Renewable Energy WebQuest Use the following link to help you complete the questions on energy. o 1) How do scientists define energy? The capacity for activity or the exertion of power. 2) Explain the law of conservation of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed. Give examples of energy transformations. A toaster transforms electrical energy into thermal energy. A blender transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy. 3) What is energy efficiency? It is a way of managing and restraining the growth in energy consumption. 4) What does it mean for energy to be nonrenewable? It means that the source will eventually run out. Renewable? This means that it never runs out and can be reused. 5) According to the “U.S. Energy Consumption by Energy Source, 2012”, what percentage of energy that we use is renewable? 9% What percent is nonrenewable? 81% Renewable Energy Sources 6) What are the 6 forms of renewable energy resources? Wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, hydro power, and biofuels. “Solar” 7) What is solar energy? It is radiant energy emitted by the sun. 8) Solar energy is converted into what energy? solar thermal energy 9) Give two examples of how solar energy is used. Solar panels and solar garden lights. 10) What do solar cells do? They convert the sun's energy into electricity. 11) What do solar power plants do? Solar power plants use the sun's rays to produce electricity. 12) What are the 2 main disadvantages to solar energy? Solar energy can only be harnessed when it is daytime and sunny. Solar collectors, panels and cells are relatively expensive to manufacture although prices are falling rapidly. Explain how solar energy is beneficial for the environment. It could cut-down on the electricity bill. It is also a renewable energy source and its environment friendly. “Wind.” 13) What is wind? Wind is the perceptible natural movement of the air. What is wind caused by? Wind is caused by air flowing from high pressure to low pressure. 14) What did American colonists use windmills for? To grind wheat and corn, to pump water and to cut wood at sawmills. 15) What do wind machines produce? Electricity 16) Describe a wind power plant. It is a form of solar power, because wind is caused by heat from the sun. 17) Describe the negative effects of wind machines. Wind turbines blades batter birds, killing 20,000 to 37,000 a year. There is also complaints from people that live around them. “Geothermal” 18) What does the word “geothermal” mean? Relating to, or produced by the internal heat of the earth. 19) What is geothermal energy? It’s the heat from the Earth. 20) Geothermal energy is generated in the earth 21) Where is geothermal energy found? It is found deep in earth’s surface. 22) Name 2 ways people have used direct geothermal energy? Hot spring can heat homes and used for dry steam plant. 23) Describe how has Iceland used geothermal energy? The people in Hveragerði, in Southwest Iceland use it for heating their greenhouses. “Biomass” 24) What does Biomass mean and what does it contain? Biological material derived from living, or recently living organisms. 25) Name 5 things that are biomass materials. Wood chips, corn, some types of garbage, animal fats, and vegetable oil. 26) What is the most common biomass material? wood 27) 84% of wood energy is used where? It’s used in the United States. It is consumed by industry such as electric power producers and commercial businesses. 28) How can biomass energy be negative to the environment? Deforestation and Farming Practices, and Air Emissions. “Hydroelectric.” 29) Hydroelectric power generates what type of energy? A hydroelectric power plant converts energy into electricity. 30) What 3 states hold over one-half of the total U.S. hydroelectric capacity for electricity is china, Canada, and Brazil. 31) Most dams in the United States were not built to provide electricity, but for lower granite dam and the hoover dam. “Ocean” 32) Tides are the rising and falling of the ocean shore. What are tides caused by? It’s caused by the combined effects of gravitational forces exerted by the Moon, Sun, and rotation of the Earth. 33) Compare wind turbines and wave turbines. They both make electricity and energy. 34) Not only could the ocean provide us with tidal energy, but ocean wave energy. 35) What is Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion? Is a marine renewable energy technology that harnesses the solar energy absorbed by the oceans to generate electric power. 36) Since the ocean expands almost two-thirds of the Earth, it makes sense to use that open ocean to provide us with energy. What are the two forms of energy have scientists considered placing over the open ocean? Tidal power and ocean thermal energy conversion. “Use of Energy.” 37) What are the 4 areas in which energy is used? Homes, work, water, and school. “Residential- homes.” 38) List the 5 ways in which energy is used in our homes. Stove, computer, TV, phone, and washing machine. 39) What is the most used type of energy in the home? solar “Saving Energy” “Energy Efficiency” 40) How much energy does the United States use? 24% 41) The average American consumes 5% more energy than the world average. 42) Identify 5 different ways in which we can conserve energy. Shut off and unplug electronic devices, turn off your dishwasher's drying cycle and allow your dishes to air dry, replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, replace or clean the air filter in your furnace once a month, and turn down the thermostat on your water heater.