures do not interfere with the rights of full-time employees of the University to
attend classes nor do they prevent a student who meets the student assistant or college work-study
student eligibility criteria from accepting full-time employment within the University. It is important to
note that a student assistant or college work-study student may not be placed concurrently
on another payroll.
College Work Study:
The college work-study program essentially parallels the student assistant program relative to policies,
procedures, and purpose. The primary difference between the two programs is the source by which they
are funded. The college work-study program is a federal or state funded employment program designed
for students who have demonstrated financial need.
Wayne State University
Processing a New Hire - Student College Work Study
Effective 06/11/02
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Rev 3
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (College Work-Study only)
Employing Unit
School/College/Division (I-9 process)
Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS Clearance for Non-Immigrant
Employee Form)
Career Planning and Placement Services
Employment Services
Personnel Processing and Records
Employing Unit*
Employment Services
Personnel Processing and Records
Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS Clearance for Non-Immigrant
Employee Form)
Career Planning and Placement Services
The Director of Career Planning and Placement Services is responsible for ensuring that
this document is necessary and that it reflects actual practice. Questions concerning this
process should be directed to the individual listed above.
Wayne State University
Processing a New Hire - Student College Work Study
Effective 06/11/02
Page 2 of 5
Rev 3
Employing Unit
1. Select a candidate.
2. Conduct interview.
3. Review application and/or resume and perform reference checks.
If student is a College Work Study, goto task #4. Otherwise, goto task #5.
4. Obtain a copy of the Financial Aid award document to verify status and amount of
funding awarded prior to extending the offer.
5. Extend offer of employment.
6. Generate a New Hire form.
N>Banner>Forms>New Hire Form
7. Have candidate complete all necessary forms:
 federal, state, and city tax cards
 Veteran's Survey Form
 Employee Data Form
 Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9) in accordance with
Schools/College/Division policies
N>Banner>Forms> Employee Data Form
N>Banner>Forms>OISS Clearance for Non-immigrant Employee Form.
If applicant is a non-immigrant alien, they must first report to International
Services to obtain a signature on Posting Request form and OISS Clearance for
Non-Immigrant Employee form.
N>Banner>FORMS>OISS Clearance for Non-Immigrant Employee
8. Obtain signature of Dean/Director on New Hire form.
9. Forward completed forms (except I-9 and/or OISS Clearance for Non-Immigrant
Employee form) to Career Planning and Placement Services for review and
10. Forward I-9 and/or OISS Clearance for Non-Immigrant Employee form to
Employment Services for verification.
Wayne State University
Processing a New Hire - Student College Work Study
Effective 06/11/02
Page 3 of 5
Rev 3
Career Planning and Placement Services
11. Receive completed forms.
12. Forward approved forms to Personnel Processing and Records for entry into
Employment Services
13. Perform I-9 certification of US citizens and permanent residents, as needed.
14. Forward copy of all I-9 forms to Personnel Processing and Records.
Personnel Processing and Records
15. Receive forms along with appropriate documentation.
16. Enter information into Banner.
17. Create a personnel file for the new employee.
18. File the Banner forms in the employee's personnel file.
End of activity.
Wayne State University
Processing a New Hire - Student College Work Study
Effective 06/11/02
Page 4 of 5
Rev 3
Care e r Planning
& Place m e nt
Se rvice s
Em ploying Unit
Select a candidate.
Conduct interv iew.
Rev iew application
and/or resume &
perf orm ref erence
checks. (3)
Forward approv ed
f orms to Personnel
Processing & Records
f or entry into
Banner. (12)
Em ploym e nt
Se rvice s
Student is a
College Work Study ?
Em ploying Unit
Obtain a copy of
Financial Aid award
document to v erif y
status & amount of
f unding awarded
prior to extending
of f er. (4)
Em ploying Unit
Extend of f er of
employ ment. (5)
Generate a New Hire
f orm. (6)
Hav e candidate
complete all
necessary f orms: (7)
Obtain signature of
Dean/Director on New
Hire f orm. (8)
Forward completed
f orms (except I-9
and/or OISS
Clearance f or NonImmigrant Employ ee
f orm) to Career
Planning & Placement
Serv ices f or rev iew
& approv al. (9)
Forward I-9 and/or
OISS Clearance f or
Employ ee f orm to
Employ ment Serv ices
f or v erif ication.
Perf orm I-9
certif ication of US
citizens & permanent
residents. (13)
Forward copy of all
I-9 f orms to
Personnel Processing
& Records. (14)
Pe rs onnel
Proce s s ing &
Re cords
Receiv e f orms along
with appropriate
documentation. (15)
Enter inf o into
Banner. (16)
Create a personnel
f ile f or new
employ ee. (17)
File Banner f orms in
employ ee's personnel
f ile. (18)
Care e r Planning
& Place m e nt
Se rvice s
Receiv e completed
f orms. (11)
Wayne State University
Processing a New Hire - Student College Work Study
Effective 06/11/02
Page 5 of 5
Rev 3