Laboratory five - Personal Web Server

Laboratory Five – Public Key Infrastructure
This laboratory introduces you how to use PGP, a Public key cryptographic freeware
that issued to generate a private/public key. Note that a pair key is just a number,
which associates with a certificate. For example, your ID number is similar to a
private key, while your name, your birth date, nationality are the data for a certificate.
The laboratory was originally developed by Wilson and was modified to suit your
install the PGP software and how to encrypt/decrypt a file.
digitally sign a document
Review: (encryption and digital signature, lecture 3-2, page 16)
Encryption: recipient’s public key to encrypt and recipient’s private key to decrypt
Digital signature: sender’s private key to sign and sender’s public key to un-sign
Procedure: - download and install PGP8.0.2
- Please download the [securengine_setup.exe], [Sunset.jpg] and [password.txt]
from the following web site:
- Save the [PGP8.exe] installation program in the [Desktop].
Double click the icon
to install the program.
Click [Next]  [Yes]  [Next] to start the installation.
After accepting the license agreement, the installation completed, you will see the
following screen. Select [No, I’m a New User], then click [Next].
Use the [Default] Destination Folder and click [Next].
Then, only select [PGPdisk Volume Security] and click [Next] and [Next] to
Once complete, please click [Finish] to
restart your computer.
After reboot, you will see the following screen. Please click [Later] to continue:
Part II – PGP key pair generation
Before start to use PGP, we need to generate a pair of key. Please click [Expert] to
start the key creation steps. Please fill in your name in the field [Full name] and
email address in the field [Email address], then click [Next].
Then, please key in and confirm your [Passphrase] not less than 8 characters, then
click [Next].
Finally, the key pair will be generated. Click [Next] and [Finish] to Exit.
Part III – Sending the Public key to the CA
You can see that, in your machine you have a key pair named with [you name]
and [email address].
with this key pair, you can send your Public key to the CA’s server and let other
users to obtain your public key. (here, we send it to ourselves.)
Please select [Server] then select [Send to] > [Domain Server]. Your public key is
now sending to the Public Key server.
Part IV – Using the Public key for Encryption
Now, use [Notepad] to create a plaintext document (you may type something in
this document) and save it on the WindowsXP Desktop with filename
Search your recipient’s public key by his/her email address in the PGPkeys
Desktop Panel. [Right-click] your desired key and select [Import to Local
Keyring] to import his/her public key into your PGPkeys Desktop Panel.
After successfully import his/her key in your local keyring, you can [Right-click]
the document [plaintext.txt] in the WindowsXP desktop and select [PGP >
Now, you can select which recipient you want to send and use his/her public key
to encrypt the [plaintext.txt] document.
Please tick the [Text Output] and press [OK] to start encryption.
When you use recipient’s public key for encryption, does the system ask you for a
password? (Yes/No)__________________________________________________
Why? _____________________________________________________________
Now, in your WindowsXP Desktop, you should find an encrypted file with the
filename [plaintext.txt.asc].
You may use the [Notepad] to see the content of the encrypted file.
Finally, please email this encrypted file to the recipient and see whether he/she
can decrypt this file or not.
This time, when the recipient wants to decrypt the file, does the system ask
him/her for a password? (Yes/No) _____________________________________
Briefly explain why?
Part V – Using the Private for Digital Signature
Now, use [Notepad] to create another plaintext document (you may type
something in this document) and save it on the WindowsXP Desktop with
filename [signature.txt].
This time, the private key owner wants to digital sign a document with his/her
own private key.
[Right-click] the [signature.txt] document in the WindowsXP desktop and select
[PGP > Sign].
Type your [Passphrase], select [Text Output] and press [OK].
Does the system ask you for a password when you want to digital sign your
document? (Yes/No) ________________________________________________
Now, in your WindowsXP Desktop, you should find an encrypted file with the
filename [signature.txt.asc].
You may use the [Notepad] to see the content of the digital signed file.
Finally, please email this digital signed file to the recipient and see whether he/she
can verify this file or not.
[Right-click] the [signature.txt.asc] document in the WindowsXP desktop and
select [PGP > Decrypt & Verify].
This time, when the recipient wants to verify this file, does the system ask you for a
password? (Yes/No) ________________________________________________
Now, try to use [Notepad] to modify one of the characters in the Digital Signed
file [signature.txt.asc] and see whether you can successfully verify this file or not.
(Yes/No) __________________________________________________________
What is the error message?__________________________________________
Two Marks: ______________