Pre-Academic Probation Advising We are concerned about your success and want to help you improve your academic standing and performance. Each semester that a student’s GPA is below a 2.0, a hold will be placed on their account. The hold will prevent the student from changing their course registration. The student must complete required Homework and meet with an advisor before the hold will be removed. Through the required homework and advising appointment, you will: understand the implications of being placed on academic probation discuss your academic progress learn about available academic success resources determine appropriate strategies to improve your academic performance Before your Pre-Probation Advising Appointment, you must complete the following homework: . 1. Request and print your full DARS For instructions on how to request and read a DARS report, please see Report Instructions 090908.doc . 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete the attached Homework Worksheet Review all information regarding Probation and Disqualification at Complete the attached Quiz After you have completed the Pre-Probation Advising Appointment Homework and quiz, please schedule an appointment through our online appointment scheduler. To access the appointment scheduler, please log onto your My ASU, click on Advising in your MyPrograms and eAdvisor box and then click on Schedule an Advisor Appointment: The Psychology Department Advising Office is located on the Tempe campus (east side) in the Psychology Building, Room 255. For campus maps and directions: Please bring the following to your advising session: 1. Sun Card or Picture ID and Affiliate ID# 2. current copy of your full degree audit (DARS)-dated the day of or day before the advising session 3. Pre-Probation Appointment Homework Worksheet and Quiz. 4. unofficial transcript for any coursework that has not been transferred to ASU 5. list of questions you have concerning Academic Probation and your academic progress. NOTE: students who are late 10 minutes or more for their appointment or do not bring a current, full DARS and other appointment homework must reschedule – no exceptions. Psychology Department Advisors Psychology Dept.| College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | fax: (480) 965-8544 | phone: (480) 965-7258 w: Psych-cess Blog: Pre-Probation Advising Appointment Homework My degree is: ____________________________________________________ My catalog year is: ________________________________________________ My first semester at ASU was: _______________________________________ My current critical tracking term is: ____________________________________ I am: On track Off track Requirements not met: indicate the term(s) you were off track and the course(s) you did not successfully complete Term 1 _____________________________________________________________ Term 2 _____________________________________________________________ Term 3 _____________________________________________________________ Term 4 _____________________________________________________________ The number of credit hours I have attempted at ASU is: (calculate below) a. Total number of hours you earned: __________ b. Number of hours you failed (E): __________ c. Total number of hours you attempted (add a and b): __________ My current class schedule is: Semester: Course: prefix, number and name My Current GPA is*: Projected semester GPA* Projected Cumulative GPA* *use GPA calculator at: I am repeating this course: √ Projected Grade These are the courses that I have received a D or E: Term Course Grade Term Repeated Grade I will use the following University Resources to improve my academic success: indicate with a √: Faculty Office hours (see individual course syllabi for information) Math Tutor Center nter.html Writing Center Study Groups/Supplemental Instruction Tutor Career Services Transitional Advising (help in finding a new major) Academic Advising Directory Counseling & Consultation Disability Resource Center Other strategies I will use to improve my academic success are: Pre-Probation Advising Appointment Quiz Question 1: A student’s ASU cumulative GPA is based on which of the following: a. All coursework completed at ASU and any other transfer institution(s). b. Only courses completed at ASU and an Arizona community college. c. Only courses completed at ASU. d. Both a and b. Question 2: How does a student go from academic probation to academic good standing? a. By meeting the minimum semester gpa. b. By raising the ASU gpa to 2.0. c. By raising the ASU gpa to the level designated by the number of credit hours completed. d. None of the above. Question 3: Based on the graph in the probation homework, if a probation student has completed 74 credit hours and plans to take 15 credit hours the next term, s/he must earn the following minimum semester gpa to be placed on continuing probation: a. 2.00 minimum gpa for the semester b. 2.10 minimum gpa for the semester c. Depends on the student’s individual situation d. None of the above Question 4: Students who fail to meet the minimum semester GPA after being placed on academic probation will be: a. Allowed to take classes one more semester. b. Disqualified from further attendance at ASU. c. Placed back into university good academic standing. d. Limited in hours for the next term at ASU. Question 5: Students may repeat a course: a. One time only at ASU. b. As many times as they like at ASU. c. Only during summer sessions. d. Both b and c. Question 6: Students repeating a course in which they earned a grade of “D” or “E” can replace the lower grade with a higher grade in the cumulative gpa. Based on the policy: Both grades show on the student’s transcript, but only the higher grade is calculated into the cumulative gpa. a. Students CANNOT repeat (for credit) classes in which they earned a grade of “C” or better. b. There are limits, depending on when a student began attending ASU, on how many and in what courses students may replace “D” or “E” grades. c. All of the above. d. None of the above. Question 7: If a student submits a petition to the College to retake a class for the third time, the student is guaranteed permission to do so. T/F True False Question 8: Students can retake the same course at another school and the grade will be replaced in their ASU gpa. T/F True False Question 9: When a student receives a grade of Incomplete (“I”) s/he must: a. Work with the instructor to determine what will be required to earn a grade. b. Complete the agreed upon work within 6 months of the end of the class. c. NOT register for the course again. d. A and B e. A and C Question 10: If a student is failing a class, s/he can ask the instructor for an incomplete grade to catch up on his/her work. T/F True False Question 11: What happens to a grade of Incomplete if the requirements are not met within one year? a. The student can talk to the instructor about getting an extension. b. The “I” remains on the transcript indefinitely. c. The “I” automatically changes to an “E.” d. The student can request a late withdrawal. Question 12: Withdrawals will appear on your transcript and a grade of “W” will be assigned to the course. The grade of “W” does not factor into your grade point average. T/F True False Question 13: A complete withdrawal requires a student to contact: a. A retention specialist in the Registrar’s Office. b. Must be done by the last day of regular classes. c. Cannot be done directly through MyASU. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. Question 14: Students may withdraw from an individual course up until the last day of classes. T/F True False Question 15: Individual course withdrawals can be processed through the date listed in the individual course’s calendar icon (as seen on the student’s schedule). T/F True False Question 16: Instructors must grant an Incomplete to any student who requests one. T/F True False