MI Survey

Name: _____________________________
Date: _______________
Multiple Intelligence Survey
Check the statements that seem to sound like you. Just do the best you can. When you are done,
put the total number you checked in each section at the bottom of the section. Then turn to the
last page and match up your intelligence with each section. It will give you a clue as to what you
like, what you may grow up to be and will show you how to improve your weaknesses. Then
record your 2 with the most checks on the “Strength” lines and the 2 with the least checks on the
“Weakness” lines. Enjoy!
Section 1:
I like to write to friends through text message rather than talking on the phone.
I keep a journal.
I like word puzzles, crosswords and tongue twisters.
I love to write stories or poetry for fun.
I want to learn foreign languages.
English and History are my best subjects in school.
I am a good speller.
I love to learn new words.
I have a good memory for names, dates and time.
Total: ___________
Section 2:
I keep things neat and orderly.
Solving problems is easy for me.
I get frustrated with disorganized people.
I like to work with computers and calculators.
I love to play chess and/or checkers.
Math and Science are my favorite subjects in school.
I can add quickly in my head.
I can’t begin an assignment until all my questions are answered.
I like brainteasers and puzzles.
Total: ____________
Section 3:
I like to take things apart and put them back together.
I’m good at reading maps and charts.
I daydream a lot.
I like to play with Lego’s or build things.
I doodle a lot in my notebooks.
I can remember things by seeing pictures in my head.
I love art and drawing.
I like to rearrange my room.
I like books with lots of pictures.
Total: __________
Section 4:
I learn by doing things rather than listening about them.
I like to dance, run, jog or walk.
I enjoy arts and crafts.
I have to physically do something to understand it.
I can’t sit in one place for a long time.
I tap, fidget or move when I sit too long.
I talk with my hands.
I play at least 1 sport.
My best ideas come when I’m jogging, walking or exercising.
Total: __________
Section 5:
I dance on beat.
I like many kinds of music.
I like musicals more than dramas or comedies.
I remember song lyrics easily.
I sing or play a musical instrument.
I can tell when an instrument is off key.
I hum, sing and listen to music a lot.
I tap my pencil or foot a lot.
I learn something best if it is in a song or rap.
Total: __________
Section 6:
I prefer group sports to solo ones.
I would rather work in a group rather than by myself
I have 2 or more close friends.
I like to give advice to friends when they have problems.
I’m a natural leader.
I believe in the theory “The More the Merrier”
I like to teach others rather than study alone
I like after school clubs and extracurricular activities
I like to study in groups.
Total: __________
Section 7:
Fairness is important to me.
I usually stand up for what I believe in
When I believe in something, I give 100%.
I will protest if I believe something is wrong.
I spend lots of alone time thinking or talking to myself in my head
I’d rather keep a journal than talk to my friends about a problem.
I reflect on my day often
I’m very independent.
I’d much rather work alone than in a group.
Total: __________
Section 8:
I love to plant
I enjoy camping and hiking
I have at least two pets and want to own more.
I want to be a zoologist or biologist when I grow up.
I spend lots of time outdoors.
I collect rocks, shells, and/or flowers.
I like to watch the tides, eclipses, bad storms or any natural phenomenon.
Beaches and parks are my favorite places to be.
Ecological issues are very important to me.
Total: ___________
Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Weakness 1:
Weakness 2:
Intelligence Fact Sheet
Section 1: Verbal/Linguistic –
English, writing, reading and languages
How to Improve:
public speaking, story telling, using new words
May grow up to be: public speaker, comedian, novelist, poet,
newscaster, teacher, playwright
Section 2: Logical/Mathematical –
patterns, math, science and numbers
How to Improve:
using numbers & patterns, work on problem solving
May grow up to be: scientific researcher, accountant, lawyer, banker,
doctor, computer programmer
Section 3: Visual/Spatial –
Art, reading maps, building, anything with pictures
How to Improve:
Use your imagination, paint, draw, build
May grow up to be: Architect, graphic designer, artist, draftsperson,
sculptor, advertising, mechanic, carpenter
Section 4: Bodily Kinesthetic –
How to Improve:
May grow up to be:
sports, hands on learning, arts and crafts
playing sports, dancing, playing charades
athlete, actor, dancer, inventor, personal trainer
Section 5: Musical/Rhythmic Strengths:
singing, playing an instrument, anything rhythmic
How to Improve:
creating songs or raps, listening to lots of music
May grow up to be: musician, composer, music teacher, film maker,
orchestra conductor
Section 6: Interpersonal –
working in groups, socializing, giving advice
How to Improve:
working in groups, listening to others
May grow up to be: counselor, therapist, politician, sociologist,
anthropologist, religious leader, teacher
Section 7: Intrapersonal –
How to Improve:
May grow up to be:
working alone, fighting for fairness, meditating
keeping a journal, meditating, critical thinking
psychiatrist, philosopher, scientist, researcher,
Section 8: Naturalistic –
How to Improve:
May grow up to be:
planting, working with animals, interpreting nature
work with animals and spend time outdoors
zoologist, landscaper, astronomer, scientist, vet.