Supplementary Online Materials for Effect of Variations in Diameter and Density on the Statistics of Aligned Array Carbon-Nanotube Field Effect Transistors Ahmad E. Islam†, Frank Du†, Xinning Ho, Sung Hun Jin, Simon Dunham, and John A. Rogers* † These authors contributed equally [*] Prof. J. A. Rogers Departments of Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Mechanical Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 (USA) E-mail: Dr. A. E. Islam, F. Du, Dr. X. Ho*, Dr. S. H. Jin Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 (USA) *Current address: Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology 71 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 638075 1 120 80 40 0 50 100 150 <N> 2 0 9 40 80 ION/<N> [nA] 40 ION/<N> [nA] Data for <N>~67 Poisson Fit 3 0 0 6 Counts 20 150 30 60 90 ION/<N> [nA] 3 0 50 100 ION/<N> [nA] 6 Data for <N>~150 Poisson Fit (e) 0 (d) 120 6 0 2 0 250 Counts 4 Counts 200 Data for <N>~30 Poisson Fit (c) 0 4 IONION/<N>) 0 Counts Data for <N>~11 Poisson Fit (b) 6 Counts ION [nA] (a) 60 Data for <N>~197 Poisson Fit (f) 3 0 60 90 120 150 ION/<N> [nA] Supplementary Figure 1: (a) Variation of average ION/<N> (µION) for different array-SWNT FETs, having different nominal number of SWNTs (<N>). (b-f) Histogram of measured ION/<N> distributions in array-SWNT FETs having (b) <N> = 11 SWNTs; M (i.e., number of samples) = 19, (c) <N> = 30 SWNTs; M = 20, (d) <N> = 67 SWNTs; M = 20, (e) <N> = 150 SWNTs; M = 35 and (f) <N> = 197 SWNTs; M = 17. The distributions are fitted using Poisson statistics. 2 800 (a) (b) 200 Normalized I 400 ON <N> 10 50 100 200 500 600 Counts 1.5 M = 5000 0 0 20 40 60 Simulation 1/<N> 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 50 ION/<N> [nA] 100 150 200 <N> Supplementary Figure 2: Simulation results considering an ideal case (i.e., with no variation in SWNT density and single, unique diameter distribution across the wafer) for arraySWNT FETs. Simulated (a) ION/<N> distributions and (b) normalized standard deviation (σION/σION,<N>=1) of ION distributions for array-SWNT FETs. σION/σION,<N>=1 in Fig. b follows the 1/√<N> scaling, as per central limit theorem. (a) Aligned SWNTs (c) (b) Drain Source Photoresist Quartz (d) (e) Dielectric Gate Metal Dielectric Drain (f) Source Quartz Supplementary Figure 3: Steps to fabricate FETs with single SWNT: (a) Grow aligned array SWNTs on ST-cut quartz substrate. (b) Deposit Ti(2nm)/Pd(60nm) source/drain using photolithography and lift-off. (c) Deposit photoresist in small area (~1.5μm width) of the channel. (d) Etch (using O2 plasma: 100 mTorr, 20 sccm, 100 RF power in Plasma-Therm Reactive Ion Etching system) SWNTs outside the channel (defined using photoresist) and identify FETs with single SWNT. (e) Deposit SOG(35nm)/HfO2(20nm) dielectric. (f) Deposit Ti(2nm)/Au(60nm) top-gate using photolithography and lift-off. 3 L ~ 10m VDS= -0.05V 30 -2 -2 -1 0 1 VG [V] -1 (b) 0 -ID,SM [nA] 5 0 -2 10 10 10 40 (a) -ID,SS [nA] -ID,SS [nA] L ~ 10m 15 VDS= -0.05V 0 1 2 20 10 0 -2 -1 VG [V] 0 1 2 VG [V] Supplementary Figure 4: (a) Measured drain current (ID,SS) vs. gate voltage characteristics (inset in semilog scale) of three FETs with single semiconducting SWNT (SS-SWNT FETs). (b) Measured drain current (ID,SM) vs. gate voltage characteristics of three FETs with single metallic SWNT (SM-SWNT FETs). 2 10 - ID,SS [nA] 0 10 -2 10 Simulation -4 10 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 VG-VT1 [V] d [nm] 0.60 0.72 0.86 1.02 1.47 1.75 2.10 2.51 3.00 0.5 Supplementary Figure 5: Simulated ID,SS vs. VG-VT1 characteristics (L = 10μm, VDS = 0.05V) for SS-SWNT FETs with different diameter. Here, VT1 VG@(ID=IMAX/100). 4 (a) ON ON Normalized I I σION ≡ σ(ION/<N>) μION ≡ μ(ION/<N>) Simulation 1/<N> 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 50 100 150 1.5 Normalized IONION 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 200 σION ≡ σ(ION/N) μION ≡ μ(ION/N) Simulation 1/<N> (b) 0 50 <N> 100 150 200 <N> Supplementary Figure 6: Eliminating the effect of SWNT density variation: Simulated σION/√μION (normalized by its value for <N>=1) vs. <N>, where only the variation of SWNT density (Fig. 2a) is considered in calculating ION, and σION and μION are defined as the standard deviation and average for (a) ION/<N> and (b) ION/N. Counting the number of SWNTs in arraySWNT FET and then calculating σION and μION using ION/N, rather than ION/<N>, eliminates the deviation from 1/√<N>, thereby subtracts the effect of SWNT density variation from the performance statistics. 1.5 1.5 (b) Normalized I Normalized V T MIN (a) 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 50 100 <N> 150 200 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 <N> Supplementary Figure 7: Variation of normalized standard deviation (with respect to the value at <N> ~ 11) with <N> for (a) VT (defined as VG@IMIN) and (b) IMIN (minimum of drain current ID,ARRAY) in array-SWNT FETs. 5 -1 10 -3 (a) 10 -1.5 VDS = -0.1nm; d = 1.1nm Symbol: Data from Franklin et al. Line: Simulation -1.0 -0.5 VG-VT1 [V] 5 PDF [x10 ] 3 2 1 0 -6 10 EOT 1nm 2nm 5nm 10nm 20nm 6 L = 300nm ION [A] - ID,SS [A] 10 SS-SWNT FET (N=1) simulation L = 300nm 8 L = 15nm 1 4 2 0 0.0 (b) 0 1 2 d [nm] 3 SS-SWNT FET (N=1) simulation L = 300nm EOT 1nm 5nm 20nm 2nm 10nm (c) -4 10 -2 10 ION [A] 0 10 2 10 Supplementary Figure 8: (a) Simulated ID,SS vs. VG-VT1 of short-channel SS-SWNT FETs are calibrated with measurements of Ref. 1 to extract the device parameters α = 3m/K-s, Gc0 = 1/5kΩ, and VA = 16q/3πd. The multiple sub-band approximation for VA is obtained by multiplying 2 with the single sub-band expression of VA (as used in Ref. 2). These device parameters are used to simulate scaled array-SWNT FETs in section 5. (b) Simulated ION (|ID,SS|@VG-VT1= - 1V, VDS = -0.05V) vs. diameter (d) for L = 300nm SS-SWNT FETs at different equivalent oxide thickness (EOT). (c) Simulated ION distributions for a given diameter distribution (Fig. 6a) narrows down at smaller EOT. 6 Supplementary Section 1: Conductance Simulation for SS-SWNT FETs S1.1 Calculation of GSS (conductance of semiconducting SWNT) Calculation of GDS using eqn. (2) of the main manuscript requires estimation of GSS for both electron and hole. As we know EFi at any gate bias VG from eqn. (3) of the main manuscript, we can calculate the electron density (QSS,e) and hole density (QSS,h) for semiconducting SWNT using – QSS,e = - q dE*sign(E)*v(E)*f sign(E)*(E-E Fi ) , (1) 0 0 QSS,h = - q dE*sign(E)*v(E)*f sign(E)*(E-E Fi ) , (2) - and hence the respective conductances GSS,e and GSS,h using 2 – 4q 2 λ e(h) G SS,e(h) = , h λ e(h) +L where v(E)= 4 E u(E-E Fi ) πhvF E 2 -E Fi 2 SWNT, λ e(h) =τ F v F [ QSS,e(h) /VA ]2 1+[ QSS,e(h) /VA ]2 is the density (3) of states of semiconducting is the mean free path for electron (hole), EFi = Ei – EF, Ei is the intrinsic Fermi level of the semiconducting SWNT or the mid-gap energy level of graphene, EF is the Fermi energy level of the semiconducting SWNT, F(E) is the Fermi distribution, sign(E) is the sign of energy level E, u(E) is the unit step function, VA = 8q/3πd (single-sub-band approximation) is a diameter dependent quantity, h is Planck’s constant, τF-1 = αT/d is the scattering rate within the channel at Fermi velocity vF, T is the temperature in °K, and α is the scattering coefficient. 7 S1.2 Calculation of GC (contact conductance of semiconducting SWNT with Pd) Calculation of GDS at different VG using eqn. (2) of the main manuscript also requires an estimation of contact conductance GC, which is a product of VG-independent quantity GC0 and VG-dependent transmission probability TC for the contact, i.e., G C =G C0TC . (4) We calculate TC = Ttherm + TSB + TBTBT using the following three components: (i) thermionic emission component: Ttherm = exp(-Ebarrier/kT); where Ebarrier is the thermal barrier for carrier injection from contact into the channel, (ii) Schottky barrier tunneling component: TSB = exp(2∫kzdz);3 where kz is carrier’s parallel momentum (extracted from the E-k relationship) at distance z away from the contact into the channel, (iii) band to band tunneling component: TBTBT = exp(-2πEG2/qhvFFz),4 where EG is the bandgap, and Fz is the electric field at the location of band to band tunneling. For large diameter and at large gate bias (VG >> VT), there is no Schottky barrier at the contact 5, 6 , hence TC ~ 1 and GC ~ GC0; whereas for small diameter, the presence of Schottky barrier makes TC ~ Ttherm + TSB < 1. TBTBT only exists during electron conduction for large diameter SWNTs at large positive gate bias. References: 1. A. D. Franklin and Z. H. Chen, Nature Nanotechnology 5 (12), 858-862 (2010). 2. X. J. Zhou, J. Y. Park, S. M. Huang, J. Liu and P. L. McEuen, Physical Review Letters 95 (14), - (2005). 3. X. Yang, G. Fiori, G. Iannaccone and K. Mohanram, presented at the Great Lake Symposium on VLSI, 2010 (unpublished). 4. A. Liao, Y. Zhao and E. Pop, Physical Review Letters 101 (25), - (2008). 5. Z. H. Chen, J. Appenzeller, J. Knoch, Y. M. Lin and P. Avouris, Nano Letters 5 (7), 1497-1502 (2005). 8 6. W. Kim, A. Javey, R. Tu, J. Cao, Q. Wang and H. J. Dai, Applied Physics Letters 87 (17), - (2005). 9