chapter 6

Programming Right From the Start with Visual Basic.NET
Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic.NET
True-False Questions
VB.NET is the 6th version of Visual Basic created by Microsoft.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-1
Page: 106
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface.
Answer: True
Section: 6-1
Level: Easy
Page: 106
The .NET framework is a platform created by Microsoft to facilitate the creation and
implementation of Window and Web-based applications.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-1
Page: 106
Although not a full-fledged object-oriented programming language, VB.NET is compatible with
other Microsoft languages, such as C++ and C#.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-1
Page: 107
A GUI is an example of a computer-user interaction system where the user is forced to respond to
the computer requests before the computer allows the user to proceed with the next task.
Answer: False
Level: Hard
Section: 6-1
Page: 106
A project and solution are different names for the container that holds program files and forms.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-2
Page: 109
A project can hold multiple solutions.
Answer: False
Section: 6-2
Level: Easy
Page: 109
Two types of window are tool windows and document windows.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-2
Page: 108
A "Push Pin" can be used to lock down a tool window disabling the Auto Hide.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-2
Page: 108
Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Each Visual Basic Project can have only one application type.
Answer: True
Level: Hard
Section: 6-2
Page: 109
Once you create a Visual Basic Project you should create a folder or sub-directory and save all
the project files to that location.
Answer: False
Level: Hard
Section: 6-2
Page: 109
The Designer Window holds the forms that belong to the project.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-2
Page: 111
The bottom part of the Properties window contains a description of the property that is selected.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-2
Page: 111
Controls, such as buttons and labels, can be found in the Toolbar.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-3
Page: 111
Painting and double clicking are two ways to put a control on a form.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 111
Each type of control has a four letter prefix used in its name.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 112
The only way to see the properties of a control is to go to the property window and select the
control in the drop down box.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-3
Page: 113
The ampersand symbol (&) is used to create an access key.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 114
To activate the access key of a control hold down the control key simultaneously with the letter
and the underscore.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 114
Comments begin with the double quote symbol (“).
Answer: False
Section: 6-3
Level: Easy
Page: 114
Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
The code editor will automatically create descriptive comments at the beginning of the project
that can be modified.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 114
It is better to let the Code Editor automatically create an event procedure declaration stub than to
type it in by hand.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 116
One reason Windows applications are efficient and intuitive is because there are many ways to
accomplish a single task, such as close a program.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-4
Page: 119
The disadvantage of using Visual Basic to create a windows application is that the developer uses
graphical interface control objects that are re-usable.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-5
Page: 120
Visual Basic allows developers to quickly create a Windows application by using pre-built
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-5
Page: 120
Objects typically input, process, and output data or information.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-5
Page: 120
A property contains both methods and objects.
Answer: False
Section: 6-5
Level: Easy
Page: 120
The definition of a class is an object.
Answer: False
Section: 6-5
Level: Moderate
Page: 120
Two examples of pre-built graphical objects are Forms and Controls.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-5
Page: 120
Graphical objects are the only type of objects available in Visual Basic.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-5
Page: 120
Visual Basic is considered a Rapid Application Development system because it is easy to create
new Windows application with the reuse of existing objects.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-5
Page: 121
Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
It is more common for a VB.NET developer to be a creator of objects than a user of objects.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-5
Page: 121
The Control class has properties and methods shared by all non-graphical objects.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-6
Page: 122
Top, Bottom, Left, and Right are all examples of control class properties.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-6
Page: 123
Cursor, Enabled, Location, and Visible are all examples of control class methods.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-6
Page: 123
Setting Enabled to false will make a text box unresponsive to user interaction, like a label.
Answer: True
Level: Hard
Section: 6-6
Page: 123
The Focus method will make it easier to read the text of a control.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-6
Page: 123
The Image property of the PictureBox control holds the graphics that are displayed on the form.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-6
Page: 124
A Timer Control is used to raise an event at a time interval specified by the Interval property.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-6
Page: 125
The component tray is used to hold both visual and non-visual components.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-6
Page: 125
User generated events are the only type of events recognized by Visual Basic.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-7
Page: 125
Every event in an object must have code written for it.
Answer: False
Section: 6-7
Level: Hard
Page: 125
The Form’s Load event only occurs prior to the first time the form is displayed.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-7
Page: 126
Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
The only way to write a comment in Visual Basic is to use the single quote (‘).
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-7
Page: 126
Document remarks are comments found at the beginning of a project file that state the author,
purpose, and creation date of the project.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-7
Page: 127
The Randomize statement will generate a random single precision value between 0.0 and 1.0.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-7
Page: 128
It is best to start the project development process with the design phase.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-8
Page: 129
The design phase should generate a detailed plan of the software to be developed similar to a
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 6-8
Page: 129
It is okay if some errors are missed in the implementation phase, they can easily be fixed as a
maintenance activity.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-8
Page: 129
Testing is an essential practice in any development process whereas documentation is optional.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 6-8
Page: 130
Multiple Choice Questions
Which language is not a true object-oriented programming language?
a.) VB.NET
b.) VB 6
c.) C++
d.) C#
e.) Java
Answer: b
Section: 6-1
Level: Easy
Page: 107
Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
a.) uses buttons, menus, and icons.
b.) should be easy for a user to manipulate.
c.) stands for Graphic Use Interaction.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 6-1
Level: Moderate
Page: 106
Visual Studio .NET provides which feature:
a.) debugging.
b.) application deployment.
c.) syntax checking.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 6-2
Level: Easy
Page: 107
What does IDE stand for?
a.) Integrated Development Environment
b.) Integrated Design Environment
c.) Interior Development Environment
d.) Interior Design Environment
e.) None of the above.
Answer: a
Section: 6-2
Level: Moderate
Page: 107
Which type of project can a developer choose in the New Project dialog box?
a.) Visual Basic Projects
b.) Visual C# Projects
c.) Visual C++ Projects
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 6-2
Level: Easy
Page: 108
Which is not a main component of the Visual Studio IDE?
a.) Solution Explorer
b.) Tool Box
c.) Start Menu
d.) Designer Window
e.) Properties Window
Answer: c
Section: 6-2
Level: Easy
Page: 110
Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Which does the solution explorer not display?
a.) Form Properties
b.) Reference Folder
c.) Form File
d.) Assemble File
e.) All are part of the solution explorer.
Answer: a
Section: 6-2
Level: Easy
Page: 111
Which is true about the name and text property of a control?
a.) They are the same when the control is first created.
b.) The text property changes to match any changes in the name property.
c.) The name property changes to match any changes in the text property.
d.) They are never the same unless the programmer makes it that way.
e.) They are not allowed to be the same and an error will occur if they are.
Answer: a
Section: 6-3
Level: Hard
Page: 113
For which task does the IDE provide multiple ways to accomplish the task?
a.) Putting a control on the form
b.) Running the program
c.) Activating the property window for a control
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 6-3
Level: Moderate
Page: 111
Which are the standard prefixes for the Button and Combo box controls respectively?
a.) btn and chb
b.) btn and cbo
c.) bto and chb
d.) bto and cbo
e.) cmd and cbo
Answer: b
Section: 6-3
Level: Moderate
Page: 113
Which are the standard prefixes for the text box and label controls respectively?
a.) tex and lbl
b.) tex and lab
c.) txb and lbl
d.) txb and lab
e.) txt and lab
Answer: c
Section: 6-3
Level: Moderate
Page: 113
Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Which task is accomplished in the Code editor?
a.) Adding forms to the project
b.) Adding controls to the form
c.) Adding event procedures to the form
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: c
Section: 6-3
Level: Moderate
Page: 115
Which is not a feature of a GUI that makes learning a program easy for users?
a.) Online help
b.) WYSIWYG formatting
c.) Dialog boxes
d.) Detailed key strokes and commands
e.) Icons
Answer: d
Level: Easy
Section: 6-4
Page: 119
An object is composed of:
a.) properties.
b.) methods.
c.) events.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 6-5
Level: Easy
Page: 120
Which statement about objects is true?
a.) One object is used to create one class.
b.) One class is used to create one object.
c.) One object can create many classes.
d.) One class can create many objects.
e.) There is no relationship between objects and classes.
Answer: d
Section: 6-5
Level: Moderate
Page: 120
Which is not true about forms and controls in Visual Basic?
a.) They are pre-built.
b.) They are graphical objects.
c.) New versions of the classes must be created with each project.
d.) Buttons can be created with the drag and drop method.
e.) All of the above are true.
Answer: c
Section: 6-5
Level: Moderate
Page: 120
Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Which is an example of Visual Basic Objects?
a.) Control objects
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 6-5
Level: Moderate
Page: 120
The .Net class library:
a.) contains over 25,000 classes.
b.) uses namespaces to manage all of the classes.
c.) has the System.Form namespace for classes used in Windows-based application.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 6-5
Level: Hard
Page: 120
Which is not a property of the Common control class?
a.) Show
b.) BackColor
c.) Font
d.) ForeColor
e.) Name
Answer: a
Section: 6-6
Level: Easy
Page: 123
Which property determines whether a control is displayed to the user?
a.) Hide
b.) Show
c.) Visible
d.) Enabled
e.) Cursor
Answer: c
Section: 6-6
Level: Hard
Page: 123
The Button control can be activated:
a.) programmatically through the click event.
b.) by clicking the button with the mouse.
c.) with the form’s DefaultButton property.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 6-6
Level: Moderate
Page: 124
Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
The CancelButton property belongs to which object?
a.) Button
b.) Form
c.) Label
d.) TextBox
e.) Timer
Answer: b
Section: 6-6
Level: Moderate
Page: 124
A click event procedure stud for the label control can be created by:
a.) selecting the object and event from the code editor window’s drop-down boxes.
b.) typing the code in the code editor window.
c.) by double clicking the control.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 6-7
Level: Moderate
Page: 126
In event-driven programming an event is generated by:
a.) the system.
b.) a user’s action.
c.) the program itself.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 6-7
Level: Moderate
Page: 125
Which is not a common control event?
a.) Click
b.) SingleClick
c.) DoubleClick
d.) MouseMove
e.) MouseDown
Answer: b
Section: 6-7
Level: Easy
Page: 125
The Tick event is found only in which object?
a.) Form
b.) Button
c.) TextBox
d.) Label
e.) Timer
Answer: e
Section: 6-7
Level: Easy
Page: 126
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Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
The Activated event is found only in which object?
a.) Form
b.) Button
c.) TextBox
d.) Label
e.) Timer
Answer: a
Section: 6-7
Level: Easy
Page: 126
The Rnd statement will generate a(n):
a.) decimal value between 0.01 and 1.00.
b.) integer value between 0.01 and 1.00.
c.) decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0.
d.) integer value between 0.0 and 1.0.
e.) decimal value between 0.0 and up to 1.0, but not including 1.0.
Answer: e
Section: 6-7
Level: Moderate
Page: 127
The analysis phase of software development involves:
a.) collecting the requirements about what the program will accomplish.
b.) creating a detailed plan on how the program will accomplish the requirements.
c.) writing the software with a program such as VB.NET.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: a
Section: 6-8
Level: Moderate
Page: 129
Which phase of project development typically costs the most?
a.) Analysis
b.) Design
c.) Implementation
d.) Maintenance
e.) Documentation
Answer: d
Section: 6-8
Level: Easy
Page: 129
Fill in the Blank Questions
GUI stands for ____Graphical User Interface___.
Level: Easy
Section: 6-1
Page: 106
VB.NET, Java, C++ are all examples of ___Object-Oriented___ programming languages.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-1
Page: 107
6 - 11
Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
The Microsoft ___.NET Framework___ is a platform layered above the operating system which
provides resources for the development and creation of web or desk-top applications.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-1
Page: 106
The Microsoft integrated development environment that supports the creation of applications in
multiple programming languages is called ___Visual Studio .NET___.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-2
Page: 107
The solution can contain multiple ___projects___.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-2
Page: 109
If you double click on the title bar of a floating window, it will become ___docked___.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-2
Page: 108
Just like other Windows applications the ___menu bar___ of the IDE has File, Edit, and Help
Level: Easy
Section: 6-2
Page: 111
Controls are found in the ___Toolbox___ window.
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 111
The value of the name property should be a(n) __unique___ and ___descriptive___ identifier.
Level: Hard
Section: 6-3
Page: 112
The prefix for the Timer control is ___tmr___.
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 113
The prefix for the Radio button control is ___rad___.
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 113
The prefix for the List control is ___lst___.
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 113
The prefix for the Button control is ___btn___.
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 113
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Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
The ___text___ property of a control holds the text displayed on the control.
Level: Easy
Section: 6-3
Page: 114
The Method Drop-down list holds the ___Events___ associated with the control.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-3
Page: 116
The Class Drop-down list holds the ___Objects___ on the form.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-3
Page: 115
GUI-based applications have WYSIWYG formatting, which stands for ___What You See Is
What You Get___ formatting.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-4
Page: 119
The Alto computer from Xerox PARC is the first computer to have a complete set of ___GUI___
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-4
Page: 119
A system that supports a developer’s ability to quickly create a new application is called a
___Rapid Application Development (RAD)___ system.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-5
Page: 121
Using pre-built objects can increase the ___reliability___ of a program because the objects have
already been tested.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-5
Page: 121
To create a new type of object a developer must first write a new ___class___ for the object.
Level: Hard
Section: 6-5
Page: 120
One ___class___ in a program can be used to instantiate many ___objects___.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-5
Page: 120
Using the ___Stretch___ setting of the SizeMode property in a PictureBox can degrade the
quality of an image.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-6
Page: 124
The Timer control will raise an event when the ___Enabled___ Property is set to true and the
___Interval___ property is greater than zero.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-6
Page: 125
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Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
The ___Label___ control will display text that the user can not change.
Level: Easy
Section: 6-6
Page: 124
The words displayed on a Button control are found in the ___Text___ property.
Level: Easy
Section: 6-6
Page: 124
The ___Focus___ Method of a control will make it the active control on the form.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-6
Page: 123
It is best to let the Visual Studio IDE create the ___procedure event stubs___ to avoid
typographical errors.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-7
Page: 126
Programs responding to mouse clicks is an example of ___event-driven___ programming.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-7
Page: 125
The ___MouseMove___ event of a control occurs when the mouse pointer goes over the control.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-7
Page: 125
The ___Click___ can be triggered by both a mouse and the Enter key.
Level: Easy
Section: 6-7
Page: 126
The comments associated with a single executable statement are called ___elemental remarks___.
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-7
Page: 127
The three initial phases of software development are ___analysis___, ___design___, and
Level: Moderate
Section: 6-8
Page: 129
The three types of software maintenance are ___corrective___, ___adaptive___, and
Level: Hard
Section: 6-8
Page: 129
During every phase of software development the developer should include ___testing___ and
___documentation___ activities.
Level: Hard
Section: 6-8
Page: 130
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Chapter 6 – Hands-on Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Essay Questions
How do objects improve the reliability of software programs?
The key to the reliability of objects is the ability to reuse objects. Once a class for an object is
created by Microsoft or any other developer it can be thoroughly tested by the company prior to
release. Moreover, because it is used by many different users any hard to find bugs are more
likely to be discovered. Thus recent versions of the classes will be stable and less prone to failure.
When classes must be created from scratch each time a new application is developed, there is an
increased chance the program will contain errors.
How is creating a software application analogous to building a house?
Both processes require 4 phases: Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Maintenance.
The Analysis phase is where information is collected about the requirements and desired features
for the program. Potential users and clients are identified and interviewed. The analyst must
come up with a summary of the requirements and confirm (test) that the requirements are
accurate. A builder must determine the market for their homes and find out what features the
typical home owner would like to have.
The Design phase is where a detailed plan is made showing how the requirements will be
implemented and what is needed to make sure the program functions properly. This will include
screen layouts, required modules, pseudocode, etc. This is analogous to the detailed blueprints
required for the construction of a house.
The Implementation phase is similar to the actual construction of a house. This is when
programmers and developers take the detailed Design plan and write the code to actually
construct the application.
The Maintenance Phase begins as soon as the application is developed. Very few new home
owners are completely satisfied with every detail of the new house. Obvious errors in
construction must be fixed right away. In a software application this is called the corrective
maintenance phase. Some maintenance on a house is done to keep the facilities new and modern
such as upgrading old water heaters and furnaces. This is the adaptive maintenance phase where
software applications are modified to be compatible with new operating systems, networks,
hardware, etc. Once a house has been lived in for a while the owners often decide that new
features are needed. Users of a software application will typically decide that there are
additional functions they would like from the application. These ‘renovations’ are part of the
enhancement maintenance phase.
6 - 15