CONFIDENTIAL Risk Assessment NEW AND EXPECTANT MOTHERS AT WORK Managers who need assistance with this risk assessment should contact their HR Adviser. TO BE COMPLETED JOINTLY BY MANAGER AND EMPLOYEE Employee Name: Job role: Managers Name: Job role: Department / Section/Team: Due date / birth date of baby: Date of risk assessment: Who could be harmed? Employee who is pregnant or recently given birth and their unborn or breastfeeding child Hazards/risks to new and expectant mother: Refer to Risk assessment guidance for new and expectant mothers at work and to existing risk assessments for hazardous activities relating to the employee’s normal work. List hazards / risk that apply to employee’s work. e.g. [Employee name] works with substance which has risk phase R61: may cause harm to the unborn child & R63: Possible risk of harm to the unborn child to another employee. Action to be taken to control the identified risks and by who Refer to Risk assessment guidance for new and expectant mothers at work and to existing risk assessments for hazardous activities relating to the employee’s normal work and note agreed action to be taken to control risks. In Place? Y/N e.g. [Manager name] to re-allocate work using substances with risk phase R61: may cause harm to the unborn child & R63: Possible risk of harm to the unborn child to another employee. The manager and employee should both sign and date the assessment to confirm they agree to the above actions: Signed (Manager): Date Signed (Employee): Date 533566997 Version 2: October 2013 CONFIDENTIAL REVIEW: Assessment should be reviewed at regular intervals throughout the pregnancy and if employee returns to work within 6 months of birth or whilst still breastfeeding Agreed Review Date Review Notes / Action FURTHER GUIDANCE Refer to University website for information on: Risk assessment guidance for new and expectant mothers at work Protecting pregnant workers: Risk assessments for office work: DSE assessment and computer safety training: For general information on pregnancy and work go to HSE website: You will find information on maternity/paternity leave and benefits under the University’s Human Resources Policies and procedures: 533566997 Version 2: October 2013