Learner Resource School Name Mudgeeraba Creek State School Subject Maths Description Sample Pre-assessment Unit 7 Teacher Info Refer to guiding notes and ACARA achievement standards to ensure alignment. Task designed by Jane Grace Chance/ Number Topic Contact Year 1 Janelle Dickman 0467 777 965 Teacher Guiding Notes DURATION CURRICULUM PLAN TOPICS 11 Lessons Fractions and decimals & Number and place value 2 Lessons Data representation and interpretation 4 Lessons Chance *Assessment Task 2 8 Lessons Number and place value *Assessment Task 1 25 LESSONS TOTAL UNIT RATIONALE Due to the large focus on number in the previous 6 units (highlighted yellow in the table below), children have explored and worked with two digit numbers extensively. Teacher knowledge of student achievement in this area should be quite thorough however a simple pre-test to identify levels of mastery and some high order problem solving is appropriate to discover ability level of students in this area. THE PRE-ASSESSMENT (see below) COULD BE USED ON THE REGIONAL TEMPLATE AND IS RELATED TO THE GTMJ OF THE SUMMATIVE TASK. Two lessons are devoted to data representation (highlighted purple) involving students to gather, record and interpret data in response to a question. As this has not been covered since unit 2, a webtool task in eTc Maths/ IXL Maths for Year One could provide the teacher with valuable insight into how children can interpret and predict data showing justification for their thinking. One week is devoted to chance (highlighted grey) and was last covered in Unit 2. It focusses on classifying outcomes of simple familiar events. THIS PRE-ASSESSMENT (see below) COULD BE USED ON THE REGIONAL TEMPLATE AND IS RELATED TO THE GTMJ OF THE SUMMATIVE TASK. As little time is devoted to fractions,(highlighted red) perhaps it would be more appropriate to pre-assess this in Unit 8 South East Region Learner Resource template 1 V1 – Aug 2013 Unit Overviews Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: Unit 6: Unit 7: Unit 8: Students develop understandings of: Students develop understandings of: Students develop understandings of: Students develop understandings of: Students develop understandings of: Students develop understandings of: Students develop understandings of: Students develop understandings of: Shape — explore the geometric features of 2D shapes and 3D objects Number and place Using units of value — represent measurement — and record the compare and fives number sequence time sequence, durations, tell time counting to the hour and half collections, hour represent and Number and place record two-digit value — recall, numbers, identify represent and and describe record the ones, number twos, fives (to 50) relationships, and tens number flexibly partition of sequence, identify two-digit numbers, number patterns, partition numbers count collections, in more than two represent and parts, represent, record two-digit record and solve numbers, standard simple addition and place value subtraction partitioning of twoproblems digit numbers, Fractions and identifying digit decimals — values, exploring investigate wholes doubling and and halves halving, positioning and locating Patterns and algebra numbers on linear — recall the ones, representations, twos and tens representing, counting recording and sequences, solving simple explore number subtraction patterns, represent problems the fives number Fractions and decimals – halve collections Patterns and algebra — investigate growing patterns, connect counting sequences to growing patterns, represent addition and subtraction number patterns Number and place value — sequence numbers, investigate the twos number sequence, represent 2-digit numbers, investigate parts and whole of quantities, show standard partitioning of ‘teen’ numbers, investigate subtraction, represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems Number and place Patterns and algebra value — sequence — investigate numbers, repeating and represent and growing patterns, record the twos connect counting number sequence, sequences to investigate growing patterns, doubles, partition represent the tens and create number sequence representations for Location and ten, show transformation — partitioning and explore and standard identify location, partitioning of investigate ‘teen’ numbers, position, direction represent, position and movement, and locate ‘teen’ interpret directions numbers, Number and place represent and value — represent solve simple and record the tens addition and number sequence, subtraction Using units of represent two-digit problems, measurement — numbers, standard investigate sequence days of partitioning of twocommutativity the week and digit numbers, months of the year, Data representation investigate investigate the and interpretation equality, represent, features and — gather data (by record and solve function of asking suitable simple addition and calendars, record questions), record subtraction significant events, data in a list and problems compare time table, display data Fractions — durations, (sorting, stacking investigate wholes sequence events or by pictorial and halves according to representation), Using units of durations, describe displays measurement — investigate length, Chance — identify explore and telling compare lengths outcomes of time to the hour. using direct familiar events that comparisons, involve chance, investigate indirect describe events as comparison, ‘will happen’, ‘won’t informally measure happen’ or ‘might lengths using happen’ uniform informal units. Number and place value — represent, record and solve simple addition and subtraction problems, count collections, represent and record two-digit numbers including multiples of ten, identify and describe number relationships, standard and flexible partitioning of twodigit numbers Fractions and decimals — explore, represent and record sharing situations Patterns and algebra — recall the ones, twos and tens counting sequences, explore number patterns Money and financial mathematics — describe, compare, sort and order Australian coins sequence Using units of measurement — compare, measure and record lengths and capacity. Money and financial mathematics — recognise, describe, and ordering Australian coins according to their value Location and transformation — give and follow directions, investigate position, direction and movement. Number and place value — use standard and nonstandard partitioning of twodigit numbers, count in number patterns, add single digit numbers to two digit numbers, subtract multiples of ten, represent part unknown Chance — identify chance events Data representation and interpretation — gather and represent data Fractions and decimals – halving and doubling collections/quantiti es Number and Place value — use standard and nonstandard partitioning of twodigit numbers, count in number patterns, model numbers with a range of materials, develop and refine mental strategies for addition and subtraction problems, represent part unknown Using units of measurement — compare and sequence familiar events in time order/length Chance ― identify chance events Learner Resource Student Name Class Date Chance and Data Lachlan’s family is going on a holiday to the beach for the Summer holidays. Draw or write about some things that might happen at the beach. Draw or write about some things that will not happen at the beach. Design a spinner where Red is the most likely to win, and Yellow is the least likely to win. South East Region Learner Resource template V1 – Aug 2013 3 Teacher’s note- the children will need to have an understanding of how a spinner works before completing this task. Number There are 14 girls and 4 boys in the tuckshop line. How many children are buying some lunch today? There were 7 lollies in the bowl. My brother ate 3 of them. How many are left? + = - = There were 16 lollies in the bowl. My brother ate 7 of them. How many are left? Can you show this one on a number line? Think of your own number sentence and write it down, show it in a picture and make it using materials so you can explain it to your teacher.