[ISV APPLICATION] DEPLOYMENT ON VMWARE INFRASTRUCTURE [ISV Application] Deployment on VMware Infrastructure INDUSTRY: GOVERNMENT [ISV Application] for VMware Infrastructure: Deployment and Technical Considerations Guide [author/authors or company names if desired] [ISV APPLICATION] DEPLOYMENT ON VMWARE INFRASTRUCTURE [ISV Application] Deployment on VMware Infrastructure Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 VMware and [ISV Solution] Overview .......................................................... 1 VMware Infrastructure 3 and VMware vSphere 4 .................................. 1 [ISV Application] Architecture and Deployment Strategy ................... 2 Testing Process and Results.............................................................................. 2 Hardware Configuration ......................................................................................................... 3 Virtual Machine Configuration.............................................................................................. 3 Workload Used............................................................................................................................ 3 Results Observed........................................................................................................................ 3 Additional Testing ..................................................................................................................... 3 Deployment Best Practices ................................................................................ 3 Reference Architecture ....................................................................................... 4 Licensing.................................................................................................................... 4 Technical Support.................................................................................................. 4 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 4 Resources .................................................................................................................. 4 Appendix ................................................................................................................... 5 [ISV APPLICATION] DEPLOYMENT ON VMWARE INFRASTRUCTURE 1.0 Introduction This document provides direction to those interested in running [ISV Application] on VMware Infrastructure 3 or VMware® vSphere™ 4. It provides basic guidance on the architecture of [ISV Application], as well as the value of utilizing the VMware platform. The results of recent testing done jointly by VMware and [ISV] are covered, where the performance and functionality of [ISV Application] on VMware infrastructure version 3.5 update 3 are characterized. Finally, some best practices for utilizing the two product sets together in your datacenter are outlined. 2.0 VMware and [ISV Solution] Overview [This section includes one to two paragraphs describing the solution and joint value proposition, including what business and technical issues the joint solution addresses: for example: cost containment, risk reduction, always-on availability, desktop environment portability, disaster recovery.] 3.0 VMware Infrastructure 3 and VMware vSphere 4 VMware’s leading virtualization solutions provide multiple benefits to IT administrators and users. VMware virtualization creates a layer of abstraction between the resources required by an application and operating system, and the underlying hardware that provides those resources. A summary of the value of this abstraction layer includes the following: Consolidation: VMware technology allows multiple application servers to be consolidated onto one physical server, with little or no decrease in overall performance. Ease of Provisioning: VMware virtualization encapsulates an application into an image that can be duplicated or moved, greatly reducing the cost of application provisioning and deployment. Manageability: Virtual machines may be moved from server to server with no downtime using VMware® VMotion™, which simplifies common operations like hardware maintenance and reduces planned downtime. Availability: Unplanned downtime can be reduced and higher service levels can be provided to an application. VMware® High Availability (HA) ensures that in the case of an unplanned hardware failure, any affected virtual machines are restarted on another host in a VMware cluster. 1 [ISV APPLICATION] DEPLOYMENT ON VMWARE INFRASTRUCTURE [ISV App] [ISV App] [ISV App] [Insert Any OS] Editable Text Here 4.0 [ISV Application] Architecture and Deployment Strategy [In this section provide an overview of the application architecture, as well as how one typically deploys the application. Specifically provide information as to the various components of the product, and provide guidance as to how it is typically deployed on physical hardware. Provide schematics that show the various components (e.g. Web servers, apps servers, database), so that the number and rough sizes of physical components is clear.] 5.0 Testing Process and Results To characterize the performance of [ISV Application] on VMware Infrastructure performance tests were carried out jointly by VMware and [ISV]. The configuration tested and the results are summarized below. [Note: much of this information is often available in the test plan of the effort.] 2 [ISV APPLICATION] DEPLOYMENT ON VMWARE INFRASTRUCTURE Hardware Configuration [Provide a description of the hardware tested, typically in table or spreadsheet form. Ensure that CPU speeds, memory and core counts are specified for each server. Provide information on the storage that was used, including RAID levels, disk RPMs, and protocol (i.e. SAN or iSCSI).] Virtual Machine Configuration [Provide a description of all the VMs used in the testing, including how many vCPUs and how much memory and storage each is configured with. Make a clear association between the VMs used and their functional use in terms of the application architecture (e.g. Web server 1, running apache, with 2 vCPU, 4 GBs of RAM, and 60GBs of SAN Storage)] Workload Used [Provide a description of the workload used, including the functional activities tested, the load driver used (if there is one), and the frequency of iteration and think times in the case of an OLTP load. In the case of a batch workload, specify the database size and functional characteristics of the batch job tested.] Results Observed [Summarize the results observed. Provide response time or throughput metrics observed in the virtual configuration, while noting the user count or database size of the workload tested. Use graphics where possible, such as bar charts to show CPU utilization or response time data. Keep this section to a reasonable size, typically with 2-3 graphics and perhaps a few tables of results.] Additional Testing [Where appropriate, include a discussion of any additional VMware infrastructure testing that can further increase customer’s confidence in using those features. Specifically, was VMotion tested, and what degradation in throughput was observed during VMotions. Distributed Resource Scheduler: how was it tested and what was observed. VMware HA: similarly, how was it tested and what was observed. This “Additional Testing” section is strictly optional.] 6.0 Deployment Best Practices [In this section note any best practices that you think will benefit the administrators and users of the application. Likely topics include the following: Storage configuration, including reasons to use external storage, RAID levels, and latency of IO operations. Scale out versus scale up, where you can discuss what components of the architecture work well with more than on virtual machine, and how large each virtual machine should be. Provisioning: how templating and cloning of Virtual Machines can be used to reduce deployment time of the application. 3 [ISV APPLICATION] DEPLOYMENT ON VMWARE INFRASTRUCTURE Adding capacity: how you could extend the configuration tested by adding more virtual machines or increasing the size of virtual machines to allow a higher user count or larger batch jobs to be run. Availability: use of VMware HA and VMware FT and how it can increase service levels and decrease unplanned downtime. If other availability solutions are ever recommended (such as other clustering technologies) they can also be mentioned here. Disaster recovery options can be noted here also, such as VMware’s Site Recovery Manager (SRM).] 7.0 Reference Architecture [In this optional section, specify small, medium and large virtualized configurations, including the number and size of the VMs required for each configuration, and the approximate user counts or throughputs expected from each configuration.] 8.0 Licensing [In this optional section, provide information relevant to how to license the application when virtualized with VMware.] 9.0 Technical Support [In this section, provide instructions on how to access technical support for virtualized deployments of your application.] 10.0 Conclusions Overall, testing results show that running [ISV Application] on VMware Infrastructure performs well. Furthermore, it has potential to reduce cost, increase service levels and simplify the manageability of the application. [Add any additional conclusions from the effort in summary form.] 11.0 Resources Customers can find more information about VMware and [ISV Application] products via the links listed below: VMware official website: http://www.vmware.com/ [ISV] Web site: http://www.[ISV].com/ VMware Infrastructure 3 and vSphere 4 product Web site: http://www.vmware.com/products/data_center.html VMware download Web site: https://www.vmware.com/download/ VMware support Web site: 4 [ISV APPLICATION] DEPLOYMENT ON VMWARE INFRASTRUCTURE http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/ VMware Performance Tuning Paper: http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vi_performance_tuning.pdf System Compatibility Guide for a complete list of compatible hardware: http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vi35_systems_guide.pdf Storage/SAN Compatibility Guide for a complete list of compatible storage devices: http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vi35_san_guide.pdf. I/O Compatibility Guide for a complete list of compatible networking devices: http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vi35_io_guide.pdf. 12.0 Appendix [In this optional section, provide full testing detail and documentation.] 5 [ISV APPLICATION] DEPLOYMENT ON VMWARE INFRASTRUCTURE 6