
Junior Vocabulary
Here is the vocabulary for unit one. Specific assignments, usually
mnemonics, will be given for the words. If the selection was studied in
class, you will be expected to know the words.
The following is given to you:
► The vocabulary word, in bold
► It’s part of speech
► It’s definition
► The verb form of the word if applicable
► The page number where you can find it
“World on Turtle’s Back”
Void – n. An empty space 25
Ritual – n. A ceremonial act or series of such acts 26
Devious – adj. Shifty, not straightforward 28
Contend – v. To compete; vie 29
Succumb – v. To give up or give in; yield 30
“The Man to Send Rain Clouds”
Arroyo – n. A deep gully cut by an intermittent stream; a dry gulch 49
Mesa – n. A broad, flat-topped hill with cliff like sides 50
Cloister - n. A place devoted to religious seclusion; a monastery or
convent 51
Cassock - n. An ankle length garment, with close fitting waist and sleeves,
worn by clergy 51
Perverse – adj. Stubbornly opposed to what is right or reasonable; wrongheaded 52
“The Way to Rainy Mountain” con’t.
Linear – adj. Resembling or arranged in a line 56
Preeminently – adv. Above all; most importantly 57
Unrelenting – adj. Not stopping or weakening 57
Nomadic – adj. Without a fixed home; wandering 57
Luxuriant – adj. Characterized by abundant growth 58
“The Way to Rainy Mountain” con’t.
Profusion – n. Abundance; lavishness 59
Engender – v. To produce; bring about 59
Inherently –adv. Essentially 60
Opaque – adj. Not allowing light to pass through 61
Servitude – n. The condition of one who is subject to a master; lack of
freedom 61
“La Relacion”
Comply – v. To obey another’s request, rule, or wish 73
Placate – v. To soothe another’s feelings; appease 74
Ingratiate – v. To gain another’s favor by deliberate effort 74
Inundate – v. To cover with water; overwhelm 75
Lament – v. To grieve; wail 75
Beseech – v. To implore; beg 76
Infirmity – n. A sickness or weakness 76
Scoff – v. To mock 76
Embody - v. To represent in bodily form 76
Cauterize – v. To burn or sear to destroy abnormal tissue 76
“Of Plymouth Plantation”
Desolate – adj. Without inhabitants; barren 83
Solace – n. Comfort in sorrow or distress 83
Hue – n. Appearance; color 83
Providence – n. An instance of divine care or guidance 83
Sentinel – n. A guard 84
Vanquish – v. To defeat in battle 85
Aloof – adj. Distant 86
Procure- -v. To get by special effort; obtain 86
Commodity – n. something useful; an article of commerce 86
Feigned – adj. Not real; pretended 87
“The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano”
Anguish – n. Agonizing physical or mental pain 94
Consternation – n. A state of paralyzing dismay; fear 94
“The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano” con’t.
Stench – n. A strong foul order 95
Apprehension – n. A suspicion of future evil; dread 95
Pestilential – adj. Deadly; poisonous 96
Copious – adj. In large amounts; abundant 96
Wretched – adj. Miserable 96
Countenance – n.. The face, especially as an indicator of emotion m 97
Nominal – adj. In name but not in reality 97
Avarice – n. Greed 97
“Blue Highways”
Precipitately – adv. Steeply 102
Contempt – n. Scorn; disdain 102
Begrudge – v. To resent another person’s possession of something 103
Genetic – adj. Relating to genes, the units that determine and transmit
heredity characteristics 105
Variant – n. Something that differs slightly from others of its kind 105
Emergence – n. The process of coming forth or coming into existence 105
Evolve – v. To develop gradually 105
Materialism- n. A preoccupation with worldly rather than spiritual
concern 105
Ethical – adj. Dealing with principles of right and wrong; moral 160
Theology – n. A system of religious beliefs 160
“My Sojourn in the Lands of My Ancestors”
Wane – v. To decrease in size, intensity, or degree 110
Rebuff – v. To reject bluntly; snub 110
Careen – v. To swerve, or to cause to swerve, from side to side while in
motion 111
Suffuse –v. To spread through 111
Purging – n. Getting rid of something unwanted; cleansing (purge v.) 111
Mincing – adj. Acting refined or dainty 112
Impervious adj. Incapable to being affected 112
Surreptitious – adj. Secret; stealthy 115
Reverberate – v. To echo 115
Environs – n. A surrounding region. 115