transcription as a word document.

August 1, 1939
The West Lafayette Library Board met August first. Miss Cunningham, Mr. Vawter, Mr.
Burtsfield and the secretary with Mr. Creek presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved. Bills to the amount of $212.50 were checked and voted paid. The librarian’s
report was as follows:
Total no. of volumes on shelves 11538
Total no. of volumes withdrawn 3132
Total no. of fiction withdrawn 2281
Total no. of fiction adult withdrawn 1542
Total no. of fiction juvenile withdrawn 739
Total no. of non-fiction withdrawn 851
Total no. of adult non-fiction withdrawn 698
Total no. of juvenile non-fiction withdrawn 153.
No of days open 25
Daily withdrawals 125
The question of keeping the library open during the morning hours was discussed. It was
suggested that the matter be left to the librarians if the demand seemed justified.
A meeting later in the month to consider the budget was announced. Mrs. Burtsfield moved the
meeting adjourn.
Dr. H. L. Creek – President
Emma Hill McKee – sec.