10/10 The University of Queensland Animal Ethics Breeding Colony Application Form Animal Welfare Unit, Research & Research Training Division AEC No: Certificate sent: Mod No. 1: Mod No. 2: Comments: Date Received: / / Committee Consideration: AEC Group: Without Modification Approved subject to: Resubmit Date/Signature Chairperson: ……../………/………… Permit(s): Final Approval Date: / / Pilot Proviso Monitoring The Senate of The University of Queensland requires that all experimentation and teaching involving animals should be ethically approved by The University of Queensland Animal Ethics Committee prior to its commencement. This form should be used for all breeding colony work undertaken with animals (as defined in The Code) by staff and/or students of The University of Queensland and any other individuals or companies using The University of Queensland’s Animal Ethics Committees. Note: Boxes expand to accommodate answers. Please submit this form, with the appropriate number of copies (information can be found on the web at http://www.uq.edu.au/research/rid/animal-committees) to the Animal Welfare Unit, Research & Innovation Division, Cumbrae-Stewart Building, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, 4072. For further details or assistance with completion of the form please contact: The Animal Welfare Unit, Telephone 3365 2925, 3346 8710 or 3365 2713. Note: Each question on this form has instructions from guidelines, as hidden text, explaining how to answer that particular question. To show text with the hidden text effect, click Show/Hide ¶ on the Standard toolbar in Microsoft Word. When hidden text is shown, it is marked with a dotted underline. This text will not be seen on the printed version. A downloadable guidelines document is available immediately below this form on our website. PART A – ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS 1. Application title: 2. Date of application: / / 3. Proposed actual commencement date: / / (ie. when will animals be required for use) 4. Expected duration of breeding: (Ethical clearance is given for one year. Annual renewals are required for longer projects.) 5. Staff member or senior investigator in charge of activity: Name: Workplace: Full Mailing address Telephone No: Facsimile: Email address: Location: Mobile No: 6. Alternative contact person if senior investigator is absent in an emergency: Page 1 of 12 10/10 Name: Workplace: Telephone No: Facsimile: Email Address: Location: Mobile No: 7a. What type of application is this? (insert an ‘X’ in appropriate box and provide other relevant details) New Project renewal after 3 years If a renewal after 3years, please provide previous AEC No: AEC No: If this is a resubmission request from the committee please indicate Resubmission 7b. If a Renewal after 3 years please attach a short report of work to date, including: what progress has been achieved; any problems that may have interfered with progress of the project; how many animals have been used; whether the wellbeing of the animals is consistent with that anticipated in the proposal; whether any changes are envisaged; and whether the project is meeting its stated aims. 8. Please provide details of ALL participants, including CI and alternative contact person: Names, qualifications and experience of all professional and ancillary staff involved in the project and their proposed role. Chief Investigator Qualifications a) Experience with species and techniques to be used in this project. b) Role in project. c) Proposed training if inexperienced (state N/A if not applicable). Alternative Investigator Qualifications a) Experience with species and techniques to be used in this project. b) Role in project. c) Proposed training if inexperienced (state N/A if not applicable). Professional participants Qualifications a) Experience with species and techniques to be used in this project. b) Role in project. c) Proposed training if inexperienced (state N/A if not applicable). Page 2 of 12 10/10 Animal carers Qualifications a) Experience with species and techniques to be used in this project. b) Role in project. c) Proposed training if inexperienced (state N/A if not applicable). Qualifications a) Experience with species and techniques to be used in this project. b) Role in project. c) Proposed training if inexperienced (state N/A if not applicable). Where animal carers’ input is purely for animal husbandry, the inclusion of the animal house OIC is sufficient. Where animal carers perform any part of the experimental plan, they should be named individually. Students and Others 9. Please indicate from (a), (b) or (c) the funding source for this activity: a) Is this activity being undertaken on behalf of the University in your capacity as an employee or a UQ student? Yes/No If yes, indicate the source of funding: b) Is this activity being undertaken in a private capacity (including private practice) under the University’s policy of paid consultative and Related Outside Work (HUPP 1.50.2) Yes/No If yes, what arrangements are in place for insurance and QDPI scientific registration of yourself/the external organisation/clinic/company or institution? (Please provide details) c) Is this activity being undertaken on behalf of an internal/external company or organisation for a commercial/profit/intellectual property venture? Yes/No If yes, please provide details (External organisations seeking to use the services of the University’s ethics committees must have prior approval and are to address issues of professional indemnity for ethics committee members and the University and will be required to complete a UQ agreement - please contact the Animal Welfare Unit) Note: Some applications in this section attract a fee for service. 10. Where is this activity to be undertaken? Queensland Interstate Overseas Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No If Yes, please specify which state: If Yes, please specify which Country: Page 3 of 12 10/10 11. Does this breeding colony involve collaboration with external agencies? eg. Institutions companies or individuals etc, who are conducting ‘hands on’ work with animals or animal tissues: Yes/No If yes, please provide institutional scientific user number for the collaborators: Name Scientific user number OR accreditation no Institution / Organisation State Country* * If overseas, no accreditation or scientific user number required providing no hands on animal work is being undertaken in Queensland. 12. Where collaboration is involved the following questions must also be answered. a) Does this project require consideration and approval from another AEC? If yes, please provide name and contact details? b) Which institutional AEC will be responsible for monitoring this project? Please provide institutional name and AEC contact details: c) Which institution will produce DPI&F annual report? PART B – BREEDING COLONY DETAILS A breeding colony is defined as an animal-breeding program that is consistently reproducible. It does not involve experimental breeding of hybrid animals (usually, but may not be limited to, breeder animals) e.g. BALB/c, C57/B mice; Agouti or Wistar rats; New Zealand white rabbits; large white pigs. 13. Brief description of breeding colony: (e.g. Rat (use species/strain or some defining feature) breeding colony in Department "X") 14. a) What type of animals are being bred in the colony? Wildtype/Inbred (go to Question 14) Genetically Modified (complete Questions 13 b) & c) b) If any of these animals are genetically modified indicate phenotype/genotype and details of any welfare issues that may be anticipated: c) Do these animals require OGTR approval: Yes/No If Yes, provide details in section C If No, complete exemption at Section C 15. How long will breeding colony be maintained: 16. Number of breeders being held at the time of this application OR required to set up the breeding colony: – from the guideline list: species/strain, number of animals, gender, class. Page 4 of 12 10/10 Species (Common Name) Strain Gender Class of animals No. of breeders 17. Please justify the number of breeding animals maintained or to be maintained: 18. a) How many animals do you hope to produce from this colony per year? (Production numbers) Species (Common Name) Strain Gender Class of animals No. of animals to be produced 18. b) What is the estimated number of animals to be culled from this colony per year? Species (Common Name) Strain Gender Class of animals No. of animals to be culled 19. Why can't animals be obtained from an already established animal-breeding house e.g. the Herston Medical Research Centre or external organisations, etc? 20. a) Original source of breeding animals: (If permit required, AQIS etc, Complete Section C) 21. Does this colony require special containment facilities? Yes/No If Yes, please provide details: 22. Where will animals be held for breeding/stock purposes? Animal House facility: Or Animal holding facility: Location/Room: 23. Breeding Colony details: a) Why are animals being bred? Please provide AEC approval numbers. Page 5 of 12 10/10 b) Breeding system used: (e.g., harem, paired mating etc) c) Type of housing used for breeding animals and offspring: (Include details of food and water) d) What provisions have been made to ensure that there is access to veterinary care if required? e) Any other details which you may feel are relevant to the AEC: 24. Are the animals to be transported prior to/during/after this activity? Yes/No If Yes, provide details of all transportation (include each sector): Method (include container/restraint details): Type of transport: (air/vehicle/walk/air conditioned) Duration and frequency of transportation: (length/how many times) Permits: (ensure the appropriate section in Part C has been completed) Prior: During: After: Prior: During: After: 25. What provisions are made to ensure that animals are well monitored, particularly in case of dystocia or other problems associated with breeding? (Daily inspection would be regarded as a minimum requirement in most cases) Please provide details of monitoring of animals: who and how frequently. If appropriate, what arrangements will be made for weekends etc. 26. What environmental enrichment is provided for these animals? (Include methods of environmental enrichment for all animals.) Please provide details: 27. a) What will happen to animals surplus to requirements? 27. b) What is the fate of the animals on disbanding of colony? (please indicate with ‘X’ Released to natural habitat Sold Returned to commercial farm Scheduled death on trial (death as an end point) Scheduled euthanasia on trial Scheduled euthanasia post trial Transferred immediately to another project Kept at institution for later use or sale Adopted or re-homed Continuing activity Page 6 of 12 10/10 Cryopreservation Other If euthanasia, then describe method and disposal: Method: Disposal: 28. Does your proposed breeding activity comply with the current Queensland Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 and the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes? Yes/No PART C – OH&S AND OTHER RELEVANT DETAILS This part of the application is required to be completed so that the AEC can be assured that the applicant has complied with all requirements in accordance with The Code, Section 1. 1.7, 2.1.1(ii), 2.2.18, 3.1.3, 3.3.50-3.3.54, Section 4 Intro. including 4.1, and 4.2, Section 5. Intro and 5.1.1 as part of the AEC mandate under Section 2.2 Intro. It should be noted that even though the AEC may from time to time raise questions regarding these matters the Animal Welfare Unit is not directly responsible for issuing of permits, OH&S approvals etc or other considerations in this area and the relevant bodies should be consulted about these matters 29. Permit Applications a) Does this project involve the use of native fauna and/or entry to native flora habitats? Yes/No If Yes, complete Questions 28 b, c & d as applicable. If No, proceed to Question 29. b) If this breeding program involves the use of native fauna or includes entry into native flora habitats, does it require any of the following permits: (If permit is current, please attach a copy for our records) Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service (QNPWS) Department of Natural Resources Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Permit (GBRMPA) Fisheries Permit Moreton Bay Marine Park Authority Environment Australia Permit (EPA) Stock Movement Permit Other If Other, please provide details: c) Provide details of office to which permit application has been sent: Name: Organisation: Address: Suburb/Town Telephone No: Facsimile: Email Address: Postcode: Mobile No: d) Name of person nominated on permit: Page 7 of 12 10/10 Note: Attach copy of ethics application to permit application. On receipt of permit approval for any of the above, please forward a copy to the AWUC to receive Ethics Approval Certificate. Work must not commence without written approval from all organisations. 30. Does this work require AQIS approval? Yes/No If Yes, please provide details and attach documentation: (Note: If Pending, please provide details on receipt of approval/documentation.) 31. Does this work require any other documentation? (includes but is not limited to other ethics committees, client consent letters, letters of agreement, Ethics clearances etc:) Yes/No If Yes, please provide details and attach documentation eg., client consent letters, letters of agreement, Ethics clearances etc: (Note: If Pending, please provide details on receipt of approval/documentation.) Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Issues Note: If you do not require OHS from UQ, indicate where OHS approval has been obtained. 32. Risk Assessment a) Has a Risk Assessment been carried out in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines (http://www.uq.edu.au/ohs/) and submitted to your local Workplace Health and Safety Officer for approval? Yes/No If Yes, please provide details of where assessment lodged/Risk Assessment number in on-line database: If No, please provide reason/exemption details: b) Does the work involve going on a Field Trip? Yes/No Has a Field Work Risk Assessment been provided to your Workplace Health and Safety Officer for approval prior to the field trip? (Comprehensive guidelines are available on the OHS website.) Yes/No/Pending If Yes, please provide details/Risk Assessment number in on-line database: (Note: If Pending please provide details on receipt of approval/documentation.) The Institutional Biosafety Committee gives approval for the following: Is Biosafety approval required? Yes/No i) All work involving genetic manipulation. This is a requirement under the Gene Technology Act. Page 8 of 12 10/10 Is approval required? Yes/No If Yes, please provide IBC number or the OGTR identifier: (Note: If Pending, please provide details on receipt of approval/documentation.) The OHS unit has prepared this section and whilst the Animal Welfare Unit, as they relate to animal ethics, may address minor queries, all other queries regarding Biosafety and OGTR should be referred to Faculty OHS Officers or the OHS Unit. ii) HIGH RISK biological work that does NOT involve genetic manipulation (this is a UQ requirement) including: Micro-organisms in Risk Group 3 or 4 (refer AS2243.3) Large Volume (>500 ml) microorganisms in Risk Group 2 (refer AS2243.3) Biological toxins including venom. Some toxins are listed on the biosafety web site Infectious or potentially infectious animals Is approval required? Yes/No a) If Yes, please provide IBC number and details of the precautions in place to protect animal attendants and other staff working in the area from these hazards. b) Indicate the level of containment at which the work will be carried out and any mandatory precautions for animals or personnel. (Note: If Pending please provide details on receipt of approval/documentation.) iii) Carcinogen clearance is required where ARC or NHMRC funding is involved. This is obtained through the Occupational Health and Safety unit Hygiene Adviser. Is approval required? Yes/No If Yes, please provide details: (Note: If Pending please provide details on receipt of approval/documentation.) iv) Does this activity require approval by the Radiation Protection Adviser e.g., ionizing and laser, located within the OHS unit? Yes/No If Yes, please provide details: (Note: If Pending please provide details on receipt of approval/documentation.) 34. Other Health & Safety Issues a) Does the project involve any agent, which is hazardous to humans or other animals, which have not been noted in Questions 29 and 31? Yes/No b) (i) If Yes, please indicate which of the following are used in the project: (Provide brief details) Pathogenic organism Biological Toxin Venom Known carcinogen Page 9 of 12 10/10 Ionising radiation Non-ionising radiation Laser Recombinant DNA Genetic manipulation Imported biological materials Any other hazardous agent (ii) Please provide details of the precautions in place to protect animal attendants and other staff working in the area from these hazards: Page 10 of 12 10/10 PART D – DECLARATION AND SIGNATURES Note: All declarations must be signed prior to submission to the Animal Ethics Committee DECLARATION BY APPLICANT/CHIEF INVESTIGATOR WHO HAS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL ASPECTS OF THIS RESEARCH I confirm that procedures proposed in this application will comply with the rules of The University of Queensland, the Queensland Animals Care and Protection Act 2001 and the current NHMRC Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (The Code) and any other applicable legislation. The qualifications and experience of all the investigators/students are appropriate to the procedures to be performed and I will ensure that all members of the group handling the animals are competent in the techniques they use. (The Code 3.1.2) Where inexperienced investigators or students are involved in the project I will ensure that they are supervised and adequate/appropriate training provided by experienced personnel I will notify the Animal Welfare Unit immediately of any adverse effects arising from this study (eg., unexpected animal deaths, unexpected animal distress, animal/staff/student/community risk, etc.). (The Code 3.1.12) I will request approval from the University Animal Ethics committee for any divergence from the protocol stated in this proposal.(The Code 2.2.1(vii)) I have consulted with the relevant animal facility manager regarding the housing/location of the animals and have been informed that housing will be available. I have informed all personnel of their inclusion in this project and received agreement to their being involved. I understand that animal use may not commence until all necessary approvals/permits have been applied for and clearance certificates issued by the relevant authorities and the Animal Welfare Unit. (The Code 3.1.4) I understand that if I provide false or misleading statements in this application it may render my ethics approval invalid. / Principal Investigator's Signature Name (please print or type) / Date Department/Division Penalties: The signatory should note that penalties apply under the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 should breaches of compliance occur. These penalties range from fines for individuals and the institution to imprisonment and possible deregistration of the University in extreme circumstances. DECLARATION OF CONSENT BY PARTICIPANTS – (COMPULSORY) Name (please print or type) Signature Page 11 of 12 10/10 Penalties: The signatory should note that penalties apply under the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 should breaches of compliance occur. These penalties range from fines for individuals and the institution to imprisonment and possible deregistration of the University in extreme circumstances. This section should include all participants listed at section 9 of this application form. DECLARATION BY OFFICER IN CHARGE (OIC) OF THE LABORATORY ANIMAL HOUSE or ANIMAL HOLDING AREA I certify that the facilities required are available: (a) at the following location: (b) subject to availability of space in the facility To house animals in this project and provide basic animal husbandry in compliance with Queensland Animal Care and Protection Act 2001and the current NHMRC Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes and any other applicable legislation, and that this project can proceed subject to ethical approval. / OIC Laboratory Animal House or Animal Holding Area Signature Name (please print or type) / Date Department/Division The signature from Director University of Queensland Biological Resources (UQBR) should be obtained in the absence of the OIC when appropriate: / Director University of Queensland Biological Resources (UQBR) Signature / Date Name (please print or type) Penalties: The signatory should note that penalties apply under the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 should breaches of compliance occur. These penalties range from fines for individuals and the institution to imprisonment and possible deregistration of the University in extreme circumstances. Page 12 of 12