Global citizenship: living with the big picture Module YSE-1404 Level 1, 20 credit, Semester 1 This is a new interdisciplinary module taught by experts in global issues and sustainable development from across the university. It is suitable for all students. Aims: to explore the relevance of the global dimension in our lives. Where? Room S15, second floor, School of Lifelong Learning When? Semester 1, Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-6 pm What will we do? reflect on our own role as global citizens explore a number of current major global issues such as climate change, poverty, trade rules, migration, conflict and terrorism; gain an understanding of the social, economic, political and environmental dimensions of global issues and of the complex links between them; critically analyse a major contemporary issue. Assessment A book review of 1,000 words (20%) Group research and presentation on a major global issue (20%) Essay of approximately 2,000 words. Mode of delivery One 1 hour lecture and one 1hour workshop each week for 12 weeks. Lectures in English, with at least one in Welsh with translation facilities. Others may be offered in both languages if numbers permit. Workshops offered in both languages. Blackboard materials in English and Welsh. Assignments may be submitted in either language. Content and contributors Focus Semester 1 1. The meaning of global citizenship. The challenges for the 21st century What are the big issues? a. Challenges in the natural world: e.g. the finite biosphere, clean water, climate change, disease b. Challenges in the moral and political world: economic globalisation, trade, poverty, rich world-poor world, corruption, conflict What is our role?: Are we global citizens? (in workshop) Identity; Values and perceptions; Rights and responsibilities? 2. Continuous change in a finite biosphere This will cover the fundamental aspect of biospheric function elemental recycling, set against a continuous background of major biological, chemical and physical changes since the biosphere came into existence ~3.5 billion years ago 3. Economic and Political Globalisation International financial bodies, Consumerism, Rich world, poor world (c.f. natural resources) Debt, Trade rules, Ethics 4. Cultural globalisation Role of Technology and global communications Access/Inequality of access Cultural globalisation, clash of cultures, faiths, languages 5. Who holds the power? International institutions, UN etc, multinationals Corruption 6. Poverty What does poverty mean? Measures and indicators Causes and links 7. Climate change Increasing Energy needs, Dependence on fossil fuels Climate change and Global warming, Ozone Impacts - local and global 8. 'Sustainable living - measuring human impact' (in Welsh with translation facilities) What is sustainable development? Concept of Ecological footprint Calculating footprints (in workshop) 9. People on the move Refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants 10. Global Environmental, social and cultural debt; impacts on development, southern perspectives etc When is ‘natural’ natural ( disasters); Is science and technology the answer? 11. Global Conflict and terrorism Drivers 12. Bringing it all together Student presentations Week 3.10.06 lecture workshop 5.10.06 10.10.06 workshop 12.10.06 17.10.06 workshop 19.12.06 24.10.06 workshop 26.12.06 31.10.06 workshop 2/11/06 7.11.06 workshop 9/11/06 14.11.06 workshop 16.11.06 21.11.06 workshop 23.11.06 28.11.06 workshop 30.11.06 5.12.06 workshop 7.12.06 12.12.06 workshop 14.12.06 9.1.07 workshop 11.1.07 Tutors Dr. D. Sullivan (School of Lifelong Learning); S. Bennell (World Education Centre) Dr. M. Lock, (School of Biological Sciences) S. Williams, (School of Lifelong Learning) Dr. D. Sullivan (School of Lifelong Learning) Shan Ashton (School of Lifelong Learning) Shan Ashton (School of Lifelong Learning) Dr. Tom Rippeth (School of Ocean Sciences) Dr. E. Young (CAZ–Natural Resources) B. Ambrose-Oji (CAZ–Natural Resources) Dr. R. Brook (School of the Environment & Natural Resources) Dr. D. Sullivan (School of Lifelong Learning) Dr. D. Sullivan S. Bennell