
Kritériá hodnotenia
Didaktika 2
Akademický rok 2010/2011
Na získanie klasifikácie z predmetu Didaktika 2 (Mgr) je potrebné splniť nasledovné
 dôsledná príprava na semináre, ktorá zahŕňa štúdium predpísaných
materiálov; aktívna účasť na skupinových diskusiách a úlohách počas
 ak je študent neprítomný, musí si zistiť, čo si potrebuje pripraviť, naštudovať,
a/alebo vypracovať na nasledujúci seminár (viď Scheme of Work below);
písomné zadania treba v prípade neprítomnosti poslať v papierovej forme
vyučujúcej; študent nemôže vypracovať priebežné zadania dodatočne (napr.
na konci semestra);
 odovzdať všetky písomné zadania načas a v súlade s termínmi (viď Scheme
of Work); zadania sú klasifikované a študent musí získať minimálne 50% z
každého z nich Hodnotené zadania:
a) plán pre kooperatívnu aktivitu (10 bodov)
b) plán CLIL hodiny (20 bodov)
c) plán na hodinu literatúry (10 bodov)
d) 1 aktivita na gramatiku a 1 aktivita na slovnú zásobu (10 bodov)
e) Seminárna práca (60 bodov)
f) Denník (5 bodov za každý z 12 záznamov, t.j. 60 bodov)
Skúška: podmienkou na urobenie ústnej skúšky je získaná klasifikácia z
predmetu Didaktika 1 a Didaktika 2. Študenti dostanú na skúšku tematické
okruhy. Každý študent si vytiahne dve otázky (z každého semestra jednu).
Hodnotenie podľa Študijného poriadku FPV ŽU, § 10
Slovná klasifikácia a jej definícia
výborne: vynikajúce výsledky
veľmi dobre: nadpriemerné výsledky
dobre: priemerné výsledky
uspokojivo: prijateľné výsledky
dostatočne: výsledky spĺňajú minimálne
nedostatočne: vyžaduje sa ďalšia práca
Podpis vyučujúceho:
Podpis vedúceho katedry:
Znalosti v rozsahu
(odporúčané pre
90 až 100%
80 až 89 %
70 až 79%
60 až 69%
50 až 59%
menej ako 50%
Semester 2
Week 1:
1) Approaches, methods, techniques (Freeman) ask someone to observe an
aspect of the lesson and do feedback on the activity;
Discus the main principles of the communicative language learning / method /
techniques (Larsen/Freeman)
2) Doing feedback – observing each other’s lessons
HA: Study Grammar-translation method, Direct method, Audio-lingual method
Humanistic approach and methods, Communicative Language Teaching
Week 2:
1) The latest developments in teaching English as a foreign language:
Co-operative teaching/learning
2) Planning a cooperative activity
Feedback – lesson observations
HA: PW: plan a cooperative activity for teaching English (jigsaw reading)
Revise principles for language teaching
Study CLIL activities: explorers and family tree
Week 3
1) CLIL: principles (SIOP); discuss on the basis of language learning principles
2) Discuss explorers and family tree
Planning a CLIL lesson: PW: choose your own material and suggest what might be
done with it
Feedback – lesson observations
HA: Study What is CLIL and Why CLIL
Plan your CLIL lesson
Week 4
1) Steps in teaching CLIL (SIOP book) 1
2) Applying principles in planning a CLIL lesson / discuss assessment,
differentiation, age factor, self-assessment; cooperative learning
Feedback – lesson observations
HA: include the principles in your plan
Week 5
1) Steps in teaching CLIL (SIOP book) 2
2) Applying principles in planning a CLIL lesson: discussion
Feedback – lesson observations
HA: finish writing the CLIL lesson plan
Week 6
1) project teaching;
2) Planning a project (use the framework of the Slovakia and an English
Speaking country project.
Feedback – lesson observations
HA: PW: design your own project
Week 7
1) Language acquisition through literature and British/American studies
2) Discuss project plans and improve them
Planning teaching language through literature (Fairy tales: Chicken Licken)
Feedback – lesson observations
HA: write the plan
Week 8
1) Language acquisition through literature and British/American studies
2) Planning teaching language through literature (Fairy tales: Chicken Licken)
Feedback – lesson observations
HA: Finish writing the plan
Week 9
1) Exploiting texts for grammar and vocabulary
2) Designing grammar and vocabulary activities based on texts
Feedback – lesson observations
HA: design your grammar and vocabulary activities
Week 10
1) Professional development and further education
2) Action research – observing lessons and doing feedback on various aspects of
the lessons
HA: do written feedback on the lesson/activity you have observed;
Week 11
1) Action research – observing lessons and doing feedback on various aspects of
the lessons
2) Action research – observing lessons and doing feedback on various aspects of
the lessons
HA: continue doing written feedback on the lesson/activity you have observed;
Week 12
1) Further education
2) Feedback on the course
Class Attendance Requirements
Class attendance is an integral factor in student learning. The importance of
attendance is even more amplified in the twelve-week term. Any candidate who is
absent 25% or more of the designated instructional time may receive a grade of “F”
for the course. Professors reserve the right to assign additional coursework over and
above that which is stated in the course syllabus.
Course Requirements
In-class activities. These will vary, but may include group and/or individual
participation, responses to text or video, etc., and will always include engaged
contribution to class discussions. Completion and effort (rather than demonstration of
content mastery) will ensure full points, but these assignments must be done in class.
There are no make-ups.
Seminar paper. Choose one area from those to be studied during the
semester and find sources which discuss it. Use at least 6 of those sources to write a
literature review of 5 pages on the research topic.
Clinical Journal. Maintain a journal documenting your learning experiences
throughout the course. You need to write your reflection on discussions in the
lessons. Choose only one aspect discussed in the lesson and consider:
how the new knowledge may influence your teaching practise;
how you may apply it when teaching English;
and what you think about each of the areas.