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Department of Psychology
University of Pittsburgh
4207 Sennott Square
210 Bouquet Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA
Phone: (412) 624-8818
Fax: (412) 624-5407
Director, Clinical Psychology Program
Department of Psychology
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Psychology and
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pittsburgh
1991- 2012
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology and
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pittsburgh
Acting Director
Clinical Psychology Program
Department of Psychology
University of Pittsburgh
Visiting Professor
Institute for Behavioral Genetics
University of Colorado
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology and
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pittsburgh
Research Associate, Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry
The University of Chicago
Senior Psychologist
Department of Psychiatry
Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center
Clinical Psychology Internship
University of Minnesota
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
Department of Psychology
Indiana University
B.A. in Psychology
Miami University
2012- present
1999- present
2002- present
President, Behavior Genetics Association
President, Society for Research in Psychopathology
Editorial Board, Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Editorial Board, Behavior Genetics
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee for the Joseph Zubin Memorial Award
Editorial Consultant: Archives of General Psychiatry, American Journal of
Psychiatry, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Neuropsychiatric Genetics, Genes,
Brain, & Behavior, Schizophrenia Bulletin, Schizophrenia Research, Biological
Psychiatry, Psychological Medicine
Member, Executive Board, Society for Research in Psychopathology (elected)
Host, Annual Meeting of Society for Research in Psychopathology
Chair, Program Committee, Society for Research in Psychopathology
Secretary of Behavior Genetics Association (elected)
Chair, Smadar Levin Memorial Award Committee, Society for Research in
Co-Editor, Newsletter of the Society for Research in Psychopathology
Member, Program Committee, Society for Research in Psychopathology
Invited Participant, NIMH Workshop on Early-Onset Schizophrenia
Young Scientist Award, Fifth Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia,
Badgastein, Austria.
Thompson Award from Behavior Genetics Association for the outstanding
student presentation at the 11th Annual Meeting.
Graduated from Miami University, Magna cum Laude,
Phi Beta Kappa, Patten Award for outstanding undergraduate in psychology.
Licensed Psychologist, Pennsylvania (#PS-004959-L)
Academy of Psychological Clinical Science
Behavior Genetics Association
Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology
International Society for Psychiatric Genetics
Society for Research in Psychopathology (Elected Member)
Miller, A. G., Mayerson, N., Pogue, M. F., & Whitehouse, D. (1977). Perceivers' explanations
of their attributions of attitude. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 3, 111-114.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Oltmanns, T. F. (1980). Sentence perception and distractibility in
schizophrenic, manic, and depressed patients. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 89, 115-124.
Rose, R. J., Miller, J. Z., Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Cardwell, G. F. (1981). Twin-family studies of
common fears and phobias. In L. Gedda, P. Parisi, & W. Nance (Eds.), Twin research 3:
Intelligence, personality, and development (pp.169-174). New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (1984). Negative and positive symptoms in schizophrenia
and depression: A followup. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 10, 371-387.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Rose, R. J. (1985). Developmental genetic studies of adult personality.
Developmental Psychology, 21, 547-557.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (1985). Negative symptoms in schizophrenia: Their
longitudinal course and prognostic importance. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 11, 427-439.
Pogue-Geile, M. F. (1986). What was new with schizophrenia in 1983: Review of New
perspectives in schizophrenia by M. N. Menuck & M. V. Seeman (Eds.), Contemporary
Psychology, 31, 894.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (1987). Negative symptoms, affective deficit states, and
intellectual dysfunction in chronic schizophrenia. In D. Clark & J. Fawcett (Eds.), Anhedonia
and affect deficit states (pp.65-88). New York: PMA Publishing Corp.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (1987). Schizophrenia: An evolving construct. In V. B. Van
Hasselt & M. Hersen (Eds.), The handbook of adolescent psychology (pp. 351-380). New York:
Pergamon Press.
Harrow, M., Marengo, J., Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Pawelski, T. J. (1987). Schizophrenic deficits
in intelligence and abstract thinking: Influence of aging and long-term institutionalization. In N.
Miller & G.D. Cohen (Eds.), Schizophrenia and aging: Schizophrenia, paranoia, and
schizophreniform disorders in later life (pp. 133-144). New York: Guilford Press.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (1987). The longitudinal study of negative symptoms in
schizophrenia. In R. R. Grinker & M. Harrow (Eds.), A multidimensional approach to clinical
research in schizophrenia (pp. 189-199). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Harrow, M., Silverstein, M., Lazar, B., & Pogue-Geile, M. F. (1987). Psychotic symptoms and
first rank symptoms in the post-acute phase of schizophrenia. In R. R. Grinker & M. Harrow
(Eds.), A multidimensional approach to clinical research in schizophrenia (pp. 268-279).
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Harrow, M., Marengo, J., Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Pawelski, T. J. (1987). Influence of long-term
institutionalization on cognitive deficit in chronic schizophrenia. In R. R. Grinker & M. Harrow
(Eds.), A multidimensional approach to clinical research in schizophrenia (pp. 200-210).
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (1987). Strategies for psychopathology research. In A. S.
Bellack, & M. Hersen (Eds.), Research methods in clinical psychology (pp. 179-206). New
York: Pergamon Press.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (1987). Negative symptoms in schizophrenia: Longitudinal
characteristics and etiological hypotheses. In P. D. Harvey & E. Walker (Eds.), Positive and
negative symptoms in psychosis: Description, research, and future directions (pp. 94-123).
Hillsdale, NJ: LEA.
Harrow, M., Marengo, J., & Pogue-Geile, M. F. (1987). Positive thought disorder in
schizophrenia: Its importance, its longitudinal course, and impaired perspective as a contributing
factor. In P. D. Harvey & E. Walker (Eds.), Positive and negative symptoms in psychosis:
Description, research, and future directions (pp. 155-194). Hillsdale: NJ: LEA.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Rose, R. J. (1987). Psychopathology: A behavior genetic perspective. In
T. Jacob (Ed.), Family interaction and psychopathology: Theories, methods, and findings (pp.
629-650). New York: Plenum Press.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Zubin, J. (1988). Negative symptoms and schizophrenia: A conceptual
and empirical review. International Journal of Mental Health, 16, 3-45.
Ragin, A.B., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Oltmanns, T.F. (1989). Poverty of speech in schizophrenia
and depression during inpatient and post-hospital periods. British Journal of Psychiatry, 154,
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1989). Negative symptoms and depression in schizophrenia. In R. Williams
& J.T. Dalby (Eds.), Depression in schizophrenics (pp. 121-132). New York: Plenum Press.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1989). Longitudinal characteristics of negative symptomatology in
schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 155 (suppl. 7), 123-127.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1990). Research on schizophrenia: A view from the United Kingdom:
Review of Schizophrenia: The major issues by P. Bebbington and P. McGuffin (Eds.).
Contemporary Psychology, 35, 800-801.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Keshavan, M. (1991). Negative symptomatology in schizophrenia:
Syndrome and subtype status. In J.F. Greden & R. Tandon (Eds.), Negative schizophrenic
symptoms: Pathophysiology and clinical implications (pp. 41- 59). Washington, DC: American
Psychiatric Press.
Goldstein, G., Zubin, J., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1991). Hospitalization and the cognitive deficits
of schizophrenia: The influence of age and education. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,
179, 202-206.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1991). The development of schizophrenic liability: Early and late
developmental models. In E.F. Walker (Ed.), Schizophrenia: A life-course developmental
perspective (pp. 277-298). New York: Academic Press.
Grilo, C.M., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1991). The nature of environmental influences on weight and
obesity: A behavior genetic analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 110, 520-537.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1993). Review of Schizophrenia genesis: The origins of madness by I.I.
Gottesman. Behavior Genetics, 23, 543-544.
Kamarck, T.W., Jennings, J.R., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Manuck, S.B. (1994). A multidimensional
measurement model for cardiovascular reactivity: Stability and cross-validation two adult
samples. Health Psychology, 13, 1-6.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1996). Developmental processes and schizophrenia. In J. Waddington &
P.F. Buckley, (Eds.), The neurodevelopmental basis of schizophrenia (pp. 167-178).
Georgetown: R.G. Landes.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1997). Developmental aspects of schizophrenia. In M. Keshavan & R.
Murray (Eds.), Neurodevelopmental models of adult psychopathology (pp. 137-154). New
York: Cambridge University Press.
Pogue-Geile, M., Ferrell, R., Deka, R., Debski, T., & Manuck, S. (1998). Human novelty
seeking personality traits not associated with dopamine D4 receptor polymorphisms: A twin and
genetic association study. Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 81, 44-48.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Gottesman, I.I. (1999). Schizophrenia: Study of a genetically complex
phenotype. In B.C. Jones & P. Mormède (Eds.), Neurobehavioral Genetics: Methods and
applications (pp. 247-264). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Craver, J.C., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1999). Liability to schizophrenia: A sibling study of
negative symptoms. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 25, 827-839.
McCaffery, J., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Debski, T., & Manuck, S. (1999). Genetic and environmental
causes of covariation for serum lipids, blood pressure, and body mass during young adulthood: A
twin study. Journal of Hypertension, 17, 1677-1685.
MacDonald, A., Pogue-Geile, M., Debski, T., & Manuck, S. (2001). Genetic and environmental
influences on schizotypy: A community-based twin study. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 27, 47-58.
McCaffery, J.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Muldoon, M.F., Debski, T.T., Wing, R.R., & Manuck, S.B.
(2001). The nature of the association between diet and serum lipids in the community: A twin
study. Health Psychology, 20, 341-350.
Raynor, D.A., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Kamarck, T.W., McCaffery, J.M., & Manuck, S.B. (2002).
Covariation of psychosocial characteristics associated with cardiovascular disease: Genetic and
environmental influences. Psychosomatic Medicine, 64, 191-203.
McCaffery, J.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Ferrell, R.E., Petro, N., & Manuck, S.B. (2002).
Variability within α- and β-adrenoreceptor genes as a predictor of cardiovascular function at rest
and in response to mental challenge. Journal of Hypertension, 20, 1105-1114.
MacDonald, A.W., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Johnson, M.K., & Carter, C.S. (2003). A specific deficit
in context processing in the unaffected siblings of patients with schizophrenia. Archives of
General Psychiatry, 60, 57-65. (student)
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2003). Schizophrenia spectrum disorders. In Encyclopedia of the Human
Genome, D. Cooper (Ed.), Vol. 5, pp. 185-189. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, UK.
McCaffery, J.M., Bleil, M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Ferrell, R.E., & Manuck, S.B. (2003). Allelic
variation in the serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and
cardiovascular reactivity in young adult male and female twins. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65,
Hogarty, G.E., Flescher, S., Ulrich, R., Carter, M., Greenwald, D., Cooley, S., DiBarry, A.L.,
Garrett, A, Parepally, H., Zoretich, R., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2004). Cognitive enhancement
therapy for schizophrenia: Effects of a two-year randomized trial on cognition and behavior.
Archives of General Psychiatry, 61, 866-876.
Thompson, J.L., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Grace, A.A. (2004). Developmental pathology,
dopamine, and stress: A model for the age of onset of schizophrenia symptoms. Schizophrenia
Bulletin, 30, 875-900.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2005). Review of: “Behavior genetic principles: Perspectives in
development, personality, and psychopathology” (edited by L.F. DiLalla). Psychological
Medicine, 35, 602-603.
Thompson, J.L., Watson, J.R., Steinhauer, S.R., Goldstein, G., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2005).
Indicators of genetic liability to schizophrenia: A sibling study of neuropsychological
performance. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 31, 85-96.
Tarbox, S.I., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2006). Spontaneous dyskinesia and familial liability to
schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 81, 125-137.
Sanders, R., Joo, Y.-H., Almasy, L., Wood, J.A., Keshavan, M.S., Pogue-Geile, M., Gur, R.,
Gur, R., & Nimgaonkar, V.L. (2006). Are neurologic examination abnormalities heritable? A
preliminary study. Schizophrenia Research, 86, 172-180.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Gottesman, I.I. (2007). Schizophrenia: Study of a genetically complex
phenotype. In B.C. Jones & P. Mormède (Eds.), Neurobehavioral Genetics: Methods and
applications (2nd ed). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Gur, R.E., Nimgaonkar, V.L., Almasy, L., Calkins, M.E., Ragland, J.D., Pogue-Geile, M.F.,
Kanes, S., Blangero, J., & Gur, R..C. (2007). Neurocognitive endophenotypes in a multiplex
multigenerational family study of schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164, 813-819.
Tarbox, S.I. & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2008). Development of social functioning in
preschizophrenia children and adolescents: A systematic review. Psychological Bulletin, 134,
Almasy, L., Gur, R., Haack, K., Cole, S., Calkins, M., Peralta, J., Hare, E., Prasad, K., PogueGeile, M.F., Nimgaonkar, V., & Gur, R. (2008). A genome screen for QTLs influencing
schizophrenia and neurocognitive phenotypes. American Journal of Psychiatry, 165, 1185-1192.
Shirts, B., Prasad, K., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Dickerson, F., Yolken, R., & Nimgaonkar, V. (2008).
Antibodies to cytomegalovirus and herpse simplex virus 1 associated with cognitive function in
schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 106, 268-274.
Eack, S.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Greeno, C.G., & Keshavan, M.S. (2009). Evidence of factorial
invariance of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test across schizophrenia and
normative samples. Schizophrenia Research, 114, 105-109.
Bhatia, T., Garg, K., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Nimgaonkar, V., & Deshpande, S. (2009). Executive
function and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia: Comparisons between probands, parents, and
controls in India. Journal of Post Graduate Medicine, 55, 3-7.
Eack, S., Greeno, C., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Newhill, C.E., Hogarty, G.E., & Keshavan, M.S.
(2010). Assessing social-cognitive deficits in schizophrenia with the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso
Emotional Intelligence Test. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36, 370-380.
Prasad, K., Almasy, L., Gur, R., Gur, R., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Chowdari, K., Talkowski, M., &
Nimgaonkar, V. (2010). RGS4 polymorphisms associated with variability of cognitive
performance in a family-based schizophrenia sample. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36, 983-990.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. & Yokley, J. L. (2010). Current research on the genetic contributors to
schizophrenia. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 214-219.
Eack, S.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Greenwald, D.P., Hogarty, S.S., & Keshavan, M.S. (2011)
Mechanisms of functional improvement in a two-year trial of cognitive enhancement therapy for
early schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 41, 1253-1261.
Tarbox, S.I., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2011) Schizotypy in relatives of schizophrenia patients: A
review. Clinical Psychology Review, 31, 1169-1182.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. & Tarbox, S.T. (in press). Schizophrenia spectrum disorders. In
Encyclopedia of the Human Genome, D. Cooper (Ed.), Vol. 5, 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons,
Ltd., Chichester, UK.
Roalf, D.R., Gur, R.C., Almasy, L., Richard, J., Gallagher, R.S., Prasad, K., Wood, J., PogueGeile, M.F., Nimgoankar, V.L., & Gur, R.E. (in press). Neurocognitive performance stability in
a multiplex multigenerational study of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
Yokley, Prasad, K.M., Chowdari, K.V., Talkowski, M.E., Wood, J.A., Gur, R.C., Gur, R.E.,
Almasy, L., Nimgaonkar, V., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2012). Genetic associations between
Neuregulin-1 SNPs and neurocognitive function in multigenerational, multiplex schizophrenia
families. Psychiatric Genetics, 22, 70-81.
Tarbox, S.I., Almasy, L., Gur, R.E., Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2012). The
nature of schizotypy among multigenerational multiplex schizophrenia families. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 121, 396-406.
Thompson, J.L., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., Stallings, R., & Loeber, R. & Pogue-Geile, M.F. The
trajectory and specificity of behavioral antecedents of early-adulthood psychotic symptoms: A
prospective study. Under review.
Rose, R. J., Miller, J. Z., & Pogue-Geile, M. F. (l980). Genetic basis of common fears:
Evidence from twin and family studies. Behavior Genetics, l0, 492-493.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Rose, R. J. (l981). A longitudinal twin study of the MMPI. Behavior
Genetics, 11, 608.
Pogue-Geile, M. F. (l982). The stability of genetic and environmental influences on personality.
Behavior Genetics, l2, 593.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Watson, J., Steinhauer, S., & Goldstein, G. (1989). Neuropsychological
impairments among siblings of schizophrenic probands. Schizophrenia Research, 2, 70.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (1990). Siblings of schizophrenic probands: Presence of neuropsychological
impairments. Schizophrenia Research, 3, 62.
Brunke, J.J., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., & Hall, J.K. (1991). Impaired social functioning
and schizophrenia: A familial association? Schizophrenia Research, 4, 250-251.
Hall, J.K., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., & Brunke, J.J. (1991). Thought disorder in the
siblings of schizophrenic patients. Schizophrenia Research, 4, 277-278.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., Brunke, J.J., & Hall, J.K. (1991). Neuropsychological
impairments are increased in siblings of schizophrenic patients. Schizophrenia Research, 4, 390.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., Brunke, J.J., Hall, J.K., Crown, J., & Huxley, N. (1992).
Susceptibilities to schizophrenia: Neuropsychological studies. Behavior Genetics, 22,
Huxley, N.A., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., Brunke, J.J., Hall, J.K., & Crown, J. (1993). Is
there a familial association between psychotic-like symptoms and schizophrenia? Schizophrenia
Research, 9, 118.
Sweeney, J.A., Quaranta, B.P., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Schooler, N.R., Haas, G.L., & Keshavan,
M.S. (1995). Neuropsychological functions of prefrontal cortex are selectively impaired early in
the course of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 15, 136.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S.B., Kamarck, T., Cherny, S.S., Debski, T. (1996). Cardiovascular
reactivity to stress: A twin study. Behavior Genetics, 26, 594.
Hall, J.K., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S.B., & Debski, T. (1996). Specific cognitive abilities as
measured by neuropsychological tests: A twin study. Behavior Genetics, 26, 586.
MacDonald, A.W., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S.B., & Debski, T.T. (1996). Schizotypy and
neuropsychological functioning: Multivariate structure in twins. Behavior Genetics, 26, 591.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Ferrell, R., Deka, R., Debski, T., Hall, J., MacDonald, A., & Manuck, S.
(1997). Neuropsychological functioning and dopamine D4 receptor polymorphisms: A twin and
genetic association study. American Journal of Medical Genetics: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 6,
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S.B., Kamarck, T.W., & Debski, T.T. (1999). Cardiovascular
reactivity to psychological stress: A twin study. Behavior Genetics, 29, 366.
MacDonald, A.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Thompson, J.L., Ross, L.L.,. Allen, T., Johnson, M.K.,
Lollo, N.D., Marquette, A.R., Yablonski, E.J., & Carter, C. (2000). Differential deficit in
working memory, not attention, associated with liability to schizophrenia: A sibling study of the
expectancy AX-CPT. Behavior Genetics, 30, 411.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S., Ferrell, R., & Debski, T. (2001). Cognitive function and
dopamine transporter (DAT) genetic polymorphisms: A twin and genetic association study.
Behavior Genetics, 31, 464.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Chowdari, K.V., Wood, J., & Nimgaonkar, V. (2002). Variation of cognitive
function in schizophrenia: A genetic association study. Behavior Genetics, 32, 481.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Chowdari, K., Wood, J., Thompson, J., Nimgaonkar, V. (2003).
Heterogeneity of schizophrenia: A genetic association study of variation in cognitive function
and chromosome 13 markers. Schizophrenia Research, 60, 89.
Becker, T.M., MacDonald, A.W., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Carter, C.S. (2003). Demonstrating a
differential deficit: Empirical validation of psychometric principles using schizophrenia patients’
performance on working memory tasks. Schizophrenia Research, 60, 165.
Balser, L.A., Wood, J., Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2003). Executive functioning
deficits in patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder. Biological
Psychiatry, 55, 21-22.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Gur, R.E., Gur, R.C., Almasy, L., Wood, J., Thompson, J., Tarbox, S., &
Nimgaonkar, V. (2004). Executive functioning and genetic liability to schizophrenia:
Preliminary results from a large pedigree, multiplex study. Behavior Genetics, 34, 655-656.
Almasy, L., Gur, R.C., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Blangero, J., Nimgaonkar, V., & Gur, R.E. (2004).
Pleiotropic genetic effects on verbal, spatial, and face memory. American Journal of Medical
Genetics: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 130B, 17.
Thompson, J.L., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., Stallings, R., & Loeber, R. (2005).
A prospective study of adolescent cannabis use and early adulthood psychotic symptoms.
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 31, 240-241.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Gur, R.E., Gur, R.C., Almasy, L., Wood, J., Thompson, J.,Tarbox, S., &
Nimgaonkar, V. (2005). Genetic liability to schizophrenia and executive functioning: Initial
findings from a large-pedigree, multiplex sample. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 31, 275.
Tarbox, S., Grippo, A., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2005). Involuntary movements and familial
liability to schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 31, 278.
Thompson, J.L., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., Stallings, R., & Loeber, R. (2007)
A prospective study of adolescent tobacco use and early adulthood psychotic symptoms.
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 33, 248.
Tarbox, S.I., Almasy, L., Gur, R.E., Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2009).
Schizotypal deficits and genetic liability to schizophrenia: A multiplex family study.
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35, 120.
Eack, S.M., Greeno, C.G., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Newhill, C.E., Hogarty, G.E., & Keshavan, M.S.
(2009). Assessing social-cognitive deficits in schizophrenia with the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso
Emotional Intelligence Test. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35, 244.
Yokley, J.L., Prasad, K., Chowdari, K.V., Talkowski, M.E., Gur, R.C., Gur, R.E., Almasy, L.,
Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2009). Genetic associations between neuregulin-1 and
cognition in a multiplex schizophrenia family study. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35, 110.
Tarbox, S.I., Almasy, L., Gur, R.E., Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2009). Sensitivity
of schizotypal symptoms to genetic liability to schizophrenia: A multiplex family study.
Behavior Genetics, 39, 683-684.
Yokley, J.L., Prasad, K., Chowdari, K.V., Talkowski, M.E., Gur, R.C., Gur, R.E., Almasy, L.,
Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2009). Genetic associations between Neuregulin-1,
schizophrenia, and cognition in a multiplex family sample. Behavior Genetics, 39, 693-694.
( student)
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Zlojutro, M., Yokley, J., Tarbox, S., Gur, R., Almasy, L., & Nimgaonkar, V.
(2009). An endophenotype strategy for schizophrenia: Linkage scan of schizophrenia and
executive cognitive processes in a multiplex family study. Behavior Genetics, 39, 676.
Yokley, J.L. & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (2011) The role of glutamate in schizophrenia-related
cognitive dysfunction: a systematic review. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37, Supplement 1, 235.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Zlojutro, M., Yokley, J.L., Tarbox, S.I., Gur, R.E., Almasy, L., &
Nimgaonkar, V.L. (2011) Searching for schizophrenia risk genes: A bivariate genome-wide
linkage scan of schizophrenia and executive cognitive processes in multiplex families.
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37, Supplement 1, 250.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., Frame, C. F., & Oltmanns, T. F. (August, 1978). Selective listening and
memory for prose passages in schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Rose, R. J., Miller, J. Z., & Pogue-Geile, M. F. (June, 1980). Genetic basis of common fears:
Evidence from twin and family studies. Presented at the annual meeting of the Behavior
Genetics Association, Chicago, IL.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Rose, R. J. (June, 1981). A longitudinal twin study of the MMPI.
Presented at the annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, Purchase, NY.
Frame, C. F., Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Oltmanns, T. F. (August, 1981). A longitudinal analysis of
cognitive deficit in schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.
Pogue-Geile, M. F. (June, l982). The stability of genetic and environmental influences on
personality. Presented at the annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, Ft. Collins,
Taylor, S. B., Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (August, 1982). A longitudinal investigation
of self-esteem and adjustment in psychiatric patients. Presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (May, l983). Are negative symptoms specific to
schizophrenia? Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, New
York, NY.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., Harrow, M., & Marengo, J. (May, 1983). Negative symptoms and
intellectual deficit in chronic schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (August, 1983). The longitudinal study of negative
symptoms in schizophrenia: Psychomotor retardation. Presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Anaheim, CA.
Rubin, N. S., Pogue-Geile, M. F., Harrow, M., & Cohler, B. (August, l983). Positive and
negative symptoms in the early course of schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Anaheim, CA.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., Harrow, M., & Marengo, J. (May, l984). The prognosis of schizophrenic
negative symptoms. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association,
Los Angeles, CA.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (August, l984). Negative symptoms in schizophrenia and
other psychoses. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association,
Toronto, Canada.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., Weiss, J., & Harrow, M. (May, l985). Anhedonia in schizophrenia and
depression. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association,
Dallas, TX.
Ragin, A. B., Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Oltmanns, T. F. (August, l985). Poverty of speech in
schizophrenia and depression: A longitudinal study. Presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (October, l985). Negative symptoms: Their potential role in
the heterogeneity of schizophrenia. Invited presentation at the Conference on Positive and
Negative Symptoms in Psychosis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Harrow, M. (January, l986). Early episode characteristics as risk factors
for negative symptoms. Invited presentation at the biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia.
Schladming, Austria.
Marengo, J. T., Schmidt, N. B. & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (May l986). Season of birth and outcome
in schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association,
Chicago, IL.
Harrow, M., Rubin, N., & Pogue-Geile, M. F. (October, l986). The vulnerability of
schizophrenic, schizoaffective patients and depressives to positive symptoms and to deficit
symptoms. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Harrow, M., Rubin, N. S., Pogue-Geile, M. F., & Strauss, B. S. (May, 1987). Schizophrenic
vulnerability to psychosis over time. Presented at the annual meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association, Chicago, IL.
Rubin, N. S., Harrow, M., & Pogue-Geile, M. F. (August, 1987) The prognosis of deficitnegative and positive symptoms in post-hospital schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting
of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (September, 1987) Prognosis of negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Invited
presentation at International Conference on Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia, University of
London, London, UK.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Hogarty, G.E. (November, 1987). Phenotypic differences among
schizophrenic patients: Their association with familial risk for schizophrenia. Presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Atlanta, GA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (January, 1988). Longitudinal aspects of negative symptoms in
schizophrenia. Invited presentation at Conference on Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia.
New York, NY.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (July, 1988). Depression and negative symptomatology in schizophrenia.
Invited presentation at International Conference on Depression in Schizophrenia. University of
Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (October, 1988). Prognostic significance of negative symptoms. Presented at
the World Psychiatric Association Regional Symposium. Washington, DC.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Watson, J., Steinhauer, S., & Goldstein, G. (November, 1988).
Neuropsychological impairment among schizophrenic probands, their siblings, and control
subjects. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology.
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Watson, J., Steinhauer, S., & Goldstein, G. (April, 1989).
Neuropsychological impairments among siblings of schizophrenic probands. Presented at the
biennial International Congress on Schizophrenia Research. San Diego, CA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (November, 1989). Longitudinal aspects of negative symptoms in
schizophrenia. Presented at annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology.
Coral Gables, FL.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (February, 1990). Siblings of schizophrenic probands: Presence of
neuropsychological impairments. Presented at the biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia.
Badgastein, Austria.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (May, 1990). Schizophrenia: Negative signs and neuropsychology.
Presented at annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. New York: NY.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., Brunke, J.J., Hall, J.K., & Mingrone, M.J. (May, 1990).
Schizophrenia and neuropsychology: A sibling study. Presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association. New York: NY.
Hall, J.K., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., & Brunke, J.J. (April, 1991). Thought disorder in
the siblings of schizophrenic patients. Presented at the biennial meeting of the International
Congress on Schizophrenia Research. Tucson: AZ.
Brunke, J.J., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., & Hall, J.K. (April, 1991). Impaired social
functioning and schizophrenia: A familial association? Presented at the biennial meeting of the
International Congress on Schizophrenia Research. Tucson: AZ.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., Brunke, J.J., & Hall, J.K. (April, 1991). Neuropsychological
impairments are increased in siblings of schizophrenic patients. Presented at the biennial
meeting of the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research. Tucson: AZ.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (September, 1991). Development of liability to schizophrenia: Early and late
developmental models. Invited presentation at the NIMH Early-Onset Schizophrenia Workshop.
Rockville: MD.
Crown, J., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., Brunke, J.J., & Hall, J.K. (December, 1991).
Negative symptoms in the relatives of schizophrenic patients? Presented at the annual meeting
of the Society for Research in Psychopathology. Cambridge: MA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (February, 1992). Susceptibilities to schizophrenia: Neuropsychological
studies. Invited Presentation, Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado, Boulder,
Crown, J., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., Brunke, J.J., & Hall, J.K. (May, 1992). Familiality
of negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association. Washington, DC.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., Brunke, J.J., Hall, J.K., Crown, J., & Huxley, N. (July, 1992).
Susceptibilities to schizophrenia: Neuropsychological studies. Presented at the annual meeting
of the Behavior Genetics Association. Boulder, CO.
Huxley, N.A., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.G., Brunke, J.J., Hall, J.K., & Crown, J. (April,
1993). Is there a familial relationship between psychotic-like symptoms and schizophrenia?
Presented at the biennial meeting of the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research,
Colorado Springs.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Crown, J., Brunke, J., Garrett, A., Hall, J., & Huxley, N. (June, 1993).
Etiology of negative symptoms: A family study of expressive and social deficits. Invited
presentation at the Ninth World Congress of Psychiatry. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (June, 1994). Neurodevelopmental perspectives on schizophrenia: Early and
late alternatives. Invited presentation at the 19th annual meeting of the Collegium Internationale
Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum (CINP). Washington, D.C.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Garrett, A.H., Brunke Stempel, J., Hall, J., Crown, J., & Huxley, N.H. (Sept.
1994). Familial liability to schizophrenia: Neuropsychological studies. Presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology. Coral Gables, FL.
Sweeney, J.A., Quaranta, B.P., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Schooler, N.R., Haas, G.L., & Keshavan,
M.S. (April, 1995). Neuropsychological functions of prefrontal cortex are selectively impaired
early in the course of schizophrenia. Presentation at the biennial meeting of the International
Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Warm Springs, VA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S.B., Kamarck, T., Cherny, S.S., Debski, T. (June, 1996).
Cardiovascular reactivity to stress: A twin study. Presented at the annual meeting of the
Behavior Genetics Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
Hall, J.K., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S.B., & Debski, T. (June, 1996). Specific cognitive
abilities as measured by neuropsychological tests: A twin study. Presented at the annual meeting
of the Behavior Genetics Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
MacDonald, A.W., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S.B., & Debski, T.T. (June, 1996). Schizotypy
and neuropsychological functioning: Multivariate structure in twins. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. & Crown, J. (August, 1996). Early and late developmental hypotheses of
schizophrenia. Invited presentation at the Xth World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Ferrell, R., Deka, R., Debski, T., & Manuck, S. (October, 1996). Novelty
seeking and polymorphisms in the D4 dopamine receptor gene: A twin and association study.
Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Atlanta, GA.
MacDonald, A.W., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S.B., Debski, T. (October, 1996). Is schizotypy
related to neuropsychological deficits? A multivariate analysis in twins. Presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Atlanta, Georgia.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Ferrell, R., Deka, R., Debski, T., Hall, J., MacDonald, A., & Manuck, S.
(October, 1997). Neuropsychological functioning and dopamine D4 receptor polymorphisms: A
twin and genetic association study. Presented at the biennial meeting of the World Congress of
Psychiatric Genetics, Santa Fe, NM.
MacDonald, A., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (July, 1998). Models of the persistence of genetic
variability in the transmission of risk for schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting of the
Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Irvine, CA.
Lourea, B., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & MacDonald, A.W. (Nov., 1998). Genetic liability to
schizophrenia and dopamine activity: A family study of schizophrenia and eye blink rate.
Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Cambridge,
MacDonald, A.W., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Gaulin, S. (Nov. 1998). Population genetic
perspectives on the persistence of schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society
for Research in Psychopathology, Cambridge, MA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Ferrell, R., Deka, R., Debski, T., Hall J., MacDonald, A. & Manuck, S. (Nov.
1998). Cognitive functioning and dopamine D4 receptor polymorphisms: A twin and genetic
association study. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in
Psychopathology, Cambridge, MA.
Raynor, D.A., Kamarck, T.W., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Manuck, S.B. (March, 1999). Clustering
of psychosocial risk factors for cardiovascular disease: A confirmatory factor analysis.
Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Vancouver, B.C.,
McCaffery, J.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Debski, T.T., & Manuck, S.B. (March, 1999). Non-shared
environmental correlation of dietary caloric and fat intake with serum lipid concentrations: A
twin study. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society,
Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S.B., Kamarck, T.W., & Debski, T.T. (July, 1999). Cardiovascular
reactivity to stress: A twin study. Presented at the annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics
Association, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Raynor, D.A., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Kamarck, T.W., McCaffery, J.M., & Manuck, S.B. (March
2000). Covariation of psychosocial characteristics associated with cardiovascular disease:
Genetic and environmental influences. Presented at the annual meeting of the American
Psychosomatic Society, Savannah, GA.
MacDonald, A.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Thompson, J.L., Ross, L.L.,. Allen, T., Johnson, M.K.,
Lollo, N.D., Marquette, A.R., Yablonski, E.J., & Carter, C. (June, 2000). Differential deficit in
working memory, not attention, associated with liability to schizophrenia: A sibling study of the
expectancy AX-CPT. Presented at the annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association,
Burlington, VT.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S., Ferrell, R., & Debski, T. (Nov., 2000). Neuropsychological
function and dopamine transporter (DAT) genetic polymorphisms: A twin and genetic
association study. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in
Psychopathology, Boulder, CO.
McCaffery, J.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Ferrell, R.E., Debski, T.T., Petro, N., & Manuck, S.B.
(March, 2001). Variability in β-adrenergic receptor genes as a predictor of blood pressure at rest
and in response to psychological challenge. Presented at the annual meeting of the American
Psychosomatic Society, Monterey, CA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (April, 2001). How can genetic studies contribute to understanding
psychological development? Invited presentation at the Conference on Genetic Influences on
Human Behavior and Development, Brown University, Providence, RI.
MacDonald, A.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Carter, C. (April, 2001). Specific deficits in attention
and working memory processes in the siblings of patients with schizophrenia. Presented at the
International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Whistler, BC, Canada.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Manuck, S., Ferrell, R., & Debski, T. (July, 2001). Cognitive function and
dopamine transporter (DAT) genetic polymorphisms: A twin and genetic association study.
Presented at the annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, Cambridge, UK.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Chowdari, K.V., Wood, J., & Nimgaonkar, V. (November, 2001). Cognitive
function in schizophrenia: A genetic association study. Presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for Research in Psychopathology, Madison, WI.
MacDonald, A.W., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Carter, C.S. (November, 2001). Context processing in
the siblings of patients with schizophrenia: Test of a differential deficit. Presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Madison, WI.
Manuck, S.B., Bleil, M.E., McCaffery, J., Ferrell, R.E., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (March, 2002).
Variation in the serotonin transporter gene as apredictor of behaviorally-evoked cardiovascular
reactivity. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Barcelona,
Carter, C.S., MacDonald, A.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Johnson, M. (May, 2002) Context
processing deficits in the unaffected relatives of schizophrenia patients: Evidence for a
differential cognitive deficit related to prefrontal cortical dysfunction. Presented at the annual
meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, PA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Chowdari, K.V., Wood, J., & Nimgaonkar, V. (July, 2002). Variation in
cognitive function in schizophrenia: A genetic association study. Presented at the annual
meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, Keystone, CO.
Becker, T.M., MacDonald, A.M., Johnson, M.K., Belanger, C.E., Walfish, R.K., Baird, J.,
Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Carter, C.S. (September, 2002). Specificity vs. generality of verbal and
spatial working memory deficits in medicated schizophrenia patients. Presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, San Francisco, CA.
Becker, T., MacDonald, A., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Carter, C. (April 2003). Demonstrating a
differential deficit: Empirical validation of psychometric principles using schizophrenia patients
on working memory tasks. Presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research,
Colorado Springs, CO.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Chowdari, K., Wood, J., Thompson, J., & Nimgaonkar, V. (April, 2003).
Heterogeneity of schizophrenia: A genetic association study of variation in cognitive function
and chromosome 13 markers. Presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia
Research, Colorado Springs, CO.
Balser, L., Pogue-Geile, M.F., & Nimgaonkar, V. (May, 2003). Executive functioning deficits in
patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder. Presented at annual
meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, San Francisco, CA.
Bleil, M.E., McCaffery, J.M., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Ferrell, R.E., & Manuck, S.B. (2004). Is
variation in the serotonin transporter polymorphism related to dispositional optimism? Presented
at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Gur, R.E., Gur, R.C., Almasy, L., Wood, J., Thompson, J., Tarbox, S., &
Nimgaonkar, V. (June, 2004). Executive functioning and genetic liability to schizophrenia:
Preliminary results from a large pedigree, multiplex study. Presented at the annual meeting of
the Behavior Genetics Association, Aix en Provence, France.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Gur, R.E., Gur, R.C., Almasy, L., Wood, J., Thompson, J., Tarbox, S., &
Nimgaonkar, V. (Oct., 2004). Executive functioning and genetic liability to schizophrenia:
Preliminary results from a large pedigree, multiplex study. Presented at the annual meeting of
the Society for Research in Psychopathology, St. Louis, MO. USA.
Thompson, J., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., Stallings, R., & Loeber, R. (Oct.
2004). Cannabis use and risk for psychosis: A prospective study. Presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, St. Louis, MO. USA.
Almasy, L., Gur, R.C., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Blangero, J., Nimgaonkar, V., & Gur, R.E. (Oct.
2004). Pleiotropic genetic effects on verbal, spatial, and face memory. Presented at the World
Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Dublin, Ireland.
Thompson, J.L., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., Stallings, R., & Loeber, R. (April,
2005). A prospective study of adolescent cannabis use and early adulthood psychotic symptoms.
Presented at the biennial meeting of the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research,
Savannah, GA.
Tarbox, S., Grippo, A., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (April, 2005). Involuntary movements and familial
liability to schizophrenia. Presented at the biennial meeting of the International Congress on
Schizophrenia Research, Savannah, GA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Gur, R.E., Gur, R.C., Almasy, L., Wood, J., Thompson, J.,Tarbox, S., &
Nimgaonkar, V. (April, 2005). Genetic liability to schizophrenia and executive functioning:
Initial findings from a large-pedigree, multiplex sample. Presented at the biennial meeting of the
International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Savannah, GA.
Tarbox, S., Grippo, A., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (October, 2005). Spontaneous dyskinesia: No
association with familial liability to schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for Research in Psychopathology, Coral Gables, FL.
Pogue-Geile, M.F. (April, 2006). Supplementing the phenotype of schizophrenia: The case for
processing speed. Invited presentation, Department of Psychology, Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN.
Thompson, J.L., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., Stallings, R., & Loeber, R.
(October, 2006). A prospective study of antecedents of early adulthood psychotic symptoms:
Adolescent behavioral abnormalities and psychosocial stressor exposure. Presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, San Diego, CA.
Tarbox, S. & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (October, 2006). Social functioning in pre-schizophrenia
children and adolescents: A review. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research
in Psychopathology, San Diego, CA.
Thompson, J.L., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., Stallings, R., & Loeber, R.
(October, 2006). Adolescent behavioral abnormalities, psychosocial stressor exposure, and early
adulthood psychotic symptoms: A prospective study. Presented at the biennial meeting of the
International Early Psychosis Association, Birmingham, UK.
Prasad, K.M., Almasy, L., Gur, R.C., Gur, R.E., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Chowdari, K., &
Nimgoankar, V. (December 2006). RGS4 polymorphisms and cognitive function in multiplex
schizophrenia families. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of
Neuropsychopharmacology, Hollywood, FL.
Thompson, J.L., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., Stallings, R., & Loeber, R.
(March, 2007). A prospective study of adolescent tobacco use and early adulthood psychotic
symptoms. Presented at the biennial International Congress of Schizophrenia Research,
Colorado Springs, CO.
Prasad, K., Almasy, L., Gur, R., Gur, R., Pogue-Geile, M., Talkowski, M., Chowdari., K., &
Nimgaonkar, V. (October, 2007). Is cognitive function related to DA metabolism: Results from
a genetic association study. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Human
Genetics, San Diego, CA.
Almasy, L., Gur, R., Nimgaonkar, V., Cole, S., Calkins, M., Prasad, K., Pogue-Geile, M., & Gur,
R. (October, 2007). Linkage of a QTL influencing emotion processing to chromosome 10.
Presented at the World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, New York City, NY.
Prasad, K., Almasy, L., Gur, R., Gur, R., Pogue-Geile, M., Chowdari., K., & Nimgaonkar,
V.(December, 2007). Is cognitive function related to DA metabolism: Results from a genetic
association study. Presented at the annual meeting of the American College of
Neuropsychopharmacology, Boca Raton, FL.
Prasad, K., Shirts, B., Bamne, M., Pogue-Geile, M., Yolken, R., Keshavan, M., & Nimgaonkar,
V. (May, 2008). Exposure to HSV1 and MICB functional polymorphism affects prefrontal
structure and working memory: A model of gene-environmental interaction. Presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for Biological Psychiatry, Washington, DC.
Shirts, B., Prasad, K., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Yolken, R., & Nimgaonkar, V. (May, 2008). Genes,
herpes viruses, and cognitive function in schizophrenia. Presented at The Biology of Genomes
Meeting at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY.
Eack, S.M., Greeno, C.G., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Newhill, C.E., Hogarty, G.E., & Keshavan, M.S.
(Sept., 2008). Assessing social-cognitive deficits in schizophrenia with the Mayer-SaloveyCaruso Emotional Intelligence Test. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research
in Psychopathology, Pittsburgh, PA.
Tarbox, S.I., Almasy, L., Gur, R.E., Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (Sept. 2008).
Schizotypal social deficits and familial liability to schizophrenia among multigenerational
multiplex families. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in
Psychopathology, Pittsburgh, PA.
Yokley, J.L., Prasad, K.M., Chowdari, K.V., Talkowski, M.E., Gur, R. Gur, R.E., Almasy, L.,
Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (Sept. 2008). Genetic associations between
Neuregulin-1 and cognition in a large multiplex pedigree family study of schizophrenia.
Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Pittsburgh, PA.
Tarbox, S.I., Almasy, L., Gur, R.E., Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (March, 2009).
Schizotypal deficits and genetic liability to schizophrenia: A multiplex family study. Presented
at the biennial International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, San Diego, CA.
Eack, S.M., Greeno, C.G., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Newhill, C.E., Hogarty, G.E., & Keshavan, M.S.
(March, 2009). Assessing social-cognitive deficits in schizophrenia with the Mayer-SaloveyCaruso Emotional Intelligence Test. Presented at the biennial International Congress on
Schizophrenia Research, San Diego, CA.
Yokley, J.L., Prasad, K., Chowdari, K.V., Talkowski, M.E., Gur, R.C., Gur, R.E., Almasy, L.,
Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (March, 2009). Genetic associations between
neuregulin-1 and cognition in a multiplex schizophrenia family study. Presented at the biennial
International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, San Diego, CA.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Zlojutro, M., Yokley, J., Tarbox, S., Gur, R., Almasy, L., & Nimgaonkar, V.
(June, 2009). An endophenotype strategy for schizophrenia: Linkage scan of schizophrenia and
executive cognitive processes in a multiplex family study. Presented at the annual meeting of the
Behavior Genetics Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Tarbox, S.I., Almasy, L., Gur, R.E., Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (June, 2009).
Sensitivity of schizotypal symptoms to genetic liability to schizophrenia: A multiplex family
study. Presented at the annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Yokley, J.L., Prasad, K., Chowdari, K.V., Talkowski, M.E., Gur, R.C., Gur, R.E., Almasy, L.,
Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (June, 2009). Genetic associations between
Neuregulin-1, schizophrenia, and cognition in a multiplex family sample. Presented at the
annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Zlojutro, M., Yokley, J., Tarbox, S., Gur, R., Almasy, L., & Nimgaonkar, V.
(Sept., 2009). Searching for schizophrenia risk genes: Linkage scan of schizophrenia and
executive cognitive processes in multiplex families. Presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for Research in Psychopathology, Minneapolis, MN.
Zlojutro, M., Gur, R.C., Pogue-Geile, M., Hare, E., Calkins, M.E., Prasad, K., Glahn, D.,
Blangero, J., Nimgaonkar, V., & Almasy, L. (November, 2010). Evaluating endophenotypes for
schizophrenia with the endophenotype ranking value (ERV) statistic. Presented at the annual
meeting of the American Society for Human Genetics, Washington, DC.
Yokley, J.L. & Pogue-Geile, M.F. The role of glutamate in schizophrenia-related cognitive
dysfunction: a systematic review. (April, 2011). Presented at biennial meeting of the
International Congress for Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, CO.
Pogue-Geile, M.F., Zlojutro, M., Yokley, J.L., Tarbox, S.I., Gur, R.E., Almasy, L., &
Nimgaonkar, V.L. (April, 2011). Searching for schizophrenia risk genes: A bivariate genomewide linkage scan of schizophrenia and executive cognitive processes in multiplex families.
Presented at biennial meeting of the International Congress for Schizophrenia Research,
Colorado Springs, CO.
Brand, J.L.Y., Prasad, K., Chowdari, K., Talkowski, M., Gur, R., Gur, R., Almasy, L.,
Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Pogue-Geile, M.F. (Sept. 2011), Developmental genetics of schizophrenia:
neuregulin-1, age, and neurocognition. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
Research in Psychopathology, Boston, MA.
Carless, M.A., Neary, J., Kos, M.Z., Gur, R.C., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Prasad, K., Curran, J.E., Fox,
P., Duggirala, R., Nimgaonkar, V.L., Gur, R.E., Blangero, J., Almasy, L., & Glahn, D.C. (May,
2012). Involvement of microRNAs in neurological traits and implications for psychiatric
disorders. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia,
Podell, J.E., Roalf, D.R., Gur, R.C., Ruparel, K., Gallagher, S., Prasad, K., Wood, J., PogueGeile, M.F., Almasy, L., Nimgaonkar, V.L., & Gur, R.E. (May, 2012). A volumetric
neuroimaging study of multiplex, multigenerational schizophrenia families. Presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, PA.
Roalf, D.R., Vandekar, S., Gur, R.C., Ruparel, K., Satterthwaite, T., Elliott, M.A., Gallagher, S.,
Prasad, K., Wood, J., Pogue-Geile, M.F., Almasy, L., Nimgaonkar, V.L., Gur, R.E. (June, 2013)
Volumetric and shape abnormalities of subcortex in multiplex, multigenerational families with
schizophrenia. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping,
Seattle, WA.
Psychopathology (PSY2205). A graduate core course required for doctoral
students in the Clinical Psychology Program taught every other year.
Seminar in Behavior Genetics (PSY3205). An advanced graduate course
developed in 1991 and taught every few years depending on need.
Honors Abnormal Psychology (PSY1205). An undergraduate honors version of
Abnormal Psychology developed in 1994 and taught about every other year.
Topics in Clinical Psychology: Behavior Genetics (PSY2205). An advanced
undergraduate course developed in 1993 and taught about every year.
Recent Primary Advisees (in chronological order)
1. Judy Crown Craver, Ph.D.
Undergraduate: Williams College
Ph.D.: August, 1995
Publications as student: 1
Presentations as student: 7
Internship: Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Current Position: Clinical Psychologist, MGH, Harvard Medical School
Nancy Huxley, Ph.D.
Undergraduate: Wheaton College
Ph.D.: August, 1997
Presentations as student: 4
Internship: McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Current Position: Instructor in Psychology, MacLean Hospital, Department of Psychiatry,
Harvard Medical School
Angus MacDonald, Ph.D.
Undergraduate: Amherst College
Ph.D.: August, 2001
Publications as student: 2
Presentations as student: 12
Student awards: Bassell Award for Outstanding Student, Clinical Psychology Program
Internship: Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC), University of Pittsburgh
Current Position: Associate Professor (tenured), Dept. of Psychology, U. of Minnesota
Honors: Associate Editor, Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Judy Thompson, Ph.D.
Undergraduate: U. of Richmond, M.S.
Ph.D.: August, 2006
Publications as student: 2
Presentations as student: 10
Internship: University of Illinois, Chicago
Current Position: Associate Research Scientist, Dept. of Psychiatry, Columbia University
Sarah Tarbox, Ph.D.
Undergraduate: Brandeis University
Ph.D.: August, 2010
Publications as student: 5
Presentations as student: 10
Student Awards: Bassell Award for Outstanding Student, Clinical Psychology Program
Dissertation Award, Society for Scientific Clinical Psychology
Internship: Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University
Jessica Yokley Brand
Undergraduate: Washington University
Ph.D.: Anticipated 2013
Publications as student: 2
Presentations as student: 8
Student Awards: Baranger Award for teaching, Moskowitz award for teaching, Sloan
Internship: VA Medical Center, Portland, OR
Susan Kuo
Undergraduate: University of British Columbia
Currently first year graduate student.
Recent “Secondary” Advisees
Jeanne McCaffery, Ph.D.
Primary Advisor: Stephen Manuck, Ph.D.
Ph.D.: August, 2001
Publications as student: 4
Presentations as student: 4
Internship: Dept. of Psychiatry, Brown University
Current Position: Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, Brown University
Doug Raynor, Ph.D.
Undergraduate: U. of Michigan
Primary Advisor: Thomas Kamarck, Ph.D.
Ph.D.: August, 2004
Publications as student: 1
Presentations as student: 2
Internship: Dept. of Psychiatry, Brown University
Current Position: Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology, SUNY Geneseo
Shaun Eack, Ph.D.
Undergraduate: U. of Illinois
Primary Advisor: Catherine Greeno, Ph.D.
Ph.D.: August, 2009
Publications as student: 3
Presentations as student: 2
Student Awards: NIH, NRSA
Current Position: Assistant Professor (tenure stream), School of Social Work, U. of Pittsburgh
1. Master’s Thesis Committees: 23
2. Specialty Paper Committees: 57
3. Dissertation Committees: 60
1996-present Director, Clinical Psychology Program
1996Member, Departmental Executive Committee
1996Member Graduate Education Committee
Chair and Member Several Faculty Search Committees
Member Several Faculty Tenure Committees
Reviewer, WPIC Research Committee
Member, WPIC Schizophrenia Cluster
Member, Center for Neural Bases of Cognition (CNBC)
Member, WPIC Internship Training Committee
Member, Several Ad Hoc Tenure Committees
President, Behavior Genetics Association
President, Society for Research in Psychopathology
Editorial Board, Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Member, Scientific Advisory Board for Joseph Zubin Memorial Fund Award
Site Visitor, American Psychological Association
Editorial Board, Behavior Genetics
Editorial Consultant: Archives of General Psychiatry, American Journal of
Psychiatry, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Neuropsychiatric Genetics, Genes,
Brain, & Behavior, Schizophrenia Bulletin, Schizophrenia Research, Biological
Psychiatry, Psychological Medicine