

History 434 - U.S as a World Power, Fall 2015 Dr. E. Langill

Mon, Wed. 12:30-1:45, Holton 190; Office: Holton #383, email:Langill@UWM.edu

Books: Crucible of Power, Jones (SR Books); Major Problems in American Foreign

Policy by Paterson (DC Heath)- see documents to analyze and discuss below.

SelectOne: Paterson, Contesting Castro; Weiner,Legacy of Ashes; Lippman, Madeleine

Albright;Berman, No Peace, No Honor; Reich & Laqueur, Origins of Terrorism;

Wallach, Desert Queen (see below)

Course Requirements: Class attendance(absences of 10% or more will lower grade),all assigned readings, group work and presentation; 3 exams, one analytical paper(late papers willnot be accepted).Exams =30% each,Paper=20% In-class paper=10%; Group

Work & Presentation are mandatory . Instructor may make changes, if needed. Special needs will be accommodated. Discussion of selected documents in class is also a major factor.

Week I –Sept. 2-Introduction to world of 1900; Jones #1,

Week II –Sept. 7 & 9 – Spanish American War & Debate over Empire, Era of

Teddy Roosevelt – Jones #2, c.f. documents on T. Roosevelt

Wed.- select book for paper & group work. Continue as above

Week III – Sept. 14 & 16 -Wilson's crusade and the Great War; Jones #3,4

Wed. “The Great War” -Paterson Docs= Lusitania, Wilson’s War Message, Lansing,

Zimmerman, and LaFollette

Week IV – Sept. 21 & 23 -The League, Postwar retreat, new isolationism, Jones #5,

Docs: Kellogg-Briand, Nye, Neutrality Acts, Washington Conference

Wed.– Docs = 14 Points, Article 10, Lodge & Arthur Link - The great debate

Week V – Sept. 28 & 30 - FDR, the 1930s, and Diplomacy of WWII, Jones #s 6,7

Wed. Planning War’s End: Yalta & Potsdam. Read: Docs: War

Message, FDR & Tehran, FDR vs. Stalin, Yalta, Baldwin & Ambrose.

Week VI –October 5 & 7-Class Discussion of key turning points 1899 – 1945

Wed: FIRST EXAM:– 1895-1945 *********

Week VII– Oct. 12 & 14 - Cold War, Truman & Containment, Jones #s 8,9

Wed. Berlin Airlift, Truman & Korea, Atomic Spy Hunts, Kennan, NSC68

Week VIII Oct. 19 – Election of 1952 – Legacy of Truman, Enter Ike

Wed.***** First Book Group Meetings – complete group forms

Week IX Oct. 26 & 28 – Eisenhower & Containment – Jones #10, 11

Wed. - Effects of McCarthyism; Ike’s 2 nd Term. “Army vs. McCarthy”

Week X – Nov. 2 & 4 – Kennedy as Cold Warrior, Jones #12, Docs: Castro,

Khruschev, JFK on T.V., Discuss Kennedy as Cold Warrior

Wed. – Background of Vietnam: Jones #13

Week XI – Nov. 9 & 11 – LBJ & Vietnam to 1969, Jones #14, Docs: Vietnamese

Independence, Geneva Conf.,Tonkin Gulf Resol.,Ball’s Dissent,

Clifford, My Lai,

Wed. Nov. 11- *** Second Exam, 1945-1969 ****

Week XII – Nov. 16 & 18 finish reading chosen book, Second Book Group ****

Wed. - Nixon & Vietnam, “Peace with Honor”? “Decent Interval”

Read: Jones #15, and Docs.

Week XIII Nov. 23 – From Gerald Ford to Jimmy Carter, Jones #16

Wed. no class, Thanksgiving Break–Reagan,Bush I, & end of Cold War.

Week XIV - Nov. 30 & Dec. 2 – Clinton, Balkans, Near East, Ruwanda, N. Ireland

Wed. – no class,UWM Thanksgiving Break,prepare final papers, due: Dec. 14

Week XV – Mon. Dec. 7 & 9 – 21 st Century Patterns: Bush II, Afghanistan, Iraq,

Wed. Dec.9 – First Book Group Presentations: Papers Due: Dec. 14 **

Week XVI – Mon. Dec. 14 – Book Group Presentations: Papers due.

** Final Exam – Monday, Dec. 21 (format to be announced)

*** Papers must present your analysis of how your chosen book highlights course themes (do not summarize the book) and a discussion of author, his or her viewpoint, thesis, and use of evidence. Typed, Hard copy, no emailed papers. NO


***** Students who wish to declare a History major should see instructor and/or visit the History Dept. Office,

Holton Hall, 3 rd Floor.
