Science without Borders (SSF)

Science without Borders (CSF)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Group C
(lecture/practice/laboratory/f = term mark, v = exam/ECTS credit points)
BMEGEVGAG07 Fluid Flow Systems (2/1/0/f/3)
Operation of pumps and fans in systems Selection of the proper machine considering safety,
cavitation free operation and controllability. Stability of operation of fans and compressors in
systems containing large air volumes - an investigation based on a simple linear theory of
stability. Computation of the flow rate and pressure distribution in looped pipe networks.
Flow in open channels. Laboratory practice in the departments' PC pool. Optimisation of the
operation of water distributing systems containing pumps and reservoirs for minimum
electricity cost.
BMEGEENAG71 Energy Processes and Equipment (3/0/2/f/5)
Energy demands and sources. Basic processes of energy conversion: fossil, renewable, and
nuclear sources. Steamand gasturbine, IC engines, fuel-cells, solar collectors, heat
exchangers, storage tanks. power stations: gas, steam and nuclear. Combined heat and power
generation. Decentralized power generation. Complex energy utilization systems. Energysave
consumer equipments.
BMEGEVGAG04 Volumetric Pumps and Compressors (1/1/0/f/2)
Positive displacement pumps. Pump characteristic and performance. Reciprocating and rotary
types. Gear pumps. Performance of a gear pump. Characheristics. Pressure balancing. Bearing
forces. Screw pumps. Screw pumps for delivery of higher viscosities fluid. Roots blower.
Delivery, isentropic and adiabatic power. Reciprocating compressors. Compression
efficiency. Valves. Regulation. Pressure-volume diagrams for different methods of regulating
and governing compressors. Sliding vanes pump. Characteristic performance. Capacity and
efficiency. Effect of viscosity.
BMEGEVÉAG04 Measurement for Chemical and Environmental Processes (0/1/2/f/3)
Introduction to instrumentation and measurement systems. Process instrumentation,
measurement methods, instruments and techniques of various physical quantities. Online
measurement with modular multi-parameter measuring system. Laboratory exercises for
monitoring of waste water and air pollutantas. Receive practical hands on experinece in the
laboratory using dryer, filter and heater equipment.
BMEGEÉPAG62 Air-Conditioning (2/2/0/f/4)
Basis for ventilation, thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Heating and cooling load
calculations. Calculation of supply airflow rate for ventilated rooms, pollution and energy
balance. Layout of air conditioning systems. Air movement in rooms, air distribution systems.
Elements and processes of air handling systems. Filtration of air, filters. Treatments of air,
equipment of heating, cooling, heat recovery and humidification. Hydraulic sizing of airduct
system. Psychrometric charts. Process and flow diagrams of several air-conditioning systems.
BMEGEMMAGM5 Fundamentals of FEM (1/1/1/f/3)
Short history of the method. Importance in the engineering design. Mathematical,
computational and mechanical background. Overview on the frequently used types of
elements in the structural analysis. Detailed description of elements for truss structures and
for frames. TRUSS2D, BEAM1D, BEAM2D elements. Derivation of element and structural
matrices. FE modeling of skeletal structures. Symmetric structures. Closed frames. Frequency
analysis of elastic frames. Critical angular velocities of rotating shafts with disks. Modeling
examples. Case studies. Commercial FE softwares. Additional capabilities of FEM.
BMEVIAUA008 Electromechanics (2/1/1/v/4)
Alternating quantities, AC circuits. Complex calculation method and phasor diagram. Active,
reactive and apparent powers. Transient phenomena, Three and multi-phase systems.
Transformers. Rotating magnetic field. Asynchronous, synchronous, DC and special
machines. Motor selection.
BMEGEENAG51 Measurement at Energy and Environment Protection (0/1/2/f/3)
The role of measurements in maintaining and controlling the energy conversation processes.
Hardware and software tools of the control and measurement systems. Laboratory
tests of different engines and equipments. Simultaneous determination of system variables
(flow rates, pressures, temperatures, etc.). Methods of determination of performance,
efficiency, exhaust gas composition.
BMEGEVGAG03 Measurement Technique of Processes (1/0/1/f/2)
Physical quantities (shift, revolution number, force, torque, temperature, pressure, flow rate,
etc.) of processes and their measurements. Basics of probability and statistics. Noise as
stochastic process variable. Density and distibution function, correlation and autocorrelation.
Fourier-transformation in data processing, spectrum, detection periodic signals and noise.
Measurement of time dependent quantities, digital sampling. Curve fitting, confidence
interval, estimation of measurement error. Data acquisition and data processing, calibration of
pressure transducer, water-meter. Measurements of characheristics of machines. Failure
detection with vibration measurements, analysis of periodic and noisy pressure signals.
BMETE90AX08 Mathematics A4 – Probability Theory (2/2/0/f/4)
Notion of probability. Conditional probability. Independence of events. Discrete random
variables and their distributions (discrete uniform distribution, classical problems,
combinatorial methods, indicator distribution, binomial distribution, sampling with/without
replacement, hypergeometrical distribution, Poisson distribution as limit of binomial
distributions, geometric distribution as model of a discrete memoryless waiting time).
Continuous random variables and their distributions (uniform distribution on an interval,
exponential distribution as model of a continuous memoryless waiting time, standard normal
distribution). Parameters of distributions (expected value, median, mode, moments, variance,
standard deviation). Two-dimensional distributions. Conditional distributions, independent
random variables. Covariance, correlation coefficient. Regression. Transformations of
distributions. One- and two-dimensional normal distributions. Laws of large numbers,
DeMoivre-Laplace limit theorem, central limit theorem. Some statistical notions. Computer
simulation, applications.
BMETE11AX14 Nobel Prize Physics in Everyday Application (2/0/0/v/2)
The amazing and explosive development of technology is our everyday experience in various
fields of life from informatics and medicine. It is less well known how this development is
supported by scientific research. As an example a notebook computer applies numerous
Nobel Prize awarded ideas, like the integrated circuits (2000), semiconducting laser (2000),
liquid crystal display (1991), CCD camera (2009), GMR sensor of the hard disk (2007) and
several further achievements from earlier days of quantum mechanics and solid state physics.
The course is intended to give insight to a range of amazing everyday applications that are
related to various Nobel Prizes with a special focus on recent achievements.
BMETE12MX00 Laser Physics (3/1/0/v/4)
Maxwell-equations and electromagnetic waves. Fundamentals of quantum mechanics,
Schrödinger equation, particle in a potential box, H atom, He atom, molecules. Electron states
in solids, conductors, insulators and semiconductors. Fundamentals of statistical physics.
Theory of laser oscillation. Interaction of photons with atoms, line-broadening mechanisms,
coherent amplification, optical resonator, conditions of continuous wave and transient laser
oscillation. Properties of laser beams. Laser types. Laser applications.
BMETE47MC01 Introduction to Cognitive Science (2/0/0/f/3)
Fundamental concepts of cognitive science: mental representation, computers, and
information processing. Brain and cognition; the role of neuroscience. Cognitive
architectures: modularity and domain-general systems. Propositional and schematic
representation; schemas, mental images, and skill acquisition. Connectionism: artificial neural
networks as models of the mind. Knowledge representation in artificial intelligence.
Language and cognition; knowledge of language; the problem of meaning. The role of
philosophy: the nature of mind, knowledge and consciousness. Interpreted Cognitive Science:
neurobiology, evolution and social interpretation. Adaptation and knowledge. Skill,
competences, and emotions in knowledge. Applied cognitive science: artificial intelligence;
human information processing in human-machine interaction.