Volume 2006, Issue 21a

December 2006
806 Eaglenest Ave.
Akron, OH 44303
Dept. of Archaeology
Silpakorn University
Bangkok 10200 Thailand
Greetings! This issue (only one for this year) includes the final part of Prof. Wilhelm Solheim’s
brief history of Southeast Asian archaeology up to 1960. The Newsletter is again divided into
Parts I and II, with the latter devoted to Solheim’s history.
Remember, if you have any suggestions for improving the Newsletter, please let us know.
We are continuing to distribute the Newsletter primarily by e-mail, but will continue to send
copies by regular mail to our colleagues who are not on e-mail. Please send us contributions for
the next issue by 15 May 2007.
Part I
Dougald O'Reilly and Hor Lat, Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology, and the students would like
to express their gratitude to those who donated books and articles to the Royal University of Fine
Arts in Phnom Penh. These items were deeply appreciated. The library of the Royal University
of Fine Arts, Phnom Penh though is still in serious need of archaeology textbooks and other
archaeology publications, so please send any such publications to them C/O Dr. Dougald
O’Reilly, HeritageWatch, 33 Sothearos Blvd. Phnom Penh, Cambodia). For further information,
contact Dougald at: doog@mobitel.com.kh
This announcement is targeted towards
archaeologists who are nationals of Indonesia and Timor Leste. The Anthony F. Granucci Fund,
through the Australian National University (ANU), will make capital available to fund small
research grants to qualified applicants. The fund has been established to encourage younger
researchers – in general those under the age of forty five - who are of Indonesian and Timorese
nationality or who are resident in the Republic of Indonesia or the Republic of Timor Leste.
Researchers may be in collaboration with non-qualified parties in connection with their projects.
The Fund will provide: a) One or more research grants per annum to researchers submitting
worthy proposals within the topic area; b) Funds to assist in the translation of papers into English
for their publication and dissemination.
The topic area shall be the prehistory and protohistory of the geographical area covered at
the time of the creation of the fund by the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic
of Timor Leste. For purposes of this fund, prehistory and protohistory shall include the time
period beginning from 40,000 BP to and including the early metal age (to 1000 BP). Topics
falling outside these geographic and temporal ranges may be considered for prizes and grants
when they include a significant aspect inside the range such as, by way of example, interactions
between indigenous cultures and Indic influences or comparative studies of issues and material
outside and inside the geographical area.
Awardees of grants shall be obligated to submit reports on their work and utilisation of
funds and to submit a final report or paper in the Indonesian or English languages. If a paper has
not been published, a portion of the grant could be used towards the costs of translating the paper
into English (if necessary or advisable for broad circulation) and assisting in the publication of
the article or paper. The deadline for the next round of funding is 31 December 2006. For
further details, see: http://arts.anu.edu.au/arcworld/ippa/ippa.htm
The University of Arizona NSF-Arizona Mass Spectrometry Laboratory is announcing a program
to foster scholarly research in developing nations. The program’s objective is to provide
radiocarbon dates at no cost to colleagues who, due to limited funding or limited instrumental
infrastructure, would not otherwise have access to accelerator mass spectrometry. Twenty AMS
radiocarbon dates per year will be awarded to successful applicants in the fields of archaeology,
geoscience, and environmental science. Applications are being accepted from Southeast Asian
and the Pacific Island nations at this time. Qualifying nations include Burma, Laos, Thailand,
Viet Nam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and all indigenous Pacific Nations.
Australia, Brunei, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, Hawaii, New Caledonia, and New Zealand are
Application Process. The application process requires the submission of a brief project
description, including a detailed description of the samples, their contexts, and their significance
(2 pages maximum). Applicants must also submit an NSF-Arizona AMS Laboratory Sample
Submission Form and the Dating Agreement Form.
These are available on-line at:
A single applicant may request up to three (3) AMS dates per project, per year. Closing
dates are January 1, May 1 and September 1 in each year, and in each round the committee
will allocated approximately one third of the 20 dates available for each calendar year.
Successful applications will have several characteristics, crucially: 1) The proposal
should show scientific merit and clearly demonstrate that AMS radiocarbon dating is appropriate
to address the question at hand. 2) The project’s principal investigator should be based in the
country in which the project is conducted, and should be directly and actively involved in
conducting and completing the project. Applicants must also agree to publish the dates within
scholarly journals and make them freely available to other researchers upon request.
Acknowledgement of the program and the NSF-Arizona AMS Laboratory in any papers, reports
and publications that develop from the project would be appreciated.
For more information,
the following:
Felicia Beardsley
Dept. of Sociology &
University of La Verne
1950 3rd Street
La Verne, CA
USA 91750
feedback, and submission of applications, please contact one of
Peter Bellwood
School of Arch &
Canberra ACT 0200
Greg Hodgins
NSF-Arizona AMS Laboratory
University of Arizona
1118 E Fourth Street
Tucson, Arizona
USA 85721
SHERD LIBRARY AT NUS. The National University of Singapore Museum, part of the NUS
Centre for the Arts, has decided to allocate space to a Sherd Library. This facility will house a
wide-ranging reference collection of ceramics from archaeological sites along the Silk Road of
the Sea, which linked West, South, Southeast and East Asia.
The Sherd Library will provide facilities where scholars and students of all levels from all
over the world can view and handle earthenware, porcelain, and stoneware for the purpose of
comparative research. For this purpose, the Museum is seeking donations of sherds from as many
sites as possible. We hope to collect sherds from all types of archaeological sites, from kilns in
their countries of origin, to sherds from shipwrecks and from habitation sites.
The Museum would like to solicit donations for this unique facility. The Museum is
willing to pay the cost of packing and shipping. We will also provide a copy of the book
Earthenware in Southeast Asia in exchange for larger sherd collections. Should donors wish,
their names will be prominently displayed (though those who may prefer to remains anonymous
may do so), and those using the collection will be required to cite the name of the donor in any
publications which make use of their donation.
Please address all inquires, suggestions, etc. to: Prof John Miksic, Southeast Asian
Studies Programme, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117570.
timorbanafatin.blogspot.com web blog – [Editors’ note: Announcement of this new blog and of the
following message by the blog’s creator, Nuno Vasco Oliveira – a PhD student at the Australian National
University – was intended for the July 2006 issue of the Newsletter. As we were unable to send out an
issue last summer, we have included it now]. Message to the EASAA: In the aftermath of the of
situation occurring in East Timor in the past few weeks, which is mostly characterized by
political and civil unrest, the Governments’ institutions are working to a minimum and only
slowly getting back to normality. As a consequence, and although this is still confined to the
capital city, Dili, logistics such as obtaining authorization from local authorities, renting a car or
getting food, became much more difficult thus hindering the possibility of carrying
archaeological work in East Timor for the time being.
A week ago, and considering that the news published in Australia on the crisis in East
Timor did not convey properly much of what was happening, I have decided to create a blog
where I constantly try to add information originally published in Portuguese.
Distinct languages convey different ways of understanding and explaining the world. In
this sense, East Timor’s past and recent history is one of indubitable richness. Sadly for the
Timorese, this axiom represents a problem in itself. Due to its geography and history, East Timor
is an island between worlds where people from many different nationalities have recently added
to the cultural melting pot that already existed.
An island struggling both internally and externally, East Timor poses an ethical
challenge. As a Portuguese researcher working in Canberra, I try to look at it from a non postcolonial perspective. I am well aware, though, of the obvious reasons why I have decided to work
there and not anywhere else in Southeast Asia.
I am also aware that despite being the fifth most spoken language in the world,
Portuguese is very much inaccessible to a wide community of people working in East Timor or
interested in East Timorese issues. For that reason, and because I strongly believe that much
information published in this language is highly relevant to understand its past and present
situation, I have created this blog.
East Timor is my own challenge but it is, above all, an international ethical challenge.
THE ROYAL TROPICAL INSTITUTE IN AMSTERDAM web site – www.kit.nl – has all
Dutch cartographic materials of Java freely available.
SOUTHEAST ASIA IN THE ‘MING SHI-LU’ at – http://epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/ - is a unique
reference project of the Asia Research Institute and The Singapore E-Press, both of National
University of Singapore. This work identifies all of 3000+ references to Southeast Asia
contained within the Ming Dynasty reign annals, and provides them to readers in Englishlanguage translation. The database is indexed for place- and personal names, and is fully
searchable. In addition to the more obvious polities of maritime and mainland Southeast Asia, the
database also includes references to many Yunnan Tai polities that have since been incorporated
within the Chinese state.
http://seasia.museum.upenn.edu. Please send references (e.g., the list of publications from your
CV), to add to the online bibliography, to Joyce White at: banchang@sas.upenn.edu. Also, to
support data entry and maintenance of the Southeast Asian Archaeology Bibliography, please
consider making a designated contribution to “Friends of Ban Chiang”. Current donations are
matched dollar for dollar by the Thai Archaeology Challenge Grant of the University Museum,
University of Pennsylvania. Send your check in US dollars made out to Trustees of the University
of Pennsylvania to Joyce White, University Museum, 3260 South Street, Philadelphia PA, 191046324, USA.
ARCHAEOLOGY at the Pang Mapha Highland Archaeology Project Mae Hong Son Province,
Northwestern Thailand (between Thailand and Myanmar) by Valentina DuBasky.
The Project Ancient Botanicals: Paintings of Flora, Fauna and Forest Archaeology at the
Pang Mapha Highland Archaeology Project is a collaborative project between Dr. Rasmi
Shoocongdej, Assistant Professor at Silpakorn University, the Principle Investigator of the
Highland Archaeology Project, and Artist Valentina DuBasky. The project explores spiritual
archaeology through art and supports awareness and preservation of the archaeological
environment through public events, exhibitions and workshops.
HERITAGEWATCH is set to launch the Heritage Friendly Tourism Campaign in conjunction
with the Ministry of Tourism in Cambodia. The campaign seeks to promote responsible tourism
and encourage businesses in Cambodia to support the arts, culture, heritage and development
sectors. Businesses that contribute to these sectors are certified 'Heritage Friendly' and are
promoted through an advertising campaign including bill boards, banners, t-shirts, tuk tuk signs
that encourages people to patronize these businesses. The response from corporate Cambodia has
been tremendous and HeritageWatch looks forward to a positive outcome with further businesses
becoming Heritage Friendly in the years to come. In conjunction with the campaign
HeritageWatch is launching a magazine called Insight that will highlight archaeological research,
development projects, arts and culture non-governmental organizations in Cambodia and
interesting facts and articles for visitors to the Kingdom.
A social development project is also set to be launched at Koh Ker supported by funding
from Friends of Khmer Culture and Lonely Planet Publications. The project will see the local
people of Koh Ker benefit from the coming tourism boom at the site, training them in small
business management, English language and site maintenance. HeritageWatch is working in
conjunction with APSARA the government authority responsible for the management of the site
on this project.
HeritageWatch staff have recently completed a survey of looted sites around the temple
of Banteay Chmar in Northwest Cambodia. The survey revealed an extensive Iron Age
occupation of the area.
2007 will also see the release of a children's book called If the Stones Could Speak, a tale
about a group of Angkorian statues who grow up in the temples and centuries later are stolen by
looters and separated. All ends well as the friends end up repatriated to Cambodia.
For more news please visit www.heritagewatch.org and be sure to sign the petition to
encourage Thailand and Singapore to sign the 1970 UNESCO convention.
Bounheuang Bouasisengpaseuth.
The Middle Mekong Archaeological Project (MMAP) had a short field season in March
2006. This joint research program of the University of Pennsylvania Museum and the
Department of Museums and Archaeology, Lao PDR, focused on recording and analyzing the
artifacts and site data recovered from the MMAP 2005 survey in Luang Prabang province. Fiftyeight sites were identified during MMAP 2005, and surface finds were recorded in the
ArcGIS/Access database designed by Penn Anthro PhD student, Olivia Given. Finds ranging
from flaked stone tools to stoneware ceramics show that the area has been inhabited continuously
for the past 10,000 years. Ben Marwick, ANU PhD student, also led the team in collecting river
cobbles near the Mekong suitable for flaking sumatralith-like cores. The team then flaked cores
using techniques probably employed by Hoabinhian knappers. The action archaeology exercise
assisted the development of a database recording system for flaked lithics for this area, and the
recording of the lithics recovered so far by the project. The team also developed tri-lingual (Lao,
English, and Thai) vocabularies for lithic analysis, photography, and databases to promote
communication among team members.
Ralph L. Boyce presented, in October 2006, a 1.3 million baht grant under this program to
Professor Dr. Rasmi Shoocongdej, Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University, to preserve
and manage the archaeological heritage of the Ban Rai and Tham Lod Rockshelters in Pang
Mapha District, Mae Hong Son Province. The Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation was
established by the U.S. Congress in 2001. It allows American ambassadors to support efforts of
their host countries to rescue cultural heritage that is fragile and in danger of being lost forever.
Each year since its inception, the Ambassador’s Fund has helped preserve Thai cultural heritage.
In the first year, it supported Kamthieng House at the Siam Society. In 2002, the Antique Textile
Collections at the National Museum in Bangkok received assistance. In 2003, the Fund
contributed to the preservation of traditional Thai textile patterns and weaving techniques at the
Golden Jubilee Royal Goldsmith College at the Grand Palace. In 2004, the fund supported the
creation of a digital archive of Thai-Muslim architectural heritage in the south of Thailand. Last
year, the Fund turned north to preserve the murals at Wat Baan Koh, Lampang Province, with a
grant of more than 2 million baht.
May 2007 at Arizona State University. The main objective of this conference is to promote Lao
studies by providing an international forum for scholars to present and discuss various aspects of
Lao studies. The 2007 conference will feature presentations on any topic concerning Lao
Studies. Topics include all ethnolinguistic groups of Laos (e.g. Mon-Khmer, Hmong-Mien,
Tibeto-Burman, Lao-Tai), the Isan Lao and other Lao (Tai) groups in Thailand, cross-border
ethnic groups in neighboring countries, and overseas diaspora heritage groups. We welcome both
proposals for panels and abstracts for individual papers on a wide range of interests including but
not limited to history, politics, development and planning, environment, classical literatures,
linguistics, music, sports, science, health, religion and ritual, ethnic groups, media and art history,
and women and society. The languages to be used in the conference will be English, French and
To present a paper at the conference, abstracts must be submitted by the following
deadlines: December 15, 2006 is the deadline for panel proposals. For panel proposals, please
provide the title of the panel and a brief paragraph describing its goal/rational, participants’
names, affiliations and e-mail address, the titles of their presentations and a paragraph-long
abstract for each presentation. January 5, 2007 is the deadline for individual paper abstracts. For
individual papers please provide no longer than a one page abstract with the title of abstract,
author name(s), author affiliation and e-mail address, and content. Presentations will be 20
minutes with 5 minutes for discussion. Panel Proposals and Abstracts must be typed and
formatted. You may submit by postal mail or by an e-mail MS-Word attached file or at the
conference website. Send abstracts to: icls2@asu.edu (or) Arizona State University,
ICLS2/Center for Asian Research, Box 871702, Tempe, AZ 85287-1702, USA. Early
registration deadline is April 5, 2007.
Additional information on registration will be available on line at www.laostudies.org.
Information on travel and accommodation and plans for publication of papers will also be
available on the website. For more information please contact: Arizona State University
Center for Asian Research, Faculty of Southeast Asian Studies, Box 871702, Tempe, AZ 852871702; icls2@asu.edu. Phone: +1 480 965 0118. FAX: +1 480 965 8317. Center for Lao Studies,
1201 San Bruno Avenue, Suite 1, San Francisco, CA 94110. Phone: +1 415 401 6255. Email:
the second conference of the South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and
Religion, will be held 24 to 27 May 2007 in Thailand.
Conference abstract: Since time immemorial, the region of South and Southeast Asia
has played a pivotal role in carrying the traits of culture and religion not only amongst its own
societies but also beyond. The basic carriers of such elements were Hinduism and Buddhism
which took various routes (both land and sea) to reach the pre-modern Southeast Asia. Later on
Islam and Christianity also entered the region and added lustre to the ‘culture mosaic’. The
concept of syncretism in this area was not only visible in religious scenes but also in various
spheres of socio-cultural life: be it social customs, language and literature, art and architecture,
polity, economics or commerce, performing arts and communication.
For further details, visit: www.sseasr.org or contact the organizers at:
conf2007@sseasr.org, sseasr@gmail.com or secretariat@sseasr.org
August 2007 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For further
details, contact: info@icas5kl.com
OF ASIAN ART will be held 27 to 29 September 2007 at The Freer Gallery of Art,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. Paper proposals are sought that utilize scientific
methods of study applied to historic ceramics in Asia (Turkey to Japan, approximately 500 BCE
to 1900 CE).
Potential topics include technological innovation, common technologies, raw material
selection and usage, trade and technology transfer or other questions of a technical, historical, or
art historical nature. Papers that explore similarities and differences in ceramic technology, use
and distribution intra- and inter-culturally are especially sought. To complement the scientific
papers, the symposium committee also welcomes art historical and archaeological papers that
concentrate on the historical and cultural context of Asian ceramics. Papers that summarize the
current state of knowledge in an area of Asian ceramics and formulate questions where
future scientific analysis would be appropriate and necessary are also viable submissions.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their discussions are in compliance with Smithsonian
Institution policy relating to the UNESCO convention on the ownership of cultural property.
http://www.asia.si.edu/visitor/dcsrSymposium.htm. Those interested in giving a paper are invited
to submit an abstract (c. 200 words) on original, previously unpublished research by 15 February
2007. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 15 March 2007. Speakers should plan a 25minute presentation. The symposium will be published. Speakers should plan to submit a
publishable manuscript (3000-4000 words) at the time of the symposium. Funding to offset
speakers' travel expenses will be available. The language of the symposium is English.
Contact: Forbes Symposium 2007/DCSR, Freer Gallery of Art/Arthur M. Sackler
Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, MRC 707, P.O. Box 37012, Washington D.C., 20013-7012,
U.S.A; Fax: 202-633-9474; email: dcsr@asia.si.edu.
26 March 2006 on the campus of the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City in
MetroManila. The meeting was hosted by the Archaeological Studies Program at the University
of the Philippines; by the Archaeology Division, National Museum of the Philippines; and by the
W.G. Solheim II Foundation. For further details: http://arts.anu.edu.au/arcworld/ippa/ippa.htm
held from 18 to 23 July 2006 at the University of Sydney, Australia. The conference provided an
opportunity for the international community of researchers involved with Angkor to come
together and present work from the 1990s onwards, discuss future directions and collaboration
and participate in specialist workshops and training sessions. For further details:
Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, was held 25 to 27 July 2006. The
conference created a dialogue between scholars from numerous disciplines, ranging from
geography to economics. It developed the themes of tourism and its alternatives as management
strategies; mitigation of the effects of tourism and other developmental forces; museums; site
preservation; and legal issues. One goal of the conference was to encourage contributors to
propose innovative approaches to CRM in a Southeast Asian context--i.e. not an application of
Euro-American concepts of CRM, which don't work very well in many situations in Southeast
Asia where funding is limited, concepts of ownership of land and cultural resources are different,
governmental structure and authority have different roles, etc. The conference also critically
reflected upon how "cultural resources" come to be defined, the intersections between so-called
tangible and intangible cultural forms and the complex relationship between community
participation, cultural sovereignty and the politics of cultural utilization. For further details:
(BRC) was held in Kuching, Sarawak from 31 July to 1 August 2006. It was jointly organised by
BRC and the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS).
The theme was "Borneo in the New Century". For further details: www.unimas.my/brc2006/.
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE was held at the Tumulus Bougon Museum (Deux-Sèvres,
Poitou-Charentes), France from 14 to 17 September 2006. For conference details, contact:
MIKSIC, JOHN 2006. Consumer Preferences in the Straits of Melaka in the 14th Century.
Presented in the session, Asian Cosmopoleis: Networks in Premodern and Early Modern Eras, at
the Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting.
Abstract: Wang Dayuan’s Dao yi zhi lue, written in 1349, describes market conditions in
Southeast Asian ports in the late Yuan Dynasty. This was a period of intense commercial activity
and early overseas Chinese enterprise. Wang’s account is one of the earliest and most detailed
records of the degree of diversity of taste in consumer goods in Southeast Asia. Far from an
undifferentiated and unsophisticated market, Wang’s account shows that Chinese merchants had
to tailor their wares to very specific markets. This paper will examine archaeological evidence
from Singapore to try to uncover some of the basic factors (cultural, social, and economic) which
might account for the wide degree of divergence between the different societies of Sumatra, Riau,
and the Malay Peninsula in this period.
ASSOCIATION by Ben Marwick, Department of Archaeology and Natural History, Australian
National University (benjamin.marwick@anu.edu.au).
In March 2006 the Archaeological Studies Program at the University of the Philippines
(UP), the Archaeology Division, National Museum of the Philippines and the W.G. Solheim II
Foundation were the gracious and able hosts of the eighteenth congress of the Indo-Pacific
Prehistory Association. The congress was held on the UP campus, Quezon City, Manila on 20-26
March 2006. About 29 sessions containing over 300 papers in total were received by the 300-odd
participants. Such a huge amount of prehistory presented in just a few days is impossible for one
person to record in its entirety, so this report reflects only the highlights of my personal
experience of the congress. No doubt many interesting sessions were missed and surely some fine
papers escaped my attention. Hopefully many of the presentations will appear in the proceedings
and I look forward to catching up on these when the congress proceedings are published. In the
meantime, a complete list of the congress abstracts is available online at the IPPA webpages.
The congress was organised into five major themes: lithic studies, hunter-gatherers in
prehistory, heritage resource management, regional archaeology and thematic issues. Thematic
issues was the biggest theme (by numbers of sessions) and included topics such as Africa and the
Indian Ocean, bioarchaeology, Neolithic Southeast Asia, climate change and a session celebrating
the work of Bion Griffin. What follows is my selection of some of the especially newsworthy
papers. Harry Widianto of the National Research Centre of Archaeology in Yogyakarta,
Indonesia, presented a paper on the earliest artefacts in island Southeast Asia, representing some
of the earliest lithics outside of Africa. These small stone artefacts were found in layers dating
from 1.2 to 1.6 million years at the famous hominid site at Sangiran in the Solo Basin of Central
Java. The finds have not been published yet and excavations continue that might yield even older
A series of papers on work in Vietnam and Thailand added substantially to our
understanding of the Hoabinhian. Seonbok Yi and Lee June-Jeong (Seoul National University)
presented their study of radiocarbon dates showing that Hoabinhian stone artefacts were present
in northern Vietnam as early as 18,000 BP, confirming that Hoabinhian technology extends well
before the Holocene. Rasmi Shoocongdej (Silpakorn University, Bangkok) and her team at the
Highland Archaeology Project in Pangmapha presented a series of papers about two Hoabinhian
sites in northwest Thailand, one with an unusually rich deposit of lithics and faunal remains,
making it a valuable source of data for understanding hunter-gather life in seasonal forest
highlands. Hang Cho Cave in northern Vietnam is similarly informative Hoabinhian site which
was reported on by a number of Japanese, Vietnamese and other researchers. Details of a human
skeleton from the early Holocene levels of Hang Cho were presented, supporting the theory that
mainland Southeast Asia was occupied by indigenous people similar to present-day AustraloMelanesians prior to an expansion of migrants from Northeast Asia into this area. Further support
for this theory came from a presentation discussing the single Australo-Melasnesian male
skeleton reported from the Neolithic levels of the cemetery at Man Bac, northern Vietnam (Marc
Oxenham, pers. comm.). This find suggests that people similar to Hoabinhians were still living in
northern Vietnam when the new migrants arrived. This individual was buried in the same manner
and with the same material culture as the newer inhabitants of this site, suggesting some level of
interaction between these biologically (and perhaps culturally) very distinct groups.
Also from Vietnam was the unusual find of a log coffin-boat, excavated from a canal
bank near the Red River and reported at IPPA by Australian and Vietnamese archaeologists.
Although log coffins are relatively common in archaeological sites in Southeast Asia, this one is
important because it was built using woodworking techniques that are identical to those used in
the Greco-Roman world (the only other place where this technique is known so early). This raises
the possibility of some kind of flow of technology between the west and east 2000 years ago,
although the possibility of independent invention cannot be ruled out. Well-preserved fabrics
were also found with the coffin, giving a rare insight into early weaving traditions and
Moving onto island Southeast Asia, we heard about dramatic finds of skeletons of the
earliest Polynesians from excavations by a team from archaeologists from Australia and Vanuatu
working on the Vanuatu Islands. Three dozen headless individuals were recovered with Lapita
ceramics. Dates from shell indicate that the graves are about 3000 years old, making it amongst
the oldest and largest Lapita cemeteries known. The ceramics have some similarities to early redslip pottery found in Taiwan and other islands of Southeast Asia, supporting the argument for a
Taiwanese origin of the Lapita peoples.
An interesting contradiction to this out-of Taiwan model for Lapita origins was presented
in a paper by Keith Dobney (University of Durham) and his numerous international colleagues.
Amongst the wealth of archaeozoological data on pigs and rats that they presented were
mitochondrial DNA sequences from wild pigs suggesting that the pigs arriving with the earliest
Lapita people are more closely related to pigs from Hawaii, Vanuatu, and Halmahera than they
are to Taiwanese pigs. This suggests that the origins of the Lapita people might be found in nearto-remote Oceania rather than Taiwan. Preliminary data on the dental morphology of rats were
also discussed and promises to be potentially as powerful as mtDNA at resolving questions of
human dispersal (Keith Dobney, pers. comm.).
On a more theoretical note, there were at least two papers that explored some critical
theoretical approaches to Southeast Asian archaeology. Anna Källén (Stockholm University)
spoke about how archaeology in Laos is used as an instrument for education and to legitimise
claims of supremacy by various ethnic groups. Lindsay Lloyd-Smith (University of Cambridge)
presented a critical discussion of current notions of regional cultural traditions in his work on the
jar burials in the West Mouth of Niah Cave, Sarawak. These papers are an indication of the
increasing sophistication and diversity of conceptual frameworks in Southeast Asian archaeology.
Thanks are due to Peter Bellwood (Australian National University), Victor Paz (UP) and
Doreen Bowdery (Australian National University) for their hard work in ensuring the overall
success of the congress. Paz was also assisted by staff, students and graduates from the UP
Archaeological Studies Program who managed the daily affairs of the congress. A mark of the
success of the congress is high diversity of people attending. As one of the few major
international conferences accessible to Asian scholars there was an impressive turnout of local
delegates. For example, in the session on Lao archaeology more than half of the papers had Lao
authors or co-authors, most of whom were attending their first IPPA congress. Students and
young researchers were also well represented, especially from Thailand and the Philippines. It
may even be time for IPPA to have a student chapter to help develop the skills of younger
researchers and encourage good international collegial habits. At many international conferences
a popular way to encourage quality participation by younger researchers is to recognise especially
good papers with awards (which need not have any monetary value), an idea which might be
worthy of consideration by the IPPA executive committee.
Academy's Visiting Professorships scheme enables distinguished scholars from overseas to be
invited to spend a minimum of two weeks in the United Kingdom. The Academy grants the title
of British Academy Visiting Professor or (for a more junior scholar) British Academy Visiting
Fellow and awards a sum of money towards the estimated travel and maintenance costs. All
arrangements are undertaken by the visitor's British sponsor. While the delivery of lectures and
participation in seminars is not precluded, the main purpose of the visit should be to enable the
visitor to pursue research. It is not intended that the Academy's Fellowships and Professorships
should be used in conjunction with a non-stipendiary university fellowship. Eligibility:
Candidates for nominations must be either established scholars of distinction or younger people
who show great promise and who would benefit from time to pursue their research in the United
Kingdom. Level of grant: The Academy will meet travel expenses to the United Kingdom, and
provide subsistence for Visiting Professors and Fellows up to a maximum of 700 pounds a week.
Applicants will be expected to submit a carefully-costed budget within this limit. The normal
maximum length of visit will be one month, but applications for longer periods will be
considered, although it will be expected that the weekly budget for longer visits will be set at a
more moderate level. Method of application and closing date: The British sponsor should apply
on the Visiting Professorships application form, available from the Academy's International
Relations Department (Tel. 20 7969 5220, overseas@britac.ac.uk). Applications direct from
foreign scholars will not be accepted. The closing date for applications is 31 December.
Applications are considered in late February, for visits to take place during the financial year
beginning 1 April. (It may be possible to entertain applications at other times of the year, but the
Academy's aim is to allocate the available funds at one time.)
Commission was set up under the Commonwealth Scholarship Act 1959, as the body responsible
for the United Kingdom's participation in the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan,
itself established in 1959. The Plan was designed as a system of awards to men and women from
all Commonwealth countries chosen for their high intellectual promise and their capacity to
return to make a significant contribution to life in their own countries. One of its guiding
principles is that it be based upon mutual co-operation and the sharing of educational experience
among all countries of the Commonwealth. As well as General Scholarships, the Commission
also administers Academic Staff Scholarships, Commonwealth Academic Fellowships, Split-Site
Doctoral Scholarships, Scholarships by Distance Learning, Professional Fellowships and the
DFID Shared Scholarship Scheme. More information on all of these schemes, and also on the
work of the Commission (including Annual Reports and Events information) can be found on the
UK page of the recently launched international CSFP website:
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, invites applications
for up to twenty Postdoctoral Fellowships (PDF) to be based in various departments/
programmes. The PDF scheme is intended for scholars at the beginning stages of their academic
career. The successful candidate is generally expected to have completed their doctoral studies
not more than three years prior to the time of application. A candidate who has satisfied all the
requirements for a PhD and is awaiting the conferment of the degree may also be considered.
The one-year Fellowship is renewable, upon review, for a second year. Closing date for
applications is 31 December 2006, for appointments to begin in August 2007. Applicants will be
informed of the outcome by March 2007. Please visit http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg for details.
invited for (Senior) Visiting Fellowships and Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Asia Research
Institute (ARI) for commencement between July 2007 and June 2008. The positions are intended
for outstanding active researchers from both the Asian region and the world, to bring to
completion an important program of research in the social sciences and humanities.
Interdisciplinary interests are encouraged. “Asia” as a research field is defined loosely in terms
of the region in which Singapore is positioned. Up to three months of a 12-month fellowship can
be spent conducting fieldwork in the Asian region.
A majority of the positions will be allocated to the more specific areas (indicated on the
website). However some will be reserved for outstanding projects in any area. Applicants should
mention which category they are applying in or if none, write “open category”. Applications
which link two specific fields are also welcome.
Postdoctoral Fellowships Candidates must have fulfilled all requirements of the PhD
within the last 4 years. The research may be in any field in the humanities and social sciences,
extending into legal, commercial and environmental concerns.
Interested applicants are invited to email/mail their applications, consisting of: cover
letter indicating the position applied for, area of research focus, and preferred date of
commencement of fellowship; CV; synopsis of the proposed research project; and at least one
sample of their published work. Ensure that at least 2 referees submit directly to us a confidential
report on the applicant's academic standing and on the applicant's research project by 31 January
2007. Address for submission of applications and references: Human Resources, c/o Ms Chong
Mei Peen, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, AS7, Level 4, 5 Arts Link,
Singapore, 117570. Fax: (65) 6779 1428. Email: joinari@nus.edu.sg For further details:
science and technology links between the UK and various countries throughout the world,
enabling outstanding postdoctoral scientists to conduct cutting-edge research with their UK
counterparts. The research undertaken must be on a subject within the natural sciences, and
includes the scientific aspects of archaeology. The Asian countries which the fellowship
programme includes are: China, India, Japan, South Korea and South East Asia (Brunei, Burma
(Myanmar), Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam).
All applications for this scheme must be completed online via e-GAP by the UK host
scientist on behalf of an overseas candidate. The host must be a British or EU citizen resident in
the UK. Non-UK/EU citizens must have held a permanent position at a UK institute for three
years minimum to act as a host. Applicants and their overseas candidates must be of postdoctoral
or equivalent status at the time the award is taken up. Scientists in the final year of their PhD can
submit an application to be considered for a fellowship. If successful, the award will only be
given subject to the confirmation of their PhD at the time when the award is taken up. Fellowship
candidates must be nationals of the country from which they are applying and should be resident
and working in the country of nationality. Priority may be given to applicants with less
experience of having worked abroad. Applicants currently in the UK are not eligible to apply.
Candidates for the fellowship programme should identify and contact a UK host scientist who is
willing to submit an application on their behalf; substantial contact between host and applicant
prior to the application is essential. This contact should lead to a clearly defined and mutuallybeneficial research proposal. All applicants must be competent in oral and written English. The
UK host should verify they are happy with the level of English of the applicant in the application
form where this is requested.
The Royal Society will provide funding for visits of between six months minimum and
up to 12 months maximum. UK hosts should be based at any UK research institution. Scientists
working in governmental research institutes are not necessarily excluded from acting as hosts but
they should explain, in a separate email, why their parent institute is not funding the visit. The
Royal Society will provide funding to cover the visiting scientists cost of living in the UK
including food and accommodation. A further £1000 is provided for research expenses and
another £1000 is provided for subsidiary scientific visits within the UK and Europe. Rounds for
applications will be open approximately 12 weeks before the closing date - China
Fellowships: early May and early October annually; India Fellowships: early May and early
October annually; South East Asia, South Korea and Japan Fellowships: early February annually.
For further details: www.royalsoc.ac.uk/funding.asp?id=2349
Graduate Student
Fellowships - These fellowships allow students to conduct research for ten-week periods in
association with Smithsonian research staff members. Applicants must be formally enrolled in a
graduate program of study, must have completed at least one semester, and must not yet have
been advanced to candidacy in a doctoral program. Predoctoral Fellowships - These fellowships
allow students to conduct research for periods of three to twelve months. Applicants must have
completed coursework and preliminary examinations for the doctoral degree, and must be
engaged in dissertation research. In addition, candidates must have the approval of their
universities to conduct their doctoral research at the Smithsonian. Postdoctoral and Senior
Fellowships - Postdoctoral Fellowships of three to twelve months are available for scholars who
have held the doctoral degree or equivalent for fewer than seven years as of the application
deadline. Senior Fellowships of three to twelve months are available for scholars who have held
the doctoral degree or equivalent for more than seven years as of the application deadline.
Applications for senior fellowships may be made up to eighteen months in advance. Stipends for
senior fellowships are the same as for the postdoctoral program, but the Smithsonian's stipend
may be matched by other sources of funding such as a sabbatical salary. Stipends: Senior and
Postdoctoral - $40,000 per year; Predoctoral - $25,000 per year; Graduate Students - $5,500.
Deadline: January 15th (postmark) for awards to begin on or after June 1st. For application and
further information: www.si.edu/ofg/fell.htm
offered to recent graduates of masters programs in art conservation or the equivalent or
conservation scientists, including those at the postdoctoral level, who wish to conduct research
and gain further training in Smithsonian conservation laboratories for a period of one year.
Additional facilities may be available to museum or archives fellows for analytical work at the
Museum Conservation Institute (MCI). The fellowship begins in the fall of 2007. A stipend of
$30,000 is being offered plus allowances. Deadline: January 15, 2007. Contact: Office of
Research Training and Services, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, Victor Building, Suite
9300, MRC 902, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012. Phone: (202) 275-0655. E-mail: siofg@si.edu
Web site: www.si.edu/ofg/Applications/CFELL/CFELLapp.htm
CONSERVATION Fellowships and pre-graduate internships in archaeological conservation
available for recent graduates of academic conservation training programs or students in their
final (practical) year of studies at such programs. These one-year fellowships, to be spent at
Smithsonian-related archaeological field work sites and at SCMRE, usually start in the fall.
Applicants are encouraged to contact Harriet Beaubien, the Head of the Archaeological
Conservation Training Program before submitting an application. Telephone: (301) 238-1235.
Deadline: February 1st for receipt of completed applications. Contact: Head, Archaeological
Conservation Training Program, Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education,
Museum Support Center, 4210 Silver Hill Road, Suitland, MD 20746-2863. Web site:
SOUTHEAST ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGY. These fellowships offer three years of tuition,
stipend and health insurance, plus pilot research funding and opportunities to participate in
archaeology field training programs in Southeast Asia during the summer. Awardees will be
chosen based on the overall strength of their application, along with their interest in and
commitment to studying the archaeology of Southeast Asia. Applicants must apply for regular
admission to the University of Washington Archaeology Program (procedures, requirements and
general information at http://depts.washington.edu/anthweb/programs/grad_admissions.php).
Application deadline is January 15, 2007 for fellowships beginning in September 2007. We also
plan to offer these fellowships in 2008 and 2009. Funding is provided in part by an award from
the Henry Luce Foundation. Details on this program can be found at
http://faculty.washington.edu/plape/Luce.htm. Please address inquires to Dr. Peter Lape at
Development International Fellowships are intended for scholars and advanced students from
countries in which anthropology or specific subfields of anthropology are underrepresented and
who therefore seek additional training to enhance their skills or to develop new areas of expertise
in anthropology. The program offers three types of awards: Predoctoral Fellowship for study
leading to a Ph.D.; Postdoctoral Fellowship for scholars wishing advanced training; Library
Residency Fellowship for advanced students and postdoctoral scholars within five years of
receiving their doctorate to travel to libraries with outstanding collections in anthropology.
Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships: Applicants must be prepared to
demonstrate: the unavailability of such training in their home country; their provisional
acceptance by a host institution that will provide such training; their intention to return and work
in their home country upon completion of their training. The applicant must have a home sponsor
who is a member of the institution with which he/she is affiliated in the home country and a host
sponsor who is a member of the institution in which the candidate plans to pursue training. The
host sponsor must be willing to assume responsibility for overseeing the candidate's training.
Because the fellowship is intended as a partnership with the Host Institution in providing the
fellow's training, it is expected that candidates will also be offered support by the host institution.
Predoctoral Fellowships are made for amounts up to $15,000 per year. Fellows may apply for up
to two renewals. Postdoctoral Fellowships are made for amounts up to $35,000 for one year, with
the possibility of one renewal. Inquiries about the predoctoral and postdoctoral awards should be
made by means of a one-page Summary Statement of Purpose. Preliminary requirements must be
met to determine eligibility for a formal application. There is no deadline for these programs,
however, those interested in receiving a Predoctoral or Postdoctoral Fellowship application must
contact the foundation at least six months prior to enrollment in the host institution.
Library Residency Fellowships: Applicants must be prepared to show that travel to a
library is necessary for preparing a research proposal or completing a project designed to advance
teaching and scholarship in the home country. They must also be able to obtain a letter from their
home supervisor or chairperson attesting to the applicant's need of library materials not available
in the home institution. The foundation has set up host sponsors at several libraries with excellent
collections in different areas of anthropology, from which the applicant can choose. An applicant
must be accepted by one of these sponsors before a library residency can be awarded. Library
Residency Fellowships are made for amounts up to $5,000 for a maximum period of three
months. They are not renewable. Library Residency Fellowship candidates should contact the
foundation at least three months before their intended starting date.
Contact details: The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 220 Fifth
Ave, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001-7708. Fax: 001.212.683.9151. Forms can be requested
by e-mail (inquiries@wennergren.org), by letter or telephone (001 212-683-5000). Web address:
LEAKEY FOUNDATION The Leakey Foundation was formed to further research into human
origins, behaviour and survival. Special research Grants (up to $20,000) available to postdoctoral and senior scientists for exceptional research projects studying multidisciplinary
palaeoanthropology. For further information, contact: Grants Officer, The Leakey Foundation,
P.O. Box 29346, 1002A O'Reilly Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94129-0346 USA; Telephone: (415)
561-4646; FAX: (415) 561-4647; E-mail: grants@leakeyfoundation.org; or visit their web site
at: www.leakeyfoundation.org/
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY For information write to: Committee for Research
and Exploration, National Geographic Society 17th and M Streets, N.W., Washington, DC 20036
USA; or visit their web site at: www.nationalgeographic.com/research/grant/rg1.html
ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION Awards to assist women and men of outstanding promise to
make significant contributions to research and teaching or public service in the future as potential
staff members of developing-country institutions associated with the Foundation. For information
write to: Rockefeller Foundation 1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 USA.
information on their research grants write to: 220 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10001-7708,
USA or visit their web site at: www.wennergren.org
EYRE, CHUREEKAMOL ONSUWAN 2006. Prehistoric and Proto-historic Communities in
the Eastern Upper Chao Phraya River Valley, Thailand: Analysis of Site Chronology, Settlement
Patterns, and Land Use. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of
Pennsylvania. Dr. Joyce C. White, Supervisor.
Abstract. Southeast Asia is one major region where applications of socio-political frameworks
emphasizing progressive development and increasing degrees of social hierarchy have been
argued as inadequate for understanding past societies. Settlement systems in Thailand that existed
throughout the period of technological change incorporating the bronze and iron ages have not yet
been investigated from a heterarchical viewpoint. The dissertation goal is to test heterarchical and
hierarchical frameworks for best fit with settlement patterns in the region of Kok Samrong-Takhli
Undulating Terrain (KSTUT) in the eastern side of the Upper Chao Phraya River Valley. A twostage survey, a reconnaissance survey followed by a 58 km2 intensive survey, was conducted in
order to locate sites across different landscapes, identify subregional ceramic variation and
possibly geographic shifts in ceramic subregions over time, and determine evidence for economic
specialization among sites of varying sizes. Twenty-five open-air sites were identified across the
alluvial plain, middle terrace, and upland zones. The KSTUT data indicate a long occupational
history from the bronze and iron ages into the Proto-historic period. The prehistoric settlement
data are compatible with a heterarchical settlement model. The Metal Age agrarian communities
with various site sizes exploited diverse environmental zones; they developed sustainable and
sufficient subsistence strategies with no marked changes over time. Upland cultivation of a
number of crops was likely the dominant subsistence mode. Shared ceramic stylistics within the
KSTUT region defines the area as a “ceramic subregion;” such subregions are argued to be
products of enduring social networks that, in the case of the KSTUT, encompassed various
environments. The iron age settlement data do not support a close relationship among the
appearance of iron, wet rice agriculture, and development of chiefdoms. Although the iron age
communities experienced some gradual changes (e.g., increasing regional integration and broader
trade networks) and the possible movement of people from upland to lowland areas during the
Late Iron phase, the KSTUT ceramic subregion was relatively unchanged in extent. No evidence
for hierarchical settlement patterns occurred until the Proto-historic (Dvaravati) period.
HUFFER, DAMIEN 2005. Social Organization at the Neolithic/Bronze Age Boundary in
Northern Vietnam: Man Bac Cemetery as a Case Study. MA Thesis, School of Archaeology and
Anthropology, Australian National University.
Abstract. This study critically reviews theories and techniques of mortuary archaeology to
formulate a set of hypotheses regarding social organization, as revealed through gender and
status. These hypotheses are tested on a mortuary assemblage of 47 individuals recently
excavated from Man Bac, northern Vietnam dated to 3500-4000 BP. This cemetery assemblage
straddles the poorly understood Neolithic/Bronze Age boundary. During this period agriculture,
trade and craft specialization were beginning to noticeably affect the material culture, health,
mortality, settlement patterns and social organization of communities across Southeast Asia. This
study forms the first comprehensive mortuary study to be undertaken on prehistoric Vietnamese
The methodological approach involved an extensive review of the archaeological
literature focused on status and gender in informing aspects of social organization. A series of
mortuary studies examining such issues in prehistoric Thailand were then explored in detail and
two sets of hypotheses, collectively forming a model of social organization relating to status and
gender were developed. This model was then tested on the mortuary assemblage from Man Bac
principally by way of descriptive statistics and visual analyses of mortuary patterns using
variables such as age, sex, body orientation, associated grave goods and so forth. Multivariate
cluster analysis was also employed in an effort to confirm the visual findings and/or provide
further insights into social organization at this site.
The results of this study suggested that: (1) Man Bac exhibits many mortuary features
commonly seen in Southeast Asian Bronze Age sites; (2) Man Bac reveals unique localized
aspects which are atypical of the time period and region; (3) both vertical and horizontal
differentiation were present, with vertical differentiation being relatively subtle and operating on
an individual basis; and (4) age-based differentiation was more strongly expressed than sexbased, or gender-based, differentiation. The primary implications of the these findings which
warrant further analysis in the future are questions regarding: (1) the role of the cultural/social
persona in determining an individual’s status and/or gender during this time; (2) the nonautomatic nature of the bestowing of personhood; and (3) the unusual importance of both women
and children (above a certain age) in the life of the community. It is anticipated that further
excavation, C14 dating, DNA analysis, ceramic vessel residue analysis, and palaeopathological
work will build on the findings of this study.
KANJANAJUNTORN, PODJANOK 2006. Developing Social Complexity in Metal Age WestCentral Thailand ca. 500 BC – AD 500. PhD Thesis, Department of Archaeology and
Anthropology, University of Bristol.
Abstract. This thesis explores the diversity of late prehistoric West-Central Thailand as part of
the dynamic social development in Southeast Asia. During that period the societies witnessed
significant changes in socio-economics, adopting foreign cultures and new technologies and
enjoyed prosperous trade. Certain societies developed ultimately into states. Long-distance trade
is generally considered to be the mechanism of the social transformation. The stimulus from longdistance trade alone, however, is not sufficient to explain the emergence of the early states
because not all societies associated with long-distance trade evolved beyond chiefdoms. A model
adopted from Tourtellot and Sabloff’s (1972), proposing that environmental condition and
exchange patterns related to the socio-economic development, is considered to be applicable to
the development of the secondary states in Southeast Asia. This research examines the
environmental and cultural landscapes of Metal Age West-Central Thailand to test the model.
This research underlines how the Metal Age societies in West-Central Thailand
ultimately developed into the state of Dvaravati including comparing it to other regions where
long-distance trade also had an impact but which did not achieve the social complexity of a state.
It can be said that long-distance trade alone is not sufficient to explain the formation of early
states in Southeast Asia. Various internal factors such as food surplus, population growth,
localisation and diversity of internal exchange have been proposed as being responsible for state
formation in Southeast Asia. Additionally, the environment is also considered to have an
important role in social development, it gives an opposite affect. Some scholars believed that a
society was prevented from developing to a complex level if it was in an environment, such as a
semi-tropical zone like Southeast Asia, where societies throughout the region had equal access to
the natural resources and occupational expansion was a minor problem.
It may be true that the speed of the development of social complexity can be undermined
by a fortunate environment because economic monopolies hardly occur. However, state societies
have been identified in Southeast Asia at least since the second century AD and they appear to
have emerged rather rapidly from the last few centuries BC. Hence it can be said that the
advantage of having a rich environment may also have contributed in the development of social
complexity. This thesis demonstrates that the environment has had a major contributory role in
the development of the secondary states in Southeast Asia.
Field surveys and test excavations were undertaken in the areas of the archaeological
sites concentrations, U-Thong and Chom Bueng. The results contribute to the understanding of
the settlement patterns and the relationships among archaeological sites in the region as well as
their role in the international context.
MIJARES, ARMAND SALVADOR B. 2006. Unravelling Prehistory: The Archaeology of
North-eastern Luzon. PhD Thesis, Department of Archaeology and Natural History, Australian
National University.
Abstract. Northern Luzon is an important area for understanding and reconstructing the
prehistory of the Southeast Asian region. From archaeological work undertaken in the 1970s, we
can see the potential of the area in contributing to our understanding of the peopling of the
Philippine Islands, from the Pleistocene foragers to the migration of the early Austronesians.
This thesis attempts to synthesize past and current archaeological research in the area, as
well as to present new findings from archaeological excavations in the Peñablanca caves. The
excavations of Callao, Dalan Serkot, and Eme caves provide fresh data for reconstructing the
transition from the Preceramic into the ceramic periods. Several analytical approaches are used
to reconstruct past culture and subsistence strategies. Analysis of cultural materials includes lithic
and ceramic analysis. In order to reconstruct past diets and environments, specialists have
conducted a suite of analyses, such as phytolith analysis, macrobotanical analysis and faunal
identification. A soil micromorphology analysis has been conducted in order to understand cave
depositional histories and estimate degrees of post depositional disturbance.
The recent excavations in the Peñablanca caves have provided the earliest dated evidence
of human occupation in Luzon, at c. 25,000 BP. Evidence from faunal identification,
macrobotanical and phytolith remains shows that a broad spectrum subsistence strategies
employed by these early foragers. The lithic analysis shows some changes from Late Pleistocene
into early Holocene technology.
Interaction between the foragers of the Peñablanca cave sites and the early Austronesian
farmers of the Cagayan Valley was established by at least 3500 years ago. Farmers exchanged
earthenware pottery, clay earrings, spindle whorls and shell beads with foragers, possibly for
forest products. This exchange, however, did not on present evidence include cereal-based foods
such as rice. The botanical evidence from the cave sites shows a heavy reliance on wild and
arboreal food sources.
This thesis therefore proposes a general culture history of northern Luzon from the late
Pleistocene to the mid-Holocene period.
BACUS, ELISABETH A. 2006. Gender in East and Southeast Asian Archaeology. In
Handbook of Gender in Archaeology, ed. by S. Nelson, pp. 633-666. Walnut Creek: AltaMira
Uncovering Southeast Asia’s Past. Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference of the
European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Singapore: National University of
Singapore Press.
Contents: “Prasat Phnom Rung in the Light of the Inscriptions” by H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri
Sirindhorn; “Crossing National Boundaries: Southern China and Southeast Asia in Prehistory” by C.
Higham; “Late Pleistocene Activities at the Tham Lod Rockshelter in Highland Pang Mapha, Mae Hong
Son Province, Northwestern Thailand” by R. Shoocondej; “Recent Investigation of Early People (Late
Pleistocene to Early Holocene) from Ban Rai and Tham Lod Rock Shelter Sites, Pang Mapha District, Mae
Hong Son Province, Northwestern Thailand” by N. Pureepatpong; “Bones from Hell: Preliminary Results
of New Work on the Harrisson Faunal Assemblage from the Deepest Part of Niah Cave, Sarawak” by R.J.
Rabett, P.J. Piper and G. Barker; “Bukit Bunuh, Lenggong, Malaysia: New Evidence of Late Pleistocene
Culture in Malaysia and Southeast Asia” by M. Saidin; “The ‘Austronesian’ Story and Farming-language
Dispersals: Caveats on Timing and Independence in Proxy Lines of Evidence from the Indo-European
Model” by S. Oppenheimer; “Unpacking the Island Southeast Asian Neolithic Cultural Package, and
Finding Local Complexity” by S. O’Connor; “Returning to East Timor: Prospects and Possibilities from an
Archaeobotanical Project in the New Country” by N. Vasco Oliveira; “Ban Non Wat: The First Three
Seasons” by C. Higham and Rachanie Thosarat; “Social Identities in Bronze Age Northeast Thailand:
Intersections of Gender, Status and Ranking at Non Nok Tha” by E.A. Bacus; “Excavation at Nong Kwang,
an Iron Age Site in Ratchaburi Province, West-Central Thailand” by P. Kanjanajuntorn; “Tombes des Age
du Bronze et du Fer dans le Bassin de la Samon (Bronze and Iron Age Burials in the Samon River Valley)”
by J.-P. Pautreau, A.-S. Coupey, P. Mornais and Aung Aung Kyaw; “Crossing the Style Barrier: New
Evidence from Thailand” by B. Vincent; “Standing Stones in Northern Lao PDR” by K. Keosphha; “A
Program of Analysis of Organic Remains from Prehistoric Copper-producing Settlements in the Khao
Wong Prachan Valley, Central Thailand: A Progress Report” by V.C. Pigott, K.M. Mudar, A. Agelarakis,
L. Kealhofer, S.A. Weber and J.C. Voelker; “Inland Sa Huynh Culture along the Thu Bon River Valley in
Central Vietnam” by M. Yamagata; “Dating Vietnamese Prehistory: Towards the Establishment of a
Secure Database for Archaeological 14C Measurements” by R. Thomas and R. McLauchlan; “New
Research into Dongson Cloth from Waterlogged Sites in Vietnam” by J. Cameron and P. Bellwood;
“Taiwan Jade in the Context of Southeast Asian Archaeology” by Hung Hsiao-chun, Y. Iizuka and P.
Bellwood; “Excavations at Tra Kieu and Go Cam, Quang Nam Province, Central Viet Nam” by Nguyen
Kim Dung, I. Glover and M. Yamagata; “Excavations at Minh Su Mound, Go Thap site, Dong Thap
province, South Vietnam, 2000–2003” by Le Thi Lien; “The Archaeology of Batujaya (West Java,
Indonesia): An Interim Report” by P.-Y. Manguin and Agustijanto Indrajaya; “The Moated Site of Promtin
Tai and the Transition from Late Prehistory to Early History in Central Thailand” by T. Lertcharnrit;
“Dvaravati Settlements on the Phetchaburi Palaeo-shoreline” by P. Silapanth; “The Culture of Vishnu Old
City (Beikthano)” by San Shwe; “Early Walled Sites of Dawei: Thagara and Mokti” by E. Moore and Than
Swe; “Under the Western Baray Waters” by C. Pottier; “Kerinci – Archaeological Research in the
Highlands of Jambi on Sumatra” by D. Bonatz; “Mediaeval Landfall Sites in Aceh, North Sumatra” by E.
Edwards McKinnon; “Intrasite Analysis of 14th-Century Singapore” by J.N. Miksic; “The Greater Angkor
Project 2005–2009: Issues and Program” by R. Fletcher, D. Penny, M. Barbetti, C. Pottier, Heng Than,
Khieu Chan and Tous Somaneath; “The Hoabinhian: Early Evidence for SE Asian Trade Networks?” by S.
Bowdler; “Lowland-upland Interaction: The 3500–1500 BP Ceramic Evidence from the Peñablanca Cave
Sites, Northeastern Luzon, Philippines” by A.S.B. Mijares; “Khao Sam Kaeo and the Upper Thai
Peninsula: Understanding the Mechanisms of Early Trans-Asiatic Trade and Cultural Exchange” by B.
Bellina and P. Silapanth; and “Economic and Technological Change during the Middle and Late Holocene
in the Lamoncong Highlands, South Sulawesi, Indonesia” by D. Bulbeck.
BECK, MARGARET 2006. Midden ceramic assemblage formation: A case study from
Kalinga, Philippines. American Antiquity 71: 27-51.
Matrilocality during the prehistoric transition to agriculture in Thailand? Antiquity 79: 865-81.
CHOI, KILDO and DUBEL DRIWANTORO 2007. Shell tool use by early members of
Homo erectus in Sangiran, central Java, Indonesia: cut mark evidence. Journal of Archaeological
Science 34: 48-58.
DEGROOT, VÉRONIQUE 2006. The archaeological remains of Ratu Boko: From Sri
Lankan Buddhism to Hinduism. Indonesia and the Malay World 34: 55-74.
DUEAWE, AND BUDIMAN 2005. Le site de Tögi Ndrawa, île de Nias, Sumatra nord : les
premières traces d’une occupation hoabinhienne en grotte en Indonésie. C. R. Palevol 4: 727-33.
GUILLAUD, DOMINIQUE (ed) 2006. Menyelusuri Sungai, Merunut Waktu: Penelitian
Arkeologi di Sumatera Selatan. Jakarta: Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional, Institute de recherche
pour le Developpement, and EFEO.
JORDAAN, ROY 2006. Why the Ĺšailendras were not a Javanese dynasty. Indonesia and the
Malay World 34: 3-22.
KARLSTRÖM, ANNA 2005. Spiritual materiality: Heritage preservation in a Buddhist world?
Journal of Social Archaeology 5: 338-55.
LANKTON, JAMES W. AND LAURE DUSSUBIEUX 2006. Early glass in Asian maritime
trade: A review and an interpretation of compositional analyses. Journal of Glass Studies 48:
LAPE, PETER 2005. Archaeological approaches to the study of Islam in Island Southeast Asia.
Antiquity 79: 829-36.
LE THI LIEN 2006. Nghe thuat Phat giao & Hindu giao o dong bang song Cuu Long Truoc
The Ky X (Buddhist and Hindu Art in the Cuu Long River Delta prior to 10th Century AD).
Hanoi: The Gioi Publishing House. (Note: Please contact Le Thi Lien – lelien_thi@hotmail.com – to
purchase this book outside of Vietnam.)
Archaeology and archaeozoology of Phum Snay: A late prehistoric cemetery in northwestern
Cambodia. Asian Perspectives 45: 188-211.
PEI-KAI CHENG (Chief Ed) 2005. Proceedings of the International Conference: Chinese
Export Ceramics and Maritime Trade, 12th-15th Centuries. Hong Kong: Chinese Civilisation
Centre, City University of Hong Kong & City University of Hong Kong Interdisciplinary
Research Project.
NASTITI (eds) 2006. Archaeology: Indonesian Perspective, R.P. Soejono's Festschrift. Jakarta:
Indonesian Institute of Science.
Contents: “Prof. Dr. Dr. Hc. R.P. Soejono: Indonesian Archaeologist and Prehistorian” by the
Chairman of the Indonesian Institute of Science; “Editorial: Soejono and the Indonesian Archaeology” by
T. Simanjuntak et al.; “Prof. Dr. Dr. Hc. R.P. Soejono: Profesional yang Setia tanpa Pamrih” by D.D.
Bintarti; “Soejono’s Efforts in Starting Archaeological Research in Papua” by W.G. Solheim II; “The
Soejono I Know” by J.T. Peralta; “Bapak” by R.P. Ugrasena Pranidhana; “Mas Jono yang Saya Kenal” by
Noerhadi Magetsari; “Kelompok Purbakala Sekitar Tahun Enampuluhan” by Sri Soejatmi Satari; “Prof.
Dr. R.P. Soejono dan Cita-Cita Kemandirian Arkeologi Indonesia” by Nunus Supardi; “Visi Bapak Raden
Panji Soejono” by Machi Suhadi; “R.P.Soejono dan Perguruan SMA Ksatrya” by M. Husseyn Umar;
“Together with ‘Insan Arkeologi’, Prof. Dr. R.P. Soejono Tracing Back the Past to the Future” by Achmad
Cholid Sodrie; “Sosok Prof. Dr. Raden Panji Soejono” by H. Gunadi; “Sosok ‘Sang Dewa’ Prasejarah yang
Disegani” by Jatmiko; “Not Until Five Times: A Test of Patience” by Aliza Diniasti; “Geological Evidence
for Quaternary Land Bridges in Insular Southeast Asia” by H.D. Tjia; “Environment of Early Man in Java”
by A.A. Polhaupessy; “Climate-Environment and Extreme Event since the Last Glacial Maximum: Human
Occupation and Dispersal Pattern in Indonesian Maritime Island” by Wahyoe Soepri Hantoro; “The
Nanosomic and Microsomic Archeological and Living Populations of Indonesia” by T. Jacob; “CranioMorphological Aspects of the Recent Discovery of Human Remains from Batujaya, West Java” by Harry
Widianto; “Paleopathology: Humans’ Diseases in Archaeology” by Etty Indriati; Palaeolithic Settlements
in the Southeast Asian Archipelagos: an Indonesian Perspective” by F. Sémah & A.-M.Sémah;
“Discoveries of Palaeolithic Tools in Flores” by Jatmiko; “New Data for the Prehistoric Chronology of
South Sumatra” by H. Forestier, Dubel Driwantoro, D. Guillaud, Budiman, and Darwin Siregar; “Hunting
and Gathering Subsistence at Mesolithic: the Reflection of Human Strategy” by Sumijati Atmosudiro;
“Prehistoric Dwelling Caves in the Area of Tepian Langsat, Kutai Timur, East Kalimantan” by H. Gunadi;
“Prehistoric Artifacts in Jakarta and Nearby” by Ali Akbar; “Advancement of Research on the
Austronesian in Sulawesi” by T. Simanjuntak; “Prehistoric Research in the Northern Part of Sulawesi with
Special Reference to Liang Sarru” by Santoso Sugondho; “A Picture of the Physical Environment of the
Waruga Stone Grave Sites in the Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi” by Dwi Yani Yuniawaty; “Analysis
of Glass from Luwu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia” by F.D. Bulbeck, Bagyo Prasetyo, J. N. Miksic, D.
Barham R. & G.V. Hancock; “A Role of Megalithic Culture in Indonesian Cultural History” by Bagyo
Prasetyo; “A Short Review on the Megalithic Functions in Indonesia” by Luthfi Yondri; “Recent
Discovered Burial Systems at Manikliyu, Bali” by I Made Sutaba; “Some Notes on the Megalithic Remains
in Padang Lawas” by Sukawati Susetyo; “Pottery from Gumuk Mas, a Technology of the Early Metal
Period in East Java” by Rr. Tri Wuryani; “The Batujaya Pottery: Early Hindu Buddhist Pottery in West
Java” by Eka Asih Putrina Taim; “The Cultural Background of Indonesian Musical Instruments” by P.E.J.
Ferdinandus; “The Ramayana in Archaeological and Historical Perspective: from Akhyana to Natya” by
Timbul Haryono; “The Structure of Candi Gumpung at Muara Jambi” by Hariani Santiko; “A Bronze Siva
Mahadeva from Karangnongko” by Endang Sri Hardiati’ “Hanuman in the Art of East Java” by M.J.
Klokke; “The Influence of Hindu-Buddhism on Javanese Culture and Society (Some Historical Notes From
Selected Sources)” by Richadiana Kartakusuma; “Old Sundanese Community” by Titi Surti Nastiti;
“Sambas in the History of West Borneo” by Bambang Budi Utomo; “Archeological Findings Revealed
some Qur’anic Historical Narrations” by Umar Anggara Jenie; “The Contribution of Islamic Manuscripts
for the Study of Islamic Archaeology” by Uka Tjandrasasmita; “French-Indonesian Archaeological
Researches in Bukit Hasang, Barus, North Sumatra Province” by D. Perret & Heddy Surachman; “Kudus:
the Past and the Present” by InaJati Adrisijanti; “Pegon Script, Identity and the Change of Santri Society”
by M. Hisyam; “A Brief Elaboration on Lay-Outs of Ancient Mosques and Traditional Houses in Kudus”
by Libra Hari Inagurasi; “Port-Towns-Fortresses: Banten-Buton” by Naniek Harkantiningsih Wibisono;
“The Pecinan in Welahan, Jepara” by Sarjiyanto; “Motivation and Materialization: Power, Kesaktian and
the Balinese Archaeological Record” by J.W. Schoenfelder & E.A. Bacus; “The Origins of Malagasy:
Current Archaeological and Linguistic Evidence” by Vida Verpaya Rusianti Kusmartono; “Stone Chamber
Burial (Leang Pa’): a Living Megalithic Tradition in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi” by Retno Handini;
“Could Traditional Cultures Survive in our World that is more and more Globalised?” by Edi Sedyawati;
“Recognition and Respect of Cultural Diversity: Acceptance of Cultural Diversity as a Key for
Advancement and Welfare” by J.T. Peralta; “The Pattern of Conflict of Benefiting from Cultural Heritages
in Indonesia” by Bambang Sulistyanto; “Partnership in Cultural Resources Management: Empowering the
Stakeholders” by Novida Abbas;
SHOOCONGDEJ, and ROBERT J. SPEAKMAN 2006. Characterizing the stoneware
‘‘Dragon Jars’’ in the Guthe Collection: Chemical, decorative, and formal patterning.
Perspectives 45: 240-82.
STARK, MIRIAM (ed) 2005. Archaeology of Asia. Oxford: Blackwell.
Chapters on Southeast Asia: “Some National, Regional, and Political Uses of Archaeology in
East and Southeast Asia” by I. Glover; and “Asian Farming Diasporas? Agriculture, Languages, and Genes
in China and Southeast Asia” by P. Bellwood.
THOMAS, RICHARD 2005. Philology in Viet Nam and its impact on Southeast Asian cultural
history. Modern Asian Studies 39(2): 1–39.
KHAO CO HOC, Journal of the Institute of Archaeology in Viet Nam, will from this year (2006),
have two series in English out of the total of six series per year. This may provide readers with a
better chance of keeping updated on archaeological activities and results in Vietnam and abroad.
For further details, to submit a paper, or to offer to help in editing and review, please contact:
THE HERITAGE JOURNAL is an open-access e-Journal recently launched by Singapore’s
National Heritage Board. It publishes research articles on the history, culture and the art practices
of Asia, with an emphasis on material culture, cultural resource management and museum
practice. As a Singapore-based publication, The Heritage Journal has a special focus on
Singapore and its surrounding region, but will address subjects with a wider Asian or global
relevance. In addition to full-length research articles, The Heritage Journal will publish
collection, conservation and exhibition notes and reviews, with the goal of fostering research in
areas of professional museum practice in the region.
The journal began life as Heritage, a publication of the Singapore National Museum in
1977, and has its roots in the Bulletin of the Raffles Museum which began publishing on
zoological subjects in 1936 and the Memoirs of the Raffles Museum, a series of monographs
which began publication in the 1950s. It has a multinational advisory board comprising of
academics and museum professionals from Singapore and the region.
The web site presents full text articles. See: epress.nus.edu.sg/nhb/index.php
INDONESIA, Cornell University Southeast Asia Program’s journal is now available online. All
issues will be accessible to the Cornell community without restrictions, and all articles more than
five years old will be accessible to the public free of charge. Indonesia's archives, which date
back to 1966, include essays discussing the history, politics, anthropology, arts, and culture of the
nation. Visit the site to find out more information concerning annual print and online
subscriptions and pay-per-view access to recent articles (this function will be up and running in
the near future, but is not necessary for anyone with a Cornell IP address). http://epublishing.library.cornell.edu/Indonesia
journal published by Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, is a scholarly, multidisciplinary,
internationally refereed publication focusing primarily on Asia (West, South, Southeast and East),
Australasia and the Pacific Rim regions of the Americas (North, Central and South). The
disciplines of interest encompass politics, history, indigenous languages and literature, religion,
man and the environment, ethno-history, anthropology, cultural heritage, socio-economic
development, war and conflict resolution, pre-history and archaeology, and the arts. IJAPS
undertakes to publish articles based on original research of the highest scholarship. Scheduled for
two issues per calendar year (May and November), each issue features articles and
announcements of academic-related events like workshops, seminars, conferences, etc.
IJAPS invites contributions of academic-oriented papers (between 10,000-12,000 words),
and welcomes brief notes (max. 500 words) on upcoming academic events (for example call for
papers, conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.), progress reports on research projects (max. 1000
words), and announcements of new publications). Contact person/website for further information
to be included in the announcement. Materials deemed inappropriate shall be rejected. For
further details, visit: www.usm.my/ijaps/
JOURNAL OF AUSTRONESIAN STUDIES (JAS) is a refereed journal published biannually,
beginning June 2005, by the National Museum of Prehistory, Taiwan, Republic of China. JAS is
devoted to the study of Austronesian societies from archaeological, anthropological, biological
anthropological, and linguistic perspectives. Published both in Chinese and English, JAS
welcomes contributions from domestic and international academic communities in the form of
research articles, field research reports, research materials, review articles, and book reviews
relating to aspects of culture, history, and society amongst Austronesian-speaking peoples.
Editor-in-Chief: Cheng-hwa Tsang. Honorary Editor: Peter Bellwood. Publisher:
National Museum of Prehistory, No.1 Museum Road, Taitung, 950. Taiwan, R.O.C. Phone: 88689-381166.
Subscriptions and orders may be placed via any bookseller or subscription agency, or
directly to the publisher. Individual JAS issues are available domestically for NT$200 and
internationally for US$20 (surface mail). Annual subscriptions are available through SMC
Publishing Inc., First Floor, No.14, Alley 14, Lane 283, Roosevelt Rd., Sec.3, Taipei, Taiwan,
106 (Phone: 886-2-2362-0190; Fax: 886-2-2362-3834; E-mail: weitw@smcbook.com.tw).
THE JOURNAL OF VIETNAMESE STUDIES. University of California Press announces a
new peer-reviewed scholarly journal beginning publication in September 2006. The journal aims
to publish original humanities and social science research about Vietnamese history, politics,
culture and society. It will also publish research on important Vietnam-related topics that have
traditionally been segregated from area-studies scholarship such as the Vietnamese diaspora and
the "Vietnam War". Scholars working within the fields of pre-modern or modern history,
politics, anthropology, archeology, literary studies, cultural studies, religion, art history,
geography, sociology and environmental studies are especially encouraged to submit their work.
In addition to research articles, the journal will publish book reviews and review articles and, on
occasion, interviews, primary sources and literary texts. The journal will normally publish in
English but it may commission translations of submissions of foreign-language scholarship.
Articles should generally not exceed 12,000 words. Each submission should be
accompanied by a cover letter with the authors name, address, phone number and e-mail address,
as well as a brief biographical statement, a 100-word abstract, and a word count. Material
submitted for publication should be submitted in 3 hard copies, plus as an e-mail attachment,
preferably in MS word. Since submissions are refereed anonymously, the authors name should
appear only on the cover sheet. Manuscripts must be prepared according to the Chicago Manual
of Style. Notes should be endnotes, not footnotes. Maps should be prepared where the
topography is important for an understanding of the text. Photographs should specifically
enhance the text and carry full captions and attributions. Maps, photographs and art work may be
submitted in clear photocopy form. Vietnamese words should include the appropriate diacritics.
Submissions will be returned only if accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope.
Address all editorial correspondence and submissions to one of the editors at the
following addresses: Prof. Peter Zinoman, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, UC Berkeley, 2223
Fulton St., No. 617, Berkeley CA 94720-2318; or Prof. Mariam B. Lam, Dept. of Comparative
Literature and Foreign Languages, 2401 HMNSS, UC Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521-0321.
Books for review should fall within the general orientation of the journal and be sent to:
Prof. George Dutton, Dept. of Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA, 290 Royce Hall, Box
951540, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540.
is available on line at:
www.museumnewsletter.bu.ac.th This newsletter is edited by Roxanna Brown and Phariwat
Thammapreechakorn, Southeast Asian Ceramics Museum, Bangkok University. Email:
SIKSACAKR (the peer-reviewed journal of the Center for Khmer Studies) seeks papers for its
upcoming issues. Siksacakr welcomes articles related to Khmer & Southeast Asian Studies. All
articles must be written either in Khmer, English or French and should not exceed 6,500 words
(notes and references included). Articles are to be reviewed by the Editorial Committee, which
alone decides of their acceptance or not. Accepted articles are published in their original
language and translated into Khmer. For further information, contact the Editor-in-Chief: Michel
Rethy Antelme. Manuscripts may be submitted to: siksacakr@khmerstudies.org
For those wishing to write an electronic article, there is a new on-line version of
SIKSACAKR (published every six months). There is a maximum of 1000 words + references, and
no footnotes. Articles must be written either in Khmer, English or French, with a brief abstract (1
paragraph) in English. Manuscripts will be submitted for a review by the Editorial Committee,
which alone decides of their acceptance or not. Articles will be displayed in their original
language. Articles that have been accepted for on-line publication may eventually be resubmitted in a long version (up to 6,500 words) with footnotes and references. The manuscript
will again go through a peer-reviewed process. Contact the Editor-in-Chief: Michel Rethy
Antelme. Manuscripts may be submitted to: siksacakr@khmerstudies.org
ASIAN PERSPECTIVES (The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific) is currently
soliciting manuscripts on Southeast and East Asian archaeology (prehistoric, historic,
bioarchaeological, ethnoarchaeological) for review. Asian Perspectives is the leading
archaeological journal devoted to the archaeology of Asia and the Pacific region. In addition to
archaeology, it features articles and book reviews on ethnoarchaeology, palaeoanthropology, and
physical anthropology. International specialists contribute regional reports summarizing current
research and fieldwork, and present topical reports of significant sites.
We are especially interested in receiving manuscripts from our Southeast Asian and
Asian colleagues on recent work in their regions. We accept manuscripts for review throughout
the year and encourage potential contributors to send us manuscripts at any time. For more
information on Asian Perspectives (and information on issue contents), consult the following:
www.hawaii.edu/uhpress/journals/ap Our web site also has a page with formatting guidelines for
contributors to the journal. Please submit AP-formatted manuscripts to: Dr. Laura Junker, Asian
Perspectives, Department of Anthropology (M/C 027), University of Illinois at Chicago, 1007
West Harrison Street, Chicago, Illinois 60607-7139.
manuscripts from scholars worldwide on all aspects of ancient and classical East Asia and
adjacent regions, including archaeology, art, and architecture; history and philosophy; literature
and linguistics; and related fields. Contributions seriously engaging contemporary critical thought
in the humanities and social sciences are especially welcome. The BMFEA primarily publishes
articles in English, and occasionally in other European languages. Manuscripts are accepted for
review in English, German, French, Japanese and Chinese. Article manuscripts for general issues
are reviewed continuously. There are also special thematic issues with separate manuscript
deadlines (see our webpage for the latest news). All contributions are peer-reviewed. An
electronic copy of articles, submitted together with publication-quality illustrations, is required
for final accepted versions. Author¹s instructions will be sent on demand. E-mail correspondence
is preferred. All manuscripts and enquiries should be sent to the BMFEA Editor at: Box 16176,
SE-103 24 Stockholm, Sweden.
Web site:
HUKAY, the journal of the Archaeological Studies Program, University of the Philippines, seeks
papers on archaeology, material culture, paleohistory, ethnoarchaeology, and cultural resource
management. The journal aims to promote the advancement of archaeological research in the
Philippines and in the Southeast Asian region. It is publish by the University of the Philippines
Press and comes out three times a year. All articles are reviewed by local and international
referees. Articles must be written on short bond paper, double-spaced, size 12 font (Times New
Roman), 15-25 pages long including references and pictures; they must also contain an abstract
and short information on the author/s. Please submit a hardcopy and a disc copy to: The Editor,
HUKAY, Archaeological Studies Program, Palma Hall, University of the Philippines Diliman,
Quezon City 1101, Philippines; or email them to: batanes98@yahoo.com
(end of Part I)