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We are engineers. We engineer the mankind into
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
We are very glad to publish the multimedia e-magazine - SVUCE ENGINEER with the following
To connect the alumni with their alma mater, and among themselves.
To circulate news that is of relevance to the present and past students of Sri Venkateswara
University College of Engineering (SVUCE).
To publish educational articles on engineering profession.
To highlight the achievements/failures of the present and past students of Sri Venkateswara
University College of Engineering because engineering marvels are made possible by successive
Please participate by contributing news, articles and other relevant materials for SVUCE community
(Students, Alumni and Faculty).
Send your feedback to: .
With Best Wishes,
The Editorial Board
With Best Compliments from:
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
 News
 Project Ideas for Students
 Puzzle
 Fun Quiz
 Profiles
Soundar Kumara
 Placement News
 Feedback/Comments/Suggestions
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
 News
First Rankers in 2006-2010 B.Tech batch
Dear Engineers,
Prof. KV Madhu Murthy did a great job developing a database for SVUCE Alumni.
Please go to our web site
Click Alumni tab.
Click the directory of the alumni
Type the password: Prof.G.Ramakrishnan
Update your profile.
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
I request you all to congratulate Prof.KV Madhu Murthy for this superb job.
Best Regards,
Bogineni Chenchu Rama Naidu
SVUCE Alumni Association
(908) 410 7646 (Cell-USA)
When you find a Dream inside your heart, don't ever let it go, for Dreams are the tiny seeds from
Which Beautiful Tomorrows Grow
" Life may give 10000 reasons to CRY, but its upto you to find a reason to SMILE "
 Project Ideas for Students
From: Hajith <>
To: "" <>
Date: November 4, 2010 at 12:35 AM
Subject: Re: Digital Advertising
Dear Naidu Sir,
I am in the Digital Marketing and Advertising industry for the last 8 years. I have started a company which
does the Digital Marketing stuff.(ProspectZ Online).
The Statistics you have given are only for US. Assume that if India and China starts using the Interent.
The number much more higher. This is going to be the next big thing.
I can help SVU students or Alumni who wish to get more information. We can also conduct some
workshops or seminars to create awareness.
Hajith ...
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 7:31 AM, <> wrote:
November 3, 2010
Dear Budding Engineers of SVUCE,
Digital Advertising (on-line advertisement) is very hot in the industry now. It will grow to $55billion by 2014
(21% of total advertising market). Explore this as entrepreneurs.
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
You may use java 1.6, Spring framework 2.5.6, Flex 1.5, eclipse 3.6, tomcat web server, svn plugins,
mxml, MySQL (Mostly open source software).
You may have to learn statistics for forecasting and trending. Learn it in the first 2 years of your B.Tech.
Good Luck.
-Bogineni Chenchu Rama Naidu
SVUCE Alumni Association
(908) 410 7646 (Cell-USA)
Dear Rajini,
I will be back with you in about a week time to catch up on what we have generated with "Simulation
of Human Vision (Mind Mapping) on Oct 20 and your reply thereon.
In the meantime please go through the following:
" A handful of brain cells can play around with complex visual images on a computer screen,
scientists have discovered. The study found that when volunteers had their brains connected to a
computer displaying two merged images, they could force the computer to display one of the images
and discard the other.
The signals transmitted from each subject's brain to the computer were derived from just a small
number of brain cells, reports the Daily Mail, citing the study published in the journal Nature. The
subjects were able to use their thoughts to override the images they saw on the computer screen,
said Itzhak Fried, professor of neurosurgery at the University of California, Los Angeles, US, who led
the study. The discovery comes as a boost for development of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs),
devices that allow people to control computers or other devices with their thoughts.
BCIs have been hailed as the future for allowing people with locked-in syndrome to communicate or
control prosthetic limbs using only their minds. Past studies have shown how BCIs can be used
perform simple tasks, such as controlling a computer cursor, with just a few brain cells. This study,
however, used BCI technology to understand how thoughts and decisions are shaped by a group of
brain cells.
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
This is a novel and elegant use of a brain-computer interface to explore how the brain directs
attention and makes choices, said Debra Babcock, a program director at the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke in the US."
Good Luck.
Dalls TX USA
--- On Thu, 10/28/10, Rajini Gutti <> wrote:
From: Rajini Gutti <>
Subject: Re: Can We Simulate Human Eye
To: "Soundar Kumara" <>
Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 1:54 PM
Dear Soundar kumara Sir,
Thanks for providing the info about the research works happening in creating bionic eye.
Really nice to read about MIT's research on restoring the sight of blind people.
After reading all these I understood that Human Eye is one of the most complex Master piece created
by God.
Am seeing the major obstacles/research areas (keeping the brain processing of visuals aside) to
make it a reality lies in
1. creating millions of artificial neurons that sense and send signals at a speed to achieve natural
2. Implanting the bionic eye into human body.
Rajini G
On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 4:49 AM, Soundar Kumara <> wrote:
Dear Vidya Sagar,
May be the questions can be posted in the general email so that everyone can see and comment. I
am taking the liberty to post in the thread.
Yes parallel processing is done and even then images need to be processed to either represent or
recognize the face. Parallel processing offers higher speeds. You could refer to Professor Rama
Chellappa (Maryland), Thomas Huang (Illinois) work as well as my own professor R.L. Kashyap's
(Purdue retired) work.
Heat sensing is for recognizing shapes and bio materials, it will not be very good in representing
details like eyes etc, as reconstruction will take more effort.
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
About my credentials - not much I teach at Penn State in USA.
Best wishes,
From: Vidya Panati Sagar01 []
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 5:05 AM
To: Soundar Kumara;
Subject: RE: SVUCE, Tirupati - List of First Rankers - 2009-2010 - Regarding.
Hi Soundar Kumar,
Felt very good to know that so much is happening in the background.
Regarding the eye simulation:
I've got a doubt. Why can we use the parallel processors to recognize a face, instead of doing the
image processing in the front end?
Are there any issues with such approaches. What about the heat sensors? Can they benefit us in
some way or the other?
Regarding the brain simulation:
And since a new synapse is formed for every event in the life, which fade away if not recollected
frequently, can't we develop an algorithm that can simulate the same process. But then again it would
be an idle one and not a common human brain.
With due respect for Soundar Kumar, can I know your credentials please. With the boundless
knowledge that you shared in the mail, I assume you to be more prominent. It would be a great walk
ahead with you, Bogineni garu and others.
Thanking you,
Vidya Sagar Panati,
Systems Engineer |WMS - Finacle | Infosys Technologies Limited | Bangalore.
Ph: 0988 68 723 68.
From: Rajini Gutti []
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 8:51 AM
Dear Sir,
Its amazing to see ur work.. in 90s only you people have thought so much.. I am sure many of our
super seniors would have done such great theses..
Why don't we maintain a database of all such works done by our seniors in our SVUCE website.. It
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
would be a great knowledge bank to all the students.
Rajini G
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 3:58 PM,<>
<<>> wrote:
Dear Er. Rajini,
If you want to create an artificial brain you need 100 billion neurons. Do you have space for that?
Synapse is the most important part in a neuron. I worked on this in my Ph.d and got a US patent
Please find the details here:
Best Regards,
Bogineni Chenchu Rama Naidu
SVUCE Alumni Association
(908) 410 7646 (Cell-USA)
On October 20, 2010 at 1:23 AM Rajini Gutti <<>>
Yes Sir,
I read many articles on Web , lot of research is going on but still the encoding and decoding part of Brain
is a mystery.. How exactly brain stores the information. how does it segregate different varieties of data..
I am seeing day by day intel is releasing high speed chips but none of them could match the speed of
human nervous system..
The speed with which the human nerves send signals to the brain and the speed with which it processes
the data and reacts to the external world is really awesome.. It amazes me a lot..
I read artificial intelligence in my final year but am still wondering why scientists are trying to create
robots, why don't they spend time in creating artificial organs and make them available to the poor who
are in need.
Moreover Many foreign universities are doing lot of research .. Am seeing many of our seniors in
prestigious universities.. Why don't they sponsor our Students and associate them in such research..
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
They will get lot of awareness..
Am sure the syllabus of SVUCE is rich but the students of SVUCE should map it to the real life
I still remember Mr. Naidu sir's words.. "You people will become programmers.".
Yes ultimately that is the truth.. We all became programmers not computer science engineers.. Slowly the
Indian companies make us move to management which will totally change the path of our destiny.. We
wanted to become engineers ultimately we end up in doing People Management.. HAA.... And those
students who could afford to go to foreign universities hardly 10% of them are really becoming engineers..
Please don't take my words in a negative way.. I am requesting to improve the education standards of our
Many of our seniors are sponsoring scholarships to the students at the same time if certain amount of
funds are allocated to sponsor the talented students to these kinds of research institutes it would really
help our nation.
Rajini G
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 7:07 AM, gnaneshwar sriramdoss
<<>> wrote:
Dear Rajani,
A Brilliant Thought indeed....But can we go a step further....Can we simulate Human Vision (Mind
Dallas, TX, USA
SVUCE (Student 1961-66, Lecturer 1966-77)
Details on LinkedIn
--- On Tue, 10/19/10, Rajini Gutti <<>> wrote:
From: Rajini Gutti <<>>
Subject: Can We Simulate Human Eye
Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 12:16 PM
Dear All,
I hope many of us would have ever wondered why can't we simulate
Human Vision..
It's a great Challenge isn't it.. Not only that it would be a great discovery..
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
Ofcourse its not just for medicos..
Its for us too.. Its about engineering.. Its physics ..
We know many technologies
Artificial Neural networks
Intelligent devices that can send signals to our brains
We learnt fundamentals of Light, how to create images.
What else is required to simulate vision?
Do share your Ideas..
Rajini G
“Know the foundations of computer science: algorithms, machine architectures, data
structures, etc. Don't just blindly copy techniques from application to application. Know what
you are doing, that it works, and why it works. Don't think you know what the industry will be
in five years time or what you'll be doing then, so gather a portfolio of general and useful
skills. Try to write better, more principled code. Work to make "programming" more of a
professional activity and less of a low-level "hacking" activity (programming is also a craft,
but not just a craft). Learn from the classics in the field and the better advanced textbooks;
don't be satisfied with the easily digested "how to" guides and online documentation - it's
Bjarne Stroustrup
by Er.
Y. Sumanth reddy
Probability of choosing '1' is -------------------.
Assuming the real numbers in the interval [0,9] are
Probability of choosing '1' is -------------------.
SVUCE October 2010 Puzzle solution
The North Pole is one point that meets the stated conditions - if she walks south from it a
certain distance d, walk in a circle , and then walk north the same
distance d, she'll be back at the North Pole.
The other points that meet the condition have to do with special circles around the South
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
Pole that have the following property: their circumferences are 10/n km where n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
Let circle1 be the circle with 10 km circumference. After walking east for 10 km, she is back at
where she started. Let circle2 be the circle with 10/2 = 5 km circumference. After walking
10 km east, she is still back at where she started. And so on for n = any positive integer.
Each of these circles will be the second leg of the journey. The starting point of the journey
will be any point 10 km north of where the special circle lies. (These starting points also form
a circle.) Then the first leg would be to travel 10 km south to the special circle, the second
leg would be to walk east around the special circle for 10 km arriving back where the second
leg started, and the third leg would be to walk north for 10 km (retracing exactly the steps
of the first leg) to arrive back at the starting point.
So, we have infinite points on the earth satisfying such condition.
Everything is done with an assumption that Earth is a spherical.
Congratulations to V.Prasada Rao.(Roll No 1656,1967-72,Mech.)
SVUCE Puzzle
 Fun Quiz
Collected by
Er. Prasada Rao V et al.
Dear all,
Dementia Quiz
Below are four (4) questions and a bonus question to test your
reasoning and the quickness of your logical processing.
They are stated simply so you should try to answer them instantly.
To assure the accuracy of the results, you should not take your time ,
instead, answer each of them immediately.
Let's find out just how clever you really are....
Ready? GO!!! (scroll down slowly to uncover Q's and A's )
First Question:
You are a participant in a race. You overtake the second person. What
position are you in?
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
Answer : If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely
If you overtake the second person and you take his place, YOU are in
second place!
Try not to mess up next time. Now answer the second question, but don't
take as much time as you took for the first question, OK
Second Question:
If you overtake the last person, then you are...?
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
(scroll down)
Answer : If you answered that you are second to last, then you are WRONG
again. Tell me Sunshine, how can you overtake the LAST person??
You're not very good at this, are you?
Third Question :
Very tricky arithmetic! Note: This must be done in your head only.. Do
use paper and pencil or a calculator.
Try it.
Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000 Now add 30. Add another
1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000 . Now add 10. What is the total?
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
Scroll down for the correct answer......
Did you get 5000 ?
The correct answer is actually 4100 ..
If you don't believe it, check it with a calculator!
Today is definitely not your day, is it ?
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
Maybe you'll get the last question right... Maybe...
Fourth Question
Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene,
3. Nini, 4. Nono, and ??? What is the name of the fifth daughter?
Did you Answer Nunu? NO! Of course it isn't.
Her name is Mary you idiot! Read the question again!
Okay, now the Bonus round,
i.e., a final chance to
redeem yourself:
A mute person goes into a shop and wants to buy a toothbrush. By
the action of brushing his teeth he successfully expresses himself to
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
shopkeeper and the purchase is done.
Next, a blind man comes into the shop who wants to buy a pair of
how does HE indicate what he wants?
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
It's really very simple
He opens his mouth and ask for it...
Does your employer actually pay you to think??
If so Do NOT let them see your answers for this test!
Have a nice day, one and all.
 Profiles
 Prof Soundar Kumara
Soundar Kumara is the Allen, E., and Allen, M., Pearce Chaired Professor of Industrial Engineering
at Penn State. He also holds a joint appointment with the Department of Computer Science. He
serves as an Adjunct Professor at the C.R. Rao Institute of Advanced Mathematics, Statistics and
Computer Science, University of Hyderabad, India. He served as University Distinguished Professor
between 2002-2006, and was elevated to Pearce Chair Professor in 2006. His research interests are
in manufacturing process monitoring, engineered large-scale networks, sensor networks, and web
services. He is a Fellow of Institute of Industrial Engineers and Fellow of the International Academy of
Production Engineering (CIRP). He has won several best paper awards in conferences, he and his
students were placed in the top three algorithm/performance categories in the international IEEE web
services composition competitions during 2006, 2007 and 2009. At Penn State, he has won several
awards including the Faculty Scholar Medal (highest research award at PSU), PSU Graduate
Teaching Award, Penn State Engineering Society Premier Research Award and Outstanding
Research Award. He has advised 38 Ph.D., and 45 M.S., students in IE and Computer Science. His
publications have appeared in ASME Transactions on Manufacturing Science, Dynamics and Control,
Information technology; Physics Reviews, Applied Mathematics, IIE Transactions, IEEE Pattern
Recognition and Machine Intelligence, and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science. His research
is funded by NSF, ARL, DARPA, DoD, and several Industries. Professor Kumara is an Alumnus of
SVUCE (Mechanical), IITM(Industrial), Purdue University (Industrial) and worked with IIMA. He held
visiting professorships at some of the leading institutions in the world including; Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, University of Tokyo, City University of Hong Kong, Tsinghua UniversityChina, and Korea Institute of Science and Technology. His Erdős number is 3.
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
 Placement News
Campus Placements are starting as the 8th semester is commencing shortly.
Reliance Power, a Mumbai based core company with ambitious projects, is conducting written
test and interview on 15th November, 2010.
TCS is visiting the campus on 23rd and 24th of November 2010. HP and HCL have agreed to
come to the campus in a short while from now.
Wipro, which has given three years accreditation to S.V.University at large, is likely to get
connected further.
Our placement officer, Prof. R.V.S.Satyanarayana is making excellent effort in achieving the goal
of 100% placement, with the cooperation of the faculty and students, and under the active guidance of
our Principal Prof M M Naidu. Thus we can expect exciting activity in placement in the days to come.
 Feedback/Comments/Suggestions
RE: SVUCE, Tirupati - List of First Rankers - 2009-2010 - Regarding.
"Soundar Kumara" <>
"Vidya Panati Sagar01" <>, ""
The three books are good and are essentially trying to explore the endless possibilities of human
mind/brain complex. Paulo Coelho has written many books and I find him fascinating he mainly takes the
readers into the realm of magical reality. I never read Robin Sharma.
In eye simulation (or vision simulation) there are many components. Hubel & Wiesel in 1959. found two
types of cells in visual primary cortex called simple cell and complex cell, and also proposed a cascading
model of these two type of cells. Among Artificial Neural Networks it is very well known that NeoCognitron
by Fukushima is a natural extension of these cascading models.
Back propagation networks are not really useful for this endeavor. Though the number of neurons are
large, the question does not relate to it. It is more on understanding the connections between various
components that are responsible for vision. Simulating the eye in general falls under simulating vision.
The density of the network is a well known problem. Then there is the cognition aspect. If you are simply
replicating on and off of vision, a camera simulates human vision. However recognition is also an integral
part of vision. Pure image processing is the front end to simulating vision.
I think looking into MIT media labs (as they have developed some devices which stimulate the ophthalmic
center to make the blind see) literature may be useful.
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
One researcher who has done lot of work in Vision/Cognition that comes to my mind is Professor
Vilayanur Ramachandran. You can check his website or go to google scholar to get his publications. His
book Phantoms of the brain is an extrordinary book
Here are his books:
# Phantoms in the Brain : Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind, coauthor Sandra Blakeslee, 1998,
ISBN 0-688-17217-2
# The Encyclopedia of the Human Brain (editor-in-chief) ISBN 0-12-227210-2
# The Emerging Mind, 2003, ISBN 1-86197-303-9
# A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness: From Impostor Poodles to Purple Numbers, 2005, ISBN 0-13187278-8 (paperback edition)
I don't work in this area and hence am constrained by my understanding. In order to understand this field
it may be beneficial to start from the cognition view point and then bring in computation, like ANNs etc.
I wish I had more time to talk about this - we are all bound by 24hrs in a day.
Best wishes
From: Vidya Panati Sagar01 []
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 6:35 AM
Subject: RE: SVUCE, Tirupati - List of First Rankers - 2009-2010 - Regarding.
Dear all,
Congrats to the winners of the gold medals. It’s a great achievement.
And the good news is that the girls clinched half the medals tally this time. A good sign towards a healthy
@Bogineni garu and Rajini garu,
Please furnish the updates on the simulation of brain topic.
Its very encouraging.
The following few lines from the book “The monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin S. Sharma are apt to the
1. “Even the best conditioned thinkers are using only the 1/100th of a percent of their mental reserves.”
2. “Some people can condition their mind such that they can slow down the pace of the heartbeat and can
go for weeks without sleep.”
The list goes on. But if I write everything here, it will be a copyright infringement ☺.
Please reads the books like:
The monk who sold his Ferrari(Robin S. Sharma),
The Secret(Rhonda Byrne),
The Power(Rhonda Byrne) and
The Alchemist(Paul Coelho).
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
I’ve read these books over and over and found them very interesting . These books have been sold over
a million copies. They tap into your brains and pose some curious questions that can change you lives.
And they also tell about the greatest nature’s gift to human – the Brain(Mind).
Thanking you all,
Vidya Sagar Panati,
Systems Engineer |WMS – Finacle | Infosys Technologies Limited | Bangalore.
Ph: 0988 68 723 68.
From: []
Subject: Fwd: SVUCE, Tirupati - List of First Rankers - 2009-2010 - Regarding.
Dear Engineers,
Let us congratulate the First Rankers in each branch of B.Tech, 2009-10 class. They will receive Bogineni
Gold Medals during SVUCE Golden Jubilee Valedictory Function-2010. Three girls topped in EEE, ECE
and CSE and three boys topped in Chemical, Civil and Mechanical.
Best Regards,
Bogineni Chenchu Rama Naidu
SVUCE Alumni Association
(908) 410 7646 (Cell-USA)
---------- Original Message ---------From: svuce tirupati <>
Date: October 21, 2010 at 5:12 AM
Subject: SVUCE, Tirupati - List of First Rankers - 2009-2010 - Regarding.
Dear Sir,
I am herewith sending the attachment file of the list of students secured First Rank Branch-wise in
B.Tech. course (CBCS) passed out during the year 2009-10 batch at SVU College of Engineering,
Yours faithfully,
Siva Kumar P
Dear Col. CRS Reddy,
Very glad to get your e-mail after a long long time. First of all, let me congratulate you for the grand
success of the SVUCE Alumni meet in Hyderabad. Please send us the photos of the event along with a
news article. We will publish in the next issue of SVUCE ENGINEER.
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
We are planning to invite Smt. Daggubati Purandhareshwari, Union Minister for Human Resorce
Development as the chief guest for the SVUCE Golden Jubilee Valedictory function in November, 2010. I
am working on the logistics. Each and every alumnus of our SVUCE should make this event a memorable
lifetime event.
We are also planning to award Bogineni Gold Medals to the first rankers of all 6 engineering departments
in the Golden Jubilee Function.
Best Regards,
Bogineni Chenchu Rama Naidu
SVUCE Alumni Association
On October 4, 2010 at 7:53 AM CRS Reddy <> wrote:
Dear Bogineni garu.
I have gone through the e-Journal " THE ENGINEER" of October 2010. Quite an effort has gone in to
compilation of various inputs.
I wanted to give a small brief about our Hyderabad chapter's get together with families and children at
Jubilee Hills Club on 2nd Oct 2010. How ever Mr Perugu Suresh , our Gen Secretary has already given
enough of it in greater detail , thus I am spared, lest it would amount to repetetion.
Col C R S Reddy
--- On Mon, 4/10/10, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: SVUCE ENGINEER -October 2010
Date: Monday, 4 October, 2010, 1:25 AM
Dear Prof.Madhu Murthy,
Pleaase publish the October 2010 issue of SVUCE ENGINEER.
Bogineni Chenchu Rama Naidu
SVUCE Alumni Association
This is super good news. I am very proud of the event.
Best regards,
Soundar Kumara
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
---------- Original Message ---------From: "" <>
To: Nnaidu Chenchu Rama Bogineni <>, Prof K L Narayana
<>, Suresh Perugu <>
Date: October 3, 2010 at 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: News in Sakshi
Sakshi covered very well about the event.
-Bogineni C Naidu
On October 2, 2010 at 11:57 PM Suresh Perugu <> wrote:
Please check the link. This came in Sakhi Distrcit edition in Chittoor
Dear Raviteza,
Good to hear that you are planning to do MS in the USA. This will improve your marketability in the
corporate world job market.
Your GRE scores are good. Anything above 1200/1600 is OK.
I am sending the links for all US Universities. Please go through them and select 6 universities with the
following criteria.
1. Two top universities which have abundant research funds.
2. Two Universities, with reasonable tution fee (like state universities).
3. Two universities with the lowest tution fee.
Please send me your list in one week, I will advise...
Best Regards,
Bogineni Chenchu Rama Naidu
SVUCE Alumni Association
(908) 410 7646 (Cell-USA)
PS: You will find Indian/Andhra students in all US universities. All universities are safe. Don't worry.
As visiting professor at Rutgers University, NJ, I taught Digital Systems Design to ECE students. I found
many Hyderabad girls doing MS without financial assistanship. They worked on part-time jobs in the
University/library and earned for their food. They were happy and got MS in flying colors.
November 15, 2009
Road map for MSAdmission in the USA
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
1. Freshman ( 1st year B.Tech )
Study for TOEFL/GRE for 1 hour, every college day
1. Sophomore ( 2nd year B.Tech )
Study for TOEFL/GRE for 1 hour, every college day
1. Junior ( 3rd year B.Tech )
Take TOEFL, GRE, TSE, TWE in the second semester
1. Senior ( 4th year B.Tech ) - First semester
Apply for 4-5 US universities by December.
Plan to attend for MS in August, Fall Semester (just after completing the B.Tech.) in the
Links for the Universities in the USA
--Bogineni Chenchu Rama Naidu
On November 6, 2010 at 1:29 AM Raviteja Yalamanchili <> wrote:
My name is Yalamanchili Raviteja. I am studying B.Tech in S.V.U.C.E in the stream of Computer
Science and Engineering.
I am a student with 70% in academics in B.Tech till now. I have written GRE exam on October. I have
got a score of 1290 out of 1600.
I am going to write TOEFL on December 12. I want to do MS in a nice university in US. I am thinking
to apply to universities as early as possible before January.
So, with respect to my profile can you please suggest five nice profile universities in US considering
the area of location where indians will be somewhat better.
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01
Founder: Er. Bogineni Chenchu Rama Naidu
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. K. V. Madhu Murthy
SVUCE Principal: Prof. M. M. Naidu
SVUCE Vice Principal: Prof. M. Muralidhar
Editorial Board: Er. Rajini Gutti, Er. Hajith Makki, Er. Yeddula Sumanth Reddy,
Prof. G. N. Pradeep Kumar
Contact Information:;;;
November 01, 2010 Vol. : 2010 Issue No: Nov_01