for Educational Qualification degree: MASTER OF DENTAL MEDICINE
Speciality: DENTAL MEDICINE, English language education
First year
1. Alphabet. Vowels. Diphthongs. Consonants. Aspirates. Pronunciation.
a) Peculiarities of Latin pronunciation.
2. Quantity of Vowels. Syllables. Quantity Of Syllables. Accent.
3. Elements of the contemporary medical terminology.
a) Nouns
b) Adjectives
4. Inflection. Parts of speech used in medical terminology.
5. Grammatical categories of nouns.
a) Gender
b) Number
c) Case; cases used in the medical terminology.
6. Declension of nouns. Case-endings of the five declensions.
7. Stem and base. Dictionary entry of nouns.
a) Distinctive features of the five declensions.
8. Compound words.
a) Of Greek origin.
b) Of Latin origin.
9. Basic characteristics of anatomical and pharmaceutical terminology.
10. First declension. Suffixes.
a) Nouns and adjectives.
b) Exceptions.
c) Greek roots and their Latin equivalents.
11. Diminutive nouns; suffixes.
12. Clinical terminology.
a) Basic Greek roots, suffixes and prefixes used in clinical terminology.
13. Second declension.
a) Nouns of masculine gender.
b) Adjectives of masculine gender.
c) Greek roots and their Latin equivalents.
14. Nouns of neuter gender of the second declension.
a) Adjectives of neuter gender.
b) Neuter nouns of Greek origin.
c) Greek roots and their Latin equivalents.
15. First and second declension adjectives.
a) The perfect participle.
b) Agreement of adjectives.
c) Greek roots and their Latin equivalents.
16. Diagnoses of the First and Second Declensions.
17. Third declension: general characteristics.
18. Third declension consonant stems: nouns of masculine, feminine, and neuter gender.
a) Greek roots and their Latin equivalents.
19. Third declension pure i-stems.
a) Greek roots and their Latin equivalents.
20. Mixed i-stems.
a) Greek roots and their Latin equivalents.
22. Third declension adjectives.
a) Adjectives of three terminations
b) Adjectives of two terminations
c) Adjectives of one termination
d) Present active participle.
e) Greek roots and their Latin equivalents.
23. Diagnoses of the Third Declension.
24. Comparison of adjectives.
a) Regular comparison of adjectives.
b) Irregular comparison of adjectives.
25. Fourth declension.
a) nouns of masculine gender.
b) nouns of neuter gender.
c) Greek roots and their Latin equivalents.
26. Numerals and their use in medical terminology.
27. Fifth declension.
b) Greek roots and their Latin equivalents.
28. Diagnoses of the Fourth and Fifth Declensions.
29. Some basic names of parts of plants.
30. Latin prepositions and their use as prefixes.
31. Greek and Latin equivelents of colors.
32. Some adverbs and verbs used in medical terminology.
33. Medical prescriptions.
a) Prescription writing – principal parts of a written prescription
b) Prescription abbreviations.
34. Drug forms.
35. Some abbreviations used in medical terminology.
a) Some Latin abbreviations used in everyday English.
36. Latin sayings and phrases.
a) Prepositional phrases used in medical terminology.
The acknowledgement and assessment of the accomplished results is done by a final
written exam/test.
Programme elaboratd by :
/Vesselin Stoykov/
April, 2014