
New Junior English Revised – Answers: Verbs
Exercise 52
1 scrambled
2 shook
3 seemed
4 hurried
5 showered
6 washed
7 brushed
8 dressed
9 told; are
10 replied; is
Exercise 53
This is an open-ended exercise.
Exercise 54
1 inherited P
2 broadcasts N
3 receive N
4 revealed P
5 expelled P
6 resumed P
7 reconstruct N
8 overcame P *
9 abandons N
10 applaud N *
*Although ‘to succeed’ in # 8 and ‘cheering’ in #10 are verbs in form (‘to succeed’ is
the infinitive form of the verb, and ‘cheering’ is the present participle), neither can
show the time of the action, as the exercise requires. It is the verbs ‘overcame’ in # 8
and ‘applaud’ in #10 that function as finite verbs by (a) being linked to a subject and
(b) changing shape (being inflected) to show the time of the action.
Exercise 55
1 shiver
2 flatter
3 scatter
4 postpone
5 revolve
6 squabble
7 imitate
8 nibble
9 confess
10 vanish
11 detonate
12 bedeck
13 evict
14 daub
15 inflate
16 divulge
17 pacify
18 assume
19 abduct
20 prolong
Exercise 56
1 eat M
2 was A snapping M
3 Are A going M
4 washes M; will A wipe M
5 took M; handed M
6 has A been A singing M
7 Is A playing M
8 hurry M
9 were A learning M
10 is A reading M
Exercise 57
1 refuse to study
2 prefer to play
3 need to work
4 want to receive
5 continue to ignore
6 hesitate to tell
7 appear to understand
8 arrange to give
9 start to improve
10 offer to help
Exercise 58
Who would have thought?
Sting, stings, stung, stung!
Cling, clings, clung, clung!
Fling, flings, flung, flung!
String, strings, strung, strung!
But sing, sings, sang, sung.
Ring, rings, rang, rung,
Spring, springs, sprang, sprung!
And, finally, who would have thought?
Bring, brings, brought and brought.