Research Project P-CD – BIOTECH n0 128 ECOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION USING MICOREMEDIATION METHODS FOR SOILS DEGRADED BY MINING ACTIVITIES (RECOSOL) Acronym: RECOSOL Programme: Excellence Research Project Module: I Type of Project: P-CD Thematic Fields: Production and sustainable management of biological resources of soil, forests and aquatic media Platforma tehnologică: Forrest resources Contractor: 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' University of Iaşi Contractual Authority: National Center on Programs Management Project manager: Reader PhD Catalin TANASE Partners: 'Grigore T. Popa' University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi 'Ion Ionescu de la Brad' University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi 'Stefan cel Mare' University of Suceava 'Petru Poni' Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of Iasi Abstract: The project aim to comparative analysis of biotic and abiotic elements of natural and anthropical ecosystems by fungi capacity valuation in ecological reconstruction for degraded soils resulted in mining activities. The project have been comprised in Production and sustainable management of biological resources of soil, forests and aquatic media thematic fields because it involves responsible long-term strategies and investments factors and promotes the community member awareness regarding the environmental rehabilitation using adequate bioprocesses. We include this project in Forrest resources technological platform category because it promote security of socio-ecological complexes and propose sustainable and suitable solutions for socioeconomical context by respect national legislation and the requirements of Acquis Communitaire implementation in environmental protection field. The advantages of the ecological reconstruction using micoremediation methods for degraded soils are the followings: involve soil depolluation by reducing of hydrocarbons, pesticides, heavy metals and radioactive elements; permit aeration, breakdown and transportation of organic and inorganic substances, without silt flow; determine reduction of soil erosion protecting useful fauna; permit the recover of native mycobiota (mycorrhizal and saprophytic) having an important role in soil formation process; contribute to filtration process of certain parasite protozoa; represent natural barriers for harmful carpenter insects and improve nutritive quality of soil lead to beneficial mycrobiota development; permit practical abilities development with educational aim in sustainable preservation and application of natural background. Ecological reconstruction using micoremediation methods for soils degraded by mining activities is pointed out for the following directions: soils quality remediation using the mycelium in toxic wastes and different pollutants decomposition; forestry by using sub-products from mushrooms cultivation in plants nutrition and diversity protection; biological control of pests by using certain fungal substances with complex action; control of biodiversity erosion using mycofiltration of certain biotic and abiotic components. Due to the field complexity, this project will contain five stages, were there was scheduled a list of objectives and other afferent activities. The research results are used to achieve five main goals: i) ii) iii) iv) v) make hierarchy scale of the problems / aspects looking at soils quality using methods based on analyses and experiments for environment risk evaluation; evaluate the diversity of soil mycrobiota and the diversity of plants from targeted areas; isolation, cultivation and identification of fungi species implicated in pollutants accumulations, which are important in pollutants recycling and at last their elimination; selection, implementation and in situ monitoring of some pollutants micoremediation methods for soils degraded by mining activities; comparative analyse of the research results intending the evaluation of soil quality remediation based on depollutant mushrooms. On long-term, we propose evaluation of expected results on environment following the details regarding the micoremediation efficiency, usage of biotests as instruments for ecotoxicological risk evaluation, real prices for implementation of these methods and modeling of the interactions types between fungi species and environment contaminants. Objectives correlated presentation of issues supposed to be solved under national and international context, related to the mentioned thematic area, measurable objectives, concordance among proposed objectives, programme objectives and programme priorities. YEAR 2006 ANNUAL OBJECTIVES PROPOSED ACTIVITIES STAGE I: ESTABLISHMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BACKGROUND FOR RESEARCHES ACHIEVEMENT I.1.1: Achievement of experimental and OBJECTIVE I.1: operational proceedings through correlation of Organization of workshop with corporation partners activities for contractual objectives members for selection of intervention actions achievement and reference supports and of investigation casuistries establishment 2007 I.2.1: Synthesis and critical analysis of acquired results in ecological reconstruction of soils field and assessment of sociological and socio-economical importance of mining areas OBJECTIVE I.2: Critical analysis to actual knowledge stage in I.2.2: Establishment of proper work methods ecological reconstruction of soils field, on research teams establishment of target areas and samples I.2.3: Equipments and materials acquisition gathering I.2.4: Realization of delimitation of target areas affected by mining activities I.2.5: Processing and elaboration of activity report for STAGE I STAGE II: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE INVESTIGATIONS TARGET AREAS, COLLECTING OF SAMPLES AND ELABORATION OF THE INFORMATIONAL DATA BASE WITH STUDIED AREA OBSERVATIONS II.3.1: Spatial - temporal variability assessment for the main pedo-climate OBJECTIVE II.3 parameters and their tendency to evolution at Modeling by SIG and teledetection for target areas level evolution and actual state of abiotic and II.3.2: Characterization of some representatives biotic parameters soil profiles to identify zones with special problems in degradation of topsoil II.3.3: Equipments and materials acquisition II.4.1: Assessment and selection of analyze methods II.4.2: Determination of physical parameters: texture, structure, apparent density and hydrophysical parameters II.4.3: Chemical parameters and pollutants OBJECTIVE II.4: determination: pH, humus, SB, Ah, T, V, total Physico-chemical analysis and and variable content in N, P, K, Ca, Mg; total characterization of some representatives soils content in Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, Co, Ni, Pb, samples comparative with soil resulted on sulfates, nitrates, pesticides, complex mining activities hydrocarbons II.4.4: Distribution maps elaboration for soil pollutants and estimation of the vulnerability degree for representative’s soil in target areas II.4.5: Processing and elaboration of activity report for STAGE II STAGE III: FIELD RESEARCHES TO COMPLETE INFORMATIONAL DATA BASE WITH DIVERSITY OF SOIL BIOTA III.5.1: Isolation, identification and OBJECTIVE III.5: characterization of some ecophysiological Collecting and identification of some groups of microorganisms from rhizospheric bacteria, algae, fungi, insects and vascular soil using SEM / TEM analysis plants considered as environmental quality III.5.2: Processing the diversity of identified indicators organisms using statistical modeling III.6.1: Valuating the role of fungi in the transfer of soil elements to vascular plants III.6.2: Determination of the activity of some marker enzymes from fungi implicated in soil depollution: celulolitic complex, peroxydase, catalaze, super oxide dismutase, polyphenol oxydase, proteins, complex hydrocarbons OBJECTIVE III.6: Study of fungi interactions as response to reduction in simple compound environment pressure, evolution and III.6.3: Analysis of heavy metals (Cd, Hg, Zn, adaptation Pb) and / or radioactive metals (Cs) concentration in soil-fungi circuit III.6.4: Characterization of complex combinations from fungi with heavy metals and / or radioactive metals 2007 2008 III.6.5: Experimental results dissemination through participation at scientific manifestations and results publication in revues of specialty. Elaboration of SOIT files III.6.6: Processing and elaboration of activity report for STAGE III STAGE IV: CHARACTERIZATION OF MICOREMEDIATION POTENTIAL FOR SOME POLLUTANTS IN DUMPS RESULTING FROM MINING ACTIVITIES IV.7.1: Selection, multiplication and characterization of isolats with high efficiency OBJECTIVE IV.7: in micoremediation Selection and testing of potential IV.7.2: Determination of assumption / decontaminants fungi in laboratory decontamination level of soil pollutants based on different categories of fungi IV.7.3: Equipments and materials acquisition IV.8.1: Determination of some physiological and biochemical parameters at selected species IV.8.2: Characterization of microbiota dynamics monitored in target areas IV.8.3: Evaluation of soils mycoremediation potential in target areas OBJECTIVE IV.8: Monitoring of the in situ mycoremediation IV.8.4: Mycoconversion of wasted made by models performance polymeric natural and artificial materials IV.8.5: Selection and in situ implementation of optimal micoremediation models on soils degraded by mining activities IV.8.6: Processing and elaboration of activity report for STAGE IV STAGE V: DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT THROUGH PROJECT’S RESULTS DISSEMINATION AND PRACTICAL APPLYING OF SOME MICOREMEDIATION PROCEEDINGS TO ECOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF SOILS DEGRADED BY MINING ACTIVITIES V.9.1: Integration of ecological and socioeconomical expectations: sustainable exploitation scenarios and non-sustainable of OBJECTIVE V.9: the ecosystems affected by mining activity. Establishing a set of actions that include all Management recommendations sectors (governmental, public-private and V.9.2: Workshop arrangement looking to not-governmental) to promote an ecological reconstruction problems based on environmental depollution ecological attitude micoremediation of soils degraded by mining based on fungi usage activities, in co-operation with Calimani National Park, Environmental Protection Agency Suceava, Ecology NGOs V.10.1: Results dissemination through OBJECTIVE V.10: participation at national and international Promoting through informative materials and web page for selected mycoremediation scientific manifestations and results publication methods and establishing some priorities to in revues of specialty. Elaboration of SOIT follow-up the researches by involving files academic medium and decision markers V.10.2: Elaboration and publish the final report Modalities to complete the researches: 1. Perform physico-chemical analysis on soil representative samples from investigated areas in preliminary stage of abiotic parameters study and covering test and cultivation periods of the mycoremedial species (ph, humus, SB, Ah, T, V, total and mobile content in N, P, K, Ca, Mg, total content in Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, Co, Ni, Pb, sulfites, nitrites, pesticides, complex hydrocarbons). 2. Initial and continuous analyses on experiments for identification of contaminants type, concentration and distribution within soil. 3. Develop of spatial modeling algorithms for SIG insert data, adjustments and target areas perimetration 4. Distinguish the rhizosphere effect, micro-biota examination by morphological, physiological and biochemical criteria; categorize rhizospheric bacteria in physiological and nutritional groups; selection of the efficient decontaminant micro-biota combined with the mycoremedial species. 5. Samplers the zoological materials, species identification, behavior of organisms face to host plants and the effect of this behavior. 6. Determination of some physiological and biochemical parameters on fungi species with micoremediation potential from investigated areas: water content, dried materials, main macro-elements, heavy metals, pesticides, sulfites, nitrites, marker-enzymes activity for soil decontamination: celulolitic complex, peroxydase, catalaze, super oxide dimutase, polyphenol oxydase, proteins, complex hydrocarbons reduction in simple compounds. 7. Test the mycoremediation capacity in laboratory / pilot-stations / in situ using different work possibilities follow the contaminants concentration, rhizospheric micro-biota, and soil physico-chemical parameters; collecting, cultivate, isolating and identify species with maximal mycoremediation potential. 8. Analysis of diversity for spontaneous flora; selection of species with importance in ecological reconstruction of heaps of barren rock; analysis of rhizospheric micobiota in laboratory / greenhouse / pilot / in situ using more work variants (soil parameters and in different ontogenetic stages at plants); selection / cultivation of species with maximal potential in ecological reconstruction of target areas. 9. Achievement of the preliminary stages for in situ plants installation; monitoring the plants grow and the initial level of soil decontamination. 10. Usage of all relevant data for monitoring in the initial decontamination level on soil based on fungi species. 11. Popularization and publishing research activity results; organizing workshops on project theme in co-operation with administration of Calimani National Park, with authorities and local population to increase civil mobilization; founding managerial and administrative solutions to continue the researches and to implement the results in other regions where mining activities has been stopped.