George Rembert - Explore Lansing NC

George Rembert – Mayor
173 B Street PO Box 266 Lansing NC 28643
Bernice Prestwood – Town Clerk
(336) 384-3938
Meeting Minutes and Agendas 2013
Agenda - July 08, 2013
Old Business
Will the Town pay for the port-a-potty for the park and the walking trail.
Road repair. Dylan Lightfoot.
Ola Bell Reed, Dylan Lightfoot.
Cody Anderson.
E Street.
Jack Brown.
Public Comment.
New Business
Jessica Branock, High County Council of Government.
Need a sweeper for the mower. Larry
Will the Town pay for the port-a-potty for the park and the walking trail.
Tim Church, raise.
Chris Campbell, take to court for meter tampering.
William Hamm has said that water is standing on his lot and he thinks it’s the sewer. It smells very bad.
Bernice’s vacation.
Public comment.
Agenda Sept. 9
Old business
A Jessica Branock High Country council of Government.
B. Marvin Taylor.
C. Need a sweeper for the mower.
D. Will the Town Pay for the port-a-Potty.
E. Tim Church, Rise.
F. Chris Campbell, Water bill,
G. Will Ham has said that water is standing on his lot.
H. Bernice vacation.
I Public comment.
A. Beth Johnson would like to attend a class on Budgeting in Local
Government will cost $450.00.
B. Kathy Finelly and Casity Bailey First citizens Bank.
C. Doug Besler and Kin Hodges Mountain Heritage Trout Trail.
D. Ronald Lee Rash put in a bid to trim all limbs on A and B Streets.
E. Dennis Trainor said he would like to buy the tin and all that goes with it for $100.00. We have another bid from
Micheal lee Houck for $150.00.
F. What to do with the boards from the old Lansing sign.
G. Roy Billings, The small creek is stopped up above Bruce Mitchell’s house.
H. The Town needs a storage building.
I. Chris Campbell, water bill.
J. Jennifer Thomas would like to be Lansing’s represented on the Board of the 1904 Historic Court House.
K. Put out bid for snow removal.
L. The walking trail needs three more tiles.
M. Trailers at Churches.
m. Public comment.
The regular monthly meeting of the Lansing Board of Alderman was held on Monday September 09, 2013. In attendance
was Mayor George Rembert. Alderman, Dylan Lightfoot, Maurvine Sheperd, Brenda Reeves, Michelle Slaton. Also in
attendance were Bernice Prestwood, Town Clerk, Beth Johnson, Financial Officer, Larry Blevins Kathy Finley and
Jennifer Wunderlich. Mayor Rembert open the meeting asking for Michelle Slaton second, and all agreed. Kathy Finely
was interdicted by Mayer Rembert. And she introduced Chastity Bialy. She is the finical planner of First Citizens Bank.
She would like for us to let them invest our money. It is a five year term. The alderman wanted to look over the proposal
until next meeting to make a discussion. Doug Trexler and ken Hodges came to speak to us about the catch and release
in our trout streams. Mountain Heritage Trout Waters area could be fished on a five dollar trout licensee. This licensee is
only good for the Mountain Heritage area. Mr. Drexler would like us to write a letter to the origination that we are very
interest in this program.
Brenda Reeves made a motion to accept the program. Dylan Lightfoot second the motion and all agreed. George
Rembert will write the letter of acceptance. The Town has received two phone call from the school about the trees and
limbs that are hinging into the road way and scraping the buses that goes up A street. We have a bid of $780.00 to trim
tree limbs and haul off all debrief. Larry Blevins said he though that David Powers would do it cheaper. Larry said he
would talk to David Power and see what he says about it. Brenda Reeves made a motion for Larry Blevins could talk to
Powers. And Mauvine Shepherd seconds the motion. And all agreed. Larry will ask David Powers about doing the job.
Dylan Lightfoot agreed to haul off the boards of the old Town of Lansing sign. Dennis Trainor said he would buy the tin
that is under the Town Hall for $100.00. We also have another bid of $150.00. Mauvine Shepherd made a motion to sell
to the highest bidder. Dylan Lightfoot second the motion and all agreed. It has been brought to the attention of the board
that the Town needs a storage building. The Town now has a lot of thing in Larry’s building. The building is up for sale
and what will we do with the stuff when it sales. Wilh a lot of discussion, it was decided to think of some long term storage
unit. Dylan Lightfoot said he could make some calls and get the information back to us. Or maybe a grant to buy a
building. Chris Campbell has complained about his water bill. He has turned his water on four times. He also turned his
neighbor water on and used it. There was another $100.00 charged on to his account. Jennifer Thomas would like to sit
on the Board for Lansing on the Historic Court House. Mauvine Shepherd made a motion to accept Mrs. Thomas for our
represenative. Brenda Reeves second and all agree. Bids for snow removal needs to be put in the newspaper, so we
could have it in place before the first snow. Lightfoot said he would write a new contract for the snow removal. The
pavement on the walking trail need more tile. It was decided to do nothing this year. Everyone keep and eye on it. The
camper of Israel Church needs to have a sticker put on it. George Rembert said he would put a sticker on the camper,
also a sticker on Dennis Trainor white car and his white pickup that is still in the Town. Brenda Reeves ask about the
water that is standing on Will Hamm property. Jack Brown and Roger Miller checked out the water. They said it was
standing water, leaking from the, Jones house across the street. With all business taken care of Mayor Rembert ask for a
motion to adjourn. Brenda Reeves made a motion, and Dylan Lightfoot second all agreed,
MINUTES - Monday January 13, 2014.
In attendance was Mayor George Rembert.
Aldermen Jack Brown, Dylan Lightfoot, Mauvine Shepherd, Brenda Reeves
and Michelle Slaton. Also Bernice Prestwood, Town Clerk, Will Petty,
Jefferson Post, Beth Johnson, Finance Office.
The Mayor announced that there were no minutes, because He did not get
them to Bernice on time.
The first thing on the agenda was to swear in the
newly elected members of the Board. All put their hand on the Bible, Jack
Brown, Dylan Lightfoot, Mauvine Shepherd, and Michelle Slaton all took the
oath of office.
We had received a bill from the Board of Elections for the
Cost of the elections it was fourteen hundred and fourteen dollars and
Seventy five cents. The bill was discussed, and all agreed to pay the bill.
The proposal of the two banks (First Citizens Bank and Life Store Bank)
Was to put the money into Life Store Bank. Mauvine Shepherd ask how
Much money was to go into the annuity; she also said to take fifty thousand
out of the checking and add it to the annuities to invest. Beth Johnson was
ask for her opinion Johnson said that she spoke with Misty Watson our
auditor and she felt it was a good idea. The Town owns the annuities that
are in First Citizens Bank. And it was proposed to move it to Life Store
Bank, because it pays more. But it requires a signer on the annuity.
Mauvine Shepherd was asking to be the signer, and she agreed. A motion was
made by Dylan Lightfoot to move the money to Life Store Bank and was
second was made by Michelle Slaton, all agreed.
Ann Rose with GLAD was ask to report about their activities. She said that
we had gotten the grant that was applied for. Walter Clark has met with the
land owners this is the Roop property. They have two weeks to decide and
then the state will come and do their own appraisal. At some point there will
have to be a meeting between GLAD and the Town Alderman. And they need
to start doing fund raising; the town received a letter from Dorn Pentes. He said
that he is not able to have his Five Elements Festival at the same time as
the Ola Bell Festival. He would have it about two weeks later.
Brenda Reeves said she went to the reception for Sam Yearick and talked to him
about Lansing. He said he would like to come to one of our meetings.
Brenda did agree with him. Lightfoot said that Marie Vasquez was
supposed to clean up her property. There is still some trash there. It is a
hazard and an eye sore. The county has to take a look at it and tell us if it
needs to be cleaned up. A motion to adjourn was called for by Michelle, and
all agreed. Bernice left so the meeting could -go into executive session.
Because the meeting was about her.