BOROUGH OF POOLE AGENDA ITEM NO 11 ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 9 JUNE 2011 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF LEISURE SERVICES PRELIMINARY FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT 1 Purpose and Policy Context 1.1 To inform members of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PRFA) document (Appendix 1) and seek their approval. 2 Decision Required 2.1 Members are asked to recommend that Cabinet approve the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PRFA) document (Appendix 1). 3 Information 3.1 The attached Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PRFA) report has been prepared to assist Borough of Poole in meeting their duties to manage local flood risk and deliver the requirements of the Flood Risk Regulations (2009). Prepared by Leisure Services in consultation with Transportation, Planning and Regeneration, Asset Management and Property and Housing and Community Services. 3.2 The PFRA process is aimed at providing a high level overview of potential flood risk from local sources, primarily flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses. The PFRA has been produced based on the Environment Agency’s Final PFRA Guidance and Defra’s Guidance on selecting Flood Risk Areas, both published in December 2010. 3.3 Where areas have been identified as being at possible risk of flooding further studies of these areas will be required in the Surface Water Management plan to understand the potential flooding in more detail. 3.4 Flooding associated with the sea, main rivers and reservoirs is the responsibility of the Environment Agency and does not need to be considered as part of this report. 3.5 The whole PRFA report and associated documents must be submitted by Borough of Poole to the Environment Agency for review by 22 June 2011. However because of the recent local elections the Environment Agency has given local authorities until 19 August 2011 to approve these documents so long as the unapproved document is submitted in June. Version 2 19 May 2011 Page 1 4 What this Means for Poole 4.1 The PRFA is a very high level document that the Environment Agency requires all Local Lead Flood Authorities in England and Wales to produce. 4.2 The definition of a Significant Flood Risk is set by the Environment Agency. Using their parameters Poole has no Significant identified flood risk from Surface Water flooding. (There are ten in total throughout England and Wales). 4.3 There is also no Significant flood risk identified using the South West Flood Group’s lower criteria. 4.4 Previous notable flood events in Poole have been recorded, but these are not considered significant in the context of the PFRA document. 4.5 Computer modelling undertaken by the Environment Agency has identified possible future flood risk areas during intense rainfall events (page 15). These are initial assessments only and cannot be used to identify individual properties, it will need further investigation to validate these results. These investigations will form part of the Surface Water Management Plan to be completed by June 2013. 5 Financial Implications 5.1 Defra has confirmed that the Borough of Poole as a Lead Local Authority will receive a special and specific funding allocation of £116,000 within the Formula Grant for 2011/2012 and a provisional sum of £138,000 in 2012/2013 for the Council to undertaking its responsibilities under the Flood and Water Management Act. 5.2 Services to meet the Council’s new flood and water management duties will be designed and contained within the resources being made directly available for this purpose by Government. The Council will account for the new expenditure as part of its pre-existing “Flood defence and land drainage” cost centre. 6 Legal Implications 6.1 Under the Flood and Water Management Act the Council now has legal obligations to improve the local flood risk and water management in Poole. Appendix 2 summarises the Council’s new responsibilities and actions being taken to meet them. 6 Staffing Implications 6.1 Leisure Services have produced the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Report and will continue with the development of a Strategic Surface Water Management Plan. Version 2 19 May 2011 Page 2 7 Promoting Equalities and Respecting Diversity 7.1 No issues have been identified at this stage as this is an overview of flooding and does not consider individual groups of people. 8 Environmental Impact 8.1 The attached report addresses a significant environmental issue for the Council and local community. By completing this work in line with Government requirements and guidance the Council is actively managing the potential environmental impact of flooding. 9 Risk Assessment 9.1 A major objective of the Plan is to reduce the risk to people and the developed and natural environment from flooding by the provision of technically, environmentally and economically sound and sustainable defence measures. The Borough of Poole should not be exposed to an increase in risk. CLIVE SMITH HEAD OF LEISURE SERVICES Contact Officers: David Robson – (01202) 261330 Background Papers: The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 The Flood Risk Regulations 2009 Version 2 19 May 2011 Page 3